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An interdisciplinary approach is necessary for flood risk assessment. Questions are often raised about which factors should be considered important in assessing the flood risk in an area and how to quantify these factors. This article defines and quantitatively evaluates the flood risk factors that would affect the Day River Flood Diversion Area in the context of integrated flood management in the Red River Delta, Vietnam. Expert analysis, in conjunction with field survey and Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), is applied to define and quantify parameters (indicators, subcomponents, and components) that contribute to flood risk. Flood duration is found to be the most prominent indicator in determining flood hazard. Residential buildings, population, and pollution are other fairly significant indicators contributing to flood vulnerability from the economic, social, and environmental perspectives, respectively. The study results will be useful in developing comprehensive flood risk maps for policy-makers and responsible authorities. Besides, local residents will also be able to implement suitable measures for reducing flood risk in the study area.  相似文献   
This paper presents the results of morphological and microclimatic surveys and speleothem analyses of ten karst caves located in different isles in Ha Long Bay, a famous tourist attraction in Vietnam. Characteristically, the caves have enormous entrances, roomy interiors, but short length, typical of karst caves in tropical climates. The cave microclimate was found to be significantly dependent on the outside atmosphere and human activities. There was a clear spatial variation in macro features and fabrics of speleothems from entrance (porous, microcrystalline) to rear (solid, macrocrystalline) of the caves. Microstructure analysis with the use of an environmental scanning electron microscope shows a gradual decrease of biological activity and microclimate instability from outside to the innermost parts of the caves are the causes for this spatial variation. Past and present deterioration of caves and speleothems directly due to tourist activities and vandalism has been observed. On the other hand, there are signs of speleothem regrowth in the caves where tourism has been stopped. This study has proved that caves and their speleothems in Ha Long Bay are highly dynamic and understanding of their environment requires immediate methodological attention. Based on the analytical results, it is recommended that regulation of visitor frequency and removal of lamp-flora are necessary for sustainable development of the show caves and their speleothems.  相似文献   
The structural researches of carbonate strata in the northeastern segment of the framework of the Red River Fault System (Cat Ba Island, Northern Vietnam) has been carried out. It was found that weakly deformed carbonate strata are cut by NW-trending (300–310°) strike-slip faults. Development of plicative and disjunctive dislocations occurred along predominantly sinistral strike-slip fault zones formed as a result of ENE regional compression (80°) during the Oligocene-Miocene phase of deformation. Late dislocations confined to the Pliocene-Quaternary phase of deformation (NNW regional compression 330–350°), are relatively less developed. Seismic monitoring data show that both plicative and disjunctive dislocations have continued to the present.  相似文献   
