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In order to empirically obtain the scaling relationships for the high-frequency ground motion in the Western Alps (NW Italy), regressions are carried out on more than 7500 seismograms from 957 regional earthquakes. The waveforms were selected from the database of 6 three-component stations of the RSNI (Regional Seismic network of Northwestern Italy). The events, M W ranging between 1.2 and 4.8, were recorded within a hypocentral distance of 200 km during the time period: 1996–2001. The peak ground velocities are measured in selected narrow-frequency bands, between 0.5 and 14 Hz. Results are presented in terms of a regional attenuation function for the vertical ground motion, a set of vertical excitation terms at the reference station STV2 (hard-rock), and a set of site terms (vertical and horizontal), all relative to the vertical component of station STV2.The regional propagation of the ground motion is modeled after quantifying the expected duration of the seismic motion as a function of frequency and hypocentral distance. A simple functional form is used to take into account both the geometrical and the anelastic attenuation: a multi-variable grid search yielded a quality factor Q(f) = 310f 0.20, together with a quadri-linear geometrical spreading at low frequency. A simpler, bi-linear geometrical spreading seems to be more appropriate at higher frequencies (f > 1.0 Hz). Excitation terms are matched by using a Brune spectral model with variable, magnitude-dependent stress drop: at M w 4.8, we used Δσ = 50 MPa. A regional distance-independent attenuation parameter is obtained (κ0 = 0.012 s) by modelling the average spectral decay at high frequency of small earthquakes.In order to predict the absolute levels of ground shaking in the region, the excitation/attenuation model is used through the Random Vibration Theory (RVT) with a stochastic point-source model. The expected peak-ground accelerations (PGA) are compared with the ones derived by Ambraseys et al. (1996) for the Mediterranean region and by Sabetta and Pugliese (1996) for the Italian territory.  相似文献   
For 5 months before the 2001 Mt. Etna eruption, a progressive gravity decrease was measured along a profile of stations on the southern slope of the volcano. Between January and July 2001, the amplitude of the change reached 80 μGal, while the wavelength of the anomaly was of the order of 15 km. Elevation changes observed through GPS measurements during a period encompassing the 5-month gravity decrease, remained within 4–6 cm over the entire volcano and within 2–4 cm in the zone covered by the microgravity profile. We review both gravity and elevation changes by a model assuming the formation of new cracks, uniformly distributed in a rectangular prism. The inversion problem was formulated following a global optimization approach based on the use of Genetic Algorithms. Although it is possible to explain the observed gravity changes by means of the proposed analytical formulation, the results show that calculated elevation changes are significantly higher than those observed. Two alternative hypotheses are proposed to account for this apparent discrepancy: (1) that the assumptions behind the analytical formulation, used to invert the data, are fallacious at Etna, and thus, numerical models should be utilized; (2) that a second process, enabling a considerable mass decrease to occur without deformation, acted together with the formation of new cracks in the source volume.  相似文献   
We analysed contributions to run‐off using hourly stream water samples from seven individual melt‐induced run‐off events (plus one rainfall event) during 2011, 2012 and 2013 in two nested glacierized catchments in the Eastern Italian Alps. Electrical conductivity and stable isotopes of water were used for mixing analysis and two‐component and three‐component hydrograph separation. High‐elevation snowmelt, glacier melt and autumn groundwater were identified as major end‐members. Discharge and tracers in the stream followed the diurnal variations of air temperature but markedly reacted to rainfall inputs. Hysteresis patterns between discharge and electrical conductivity during the melt‐induced run‐off events revealed contrasting loop directions at the two monitored stream sections. Snowmelt contribution to run‐off was highest in June and July (up to 33%), whereas the maximum contribution of glacier melt was reached in August (up to 65%). The maximum groundwater and rainfall contributions were 62% and 11%, respectively. Run‐off events were generally characterized by decreasing snowmelt and increasing glacier melt fractions from the beginning to the end of the summer 2012, while run‐off events in 2013 showed less variable snowmelt and lower glacier melt contributions than in 2012. The results provided essential insights into the complex dynamics of melt‐induced run‐off events and may be of further use in the context of water resource management in alpine catchments. