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The mid-Holocene eruption of Aniakchak volcano (Aniakchak II) in southwest Alaska was among the largest eruptions globally in the last 10,000 years (VEI-6). Despite evidence for possible impacts on global climate, the precise age of the eruption is not well-constrained and little is known about regional environmental impacts. A closely spaced sequence of radiocarbon dates at a peatland site over 1000 km from the volcano show that peat accumulation was greatly reduced with a hiatus of approximately 90–120 yr following tephra deposition. During this inferred hiatus no paleoenvironmental data are available but once vegetation returned the flora changed from a Cyperaceae-dominated assemblage to a Poaceae-dominated vegetation cover, suggesting a drier and/or more nutrient-rich ecosystem. Oribatid mites are extremely abundant in the peat at the depth of the ash, and show a longer-term, increasingly wet peat surface across the tephra layer. The radiocarbon sample immediately below the tephra gave a date of 1636–1446 cal yr BC suggesting that the eruption might be younger than previously thought. Our findings suggest that the eruption may have led to a widespread reduction in peatland carbon sequestration and that the impacts on ecosystem functioning were profound and long-lasting.  相似文献   
The performance and safety assessment and technology demonstration are the main objectives of research programs for feasibility studies for deep geological repository of radioactive waste. In this context, the French national radioactive waste management agency (ANDRA) started to develop the Meuse/Haute-Marne underground research laboratory (URL) at Bure, nearly 300 km East of Paris. The host formation consists of a Callovo-Oxfordian claystone found between 420 and 550 m below ground, overlain and underlain by poorly permeable carbonate formations. One of the major concerns related to performance assessment is the excavation-induced fractures which may provide groundwater preferential pathway for radionuclide migration. The extent of the fractures possibly acting significantly in the radionuclide migration is known as the excavation damaged zone (EDZ). A scientific study on the EDZ characterization is performed at the main level of the URL (?490 m). Observations such as structural analysis on core, overcored resin-filled samples, geological survey of the drift face and sidewalls, were made to better understand the fracture network characteristics, extent and its generation. Pulse and constant head test hydraulic conductivity measurements were performed with multi packer system to estimate the extension of the EDZ hydraulic conductivity. Fractures exhibited high transmissivity near the excavation walls, but farther from the exaction walls, shear fractures showed hydraulic conductivity values reflecting values of undisturbed or slightly disturbed rock mass condition. The major findings in terms of geometry and properties of excavation-induced fractures are discussed in detail in this paper. For example, it is observed that the shape of the fracture network depends on the orientation of the drift in relation to the orientation of the in situ stress field.  相似文献   
We present the new MAP3 algorithms to perform static precise point positioning (PPP) from multifrequency and multisystem GNSS observations. MAP3 represents a two-step strategy in which the least squares theory is applied twice to estimate smoothed pseudo-distances, initial phase ambiguities, and slant ionospheric delay first, and the absolute receiver position and its clock offset in a second adjustment. Unlike the classic PPP technique, in our new approach, the ionospheric-free linear combination is not used. The combination of signals from different satellite systems is accomplished by taking into account the receiver inter-system bias. MAP3 has been implemented in MATLAB and integrated within a complete PPP software developed on site and named PCube. We test the MAP3 performance numerically and contrast it with other external PPP programs. In general, MAP3 positioning accuracy with low-noise GPS dual-frequency observations is about 2.5 cm in 2-h observation periods, 1 cm in 10 h, and 7 mm after 1 day. This means an improvement in the accuracy in short observation periods of at least 7 mm with respect to the other PPP programs. The MAP3 convergence time is also analyzed and some results obtained from real triple-frequency GPS and GIOVE observations are presented.  相似文献   
The distribution of electric charge on the marine aerosol was determined near the sea surface of the Indian Ocean and the North Atlantic during the final stage of the Snellius II-expedition. Mean values for small ion concentrationsn +=455 cm–3 andn =340 cm–3 were found over the Atlantic, whilen +=310 andn =250 cm–3 were the mean values over the Indian Ocean. The ration +/n increased from 1.2 to 2.0 with decreasing wind velocity. At wind velocities below 5 m/s 75% of the net space charge near the ocean surface was found to be carried by small ions.  相似文献   
