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The results of photometric observations of comet/asteroid 2060 Chiron at the Observatório do Pico dos Dias (Brazil-OPD) and the Observatoire de Haute-Provence (France-OHP) during 1994 and 1995 are presented. The analysis of the data shows a decrease of 2060 Chiron brightness from its peak values of 1988–1991. The absolute magnitude, Hv, varies from a maximum of 6.6 in February 1994 up to a minimum of 6.8 in June 1995. Therefore 2060 Chiron is back to a minimum of activity close to that of 1983–1985. The slope parameter G is found to be G = 0.71 ± 0.15. It is suggested that the H-G magnitude system, generally adopted to present 2060 Chiron brightness, is not the most appropriate due to the cometary activity of this object.  相似文献   
The inception and growth of the active Carpino-Le Piane Basin Fault System (CLPBFS; central-southern Apennines, Italy) was analysed with respect to the neighbouring Isernia and Surrounding (ISFS) and Boiano Basin (BBFS) extensional Fault Systems. 39Ar–40Ar dating showed that the BBFS was already active 649 ± 21 ka bp and that the ISFS was active at least 476 ±10 ka bp , whereas the activity of the CLPBFS started certainly later than 253 ± 22 ka bp , and very probably as recently as <28 ka bp . These ages, combined with structural data (geometry and kinematics of the fault systems), indicate that the inception and development of the CLPBFS could be strictly related to the stress changes caused by earthquakes occurring on the BBFS.  相似文献   
A study of sea surface wave propagation and its energy deformation was carried out using field observations and numerical experiments over a region spanning the midshelf of the South Atlantic Bight (SAB) to the Altamaha River Estuary, GA. Wave heights on the shelf region correlate with the wind observations and directional observations show that most of the wave energy is incident from the easterly direction. Comparing midshelf and inner shelf wave heights during a time when there was no wind and hence no wave development led to an estimation of wave energy dissipation due to bottom friction with corresponding wave dissipation factor of 0.07 for the gently sloping continental shelf of the SAB. After interacting with the shoaling region of the Altamaha River, the wave energy within the estuary becomes periodic in time showing wave energy during flood to high water phase of the tide and very little wave energy during ebb to low water. This periodic modulation inside the estuary is a direct result of enhanced depth and current-induced wave breaking that occurs at the ebb shoaling region surrounding the Altamaha River mouth at longitude 81.23°W. Modelling results with STWAVE showed that depth-induced wave breaking is more important during the low water phase of the tide than current-induced wave breaking during the ebb phase of the tide. During the flood to high water phase of the tide, wave energy propagates into the estuary. Measurements of the significant wave height within the estuary showed a maximum wave height difference of 0.4 m between the slack high water (SHW) and slack low water (SLW). In this shallow environment these wave–current interactions lead to an apparent bottom roughness that is increased from typical hydraulic roughness values, leading to an enhanced bottom friction coefficient.  相似文献   
The structure and functioning of nanoplanktonic assemblages in coastal upwelling areas have usually been overlooked in explorations of the productivity of these areas. As part of a multidisciplinary, time-series station in the coastal area off Concepción, seasonal variations (upwelling and non-upwelling) in the abundance and biomass of these assemblages were investigated. Hydrographic measurements and biological samples were taken monthly over a 2-year period (18 August 2004-28 July 2006). Nanoflagellates dominated the total integrated abundance (3-317 × 109 cells m−2; 0-80 m). Diatoms and dinoflagellates usually contributed to a lesser degree (<20%) but sporadically made important contributions to the total integrated nanoplankton biomass (0.02-10.6 g C m−2). Most of the nanoplankton was concentrated in surface waters (<30 m) during all the samplings and no seasonal differences in abundance or biomass were found in this layer, although the mean values and dispersions around them were highest during the upwelling period along with maximum integrated (0-80 m) chlorophyll-a values, as total or in the <20 μm fraction. Changes in nanoplankton abundance were significantly but weakly (r < 0.4) correlated with changes in the hydrographic variables; the highest correlation values were positive for temperature and oxygen, factors that varied with depth and date. The potential grazing rates of heterotrophic nano-predators (flagellates and dinoflagellates) on prokaryotic prey, estimated with a generic model, ranged from 3 to 242 bacterioplankton predator−1 h−1 and from 0.1 to 14 cyanobacteria predator−1 h−1. Our results imply a small impact of seasonal hydrographic variability on the abundance and biomass of nanoplanktonic assemblages and suggest that grazing by nanoheterotrophs might control the prokaryotic picoplankton populations in the upwelling area off Concepción.  相似文献   