为了认识大理岩蠕变特性,采用RLW-1000G岩石三轴流变仪对西安市长安县天赐山大理岩进行了一系列不同加载时间下的单轴蠕变试验,并应用改进的西原模型对蠕变试验曲线进行辨识。试验表明:大理岩轴向变形过程中瞬时变形、等速蠕变及加速蠕变较为明显,减速蠕变历程极短; 大理岩在同级荷载作用下,随着加载时间增长,其损伤效应加剧,导致相应的应变增量增大。应用非线性的黏滞元件对西原模型进行改进,得到了大理岩复合流变模型,并应用大理岩蠕变试验数据对该模型进行拟合分析,取得了较好的效果。 研究结果对认识大理岩蠕变特性及对岩体工程建设具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   
针对抽出-处理技术修复污染地下水过程中抽水井抽出效率随时间逐渐降低、抽出-处理技术运行终点(以下简称"抽出终点")难以确定的问题,提出通过评估抽水井抽出效率,以分段、多次优化抽水方案提高抽出效率、降低修复成本、减少修复时间为工作思路,利用层次分析法和专家打分法实现方案优化时间节点选择。以青海某铬盐厂为例,通过建立抽水方案优化时间节点评价指标体系,可定量分析方案优化时间节点,合理确定抽出终点。结果显示:第1次优化结果为抽水井抽出效率在20%~40%时应重新布设抽水方案(P3),即采用原抽水方案抽水100 d后需重新布设抽水井;第2次优化结果为抽水井抽出效率在20%~40%时应与其他修复技术联用(P7),即采用一次优化后抽水方案继续抽水300 d后需联合其他修复技术开展治理。经评估,2次优化可有效提高抽水井抽出效率,使修复时间缩短600 d,相同时间内含水层中六价铬去除率增加8.31%。  相似文献   
矿山开采活动中地下水与生态环境保护是需要综合利用多学科思想与理论解决的难题,仅从采矿工程学角度难以解决根本问题。文中从生态水文地质学的角度,针对陕北采煤安全必须疏排水和陕北能源基地建设亟须水资源支撑的现状,提出了通过充分地利用煤田地下水满足强劲用水需求来保护水资源的对策,并从矿区水文地质结构、地下水循环条件出发,根据矿区植被生态风险区划、采煤影响地下水区划,提出了建立保护矿山水资源的采煤秩序、不同阶段地下水保护与开发利用区划以及矿山掘进过程中保护性开采地下水的水源地布局规划原则与建设方案。  相似文献   
In order to understand the effects of a landfill operation on groundwater flow behavior, a 2D horizontal groundwater simulation model was carried out. The model saved the memory of computer and time consumption, comparing it with the 3D groundwater flow model. However, the greatest difficulty is the assignment of the collecting pipe boundary at the study site. Therefore, a 2D vertical model was applied to calculate the change of the groundwater table above the collecting pipe. This paper focuses on examining the validation of the assignment of the collecting pipe boundary by applying the results of the 2D vertical model. The 2D horizontal model was coupled with the recharge model to solve the partial differential equation of groundwater flow. The finite difference method and iterative successive over relaxation were applied. The drainage volume of leachate collection was summed up in the whole landfill site and compared with the average volume of treated wastewater. The study demonstrated that the results of the 2D vertical model validated and can be applied to the 2D horizontal groundwater flow simulation.  相似文献   
云南个旧锡矿的成矿时代   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23       下载免费PDF全文
云南个旧锡矿经历了印支期海底基性火山——沉积成矿、海底喷流——沉积成矿和燕山晚期的花岗岩叠加改造成矿的作用。用Ar-Ar、K-Ar和Pb-Pb法分析了3个成矿系列的成矿年龄,结果表明,成矿系列Ⅰ的Ar-Ar法坪年龄和等时线年龄为95.93±5.41~123.91±15.41Ma,K-Ar法表观年龄为112.50±2.25Ma,普通铅法年龄为210~240Ma;成矿系列Ⅱ的Ar-Ar法坪年龄和等时线年龄为191.81±2.26~205.11±4.38Ma,K-Ar法表观年龄为186.01±3.72Ma,普通铅法年龄为200~230Ma;成矿系列Ⅲ的Ar-Ar法坪年龄和等时线年龄为83.23±2.07~85.22±2.38Ma,K-Ar法表观年龄为43.49±0.87Ma,普通铅法年龄为83~116Ma。  相似文献   
综合考虑时间和埋深对孔隙演化的影响,采用孔隙度双元函数模型对柴达木盆地西部地区(以下简称柴西地区)的地层古埋深、古压力进行了恢复,并结合其它研究成果再现了该区两个主要成藏期的地温—地压系统,分析了地温、地压及温压系统的演化特征。将流体势分析与地温—地压研究相结合,分别从定性、半定量到定量,从剖面到平面并从不同的角度分析了地下流体动力场及其对油气运聚成藏的控制作用,探讨了柴西地区油气成藏的特点和规律。发现柴西地区在主要成藏期(中新世中期和上新世末期)都发育高压型复式温压系统,其中,上新世末期的温压系统油气垂向运聚能力较强。在温压系统平面分区内,油气藏基本位于能量相对较低的分区内,高能区也有油气藏分布,但都是封闭及保存条件好的岩性或古构造等原生油气藏。同时论证并提出柴西地区未探明储量主要位于深部高压型温压系统内,深层油气藏勘探应是该区今后重要的勘探领域。  相似文献   
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