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A review of the content, structure, accuracy, and completeness of the Catalogue of Landslide OCcurrences in the Emilia-Romagna Region (CLOCkER) is presented. CLOCkER is a historical database, designed and developed for all types of landslides in the hilly-mountain area of the Emilia-Romagna section of the Northern Italian Apennines. Historical data have been gathered through a collection of numerous sources, including technical reports, historical archives, scientific literature, and newspapers. The information obtained, which has been evaluated to assess its temporal precision and spatial accuracy, has been recorded in a catalogue consisting of a Database Management System (DBMS) linked to a geographical information system (GIS) interface. The catalogue presently includes 14,416 records of documented landslide occurrences, dating from Middle Ages up to the present. The catalogue is associated with a landslide inventory, continuously updated by the Geological Survey of the Emilia-Romagna Region, where information on the shape, typology, and state of activity of more than 80,000 landslides is included. Our assessment of catalogue quality reveals a satisfactory spatial accuracy and a level of completeness comparable with the theoretical target proposed in the literature for complete inventories. Outputs indicate that CLOCkER can be a reference example useful for other regional historical landslide catalogues. Such reference datasets are useful for a wide range of landslide assessment purposes and can provide practical assistance for stakeholders involved in both scientific and technical fields, forming the basis for landslide temporal trend reconstruction that is essential for landslide hazard evaluation at different spatial-temporal scales. CLOCkER is open access, freely available online.  相似文献   
A new geochronological and geochemical study of the volcanic rocks of the Ponza and Palmarola Islands, Pontine Archipelago, has been carried out. This archipelago is located along the boundary between the Italian continental shelf and the opening Tyrrhenian basin. It is a key area to study volcanism related to the opening of the Tyrrhenian Sea. Ponza is the oldest felsic magmatic manifestation in the central Tyrrhenian area. Previous studies suggested that Ponza volcanic activity began before 5 Ma. Twenty-five new K–Ar ages constrain the volcanic activity (rhyolitic hyaloclastites and dykes) to the last 4.2 Ma, with two episodes of quiescence between 3.7 and 3.2 Ma and between 2.9 and 1.0 Ma. A new volcanic episode dated at 3.2–2.9 Ma has been identified on the central and southern Ponza, with emplacement of pyroclastic units. At 1.0 Ma, a trachytic episode ended the volcanic activity. The near island of Palmarola exhibits rhyolitic hyaloclastites and domes dated between 1.6 and 1.5 Ma, indicating that the island was entirely built during the Early Pleistocene in a short span of time of ca. 120 ka. Although only 6–8 km apart, the two islands display significantly different geochemical signatures. Ponza rhyolites show major and trace element compositions representative of orogenic magmas of subduction/collision zones: high-K calc-alkaline and metaluminous rhyolites (Agpaitic Index [AI] and Alumina Saturation Index [ASI] <1), high LILE/HFSE (Th/Ta=16–21) and LREE/HFSE ratios (La/Nb>3), and Nb–Ta negative anomalies. In Palmarola, the orogenic character is also present, but much less marked than in Ponza: rhyolites have a peralkaline character (AI>1), lower LILE/HFSE (Th/Ta=11–15), low LREE/HFSE ratios (La/Nb=1–2) close to those of anorogenic lavas, and the Nb–Ta negative anomalies are almost absent. Y/Nb ratios indicate different magmatic sources, one similar to island-arc or active continental margin basalts for Ponza rhyolites, and the others probably involving an OIB type component for Palmarola rhyolites and Ponza trachytes. Palmarola volcanics represent a transitional magmatism: although a preserved collisional geochemical imprint, they show geochemical features approaching those of anorogenic lavas erupted in a within-plate context. The change of magmatism evidenced in this study can be related to the tectonic evolution of the area. Indeed, Hf, Ta and Rb contents suggest that the oldest Pliocene rhyolites of Ponza would emplace in a syn- to late-collisional setting, while the younger Pleistocene rhyolites of Palmarola would be emplaced in a post-collisional setting in which the orogenic character (Th/Ta) decreases and mantle influence (Nb/Ta) increases. Geochemical modeling strongly suggests that the Palmarola rhyolites represent the waning stages of a subduction-related magmatism. The K–Ar datings allow us to estimate precisely the transition of magmatism to last less than 1.3 Ma. The transitional magmas may be the result of the upwelling of asthenospheric mantle inducing melting of a metasomatized lithospheric mantle and the mixing between these two sources. This upwelling could occur during the extension of the Tyrrhenian basin, caused by the slab retreat and steepening, or during a process of slab break-off starting in the Pliocene.  相似文献   
Two‐dimensional (2D) hydrodynamic models have been increasingly used to quantify aquatic habitat and stream processes, such as sediment transport, streambed morphological evolution, and inundation extents. Because river topography has a strong influence on predicted hydraulic conditions, 2D models require accurate and detailed bathymetric data of the stream channel and surrounding floodplains. Besides collection of mass points to construct high‐resolution three‐dimensional surfaces, bathymetries may be interpolated from cross‐sections. However, limited information is available on the effects of cross‐section spacing and the derived interpolated bathymetry on 2D model results in large river systems. Here, we investigated the effects of cross‐section spacing on flow properties simulated with 2D modeling at low, medium and high discharges in two morphologically different reaches, a simple (almost featureless with low sinuosity) and a complex (presenting pools, riffles, runs, contractions and expansions) reach of the Snake River (Idaho, USA), the tenth largest river in the United States in terms of drainage area. We compared the results from 2D models developed with complete channel bathymetry acquired with multibeam sonar data and photogrammetry, with 2D model results that were developed using interpolated topography from uniformly distributed transects. Results indicate that cross‐sections spaced equal to or greater than 2 times the average channel width (W*) smooths the bathymetry and suppresses flow structures. Conversely, models generated with cross‐sections spaced at 0.5 and 1 W* have stream flow properties, sediment mobility and spatial habitat distribution similar to those of the complete bathymetry. Furthermore, differences in flow properties between interpolated and complete topography models generally increase with discharge and with channel complexity. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Meteorological and oceanographic conditions in the Northern Adriatic Sea in a year notable for massive mucilage formation (2004) were compared with those in years where this phenomenon did not occur (2003, 2005 and 2006) to suggest possible links. The months preceding the mucilage event in 2004 were considered the ‘incubation period’ and were characterized by a strong freshet in May which increased the water column stability. Winter cooling and scarcity of freshwater inputs from the Po River triggered the dense water formation and intrusion in the northern basin. Weak southeasterly winds and an increase in surface seawater temperatures contributed to maintain and reinforce the water column stability, and at the same time an intense diatom spring bloom created the conditions for accumulation of organic matter. The interplay of climatological forcings and biological processes caused temporal variations of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and particulate organic carbon (POC) in the basin, with POC playing an important role in the aggregation process, as suggested by its increase relative to DOC before massive mucilage formation. We therefore suggest that high POC/total particulate nitrogen ratios in the suspended particulate organic fraction, a steep increase of POC/Chlorphyll a, and the decreased DOC/POC ratios represent ‘early warning’ signals of the main processes that lead to mucilage events in the Northern Adriatic Sea.  相似文献   
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