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Phragmites australis has been invading Spartina-alterniflora-dominated salt marshes throughout the mid-Atlantic. Although, Phragmites has high rates of primary production, it is not known whether this species supports lower trophic levels of a marsh food web in the same manner as Spartina. Using several related photochemical and biological assays, we compared patterns of organic matter flow of plant primary production through a key salt marsh metazoan, the ribbed mussel (Geukensia demissa), using a bacterial intermediate. Dissolved organic matter (DOM) was derived from plants collected from a Delaware Bay salt marsh and grown in the laboratory with 14C-CO2. Bacterial utilization of plant-derived DOM measured as carbon mineralization revealed that both species provided bioavailable DOM to native salt marsh bacteria. Total carbon mineralization after 19 days was higher for Spartina treatments (36% 14CO2 ± 3 SE) compared with Phragmites treatments (29% ±2 SE; Wilcoxon–Kruskal–Wallis rank sums test, P < 0.01). Pre-exposing DOM to natural sunlight only enhanced or decreased bioavailability of the DOM to the bacterioplankton during initial measurements (e.g., 7 days or less) but these differences were not significant over the course of the incubations. Mixtures of 14C-labeled bacterioplankton (and possibly organic flocs) from 14C-DOM treatments were cleared by G. demissa at similar rates between Spartina and Phragmites treatments. Moreover, 14C assimilation efficiencies for material ingested by mussels were high for both plant sources ranging from 74% to 90% and not significantly different between plant sources. Sunlight exposure did not affect the nutritional value of the bacterioplankton DOM assemblage for mussels. There are many possible trophic and habitat differences between Spartina- and Phragmites-dominated marshes that could affect G. demissa but the fate of vascular plant dissolved organic carbon in the DOM to bacterioplankton to mussel trophic pathway appears comparable between these marsh types.  相似文献   
This study was carried out to evaluate the occurrence of the fluoroquinolone antimicrobial agent ciprofloxacin (CIP) in the effluent of the Hospital of the Federal University of Santa Maria (HUSM). Measured environmental concentrations (MECs) of CIP in the hospital wastewater, both before (P1) and after (P2) cesspit/filter system treatment (CFTS), were determined by means of solid phase extraction and reversed‐phase liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection (LC‐FLD) and reversed‐phase liquid chromatography with mass spectrometric detection (LC‐MS/MS). The MECs (n = 7 daily composed samples) were 19 to 155 μg L–1 (average: 54 ± 21 μg L–1) and 32 to 99 μg L–1 (average: 65 ± 45 μg L–1) in P1 and P2, respectively. No relevant removal was observed from P1 to P2. In a worst case scenario, the final effluent was regarded as MECs of surface water. These MECs were generally 5 to 20,000‐fold higher than what was previously known. If the present data is drawn on to form a model of the situation in developing countries, the picture provides a first rough indication that the environmental risk associated with the use and emission of pharmaceuticals into the environment in developing countries might be higher than in developed countries.  相似文献   
Using standard instrument software and two independently developed data reduction and analysis procedures, we re-examine the accuracy of plasma velocity information derived from data obtained by the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO)–Coronal Diagnostic Spectrometer (CDS). We discuss only the Ov 629 Å line data obtained by the Normal Incidence Spectrometer (NIS) and analyse a quiet Sun (QS) and active region (AR) dataset. Using the QS data, we demonstrate that the well-known North-South tilt in wavelength along the NIS slit varies significantly with time, which is not accounted for in the standard CDS correction procedures. In addition, when residual N – S trends exist in the data after processing, they may not be detected, nor removed, using the standard analysis software. This underscores the need for careful analysis of velocity results for individual datasets when using standard correction procedures. Furthermore, even when the results obtained by the two independent methods are well correlated (coefficients greater than 0.9), discrepancies in the values of the derived Doppler velocities can remain (95% within ±5 km s?1). Therefore, we apply the results to examine the velocities obtained for EUV blinkers by previous authors. It is found that a strong correlation exists in the patterns of variation of the blinker velocities (> 0.98), even though there may be differences in their magnitudes. That is, in a clear majority of cases, the methods agree that a blinker is red-shifted or blue-shifted, although the uncertainty in the absolute velocity may be large.  相似文献   
The cometary meteoroid ejection model of Jones and Brown [Physics, Chemistry, and Dynamics of Interplanetary Dust, ASP Conference Series 104 (1996b) 137] was used to simulate ejection from comets 55P/Tempel-Tuttle during the last 12 revolutions, and the last 9 apparitions of 109P/Swift-Tuttle. Using cometary ephemerides generated by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory’s (JPL) HORIZONS Solar System Data and Ephemeris Computation Service, two independent ejection schemes were simulated. In the first case, ejection was simulated in 1 h time steps along the comet’s orbit while it was within 2.5 AU of the Sun. In the second case, ejection was simulated to occur at the hour the comet reached perihelion. A 4th order variable step-size Runge–Kutta integrator was then used to integrate meteoroid position and velocity forward in time, accounting for the effects of radiation pressure, Poynting–Robertson drag, and the gravitational forces of the planets, which were computed using JPL’s DE406 planetary ephemerides. An impact parameter (IP) was computed for each particle approaching the Earth to create a flux profile, and the results compared to observations of the 1998 and 1999 Leonid showers, and the 1993 and 2004 Perseids.  相似文献   
