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The structural researches of carbonate strata in the northeastern segment of the framework of the Red River Fault System (Cat Ba Island, Northern Vietnam) has been carried out. It was found that weakly deformed carbonate strata are cut by NW-trending (300–310°) strike-slip faults. Development of plicative and disjunctive dislocations occurred along predominantly sinistral strike-slip fault zones formed as a result of ENE regional compression (80°) during the Oligocene-Miocene phase of deformation. Late dislocations confined to the Pliocene-Quaternary phase of deformation (NNW regional compression 330–350°), are relatively less developed. Seismic monitoring data show that both plicative and disjunctive dislocations have continued to the present.  相似文献   
针对抽出-处理技术修复污染地下水过程中抽水井抽出效率随时间逐渐降低、抽出-处理技术运行终点(以下简称\"抽出终点\")难以确定的问题,提出通过评估抽水井抽出效率,以分段、多次优化抽水方案提高抽出效率、降低修复成本、减少修复时间为工作思路,利用层次分析法和专家打分法实现方案优化时间节点选择。以青海某铬盐厂为例,通过建立抽水方案优化时间节点评价指标体系,可定量分析方案优化时间节点,合理确定抽出终点。结果显示:第1次优化结果为抽水井抽出效率在20%~40%时应重新布设抽水方案(P3),即采用原抽水方案抽水100 d后需重新布设抽水井;第2次优化结果为抽水井抽出效率在20%~40%时应与其他修复技术联用(P7),即采用一次优化后抽水方案继续抽水300 d后需联合其他修复技术开展治理。经评估,2次优化可有效提高抽水井抽出效率,使修复时间缩短600 d,相同时间内含水层中六价铬去除率增加8.31%。  相似文献   
在CSAMT勘查时,回路导线上的感性阻抗会随着发送信号频率的升高而增大,因此,当发电机供电电压和接地电阻一定时,供电电流会随着发送信号频率的升高而急剧下降,导致接收端接收到的信号变弱,影响了勘探效果.本文通过分析发送回路的阻抗特性及RCL串联谐振电路,对比发送回路不增加电容和增加不同容值电容的幅频特性仿真曲线,证明了在发送回路中增加不同容值的补偿电容可提高高频发送信号的发送电流.基于此,设计了带有电容补偿电路的电性源CSAMT发送机.发送机工作时,首先通过试供的方法确定发送回路的阻抗情况,然后在发送过程中根据发送信号频率自动调整电容补偿电路的开关,切换不同容值的补偿电容进入发送回路,实现高频区发送电流的有效增大.在野外施工时对该方案进行了初步验证测试,结果表明串入不同容值的电容后,高频区特定频点或频段信号的发送电流比没有串接电容提高明显.预期该方法可增强高频区信号的发送电流,提升CSAMT的观察数据质量.  相似文献   
双洞背斜古油藏、刘其营潜山油气藏、苏桥潜山油气藏均为古生古储或自生自储的油气藏(古油藏)。双洞古油藏位于燕山褶皱带山海关隆起北部,邻近渤海湾盆地,其含油层为中—上元古界铁岭组,而该处根本没有下第三系生油层,说明中—上元古界和古生界是其生烃层。刘其营油气藏位于冀中坳陷,储层为奥陶系,盖层为石炭系—二叠系,其上部新生界主要生油层为沙河街组三段,中间相隔厚度约1000~3000m的沙河街组四段和孔店组隔层。沙河街组三段所生之油气,无法穿过这一隔层及不整合面向下运移到奥陶系储层中,因此刘其营潜山油气藏也不可能是新生古储的。苏桥油气藏是一复式油气藏,上部石炭系—二叠系气藏与下部奥陶系油藏叠合,根据油、气、水性质的对比也可以排除新生古储的成藏模式。渤海湾盆地古生界和中—上元古界具有生烃能力,其中的临清坳陷具备在深部古老地层寻找原生油气藏的条件。  相似文献   
The objective of the present study is to develop a volume of fluid (VOF)-based two-phase flow model and to discuss the applicability of the model to the simulation of wave–structure interactions. First, an overview of the development of VOF-type models for applications in the field of coastal engineering is presented. The numerical VOF-based two-phase flow model has been developed and applied to the simulations of wave interactions with a submerged breakwater as well as of wave breaking on a slope. Numerical results are then compared with laboratory experimental data in order to verify the applicability of the numerical model to the simulations of complex interactions of waves and permeable coastal structures, including the effects of wave breaking. It is concluded that the two-phase flow model with the aid of the advanced VOF technique can provide with acceptably accurate numerical results on the route to practical purposes.  相似文献   
The Very Large Telescope (VLT) Observatory on Cerro Paranal (2635 m) in Northern Chile is approaching completion. After the four 8-m Unit Telescopes (UT) individually saw first light in the last years, two of them were combined for the first time on October 30, 2001 to form a stellar interferometer, the VLT Interferometer. The combination in pairs of all four UTs was completed in September 2002. In this article, we will describe the subsystems of the VLTI and the planning for the following years. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
介绍了更新“图书情报微机管理与检索系统”版本的历史背景。FoxPro关系数据库系统的优点和该系统在当前的优势,以及该系统软件的安装方法及环境要求;叙述了SXTQ新版的改进部分,并为其配置了条形码扫描器与作者使用FoxPro编程的几点体会及本系统的安装使用说明。  相似文献   
刘当波  靳光学 《天文学报》1999,40(4):382-393
在80 年代初,尤峻汉和程富华从理论上证实,当相对论电子在稠密气体中运动时,切伦科夫效应将产生宽的、轮廓明显不对称的原子或分子发射线.此后这一新的谱线发射机制被一系列实验所确证.尤峻汉等人又进一步给出了有关切伦科夫辐射的系列解析公式,但其有关谱轮廓和红移的结论只适用于极稠密的气体.由于这一线辐射机制在天体物理中的潜在重要性,在他们工作的基础上,进一步简化、推广、改进了原有的公式体系,并以天体物理学家熟悉的形式做出了更便于实际应用的表述  相似文献   
