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Paleomagnetic records of declination and inclination from sediments recovered from the bed of Lake Kinneret (32.4°N, 35.7°E) have been dated by radiocarbon techniques. The sediments span the last 5000 yr. The changes in inclination down the sediment cores are more pronounced than the declination fluctuations and are repeatable between the three coring sites, which are several kilometers apart. Magnetic susceptibility logs display 13 maxima in the 5-m-long sequences, with a pronounced susceptibility minimum about 1000 yr B.P. Many of the susceptibility maxima and minima can be easily correlated between coring sites and are shown to be dominantly related to changes in sediment carbonate content. The natural remanent magnetization intensity follows a similar pattern to that of susceptibility, and the natural remanence of the Kinneret sediments is presumed to reside in detrital magnetite grains carried into the lake by the river Jordan from the basalt-rich bedrock of the rift floor and the Golan Heights. The 14C chronology is strongly supported by a pollen study in which pronounced changes in the proportion of olive pollen were interpreted as being due to extensive cultivation of olives around Galilee in the Hellenistic and Byzantine periods. The Kinneret paleosecular variation records, if accurately dated, point to a complex spatial pattern of Holocene secular variation with significant variations over distances as small as 1000–2000 km.  相似文献   
The mean residence time (τ) of thorium with respect to non-radioactive removal from water was determined as a function of location in three traverses of the New York Bight using both234Th/238U and228Th/228Ra. τ correlates well with salinity increasing from about ten days near shore to 70 days at the shelf break. It shows a much weaker correlation with suspended matter concentrations both because suspended matter varies in its scavenging efficiency and because salinity is a longer-term integrator of scavenging potential.τ's computed from228Th/228Ra were often higher than those computed from234Th/238U either because of the detrital matter present as reflected in the232Th concentrations or because the water parcels had recently arrived from environments of lower scavenging efficiency.Anomalous isotopic concentrations found in three adjacent samples can best be explained as the result of an episodic release of228Ra from bottom sediments at a rate 200 times the normal one.  相似文献   
The oxygen isotope ratios of diatoms (δ18Odiatom), and the oxygen and hydrogen isotope ratios of lake water (δW) of lakes in south Alaska provide insight into past changes in atmospheric circulation. Lake water was collected from 31 lakes along an elevation transect and diatoms were isolated from lake sediment from one lake (Mica Lake) in south Alaska. In general, δW values from coastal lakes overlap the global meteoric water line (GMWL). δW values from interior lakes do not lie on the GMWL; they fall on a local evaporation line trajectory suggesting source isotopes are depleted with respect to maritime lakes. Sediment cores were recovered from 58 m depth in Mica Lake (60.96° N, 148.15° W; 100 m asl), an evaporation-insensitive lake in the western Prince William Sound. Thirteen calibrated 14C ages on terrestrial macrofossil samples were used to construct an age-depth model for core MC-2, which spans 9910 cal years. Diatoms from 46, 0.5-cm-thick samples were isolated and analyzed for their oxygen isotope ratios. The analyses employed a newly designed, stepwise fluorination technique, which uses a CO2 laser-ablation system, coupled to a mass spectrometer, and has an external reproducibility of ±0.2‰. δ18Odiatom values from Mica Lake sediment range between 25.2 and 29.8‰. δ18Odiatom values are relatively uniform between 9.6 and 2.6 ka, but exhibit a four-fold increase in variability since 2.6 ka. High-resolution sampling and analyses of the top 100 cm of our lake cores suggest large climate variability during the last 2000 years. The 20th century shows a +4.0‰ increase of δ18Odiatom values. Shifts of δ18Odiatom values are likely not related to changes in diatom taxa or dissolution effects. Late Holocene excursions to lower δ18Odiatom values suggest a reduction of south-to-north storm trajectories delivered by meridional flow, which likely corresponds to prolonged intervals when the Aleutian Low pressure system weakened. Comparisons with isotope records of precipitation (δP) from the region support the storm-track hypothesis, and add to evidence for variability in North Pacific atmospheric circulation during the Holocene.