Timely identification of disaster-prone neighborhoods and examination of disparity in disaster exposure are critical for policymakers to plan efficient disaster management strategies. Many studies have investigated racial, ethnic, and geographic disparities and populations most vulnerable to disasters. However, little attention has been paid to the development of easily accessible and reusable tools to enable: (1) the prompt identification of vulnerable neighborhoods; and (2) the examination of social disparity in disaster impact. In this research, we have developed a visual analytics tool that allows users to: (1) delineate neighborhoods based on their selection of variables; and (2) explore which neighborhoods are susceptible to the impacts of disasters based on specific socioeconomic and demographic characteristics. Through an exploration of COVID-19 data in the case study, we revealed that the tool can provide new insights into the identification of vulnerable neighborhoods that need immediate attention for disaster control, management, and relief.  相似文献   
Imaging of the heliosphere is a burgeoning area of research. As a result, it is awash with new results, using novel applications, and is demonstrating great potential for future research in a wide range of topical areas. The STEREO (Solar TErrestrial RElations Observatory) Heliospheric Imager (HI) instruments are at the heart of this new development, building on the pioneering observations of the SMEI (Solar Mass Ejection Imager) instrument aboard the Coriolis spacecraft. Other earlier heliospheric imaging systems have included ground-based interplanetary scintillation (IPS) facilities and the photometers on the Helios spacecraft. With the HI instruments, we now have routine wide-angle imaging of the inner heliosphere, from vantage points outside the Sun-Earth line. HI has been used to investigate the development of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) as they pass through the heliosphere to 1 AU and beyond. Synoptic mapping has also allowed us to see graphic illustrations of the nature of mass outflow as a function of distance from the Sun – in particular, stressing the complexity of the near-Sun solar wind. The instruments have also been used to image co-rotating interaction regions (CIRs), to study the interaction of comets with the solar wind and CMEs, and to witness the impact of CMEs and CIRs on planets. The very nature of this area of research – which brings together aspects of solar physics, space-environment physics, and solar-terrestrial physics – means that the research papers are spread among a wide range of journals from different disciplines. Thus, in this special issue, it is timely and appropriate to provide a review of the results of the first two years of the HI investigations.  相似文献   
The effects of three hydrocarbon dispersant agents (Corexit 9527, Hydrogamosol LT and OSR LT 126) on the bacterial flora of the marine environment are analysed in 20-square-metre basins filled with lagoon seawater.Four months after the first treatment, oil slicks were no longer visible, whereas the appearance of the untreated reference slick had hardly changed. The treatment of 10-litre crude-oil slicks causes an appreciable and long lasting increase in the bacterial population.  相似文献   
In-migration to popular ‘sea change’ and ‘tree change’ regions has produced conflicts between rural land users. In the Northern Rivers region of New South Wales, new residential developments have been built on much of what was previously prime agricultural land, while farmers (in particular, those negatively affected by the deregulation of the dairy industry) have sought to secure retirement incomes by subdividing land for sale. Although developers, local councils and individual farmers sometimes see eye to eye on the mutual benefits of in-migration and population growth, land use has none the less become the subject of a hotly contested local political battle. Conflicts occur at the interface of growing urban developments and surrounding farmland, with new residents finding the sights, sounds and smells of rural production intrusive. More generally, there is considerable concern that the best farmland in the region may be lost to urbanisation and rural residential subdivision. This paper discusses the results of a survey that collected opinions from local residents about the pressures on the region's land uses by in-migration, the future role of farmland as both an economic and cultural landscape, and views on proposed measures to protect prime farmland in the region. Results highlighted a strong and consistent ‘pro-farmland’ and ‘pro-protection’ attitude throughout the region, and across social groups. Yet, variations emerged when respondents were asked about why they attribute value to agricultural landscapes. For some, ‘economic’ values dominated, while for others, value was attributed in ways that reflected an emerging ethos of ‘localism’ and village lifestyle. Although values differed, a clear message from this study is that the population of Australia's pre-eminent ‘sea change’ region strongly support measures to curb urban development and the more destructive consequences of a dynamic property market.  相似文献   
Organic-inorganic interactions occurring in petroleum-related mud volcanoes can help predict the chemical processes that are responsible for methane emissions to the atmosphere. Seven samples of mud breccia directly ejected from one crater were collected in the Dushanzi mud volcano, along with one argillite sample of the original reddish host rocks distal from the crater, for comparison purposes. The mineral and chemical compositions as well as iron species of all samples were determined using XRD, XRF and M?ssbauer spectroscopy, respectively. The results indicate that a series of marked reactions occurred in the mud volcano systems, more specifically in the mud breccia when compared to the original rocks. Changes mainly included: (1) some conversion of clay minerals from smectite into chlorite and illite, and the precipitation of secondary carbonate minerals such as calcite and siderite; (2) silicon depletion and significant elemental enrichment of iron, manganese, magnesium, calcium and phosphorus; and (3) transformation of iron from ferric species in hematite and smectite into ferrous species in siderite, chlorite and illite. These geochemical reactions likely induced the color changes of the original reddish Neogene argillite to the gray or black mud breccia, as a result of reduction of elements and/or alteration of minerals associated with the oxidation of hydrocarbons. Our results also suggest that greenhouse gases emitted from the mud volcanoes are lowered through a series of methane oxidation reactions and carbon fixation (i.e., through carbonate precipitation).  相似文献   
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