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The purpose of this paper is to report on and analyse an international consultation into hydro-meteorological e-Science environments with the objective of identifying key functions and features together with exploring show-stopping issues and organisational structure. Transatlantic experiences were compared and contrasted. Including strong participation from both Europe and the USA with high quality responses from experienced practitioners, the consultation was undertaken as part of a joint initiative and took the form of an online questionnaire supported by a set of stakeholder interviews and other discussions. Topics included were functions and features such as provision of numerical models and data, usability, and ease of access; show-stopping issues such as flexibility, reliability and longevity; centralised and distributed structures, and funding models. The results demonstrated a broadly similar set of experiences and implied a future as an evolution of that which exists today. The consultation exercise ran alongside the development of the DRIHM e-Infrastructure which had, in itself, already benefitted from the prior DRIHMS consultation. Results were fed in to the development process at appropriate intervals allowing the consultation to shape the resultant services.  相似文献   
Palaeoproterozoic orogenesis within the Archean southeastern Rae craton is related to the initial amalgamation of Laurentia. Characterizing the accompanying tectonic processes during this time has been complicated due to polymetamorphism, which results in the obscuring of the age record of the terranes involved. To improve the knowledge of the tectonic evolution of the South Rae Craton, petrologic and structural analyses are applied in conjunction with in situ trace element chemistry, inclusion barometry, U–Pb monazite and titanite, and Lu–Hf garnet chronology. The data robustly constrain Palaeoproterozoic pressure–temperature–time paths of major deformational events along the southeastern Rae craton margin. D1 occurred between 1.94 and 1.93 Ga in the Dodge-Snowbird domain, which included prograde burial of metasedimentary rocks, deposited at 2.2–2.0 Ga, and the development of migmatitic layering and east-southeast trending folds (S1, F1). Peak metamorphism is recorded in metasedimentary units at c. 1.93 Ga when rocks reached conditions of 9.0–10.5 kbar and 810–830°C. Within the Dodge-Snowbird domain, D2 imparted north-northeast trending open folds and associated axial planar cleavage (S2, F2) between 1.93 and 1.90 Ga during east-west compression that appears to have been synchronous with cooling and exhumation. Later D2 deformation, localized within the Wholdaia Lake shear zone (WLsz; ST1), developed in the footwall of this thrust-sense structure at 1,873 ± 5 Ma at conditions of 9.5–11.0 kbar and 820–850°C. The hangingwall Dodge-Snowbird domain had already cooled to below 300°C by then, indicating a significant structural and metamorphic break across the domain's western boundary. A new phase of unroofing (D3) involved pervasive amphibolite- to greenschist facies extensional shearing (ST2) within the WLsz, which overprinted ST1 foliations between 1.87 and 1.86 Ga. Continued greenschist facies shearing younger than 1.86 Ga likely ended by c. 1.83 Ga when lamprophyre dykes cut the structure, which was followed by cooling until c. 1.80 Ga. This work highlights the utility and application of multiple chronometers (zircon, monazite, titanite, garnet) along with structural and petrologic analysis that together can resolve precise orogenic cycles in polymetamorphic terranes that may otherwise be undetected. The time-resolved P–T–D histories derived here enable more robust interpretations regarding the nature and evolution of 1.9 Ga tectonism along the southeast Rae craton margin, which may be used to refine models for Laurentian terrane amalgamation.  相似文献   