At T > 100°C development of thermodynamic models suffers from missing experimental data, particularly for solubilities of sulfate minerals in mixed solutions. Solubilities in Na+-K+-Ca2+-Cl-SO42−/H2O subsystems were investigated at 150, 200°C and at selected compositions at 100°C. The apparatus used to examine solid-liquid phase equilibria under hydrothermal conditions has been described.In the system NaCl-CaSO4-H2O the missing anhydrite (CaSO4) solubilities at high NaCl concentrations up to halite saturation have been determined. In the system Na2SO4-CaSO4-H2O the observed glauberite (Na2SO4 · CaSO4) solubility is higher than that predicted by the high temperature model of Greenberg and Møller (1989), especially at 200°C. At high salt concentrations, solubilities of both anhydrite and glauberite increase with increasing temperature. Stability fields of the minerals syngenite (K2SO4 · CaSO4 · H2O) and goergeyite (K2SO4 · 5 CaSO4 · H2O) were determined, and a new phase was found at 200°C in the K2SO4-CaSO4-H2O system. Chemical and single crystal structure analysis give the formula K2SO4 · CaSO4. The structure is isostructural with palmierite (K2SO4 · PbSO4). The glaserite (“3 K2SO4 · Na2SO4”) appears as solid solution in the system Na2SO4-K2SO4-H2O. Its solubility and stoichiometry was determined as a function of solution composition.  相似文献   
The combined use of field investigation and laboratory analyses allowed the detailed stratigraphic reconstruction of the Pollena eruption (472 AD) of Somma-Vesuvius. Three main eruptive phases were recognized, related either to changes in the eruptive processes and/or to relative changes of melt composition. The eruption shows a pulsating behavior with deposition of pyroclastic fall beds and generation of dilute and dense pyroclastic density currents (PDC). The eruptive mechanisms and transportation dynamics were reconstructed for the whole eruption. Column heights were between 12 and 20 km, corresponding to mass discharge rates (MDR) of 7×106 kg/s and 3.4×107 kg/s. Eruptive dynamics were driven by magmatic fragmentation of a phono-tephritic to tephri-phonolitic magma during Phases I and II, whereas phreatomagmatic fragmentation dominated Phase III. Magma composition varies between phonolitic and tephritic-phonolitic, with melt viscosity likely not in excess of 103 Pa s. The volume of the pyroclastic fall deposits, calculated by using of proximal isopachs, is 0.44 km3. This increases to 1.38 km3 if ash volumes are extrapolated on a log thickness vs. square root area diagram using one distal isopach and column height.Editorial responsibility: R Cioni  相似文献   
The clinopyroxenes mentioned have been investigated by single crystal X-ray diffraction combined with electron microprobe analysis. The aim of this study was to characterize the crystal-chemical variations of clinopyroxenes in order to delineate the intracrystalline constraints which are characteristic of specific magmatic environments. Clinopyroxenes (cpx) crystallized from peralkaline ultrapotassic melt with kamafugitic and lamproitic affinities are characterized by high Si contents, which are insensitive to variations in silica abundance and silica saturation of the melt. The high Si occupancy in clinopyroxenes from kamafugitic magma is coupled to large M1 (i.e. Mg and Fe2+) and M2 (high Ca occupancy) sites, whereas in clinopyroxenes from magmas with lamproitic affinity, high Si content is combined with large M1 but small M2 sites. Clinopyroxenes from Romantype alkaline potassic and ultrapostassic rocks are characterized by an expanded tetrahedron (high IVA1 content) and small M1 site which is combined with small M2 polyhedron in clinopyroxenes from the potassic rocks and large M2 site in those from the ultrapotassic rocks.  相似文献   