Zachary SharpEmail:
Although reef corals worldwide have sustained epizootics in recent years, no coral diseases have been observed in the southwestern Atlantic Ocean until now. Here we present an overview of the main types of diseases and their incidence in the largest and richest coral reefs in the South Atlantic (Abrolhos Bank, eastern Brazil). Qualitative observations since the 1980s and regular monitoring since 2001 indicate that coral diseases intensified only recently (2005–2007). Based on estimates of disease prevalence and progression rate, as well as on the growth rate of a major reef-building coral species (the Brazilian-endemic Mussismilia braziliensis), we predict that eastern Brazilian reefs will suffer a massive coral cover decline in the next 50 years, and that M. braziliensis will be nearly extinct in less than a century if the current rate of mortality due to disease is not reversed.  相似文献   
To evaluate the potential of using surficial shell accumulations for paleoenvironmental studies, an extensive time series of individually dated specimens of the marine infaunal bivalve mollusk Semele casali was assembled using amino acid racemization (AAR) ratios (n = 270) calibrated against radiocarbon ages (n = 32). The shells were collected from surface sediments at multiple sites across a sediment-starved shelf in the shallow sub-tropical São Paulo Bight (São Paulo State, Brazil). The resulting 14C-calibrated AAR time series, one of the largest AAR datasets compiled to date, ranges from modern to 10,307 cal yr BP, is right skewed, and represents a remarkably complete time series: the completeness of the Holocene record is 66% at 250-yr binning resolution and 81% at 500-yr binning resolution. Extensive time-averaging is observed for all sites across the sampled bathymetric range indicating long water depth-invariant survival of carbonate shells at the sediment surface with low net sedimentation rates. Benthic organisms collected from active depositional surfaces can provide multi-millennial time series of biomineral records and serve as a source of geochemical proxy data for reconstructing environmental and climatic trends throughout the Holocene at centennial resolution. Surface sediments can contain time-rich shell accumulations that record the entire Holocene, not just the present.  相似文献   
Currumbin Creek on the Australian Gold Coast is a wave-dominated tidal inlet which exhibits a particularly active morphology. The recent history of Currumbin Creek entrance has seen rapid growth of the entrance for access to the ocean by fishermen, as a world class surfing site, and as a recreational area. Before the construction of two groynes in the 70's, Currumbin Creek entrance was highly variable in terms of inlet location and sand bar characteristics due to a cyclical behaviour of spit migration. Nowadays, the entrance is stabilised. However, natural processes continue with the entrance infilling causing flood and navigation issues, resulting in a regular dredging program to maintain an open entrance and for regular beach nourishment plans.  相似文献   
Darrell F. Strobel 《Icarus》2009,202(2):632-641
In Strobel [Strobel, D.F., 2008. Icarus, 193, 588-594] a mass loss rate from Titan's upper atmosphere, , was calculated for a single constituent, N2 atmosphere by hydrodynamic escape as a high density, slow outward expansion driven principally by solar UV heating due to CH4 absorption. It was estimated, but not proven, that the hydrodynamic mass loss is essentially CH4 and H2 escape. Here the individual conservation of momentum equations for the three major components of the upper atmosphere (N2, CH4, H2) are solved in the low Mach number limit and compared with Cassini Ion Neutral Mass Spectrometer (INMS) measurements to demonstrate that light gases (CH4, H2) preferentially escape over the heavy gas (N2). The lightest gas (H2) escapes with a flux 99% of its limiting flux, whereas CH4 is restricted to ?75% of its limiting flux because there is insufficient solar power to support escape at the limiting rate. The respective calculated H2 and CH4 escape rates are 9.2×1027 and 1.7×1027 s−1, for a total of . From the calculated densities, mean free paths of N2, CH4, H2, and macroscopic length scales, an extended region above the classic exobase is inferred where frequent collisions are still occurring and thermal heat conduction can deliver power to lift the escaping gas out of the gravitational potential well. In this region rapid acceleration of CH4 outflow occurs. With the thermal structure of Titan's thermosphere inferred from INMS data by Müller-Wodarg et al. [Müller-Wodarg, I.C.F., Yelle, R.V., Cui, J., Waite Jr., J.H., 2008. J. Geophys. Res. 113, doi:10.1029/2007JE003033. E10005], in combination with calculated temperature profiles that include sputter induced plasma heating at the exobase, it is concluded that on average that the integrated, globally average, orbit-averaged, plasma heating rate during the Cassini epoch does not exceed ().  相似文献   
Luminescence geochronology, especially infrared stimulated luminescence analyses on marsh mud, shows that a relatively deep lake reached its peak (1340 m above sea level) in the Bonneville basin 59,000±5000 yr ago. The age is consistent with nonfinite 14C ages and with amino acid geochronology on ostracodes. The Cutler Dam Alloformation was deposited during this lake cycle, which, like the subsequent Bonneville lake cycle, appears to have reached its maximum highstand following the peak of a global glacial stage (marine oxygen-isotope stage 4) but at a time when other records from North America show evidence for cold climate and expanded glacier ice.  相似文献   
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