Controlled laboratory experiments reveal that the lower part of turbidity currents has the ability to enter fluid mud substrates, if the bed shear stress is higher than the yield stress of the fluid mud and the density of the turbidity current is higher than the density of the substrate. Upon entering the substrate, the turbidity current either induces mixing between flow‐derived sediment and substrate sediment, or it forms a stable horizontal flow front inside the fluid mud. Such ‘intrabed’ flow is surrounded by plastically deformed mud; otherwise it resembles the front of a ‘bottom‐hugging’ turbidity current. The ‘suprabed’ portion of the turbidity current, i.e. the upper part of the flow that does not enter the substrate, is typically separated from the intrabed flow by a long horizontal layer of mud which originates from the mud that is swept over the top of the intrabed flow and then incorporated into the flow. The intrabed flow and the mixing mechanism are specific types of interaction between turbidity currents and muddy substrates that are part of a larger group of interactions, which also include bypass, deposition, erosion and soft sediment deformation. A classification scheme for these types of interactions is proposed, based on an excess bed shear stress parameter, which includes the difference in the bed shear stress imposed by the flow and the yield stress of the substrate and an excess density parameter, which relies on the density difference between the flow and the substrate. Based on this classification scheme, as well as on the sedimentological properties of the laboratory deposits, an existing facies model for intrabed turbidites is extended to the other types of interaction involving soft muddy substrates. The physical threshold of flow‐substrate mixing versus stable intrabed flow is defined using the gradient Richardson number, and this method is validated successfully with the laboratory data. The gradient Richardson number is also used to verify that stable intrabed flow is possible in natural turbidity currents, and to determine under which conditions intrabed flow is likely to be unstable. It appears that intrabed flow is likely only in natural turbidity currents with flow velocities well below ca 3·5 m s?1, although a wider range of flows is capable of entering fluid muds. Below this threshold velocity, intrabed flow is stable only at high‐density gradients and low‐velocity gradients across the upper boundary of the turbidity current. Finally, the gradient Richardson number is used as a scaling parameter to set the flow velocity limits of a natural turbidity current that formed an inferred intrabed turbidite in the deep‐marine Aberystwyth Grits Group, West Wales, United Kingdom.  相似文献   
Seismic wavefield scattering from a statistically randomly rough interface in a multilayered piecewise homogeneous medium is studied in 3D. The influence of the surface roughness on the scattered wavefield is analysed numerically by using a finite‐difference operator in the acoustic domain. Since interface scattering in the real practical sense is a 3D physical phenomenon, we show in this work that the scattering response of a randomly rough interface is not the same in 3D situations as in the 2D cases described in some earlier works. For a given interface roughness height in 3D, an interface roughness height at least three times greater is required to produce an equivalent phase scattering effect in 2D situations, for a given correlation length of the interface roughness scale. Based on observations from spectral analysis, we show that scattering results principally in de‐phasing and frequency band‐limiting of the incident wavefront, the frequency band‐limiting properties being comparable to cases reported in the literature for absorption and thin‐layer filtering. The interface scattering phenomenon should be critically considered when using amplitude and phase information from seismic signal during inversion processes.  相似文献   
The Precambrian geology of the Adirondack highlands was previously interpreted as a sedimentary terrane repeatedly invaded during the Grenville orogenic cycle by igneous intrusions to form successively the large anorthosite massif and satellites, numerous olivine gabbro and dolerite bodies, gneisses of the quartz-syenite and charnockite series, and granites. A reinterpretation is suggested.In two representative areas major bodies of anorthosite and gneisses of the quartz-syenite and charnockite series are shown to occupy cores of mantled domes and nappes. They are parts of an older basement complex formed during an earlier, pre-Grenville orogenic cycle. Most of the now-recognizable Grenville metasediments were supracrustal rocks deposited on the denuded surface of this basement terrane. Olivine-basaltic magma invaded both the basement and the supracrustal rocks, forming gabbro and ophitic dolerite bodies. The Grenville orogenic cycle (ca. 1100 m.y. B.P.) deformed and metamorphosed all these rocks to a complex of mantled domes, folds, and nappes. The geology of the older basement rocks is heavily masked by the Grenville orogeny.The pre-Grenville basement consists of relatively homogenous masses of metaanorthosite, metanorite, charnockite, and gneisses of granitic composition. The supracrustal rocks occur in well-defined stratigraphic sequences of varied metasediments, gneisses, and charnockites. Conglomerates, arkoses, and acidic volcanics may all metamorphose to foliated rocks of granitic composition. Charnockites formed by high-grade metamorphism of initially dry, pre-existing quartzofeldspathic rocks including metamorphic and plutonic igneous rocks in the basement complex and acidic volcanics in the supracrustal sequence. Water content of rocks also controlled the extent of magmatism during the Grenville orogenic period. Anatectic granite is mainly limited to small, nebulite-bordered granite bodies, and to the presence of venitic migmatites in metamorphosed rocks with granitic components.
