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Regional Fault Systems of Qaidam Basin and Adjacent Orogenic Belts   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the regional fault systems of Qaidam basin and ad-jacent orogenic belts. Field investigation and seismic interpretation indicate that five regional fault sys-tans occurred in the Qaidam and adjacent nment.qin belts, controlling the development and evolution of the Qaidam basin. These fault systems are: (1)north Qaidam-Qilian Mountain fault system; (2) south Qaidam-East Kunhm Mountain fault system;(3)Altun strike-slip fault system; (4) Elashan strike-slip fault system, and (5) Gansen-Xiaochaidan fault system. It is indicated that the fault systems controlled the orientation of the Qaidam basin, the formation and distribution of secondary faults within the basin,the migration of depocenters and the distribution of hydrocarbon accmnulation belt.  相似文献   
济阳坳陷上第三系馆陶组上段沉积相研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用地质资料、测井资料、地震资料及分析化验资料对济阳坳陷上第三系馆陶组上段岩相古地理特征进行了全面系统地研究。首先从岩性、沉积结构和构造、砂体形态、电性特征、地震反射等方面论证馆陶组上段为山麓洪积相和河流相沉积,其中它们又可进一步细分为10种亚相或微相。其次,详细论述了沉积相的平面展布,同时还指出了油气分布与沉积相带的关系。此外,本文还指出馆陶组上段沉积期的物源方向、河流流向、最终汇水区及当时的古气候条件等。  相似文献   
桐柏碰撞造山带及其邻区变形特征与构造格局   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
桐柏碰撞造山带及其邻区可以划分为九个大地构造单元,自北向南分别是:华北克拉通南缘岩石构造单元——宽坪岩群、具弧后盆地性质的二郎坪岩石构造单元、具岛弧性质的秦岭杂岩单元、龟山岩组和南湾岩组构成的俯冲前缘楔构造带、构造混杂岩带、桐柏北部高压岩片单元、桐柏核部杂岩单元、桐柏南部高压岩片单元以及随州构造变形带。根据详细的构造解析以及新的地质年代学资料,本文将中生代以来的构造变形划分为五幕,前两幕变形主要发育在构造混杂岩带以南的各个岩石构造单元中,之后的三幕变形则波及整个研究区。第一幕变形的时间约为255~238Ma,以发育区域上透入性的片理及北西西向的拉伸线理为主,并导致了高压岩片早期自西向东的挤出。第二幕变形的时间约为230~215Ma,以自北向南的逆冲推覆构造为主,使得高压岩片进一步垂向抬升。第三幕变形应早于下侏罗统,以近北西西向的宽缓褶皱为主要特征,该幕变形期间桐柏核部杂岩及其两侧高压岩片单元发生同步的抬升。第四幕变形大致发生在140~130Ma之间,主要表现为桐柏核部杂岩两侧走滑型韧性剪切带的活动,桐柏核部杂岩表现出向东的挤出。第五幕变形发生在120~80Ma,表现为北西向及北东向的脆性断裂活动,并切割以上所有构造形迹。桐柏高压岩片的抬升剥露受多幕变形控制,呈阶段性的抬升。  相似文献   
Because the construction of dams and hydro-electric power stations of Liujiaxia and Yanguoxia across the Yellow River in West Gansu Province, North-West China, inhabitants in the reservoir areas were resettled in Heifangtai Loess Platform. Irrigation thus started in 1968. Perched water table was significantly raised and resulted in many loess flow failures in the past 30 years. This type of landslide was often featured by long runout distance, high speed and recurrence. Laboratory tests along ICU and CSD stress paths were performed. It is shown that the loess has a strong strain-softening behavior and instability can occur in drained condition before undrained liquefaction. The failure mechanism of loess flow can be interpreted as the following process: with increasing perched water table, collapse in loess was first triggered in drained condition and led to undrained loading to adjacent soil in the lower saturated part of the loess platform. Under gravity loading applied by upper dry loess, undrained flow failure mobilized, eventually.  相似文献   
西藏蛇绿岩中二种合金矿物新变种   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在西藏雅鲁藏布江蛇绿岩带的东部,距拉萨200km的泽当罗莎蛇绿岩的铬铁矿中,发现有种类繁多的合金矿物,铬铁镍矿和依铁镍矿就是其中二种。铬铁镍矿分子式:Ni0.41Fe0.35Cr0.24,为等轴晶系,空间群为Fm3m,晶胞参数a=0.35622(2)nm。铱铁镍矿分子式:Ni0.66Fe0.18Ir0.16,属等轴晶系,空间群Oh^5-Fm3m,晶胞参数a=0.46486(4)mm。  相似文献   