A review of the content, structure, accuracy, and completeness of the Catalogue of Landslide OCcurrences in the Emilia-Romagna Region (CLOCkER) is presented. CLOCkER is a historical database, designed and developed for all types of landslides in the hilly-mountain area of the Emilia-Romagna section of the Northern Italian Apennines. Historical data have been gathered through a collection of numerous sources, including technical reports, historical archives, scientific literature, and newspapers. The information obtained, which has been evaluated to assess its temporal precision and spatial accuracy, has been recorded in a catalogue consisting of a Database Management System (DBMS) linked to a geographical information system (GIS) interface. The catalogue presently includes 14,416 records of documented landslide occurrences, dating from Middle Ages up to the present. The catalogue is associated with a landslide inventory, continuously updated by the Geological Survey of the Emilia-Romagna Region, where information on the shape, typology, and state of activity of more than 80,000 landslides is included. Our assessment of catalogue quality reveals a satisfactory spatial accuracy and a level of completeness comparable with the theoretical target proposed in the literature for complete inventories. Outputs indicate that CLOCkER can be a reference example useful for other regional historical landslide catalogues. Such reference datasets are useful for a wide range of landslide assessment purposes and can provide practical assistance for stakeholders involved in both scientific and technical fields, forming the basis for landslide temporal trend reconstruction that is essential for landslide hazard evaluation at different spatial-temporal scales. CLOCkER is open access, freely available online.  相似文献   
The type and kinetics of metamorphic CO2-producing processes in metacarbonate rocks is of importance to understand the nature and magnitude of orogenic CO2 cycle. This paper focuses on CO2 production by garnet-forming reactions occurring in calc-silicate rocks. Phase equilibria in the CaO–FeO–Al2O3–SiO2–CO2–H2O (CFAS–CO2–H2O) system are investigated using PT phase diagrams at fixed fluid composition, isobaric TX(CO2) phase diagram sections and phase diagram projections in which fluid composition is unconstrained. The relevance of the CFAS–CO2–H2O garnet-bearing equilibria during metamorphic evolution of calc-silicate rocks is discussed in the light of the observed microstructures and measured mineral compositions in two representative samples of calc-silicate rocks from eastern Nepal Himalaya. The results of this study demonstrate that calc-silicate rocks may act as a significant CO2 source during prograde heating and/or early decompression. However, if the system remains closed, fluid–rock interactions may induce hydration of the calc-silicate assemblages and the in situ precipitation of graphite. The interplay between these two contrasting processes (production of CO2-rich fluids vs. carbon sequestration through graphite precipitation) must be considered when dealing with a global estimate of the role exerted by decarbonation processes on the orogenic CO2 cycle.  相似文献   
High pressure melting behavior of three Fe-alloys containing 5 wt% Ni and (1) 10 wt% Si, (2) 15 wt% Si or (3) 12 wt% S was investigated up to megabar pressures by in situ X-ray diffraction and laser-heated diamond anvil cell techniques. We observe a decrease in melting temperature with increasing Si content over the entire investigated pressure range. This trend is used to discuss the melting curve of pure Fe. Moreover, our measurements of eutectic melting in the Fe–Fe3S system show a change in slope around 50 GPa concomitant with the fcc–hcp phase transition in pure solid iron. Extrapolations of our melting curve up to the core–mantle boundary pressure yield values of 3,600–3,750 K for the freezing temperature of plausible outer core compositions.  相似文献   
Abstract. Dark respiration rates, dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) fluxes and nitrification rates were measured at two sites in the microtidal Sacca di Goro lagoon in September 2000. DIN fluxes correlated with the biomass of the dominant macrofauna species (the amphipod Corophium spp. at station Giralda and the polychaete Neanthes spp. at station Faro). Respiration (> 6 mmol O2 m−2h−1) and ammonium fluxes (> 80μmol N m−2h−1) were higher at station Giralda despite the lower organic matter content (4.5 %) and lower macrofauna biomass (4 g AFDW m−2). At both sites ammonium fluxes were significantly correlated with the biomass of the benthic infauna, but Corophium stimulated ammonium NH4+ fluxes 3-fold compared to Neanthes. The amphipod also enhanced nitrification rates (> 300 μmol N m−2h−1) due to the high density of its burrows, the higher NH4+ regeneration rates and the enhanced oxygen supply to the bacteria.  相似文献   
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