Zusammenfassung Die Gesteinsserien des Präkambriums in den Adirondack-Highlands wurde früher als Sedimente gedeutet, in welche während des Grenville-Orogenzyklus mehrfach Eruptiv-Intrusionen eindrangen. Dadurch sollen nacheinander das große Anorthosit-Massiv mit seinen Satelliten, zahlreiche Olivingabbro- und Dolerit-Körper, die Gneise der Quarz-Syenit- und Charnockit-Serie und die Granite entstanden sein. Eine andere Erklärung wird hier vorgeschlagen.In zwei typischen Gebieten werden größere Körper von Anorthosit und von Gneisen der Quarz-Syenit- und Charnockit-Serie beschrieben, welche die Kerne der ummantelten Gneisdome und der Decken einnehmen. Sie sind Teile eines älteren Grundgebirges, das in einem früheren Prä-Grenville-Zyklus entstanden ist. Die meisten der heute bekannten Grenville metasediments bestanden aus suprakrustalen Gesteinen, die auf der heute abgetragenen Oberfläche dieses Grundgebirges abgelagert wurden. Olivin-basaltisches Magma drang sowohl in das Grundgebirge als auch in die suprakrustalen Gesteine ein, wodurch Gabbro- und ophitische Doleritkörper entstanden. Der Grenville-Orogenzyklus (vor etwa 1,1×109 Jahren) metamorphisierte diese Gesteine zu dem Komplex der ummantelten Gneisdome, Falten und Decken. Die Geologie des älteren Grundgebirges ist durch die Grenville-Orogenese stark verändert worden.Das Prä-Grenville-Grundgebirge besteht aus verhältnismäßig homogenen Meta-Anorthositen, Metanoriten, Charnockiten und Gneisen mit granitischer Zusammensetzung. Die suprakrustalen Gesteine kommen in gut bestimmten, stratigraphischen Abfolgen von verschiedenen Metasedimenten, Gneisen und Charnockiten vor. Konglomerate, Arkosen und saure Vulkanite dürften durch Metamorphose in geschieferte Gesteine granitischer Zusammensetzung übergegangen sein. Charnockite entstanden durch intensive Metamorphose der anfangs trockenen, vormals quarz- und feldspatreichen Gesteine, welche Metamorphite und Plutonite des Grundgebirges und saure Vulkanite der suprakrustalen Serie einschließen. Auch der Wassergehalt der Gesteine beeinflußte den Grad des Magmatismus während des Grenville-Orogenzyklus. Anatektischer Granit ist hauptsächlich an kleine, von Nebulit umgebene Granit-Körper und an die Anwesenheit von Venit-Migmatiten in metamorphen Gesteinen granitischer Zusammensetzung gebunden.