Refractory Ti-bearing minerals in the calcium-, aluminum-rich inclusion (CAI) Inti, recovered from the comet 81P/Wild 2 sample, were examined using analytical (scanning) transmission electron microscopy (STEM) methods including imaging, nanodiffraction, energy-dispersive spectroscopy (EDX) and electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS). Inti fassaite (Ca(Mg,Ti,Al)(Si,Al)2O6) was found to have a Ti3+/Ti4+ ratio of 2.0 ± 0.2, consistent with fassaite in other solar system CAIs. The oxygen fugacity (logfO2) of formation estimated from this ratio, assuming equilibration among phases at 1509 K, is −19.4 ± 1.3. This value is near the canonical solar nebula value (−18.1 ± 0.3) and in close agreement with that reported for fassaite-bearing Allende CAIs (−19.8 ± 0.9) by other researchers using the same assumptions. Nanocrystals of osbornite (Ti(V)N), 2–40 nm in diameter, are embedded as inclusions within gehlenite, spinel and diopside in Inti. Vanadium is heterogeneously distributed within some osbornite crystals. Compositions range from pure TiN to Ti0.36V0.64N. The possible presence of oxide and carbide in solid solution with the osbornite was evaluated. The osbornite may contain O, but C is not present at detectable levels. The presence of osbornite, likely a refractory early condensate, together with the other refractory minerals in Inti, indicates that the parent comet contains solids that condensed closer to the proto-sun than the distance at which the parent comet itself accreted. The estimated oxygen fugacity and the reported isotopic and chemical compositions are consistent with Inti originating in the inner solar system like other meteoritic CAIs. These results provide insight for evaluating the validity of models of radial mass transport dynamics in the early solar system. The oxidation environments inferred for the Inti mineral assemblage are inconsistent with an X-wind formation scenario. In contrast, radial mixing models that allow accretion of components from different heliocentric distances can satisfy the observations from the cometary CAI Inti.  相似文献   
The chemical composition of pyrite in coal can be used to investigate its geological and mineralogical origin. In this paper, high-resolution time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (TOF-SIMS) was used to study the chemical composition of various pyrite forms in the No. 9 coal seam (St,d=3.46%) from the Wuda Coalfield, Inner Mongolia, northern China. These include bacteriogenic, framboidal, massive, cell-filling, fracture-filling, and nodular pyrites. In addition to Fe+ (54Fe+, 56Fe+, 57Fe+), other fragment ions were detected in bacteriogenic pyrites, such as 27Al+, Si+ (28Si+, 29Si+, 30Si+), 40Ca+, Cu+ (63Cu+, 65Cu+), Zn+ (64Zn+, 66Zn+, 67Zn+, 68Zn+), Ni+ (58Ni+, 60Ni+, 62Ni+), and C3H7+. TOF-SIMS images show bacteriogenic pyrites are relatively rich in Cu, Zn, and Ni, suggesting that bacteria probably play an important role in the enrichment of Cu, Zn, and Ni during their formation. Intense positive secondary ion fragments from framboidal aggregates, such as 27Al+, 28Si+, 29Si+, AlO+, CH2+, C3H3+, C3H5+, and C4H7+, indicate that formation of the framboidal aggregates may have occurred together with clay mineral and organic matter, which probably serve as the binding substance. The intense ions of 28Si+ and 27Al+ from massive pyrites also suggest that their pores incorporated clay minerals during crystallization. Together with the lowest 28Si+/23Na+ value, the intense organic positive secondary ion peaks from cell-filling pyrites, such as C3H3+, C3H5+, C3H7+, and C4H7+, indicate that pyrite formation may have accompanied dissolution or disintegration of the cell. The intense P+ peak was observed only in the fracture-filling pyrite and the highest 28Si+/23Na+ value of fracture-filling pyrite reflects its epigenetic origin. Together with XRD and REEs data, the stronger 40Ca+ in nodular pyrite than other pyrite forms shows seawater influence during its formation.  相似文献   