Oxytetracycline-resistant bacteria were isolated from a mariculture farm in China, and accounted for 32.23% and 5.63% of the total culturable microbes of the sea cucumber and the sea urchin rearing waters respectively. Marine vibrios, especially strains related to Vibrio splendidus or V. tasmaniensis, were the most abundant resistant isolates. For oxytetracycline resistance, tet(A), tet(B) and tet(D) genes were detected in both sea cucumber and sea urchin rearing ponds. The dominant resistance type for V. tasmaniensis-like strains was the combination of both tet(A) and tet(B) genes, while the major resistance type for V. splendidus-like strains was a single tet(D) gene. Most of the sea cucumber tet-positive isolates harbored a chloramphenicol-resistance gene, either cat IV or cat II, while only a few sea urchin tet-positive isolates harbored a cat gene, actually cat IV. The coexistence of tet and cat genes in the strains isolated from the mariculture farm studied was helpful in explaining some of the multi-resistance mechanisms.  相似文献   
Anaerobic ammonium oxidation(anammox) is a relatively new pathway within the N cycle discovered in the late 1990 s. This eminent discovery not only modified the classical theory of biological metabolism and matter cycling, but also profoundly influenced our understanding of the energy sources for life. A new member of chemolithoautotrophic microorganisms capable of carbon fixation was found in the vast deep dark ocean. If the discovery of the chemosynthetic ecosystems in the deep-sea hydrothermal vent environments once challenged the old dogma "all living things depend on the sun for growth," the discovery of anammox bacteria that are widespread in anoxic environments fortifies the victory over this dogma. Anammox bacteria catalyze the oxidization of NH_4~+ by using NO_2~- as the terminal electron acceptor to produce N_2. Similar to the denitrifying microorganisms, anammox bacteria play a biogeochemical role of inorganic N removal from the environment. However, unlike heterotrophic denitrifying bacteria, anammox bacteria are chemolithoautotrophs that can generate transmembrane proton motive force, synthesize ATP molecules and further carry out CO_2 fixation through metabolic energy harvested from the anammox process. Although anammox bacteria and the subsequently found ammonia-oxidizing archaea(AOA), another very important group of N cycling microorganisms are both chemolithoautotrophs, AOA use ammonia rather than ammonium as the electron donor and O_2 as the terminal electron acceptor in their energy metabolism. Therefore, the ecological process of AOA mainly takes place in oxic seawater and sediments, while anammox bacteria are widely distributed in anoxic water and sediments, and even in some typical extreme marine environments such as the deep-sea hydrothermal vents and methane seeps. Studies have shown that the anammox process may be responsible for 30%–70% N_2 production in the ocean. In environmental engineering related to nitrogenous wastewater treatment, anammox provides a new technology with low energy consumption, low cost, and high efficiency that can achieve energy saving and emission reduction. However, the discovery of anammox bacteria is actually a hard-won achievement. Early in the 1960 s, the possibility of the anammox biogeochemical process was predicted to exist according to some marine geochemical data. Then in the 1970 s, the existence of anammox bacteria was further predicted via chemical reaction thermodynamic calculations. However, these microorganisms were not found in subsequent decades. What hindered the discovery of anammox bacteria, an important N cycling microbial group widespread in hypoxic and anoxic environments? What are the factors that finally led to their discovery? What are the inspirations that the analyses of these questions can bring to scientific research? This review article will analyze and elucidate the above questions by presenting the fundamental physiological and ecological characteristics of the marine anammox bacteria and the principles of scientific research.  相似文献   
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