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The purpose of this paper is to investigate mechanical and hydraulic properties of sands treated with mineral-based grouts through the results of a laboratory test programme consisting of unconfined compression tests (UCS), triaxial bender element tests (BeT) and constant flow permeability tests in triaxial apparatus. An improved apparatus was set up for obtaining high quality, multiple grouted specimens from a single column. Two selected natural sands having different grain sizes were grouted with two mineral-based silica grouts, resulting in different levels of improvement. The behaviour of the sands treated by mineral grouts, in terms of strength, initial stiffness and permeability, was compared with that exhibited by more traditional silicate grouts. The results of this study indicate that sands treated with mineral grouts result in higher strengths, higher initial shear modulus and lower permeability values than the sands treated with the silicate solution. The effect of grout type, effective confining pressure, and sand particle-size on small-strain shear modulus of grouted sand specimens was evaluated. Based on test results, the small strain shear modulus increment from treated to untreated specimens has been correlated with the unconfined compressive strength, obtaining a unique relationship regardless of grout type and grain-size of tested sands.  相似文献   
The Trans-Amazonian cycle was an important rock-forming event in South America, generating voluminous juvenile and reworked fractions of continental crust. The Bacajá domain, in the southern sector of the Maroni-Itacaiúnas Province in the Amazonian craton, is an example of the Trans-Amazonian terranes adjacent to the Archean Carajás block. Zircon Pb-evaporation and whole-rock Sm–Nd analyses were carried out on representative samples of six lithological units, and allowed the proposal of a comprehensive tectonic-magmatic evolutionary sequence for the central and eastern parts of this domain, from the Neoarchean to the Rhyacian. Gneisses with ages of ca. 2.67 and 2.44 Ga are the oldest rocks recorded in the region, and probably represent remnants of island and continental arcs. The Três Palmeiras succession, emplaced between 2.36 and 2.34 Ga, hosts gold deposits and represents the first record of Siderian supracrustal rocks in the Amazonian craton. It was probably part of an island arc/ocean floor accreted to a craton margin. Rhyacian granitogenesis lasted for ca. 140 My (2.22–2.08 Ga), marking different stages of the Trans-Amazonian cycle. The first stage is represented by continental arc granitoids formed by melting of Archean crust at 2.22–2.18 Ga. The second is characterized by the production of juvenile material between 2.16 and 2.13 Ga. The third and final stage at ca. 2.08 Ga is represented by a large volume of granitoids originated from either juvenile material or reworked crust during compressive stresses. Nd isotopes reveal that juvenile rocks dominated in the northern part of the domain, whereas those formed from reworked crust predominate in the south. The present-day configuration of the Bacajá domain results from collision against the Archean Carajás block at the end of the Trans-Amazonian cycle.  相似文献   
In recent years, a number of constitutive models have been proposed to describe mathematically the mechanical response of natural clays. Some of these models are characterized by complex formulations, often leading to non‐trivial problems in their numerical integration in finite elements codes. The paper describes a fully implicit stress‐point algorithm for the numerical integration of a single‐surface mixed isotropic–kinematic hardening plasticity model for structured clays. The formulation of the model stems from a compromise between its capability of reproducing the larger number of features characterizing the behaviour of structured clays and the possibility of developing a robust integration algorithm for its implementation in a finite elements code. The model is characterized by an ellipsoid‐shaped yield function, inside which a stress‐dependent reversible stiffness is accounted for by a non‐linear hyperelastic formulation. The isotropic part of the hardening law extends the standard Cam‐Clay one to include plastic strain‐driven softening due to bond degradation, while the kinematic hardening part controls the evolution of the position of the yield surface in the stress space. The proposed algorithm allows the consistent linearization of the constitutive equations guaranteeing the quadratic rate of asymptotic convergence in the global‐level Newton–Raphson iterative procedure. The accuracy and the convergence properties of the proposed algorithm are evaluated with reference to the numerical simulations of single element tests and the analysis of a typical geotechnical boundary value problem. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
