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Roof falls in coal mines may occur within a few months to a few years after excavation. In this paper, we proposed the use of relaxation tests as a substitute for time-dependent tests. The relation between creep behavior and relaxation behavior was numerically investigated and demonstrates that the material assigned with creep model can show relaxation behavior. Then the relaxation model was developed by modifying the Burgers creep model. Numerical simulation of a relaxation test on a simulated rock model in 3DEC yielded results that were similar to theoretical prediction. A relaxation test was performed on two groups of specimens under varying load conditions. Results from the laboratory tests validated the approach of using relaxation test to determine time-dependent properties. Finally, time-dependent properties were investigated by performing relaxation tests at different stages of a complete stress–strain curve. The relaxation test during strain-softening was unsuccessful; however, the relaxation behavior at residual stage in post-failure region was more significant than that in pre-failure region and the sudden drop in stress indicated there was strength deterioration due to the accumulation of viscous strain.  相似文献   
The linear two-layer barotropic primitive equations in cylindrical coordinates are used to derive a gen- eralized energy equation, which is subsequently applied to explain the instability of the spiral wave in the model. In the two-layer model, there are not only the generalized barotropic instability and the super high- speed instability, but also some other new instabilities, which fall into the range of the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability and the generalized baroclinic instability, when the upper and lower basic flows are different. They are perhaps the mechanisms of the generation of spiral cloud bands in tropical cyclones as well.  相似文献   
地震时空强参数已不能满足日益增长的最大限度减轻地震灾害的需求。作为国家级地震监测中心,中国地震台网中心联合各研究所和试点省局,建设了大震应急产品产出与服务平台。中强震发生后,该平台准实时产出除地震三要素之外的多类地震参数和图件,为及时准确评估受灾区域和灾损程度、揭示地震成因和致灾机理提供了丰富的基础资料,第一时间服务于救援决策和震情会商,显著提升了国家级地震监测中心的应急处置和践行减轻地震灾害的能力。  相似文献   
黄丹青  钱永甫 《气象学报》2008,66(1):90-100
为了改进太阳短波辐射参数化,运用考虑了坡地坡向短波辐射效应(SLOPE)的非静力中尺度模式GRAPES(全球/区域同化和预报系统),模拟和讨论了坡地坡向短波辐射效应在不同模式分辨率情况下对中国不同天气过程的影响.数值试验表明:(1)当水平分辨率较低且坡地平缓时,通常可忽略坡地辐射效应,但当水平分辨率较高且地形陡峭起伏时,则不能忽略;(2)在高分辨率(3 或6 km格距,下同)的情况下, 降水的增加和减少与坡地坡向引起的地表短波辐射(GSW)的减少和增加相对应,降水量的增减量大部分均为-5-5 mm;(3)在高分辨率的情况下,地表温度与地表热通量之间有较好的相关性,且大都发生在地形复杂的多山地区;(4)坡地坡向短波辐射效应引起的GSW、降水量、地表温度和地表热通量等要素的变化除了在地形复杂的多山地区比较明显之外,在其他地区也存在.这是由于考虑了坡度和坡向的作用后,影响了大气环流的变化,随着积分时间的增加,其他地区上述物理量也相应地存在一定的变化;(5)坡地坡向对短波辐射的作用,在降水量较小,云量较少的天气过程中,可以更真实地得到反映.因此,在地形复杂和水平分辨率较高情况下,需要考虑坡度坡向作用.  相似文献   
北京时间2022年1月8日1时45分青海海北州门源县(37.77°N,101.26°E)发生6.9级地震,中国地震台网中心部署的测试预警系统于震后5.3s产出首报预警结果,震后13min中国地震台网中心发布正式速报结果,同时联合多家单位启动地震应急产品产出工作,共产出震源参数、历史地震、地震构造、震源机制、余震定位、推测烈度等9类16种数据产品。产品结果显示,本次地震发生在青藏高原东北缘,位于柴达木-祁连地块、阿拉善地块和鄂尔多斯地块交汇处,震中位于冷龙岭断裂西段和托莱山北缘断裂交接部位。震源机制解表明该地震为一次走滑型事件,余震精定位结果显示主震西侧余震展布呈近EW向,主震东侧呈NW-SE向,与震中区域断裂走向基本一致,烈度速报推测极震区烈度达到Ⅸ度,区域面积约175km2,Ⅷ度及以上区域总面积约1442km2,涉及四乡一镇。  相似文献   