Accurate ion microprobe analysis of oxygen isotope ratios in garnet requires appropriate reference materials to correct for instrumental mass fractionation that partly depends on the garnet chemistry (matrix effect). The matrix effect correlated with grossular, spessartine and andradite components was characterised for the Cameca IMS 1280HR at the SwissSIMS laboratory based on sixteen reference garnet samples. The correlations fit a second‐degree polynomial with maximum bias of ca. 4‰, 2‰ and 8‰, respectively. While the grossular composition range 0–25% is adequately covered by available reference materials, there is a paucity of them for intermediate compositions. We characterise three new garnet reference materials GRS2, GRS‐JH2 and CAP02 with a grossular content of 88.3 ± 1.2% (2s), 83.3 ± 0.8% and 32.5 ± 3.0%, respectively. Their micro scale homogeneity in oxygen isotope composition was evaluated by multiple SIMS sessions. The reference δ18O value was determined by CO2 laser fluorination (δ18OLF). GRS2 has δ18OLF = 8.01 ± 0.10‰ (2s) and repeatability within each SIMS session of 0.30–0.60‰ (2s), GRS‐JH2 has δ18OLF = 18.70 ± 0.08‰ and repeatability of 0.24–0.42‰ and CAP02 has δ18OLF = 4.64 ± 0.16‰ and repeatability of 0.40–0.46‰.  相似文献   
The zircons from an eclogite and an enclosed eclogite-facies vein from the Monviso ophiolite (Western Alps) display contrasting chemical and morphologic features and document different stages of the evolution of the ophiolite. The zircons from the eclogite show a typical magmatic zoning and are enriched in heavy rare earth elements (HREEs) over middle rare earth elements (MREEs) and have an accentuated negative Eu anomaly, which indicates that the grains co-crystallised with plagioclase. These magmatic zircons document the formation of oceanic crust at 163 ± 2 Ma. In contrast, zircons from the vein contain inclusions of garnet, omphacite, and rutile, which indicate that they crystallised under eclogite-facies conditions. The vein zircons have Th/U ratios < 0.09, lack Eu anomalies, and are only weakly enriched in HREE with respect to MREE. These features are consistent with a garnet-bearing, plagioclase-free, i.e., eclogite-facies paragenesis. Vein zircons yield an age of 45 ± 1 Ma, which is evidence for Eocene subduction-zone metamorphism of the Monviso ophiolite.In the vein, the apparent coexistence of zircon, omphacite, and garnet permits the determination of a set of trace element distribution coefficients among these minerals at high pressure. This set of partitioning can demonstrate chemical equilibrium among these phases in rocks that show less clear evidence of textural equilibrium. In addition, zircon age can now be linked to sensors of metamorphic pressure-temperature conditions. The presence of zircon and rutile in the vein is another example of high field strength element (HFSE) mobility over short distances in aqueous fluids at eclogite-facies conditions. However, the concentrations of Zr and Hf in the aqueous fluid are estimated to be at least a factor of 10 less than primitive mantle values.Mass balance calculations demonstrate that zircon hosts > 95% of the bulk Zr, 90% of Hf, and ∼25% of U in the vein. Zircon is a residual phase in subducted basalts and sediments up to temperatures of at least 800 to 900 °C. Therefore, residual zircon in subducted crust, together with rutile, control the HFSE in liberated subduction zone fluids/melts and might be partly responsible for negative Zr and Hf anomalies in subduction zone magmas.  相似文献   
Abstract: Twenty-four soil samples were collected at three depths from an approximately 2.5 acre contaminated site in southern Piedmont (Italy) and then analyzed. The main soil parameters determined were: pH, Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC), particle size distribution, total organic carbon (TOC) content and retained metal concentration. The mineral phases were identified by X-Ray Powder Diffraction (XRPD). All of the samples contained Zn and Cu resulting from industrial contamination during the last century, and those obtained at depths of 20-40 cm consistently showed the highest levels. To determine which size fraction was most active in the retention process, the samples were separated into four fractions (≤2 mm, ≤63 μm, ≤30 μm and ≤2 μm) and the amount of pollutant measured in each. It was found that metal retention was the highest in the clayey fraction, whose clay minerals were identified by XRPD after K+ and Mg2+ saturation, glycerol treatment and heating to 550°C. The clayey fraction was also the richest in TOC, and a direct correlation between TOC amount and metal retention was observed.  相似文献   
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