This study summarizes the final results of magnetostratigraphic and micropalaeontological investigations of the Tithonian/Berriasian boundary (J/K) limestones at the locality of Brodno near ilina, Western Carpathians, West Slovakia. The aim is to prepare the background for correlation of a Late Tithonian and Early Berriasian biostratigraphic zonation with global magnetoevents (manifested in detailed magnetostratigraphic profiles) between the Tethyan realm and other regions, particularly the Boreal and Pacific realms. Suitable physical properties of the limestones studied, a favourable geological setting and rich microfossil assemblages (calpionellids) at Brodno (magnetozones M21r to M18r) allowed a systematic collection of new data on the original synoptic section, which now has the character of a high-resolution profile across the J/K boundary. Two reverse subzones detected within magnetozones M20n and M19n are named ‘Kysuca Subzone’ and ‘Brodno Subzone’, respectively. Both can be correlated with analogous subzones in the M-sequence of marine anomalies. Their existence can also be confirmed in the Bosso Valley section in Umbria, central Italy. A detailed study of the interval between magnetozones M20n and M17r in the Bosso Valley profile is presently in its final stage. Both magnetostratigraphic profiles, from the Brodno and Bosso Valley localities, were thoroughly investigated in the intervals close to the J/K boundary and are still unique among continent-based profiles in the detection and precise definition of both reverse subzones within M20n and M19n. Samples collected from the boundary strata of the reverse Kysuca Subzone at Brodno indicated a transition from N (R) to R (N) polarity of the Earth's palaeomagnetic field within a time interval of c. ±5 ka. Limestone samples (total number N=368) were subjected to progressive thermal demagnetization in 10–12 thermal fields and to subsequent multi-component analysis of remanence. The C-component, as the carrier of palaeomagnetic directions, was determined in the temperature interval of 300° to 540°, or possibly 580°C. Magnetomineralogical analyses of pilot samples and unblocking temperatures determined for all samples showed that magnetite is the carrier of remanent magnetization. The positions of the individual events of calpionellid stratigraphy relative to the global magnetic polarity timescale are precisely defined. The base of the Calpionella Standard Zone, which is considered a provisional J/K boundary indicator in ammonite-free sections in the Tethyan realm, lies within magnetozone M19n at the level of 35% of its local thickness. None of the boundaries in the calpionellid zonation coincides precisely with any of those in the palaeomagnetic zonation, but the first appearance ofCalpionella grandalpina , indicating the base of the Intermedia Subzone, lies in close proximity to the base of magnetozone M19r.  相似文献   
The hydro-meteorological characteristics of the flood from August 2002, which affected a great part of the Czech territory, particularly the Vltava and Labe river basin, were compared with corresponding conditions during similar flood events in the summer seasons of 1997, 1890, 1897 and 1903. The comparison shows analogies in synoptic conditions and causal precipitation heights. The heaviest precipitation fell in the area of a considerable horizontal pressure gradient on the rearward side of the cyclone which advanced very slowly to the north-east across Central Europe and created conditions for the transport of moist air as well as for an organized long-term updraft enhanced in orographically exposed regions. The varying features of the individual events were based on the spatial–temporal distribution of causal precipitation and also on the very different saturation of the catchments. It was chiefly the extraordinary time concentration of precipitation together with the highest catchment saturation that made the flood in 2002 the most extreme.The extremeness of meteorological fields during two episodes in July 1997 was compared with two episodes in August 2002 with the aid of the reanalysis data from ECMWF. The first episode in 1997 and the second episode in 2002 were the most similar and more extreme in terms of the large-scale fields of basic meteorological quantities. The similar features of these episodes are specifically an intensive influx of moisture into Central Europe and intensive upward motions in the precipitation area. The extremeness of upper- and low-level potential vorticity fields was evaluated to diagnose the behavior of the cyclone and frontal precipitation bands accompanying it. The suitable spatial configuration of positive upper- and low-level potential vorticity anomalies induced an additional amplification of upward motions in the precipitation area that apparently contributed to triggering the heavy precipitation over Central Europe. On the whole, quantities reached more extreme values during the second episode in 2002.  相似文献   
The migmatites from Punta Sirenella (NE Sardinia) are layered rocks containing 3–5 vol.% of centimeter-sized stromatic leucosomes which are mainly trondhjemitic and only rarely granitic in composition. They underwent three deformation phases, from D1 to D3. The D1 deformation shows a top to the NW shear component followed by a top to the NE/SE component along the XZ plane of the S2 schistosity. Migmatization started early, during the compressional and crustal thickening stage of Variscan orogeny and was still in progress during the following extensional stage of unroofing and exhumation.

