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Groundwater reservoir is a kind of important engineering, which can optimize water resources arrangement by means of artificial regulation. Regulated water is the blood and value performance of groundwater reservoir. To resolve the problem of real-time quantification of regulated water, the paper analyzed sources and compositions of regulated water in detail. Then, under the conditions of satisfying water demand inside research area, the paper analyzed quantity available and regulation coefficient of different regulated water and established a formula to calculate regulated water. At last, based on a pore groundwater reservoir in the middle reaches of the Yinma River,Jilin Province, the paper calculated regulated water with the formula and the result shows that the method is feasible.With some constraint conditions, the formula can be adopted in other similar areas.  相似文献   
To improve our understanding of the formation and evolution of the Moon,one of the payloads onboard the Chang'e-3(CE-3) rover is Lunar Penetrating Radar(LPR). This investigation is the first attempt to explore the lunar subsurface structure by using ground penetrating radar with high resolution. We have probed the subsurface to a depth of several hundred meters using LPR. In-orbit testing, data processing and the preliminary results are presented. These observations have revealed the configuration of regolith where the thickness of regolith varies from about 4 m to 6 m.In addition, one layer of lunar rock, which is about 330 m deep and might have been accumulated during the depositional hiatus of mare basalts, was detected.  相似文献   
The Yiluo River is the largest tributary of the middle and lower Yellow River below the Sanmenxia Dam. Hydro-climatic variables have changed in the Yiluo River during the last half century. In this study, the trends in the annual precipitation and streamflow were analyzed in the Yiluo River during 1960–2006. The results indicated that both the annual precipitation and streamflow decreased significantly (P?<?0.05) from 1960 to 2006. Pettitt’s test shows that there was a change point for annual streamflow series around the year 1986 (P?<?0.05), while there was no change point identified for the annual precipitation series from 1960 to 2006. Annual streamflow decreased more significantly than annual precipitation since 1986. The relationship between the annual precipitation and streamflow presented a non-stationary state since 1986. This non-stationary relationship was mainly influenced by human activities. The average annual amount of water diversion from the Yiluo River increased significantly since the mid-1980s, accounting for 31.3 % of the total streamflow decrease from 1986 to 2006. In addition, land use/cover change (LUCC) contributed to 27.1–29.8 % of the decrease in streamflow. Human activities, including water diversion and LUCC, together contributed to 58.4–61.1 % of the decrease in streamflow and led to the non-stationary relationship between the annual precipitation and streamflow from 1986 to 2006. This study detected the changes in the precipitation–streamflow relationship and investigated the possible causes in the Yiluo River, which will be helpful for the understanding of the changes in streamflow in the Yellow River Basin.  相似文献   
This paper analyzes seasonal and diurnal variations of MODerate resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) land surface temperature (LST) data at ~1.1 km for the period of 2003–2011 over a region in West-Central Texas, where four of the world’s largest wind farms are located. Seasonal anomalies are created from MODIS Terra (~10:30 a.m. and 10:30 p.m. local solar time) and Aqua (~1:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. local solar time) LSTs, and their spatiotemporal variability is analyzed by comparing the LST changes between wind farm pixels (WFPs) and nearby non wind farm pixels (NNWFPs) using different methods under different quality controls. Our analyses show consistently that there is a warming effect of 0.31–0.70 °C at nighttime for the nine-year period during which data was collected over WFPs relative to NNWFPs, in all seasons for both Terra and Aqua measurements, while the changes at daytime are much noisier. The nighttime