To restore China’s degraded ecological environment, the government has launched an environmental restoration project named the “Grain for Green Project” (GGP) in 1999. From 1999 to 2010, the government will spend 40 billion dollars to convert 147 million ha of croplands and 173 million ha of wastelands into forestlands and grasslands in 25 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions. A primary goal is to replace cropping and livestock grazing in fragile areas with trees and grass. Given the tremendous scale and great number of participants in the project, the attitudes of the affected farmers and the future development in the area where GGP is implemented have a direct influence on the success of the project. To gain a clear idea about the farmers’ attitudes towards the project and put forward the development models for the forestlands converted from croplands, two case sites in the mountain-gorge region in Nujiang River are selected as the study areas, and the methods of field survey and semi-structured interview are adopted to make interviews with more than 100 households in 2002 and 2003 in order to quantify the farmers’ opinions about the GGP and how it has affected their livelihood, socio-cultural and industrial structures, etc. The results are as follows: 1) the project has a certain influence on the farmers with better economic basis and exerts greater influence on the farmers living in the low-elevation regions than on those living in the regions with middle-high elevation; 2) the production models of the local farmers has changed from cultivation and animal husbandry to forestry and sidelines due to the project and the income structure has changed from animal husbandry as main income source to state subsidy and sideline as main income sources; 3) the reduction in the grain income and decrease in the quantity of livestock because of the project have led to the diminution in the total income of the farmers; 4) the project has resulted in changes in the lifestyles and architecture styles of the local farmers, and the traditional “huotang” culture has gone away after the implementation of the project; 5) energy utilization has changed from firewood to methane and electricity in the wake of the implementation of the project. The above-mentioned study results have indicated that the GGP has truly exerted influence on the livelihood and production of the local farmers. Therefore, it is very necessary to make a research into the development models in the forestlands converted from croplands to resolve the problems of the farmers’ livelihood and production. The study results will provide some references for the sustainable development of the mountain-gorge regions.  相似文献   
我国某些急缺矿产找矿突破的可能途径和对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文探讨了对我国国民经济影响很大的几种急缺矿产,包括铜、金、金刚石、钾盐找矿突破的可能途径和对策。提出深化成矿环境研究,加强矿带外围、深部及周边邻国成矿区的综合研究,加强地台边缘活动带普查工作,因地制宜选择最佳类型矿床,努力提高成矿理论研究水平是加强矿产勘查与找矿突破的重要措施。  相似文献   
利用历史物候记录重建的气候变化过程为人类更准确地认识过去的气候变化特征, 识别气候变化阶段提供了帮助。本文系统总结了现有用于气候定量重建的植物物候模型, 包括统计模型和过程模型两类。统计模型不考虑植物生理生态过程, 主要是利用物候期与气象因子之间的统计关系建立回归方程; 过程模型是一种半机理性模型, 通过植物每日发育进度与环境因子的关系, 利用数学模型模拟植物的生长过程, 主要包括春季积温 (spring warming, 简称SW)模型、温度变换日数(the number of days transformed to standard temperature, 简称DTS)模型和葡萄收获日期模型等。同时, 详细介绍了上述物候模型在国内外不同地区定量重建气候中的应用, 比较了重建的效果, 总结了重建过程的不确定性; 并提出了利用植物物候模型对气候定量重建中的关键问题, 即指出在未来研究中需要更多关注如何定量重建温度外的气候因子, 同时要加强对秋季物候的观测以及秋季物候生理机制的研究, 以便更清晰阐述秋季物候变化过程, 在历史气候变化定量重建中更充分利用有关秋季资料。  相似文献   
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