The trondhjemitic leucosomes, mainly consisting of quartz, plagioclase, biotite ± garnet ± kyanite ± fibrolite, retrograde muscovite and rare K-feldspar, are locally bordered by millimeter-sized biotite-rich melanosomes. The rare granitic leucosomes differ from trondhjemitic ones only in the increase in modal content of K-feldspar, up to 25%. Partial melting started in the kyanite field at about 700–720 °C and 0.8–0.9 GPa, and was followed by re-equilibration at 650–670 °C and 0.4–0.6 GPa, producing fibrolite–biotite intergrowth and coarse-grained muscovite.

The leucosomes have higher SiO2, CaO, Na2O, Sr and lower Al2O3, Fe2O3, MgO, TiO2, K2O, P2O5, Rb, Ba, Cr, V, Zr, Nb, Zn and REE content with respect to proximal hosts and pelitic metagreywackes. Sporadic anomalous high content of calcium and ferromagnesian elements in some leucosomes is due to entrainment of significant amounts of restitic plagioclase, biotite and accessory phases. The rare granitic leucosomes reveal peritectic K-feldspar produced by muscovite-dehydration melting. Most leucosomes show low REE content, moderately fractionated REE patterns and marked positive Eu anomaly. Proximal hosts and pelitic metagraywackes are characterized by higher REE content, more fractionated REE patterns and slightly negative Eu anomaly.

The trondhjemitic leucosomes were generated by H2O-fluxed melting at 700 °C of a greywacke to pelitic–greywacke metasedimentary source-rock. The disequilibrium melting process is the most reliable melting model for Punta Sirenella leucosomes.  相似文献   

High-resolution regional climate change simulations have proven to offer an added value compared to available global climate model simulations. However, over many regions of the globe, long-term high-resolution climate change projections are rather sparse. We present a transient high-resolution climate change projection with the regional climate model with the regional climate model REMO over the southern African region, following the SRES A1B emission scenario. The simulation was conducted at 18?km grid spacing for the period from 1960 to 2100, making it to the longest available climate change projection at such a high resolution for the region. In the first part of the study, we focus on the impact of the model setup on the simulated rainfall over the southern African region. In the standard setup, we used the output of the global climate model ECHAM5/MPIOM directly to force REMO. This setup led to a very strong wet bias over the region. Changing it to the double-nesting setup significantly reduced this bias, but a substantial wet bias still persists. The remaining bias could partly be attributed to a warm bias in the SST forcing over the southern Atlantic Ocean. Thus, we applied an SST correction based on the anomaly approach to the data, which led to a further improvement of the rainfall simulation. As the SST bias in the southern Atlantic is a common feature of all global climate models assessed by the IPCC, we recommend the chosen model setup, including the SST correction, as general procedure for dynamical downscaling studies over the southern African region. In the second part, we present the projected spatial and temporal changes of temperature and precipitation, including several rainfall characteristics, over the southern African region. Herby we compare the projections of the high-resolution REMO simulation to those of the forcing regional and global models. We generally find that for temperature the magnitude of the projected changes of the regional model only slightly differs from the GCM projection; however, the spatial patterns are much better resolved in the RCM projections. For precipitation, REMO shows a more intense drying toward the end of the twenty-first century than it is simulated by the global model. This can have a major influence when investigating the impacts of future climate change on a regional or even local scale. In combination with the improved spatial patterns, the application of high-resolution climate change information could therefore improve the results of such applications.  相似文献   
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