Résumé L'interprétation géologique Précambrienne des plateaux de l'Adirondack était considérée jusqu'à ce jour comme un terrain sédimentaire envahi à plusieurs reprises pendant le cycle orogénique de Grenville par des intrusions ignées pour former successivement le grand massif anorthosite et ses satellites, de nombreux corps gabbro-olivines et dolérites, des gneiss de séries quartzsyénites et charnockites, et des granites. Nous suggérons une réinterprétation.Dans deux domaines représentatifs, les corps principaux d'anorthosite et les gneiss de séries quartz-syénite et charnockite se révèlent comme occupant les noyaux de dômes recouvertes et de nappes. Ce sont des parties d'un fond complexe plus ancien formé pendant un cycle orogénique pré-Grenville antérieur. La plupart des «métasédiments Grenville» maintenant reconnaissables étaient des roches sédimentaires et volcaniques, déposées sur la surface dénudée de ce terrain de fond. Le magma olivine-basaltique a envahi à la fois le fond et les roches sédimentaires et volcaniques, formant du gabbro et des corps ophitiques et dolérites.Le cycle orogénique de Grenville (ca. 1100 m. y. B. P.) a déformé et métamorphosé toutes ces roches en une completié de dômes recouvertes, de plis et de nappes. La géologie des roches de fond plus anciennes est lourdement masquée par l'orogénie de Grenville.Le fond pré-Grenville consiste en masses relativement homogènes de métaanorthosite, métanorite, charnockite et en gneiss de composition granitique. Les roches sédimentaires et volcaniques apparaissent en séries stratigraphiques bien définie d'une variété de métasédiments, de gneiss et de charnockite. Des conglomérates, des arkoses et des roches volcaniques acides peuvent toutes se métamorphoser en roches foliacées de composition granitique. Des charnockites ont dû leur formation à un métamorphisme à haut degré de roches quartzofeldspathiques pré-existantes, initialement sèches, y compris les roches ignées métamorphiques et plutoniques dans le système du fond et acidovolcaniques dans la roche sédimentaire et volcanique subséquente. Le contenu aqueux des roches contrôlait également l'importance du magmatisme pendant la période orogénique de Grenville. Le granite anatectique se réduit principalement à des corpuscules granitiques bordés de nébulite et à la présence de migmatites vénétiques dans des roches métamorphosées aux composants granitiques.

Adirondack Highland'a (CACIII). .
The evening transition is investigated in an idealized model for the nocturnal boundary layer. From earlier studies it is known that the nocturnal boundary layer may manifest itself in two distinct regimes, depending on the ambient synoptic conditions: strong-wind or overcast conditions typically lead to weakly stable, turbulent nights; clear-sky and weak-wind conditions, on the other hand, lead to very stable, weakly turbulent conditions. Previously, the dynamical behaviour near the transition between these regimes was investigated in an idealized setting, relying on Monin–Obukhov (MO) similarity to describe turbulent transport. Here, we investigate a similar set-up, using direct numerical simulation; in contrast to MO-based models, this type of simulation does not need to rely on turbulence closure assumptions. We show that previous predictions are verified, but now independent of turbulence parametrizations. Also, it appears that a regime shift to the very stable state is signaled in advance by specific changes in the dynamics of the turbulent boundary layer. Here, we show how these changes may be used to infer a quantitative estimate of the transition point from the weakly stable boundary layer to the very stable boundary layer. In addition, it is shown that the idealized, nocturnal boundary-layer system shares important similarities with generic non-linear dynamical systems that exhibit critical transitions. Therefore, the presence of other, generic early warning signals is tested as well. Indeed, indications are found that such signals are present in stably stratified turbulent flows.  相似文献   
In laboratory experiments, the cold-water coral Lophelia pertusa was exposed to settling particles. The effects of reef sediment, petroleum drill cuttings and a mix of both, on the development of anoxia at the coral surface were studied using O2, pH and H2S microsensors and by assessing coral polyp mortality. Due to the branching morphology of L. pertusa and the release of coral mucus, accumulation rates of settling material on coral branches were low. Microsensors detected H2S production in only a few samples, and sulfate reduction rates of natural reef sediment slurries were low (<0.3 nmol S cm−3 d−1). While the exposure to sediment clearly reduced the coral’s accessibility to oxygen, L. pertusa tolerated both partial low-oxygen and anoxic conditions without any visible detrimental short-term effect, such as tissue damage or death. However, complete burial of coral branches for >24 h in reef sediment resulted in suffocation.  相似文献   
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