warming effect is much larger in summer than winter and at ~10:30 p.m. than ~1:30 a.m. and hence the largest warming effect is observed at ~10:30 p.m. in summer. The spatial pattern and magnitude of this warming effect couple very well with the geographic distribution of wind turbines and such coupling is stronger at nighttime than daytime and in summer than winter. Together, these results suggest that the warming effect observed in MODIS over wind farms are very likely attributable to the development of wind farms. This inference is consistent with the increasing number of operational wind turbines with time during the study period, the diurnal and seasonal variations in the frequency of wind speed and direction distribution, and the changes in near-surface atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) conditions due to wind farm operations. The nocturnal ABL is typically stable and much thinner than the daytime ABL and hence the turbine enhanced vertical mixing produces a stronger nighttime effect. The stronger wind speed and the higher frequency of the wind speed within the optimal power generation range in summer than winter and at nighttime than daytime likely drives wind turbines to generate more electricity and turbulence and consequently results in the strongest warming effect at nighttime in summer. Similarly, the stronger wind speed and the higher frequency of optimal wind speed at ~10:30 p.m. than that at ~1:30 a.m. might help explain, to some extent, why the nighttime LST warming effect is slightly larger at ~10:30 p.m. than ~1:30 a.m. The nighttime warming effect seen in spring and fall are smaller than that in summer and can be explained similarly.  相似文献   
为评估南昌CINRAD/SAD双偏振天气雷达对地物杂波的抑制效果,使用2019年6—10月南昌单偏振雷达基数据和2022年同期南昌双偏振雷达基数据,对比分析了不同仰角和晴、雨条件下单、双偏振天气雷达反射率频率。结果表明:单、双偏振雷达在0.5°仰角因周边山区地形、建筑物遮挡的影响,在西北方向和东南方向存在明显的数据缺失。升级为双偏振雷达后,在各个仰角上周围反射率高频区的范围明显减小,雷达能有效消除雷达站点周边杂波的影响。晴天时,双偏振雷达对晴空杂波的过滤效果极佳;雨天时,双偏振雷达对南昌周边及梅岭山区的回波进行了弱化处理,可以有效减少地形回波、非气象回波的干扰。双偏振天气雷达产品差分相移率和相关系数能较清楚地辨别出虚假回波,可更好地用于确定降水粒子的信息。  相似文献   
在长时间尺度上研究土壤中腐殖物质的组成和腐殖化特征对于正确评价土壤有机质的稳定性具有重要意义。文中对洛川黄土/古土壤剖面S8以上的17个黄土和古土壤样品中的胡敏酸(HA)、富里酸(FA)和胡敏素(HM)进行定量研究,并对HA和FA的E465、E665值等进行了测定。结合该课题组对矿物组成、总有机碳(TOC)及其各组分含...  相似文献   
Corrugated stainless steel membranes have been used as the primary barriers for LNG carriers to reduce thermal stresses at cryogenic temperatures. As the capacity of the LNG cargo is increased, however, the corrugated stainless steel membranes suffer from buckling and collapse due to increased sloshing loads in large-capacity LNG cargo carriers. In this study, the pressure resistance of the corrugated part of the stainless steel membrane was evaluated using a finite element method for better design of the LNG containment system, and an experimental equipment was developed and the pressure resistance of the stainless steel corrugations was measured and compared with the calculated results. In addition, a new membrane with high-pressure resistance and its reinforcing method were developed and evaluated experimentally.  相似文献   
城镇化水平测定方法构建与案例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城镇化水平作为衡量一个国家和地区城镇化的指标,其测定方法还不甚完善,对其进行研究成为科学评价我国城镇化水平的一个重要课题。城镇与乡村最直观的区别在于人口的集聚程度、人口的职业构成、土地的利用方式,因此,在既有城镇地域界定标准的基础上,选择人口密度、非农业人口比重、建成区面积比重、人均耕地面积等指标作为判断不同政区是否成为城镇地域的基本指标。通过层层设置临界值,合理地界定了城镇地域范围,并核定了城镇人口,为科学计算城镇化水平提供了依据。以曲阜市为实例,对上述标准进行检验,结果表明,这种城乡划分标准合理,结果符合实际,同时计算简便,利于应用。  相似文献   
金沙江奔子栏-达日河段大型泥石流堆积扇的成因机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
金沙江上游奔子栏-达日河段属横断山区的干热河谷地带,河谷沿岸大型古泥石流堆积扇广泛发育,其成因却一直没有得到很好的研究.对该区瓦卡大型古泥石流堆积物进行了沉积结构、粒度、地球化学和孢粉等分析,揭示了泥石流的沉积环境及其形成过程.通过粗颗粒石英的光释光单片再生法(SAR)测年研究,获得金沙江上游奔子栏-达日河段古泥石流大规模暴发的年代为12 600~4 500 a BP.丰富的风化碎屑物源、陡峻的地形及雨季降水集中是该区古泥石流形成的主要原因.全新世早期青藏高原东南缘受西南季风加强的影响,气候趋于暖湿,季节性暴雨增加.金沙江上游干热河谷区大型泥石流堆积扇的发育年代暗示其是全新世早期西南季风加强作用下的地貌响应.从地质灾害防治的角度,由于现代气候因素导致泥石流灾害的频度和规模较小,预防该区地质灾害的重点应是防止人工砍伐树木和不合理的人工切坡导致对地表环境的破坏加剧.  相似文献   
镰子沟金矿床位于华北陆块南缘小秦岭金矿矿集区西部,矿体赋存于太华群上部岩层内,受断裂构造和石英脉控制,带状钾长石化是矿床典型的围岩蚀变,矿物组合为石英-黄铁矿-方铅矿-黄铜矿±重晶石±磁铁矿。为了探讨成矿物质来源及矿床成因,采用LA-MC-ICP-MS技术对镰子沟金矿床黄铁矿进行原位微区硫同位素分析,获得单颗粒黄铁矿的硫同位素变化范围为-15.27‰~-11.98‰,平均-13.35‰,小于共生重晶石硫同位素值9.8‰~12.4‰。根据硫化物与共生硫酸盐矿物,估算成矿热源总硫值为-3.6‰,与新太古界太华群和燕山期华山花岗岩均不同。综合矿化蚀变、地球化学及同位素组成,认为太华群对金矿床成矿物质来源的影响较华山花岗岩明显,但非主要来源,金矿床成矿与深部流体或隐伏岩体有关,矿床受深部流体和构造控制,深部仍有寻找构造蚀变型或微细浸染型金矿体的潜力,但规模有限。  相似文献   
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