三维城市建模中的建筑墙面纹理快速获取   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
阐述了建筑墙面纹理快速重建需要解决的问题和实现策略,并从实用、经济的角度出发,对纹理影像数据源的选择、获取方式,纹理快速提取系统的构建以及重建过程中影像方位元素获取、轮廓线影像匹配关键算法的实现等各方面进行了具体探讨,最后以数码相机拍摄的近景影像和直升机机载视频序列影像作为纹理数据源分别设计和实现了两个软件系统,进行了快速重建实验,并取得了较好的纹理重建效率和效果。  相似文献   
Worldwide, the majority of rapidly growing neighborhoods are found in the Global South. They often exhibit different building construction and development patterns than the Global North, and urban climate research in many such neighborhoods has to date been sparse. This study presents local-scale observations of net radiation (Q * ) and sensible heat flux (Q H ) from a lightweight low-rise neighborhood in the desert climate of Andacollo, Chile, and compares observations with results from a process-based urban energy-balance model (TUF3D) and a local-scale empirical model (LUMPS) for a 14-day period in autumn 2009. This is a unique neighborhood-climate combination in the urban energy-balance literature, and results show good agreement between observations and models for Q * and Q H . The unmeasured latent heat flux (Q E ) is modeled with an updated version of TUF3D and two versions of LUMPS (a forward and inverse application). Both LUMPS implementations predict slightly higher Q E than TUF3D, which may indicate a bias in LUMPS parameters towards mid-latitude, non-desert climates. Overall, the energy balance is dominated by sensible and storage heat fluxes with mean daytime Bowen ratios of 2.57 (observed Q H /LUMPS Q E )–3.46 (TUF3D). Storage heat flux (ΔQ S ) is modeled with TUF3D, the empirical objective hysteresis model (OHM), and the inverse LUMPS implementation. Agreement between models is generally good; the OHM-predicted diurnal cycle deviates somewhat relative to the other two models, likely because OHM coefficients are not specified for the roof and wall construction materials found in this neighborhood. New facet-scale and local-scale OHM coefficients are developed based on modeled ΔQ S and observed Q * . Coefficients in the empirical models OHM and LUMPS are derived from observations in primarily non-desert climates in European/North American neighborhoods and must be updated as measurements in lightweight low-rise (and other) neighborhoods in various climates become available.  相似文献   
1IntroductionAs importantsteps in the life cycles of mostma-rine benthos,settlement and metamorphosis of theirplanktonic larvae influence directly the populationdistribution and fluctuation of benthos.Research onlarval settlement and metamorphosis of mari…  相似文献   
围绕1998~2014年间安徽省极端降水事件,展开了不同时间尺度暖季极端降水与温度的关系研究。结果表明,从年际尺度上看,极端降水强度和极端降水频数与气温和温度日较差的相关关系呈现南负北正的反向特征,尤以北部的正相关最显著。定量结果表明,安徽省区域平均的暖季极端降水频数和极端降水量对升温的变化百分率分别为13.7%/°C和0.03%/°C。从日(小时)尺度上看,气温低于25°C时,随着气温的升高极端降水量增加,且基本遵循一倍(二倍)的Clausius-Clapeyron变率。但在气温高于25°C时,随着温度的升高,日和小时极端降水量出现不同程度的下降,尤以前者减少的最显著。进一步比较不同小时尺度极端降水与气温关系发现,随着时间尺度的增长,气温增长后极端降水量下降的关系变得尤为明显。这可能与单日内极端降水在偏高温时以短时降水为主有关。  相似文献   
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