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南京市湿地资源丰富,以南京市湿地公园为研究对象,分析其建设现状,针对管理机制、资金投入和宣传教育3个方面的问题,提出了"注重部门配合,建立湿地保护协调机制,加大资金投入,建立湿地生态补偿机制,加强宣传教育力度,提高全社会湿地保护意识"的对策建议。  相似文献   
This paper discusses the important role that flux profile relations play in momentum flux, sensible heat flux, and latent heat flux simulations in CoLM (Common Land Model) and compares the application of three flux profile relation schemes in CoLM by means of the Loess Plateau Land-Atmosphere Interaction Pilot Experiment (LOPEX) of 2005. It reveals that the results simulated by the model barely changed in the original flux profile schemes of the models a~er eliminating the very stable condition and the very unstable condition, and there were only tiny changes in numerical values. This indicates that the corrected terms added to fm(ξm),fh(ξh) were very tiny and can be ignored under very stable and very unstable circumstances. According to a comparison of the three flux profile relations, the simulation results were basically coherent by using any CoLM: the correlation coefficient of the simulation value and the observed value was 0.89, and this bears on the coherence with the numerical procedures for the flux pro- file relations under unstable circumstances. The simulation results were improved considerably by utilizing the Lobocki flux pro- file schemes, which numerical procedures under unstable circumstances differed significantly fi'om other three flux profile schemes; in this case the correlation coefficient of the value of simulation and the observed value became 0.95. In the next itera- tion of this study, it will be of great importance for the development of the land surface process model to continue experimenting with the application of some novel flux profile schemes in the land surface process models in typical regions.  相似文献   
CLM4.0模式对中国区域土壤湿度的数值模拟及评估研究   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
本文利用普林斯顿大学全球大气强迫场资料,驱动公用陆面过程模式(Community Land Model version 4.0,CLM4.0)模拟了中国区域1961~2010年土壤湿度的时空变化。将模拟结果与观测结果、美国国家环境预报中心再分析数据(National Centers for Environmental Prediction Reanalysis,NCEP)和高级微波扫描辐射计(Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer-EOS,AMSR-E)反演的土壤湿度进行了对比分析,结果表明CLM4.0模拟结果可以反映出中国区域观测土壤湿度的空间分布和时空变化特征,但东北、江淮和河套三个地区模拟值相对于观测值在各层次均系统性偏大。模拟与NCEP再分析土壤湿度的空间分布基本一致,与AMSR-E的反演值在35°N以北的分布也基本一致;从1961~2010年土壤湿度模拟结果分析得出,各层土壤湿度空间分布从西北向东南增加。低值区主要分布在新疆、青海、甘肃和内蒙古西部地区。东北平原、江淮地区和长江流域为高值区。土壤湿度数值总体上从浅层向深层增加。不同深度土壤湿度变化趋势基本相同。除新疆西部和东北部分地区外,土壤湿度在35°N以北以减少趋势为主,30°N以南的长江流域、华南及西南地区以增加为主。在全球气候变暖的背景下,CLM4.0模拟的夏季土壤湿度在不同程度上响应了降水的变化。中国典型干旱区和半干旱区土壤湿度减小,湿润区增加。其中湿润区土壤湿度对降水的响应最为显著,其次是半干旱区和干旱区。  相似文献   
文章以1997~2008年为时间尺度,研究珠海市滨海湿地的动态变化。在对研究区域进行实地调查的基础上,以1997、2000、2004、2008年4期Thematic Mapper(专题测图仪)影像为信息源,结合其他调查统计资料,以地理信息系统作为支撑,建立了适合珠海市的滨海湿地分类系统,提取了滨海湿地的相关信息。在此基础上选取珠海市的一些社会经济指标,借助统计分析软件SPSS,利用典型相关分析方法,揭示了各类湿地面积变化与社会、经济各要素之间的相关关系,对引起滨海湿地变化的驱动力进行了研究。  相似文献   
莱州湾东岸三山岛段砂质海岸沉积物运移动力机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
通过对三山岛岸段冬夏重复的地形测量和表层沉积物的粒度分析,研究了其地貌特征与地形变化规律、沉积物类型、粒度特征、运移趋势,并探讨了沉积物运移的动力机制。结果表明:该岸段可根据1985黄海高程-1.2m(低潮水位)和-6.5m(闭合深度)平面划分为海滩、水下岸坡和浅海陆架三个地貌单元,各地貌单元表层沉积物分布规律与地形变化特征区别显著。其中水下岸坡和浅海陆架地貌单元主要受潮流作用,海滩地貌单元主要受波浪作用。在西向落潮流和西南向潮余流的作用下,水下岸坡地貌单元发育一个中等规模潮流通道-沙脊沉积系统。表层沉积物以向西运移的趋势为主,少数滞留于西部潮流沙脊处,与地形"东侵西淤"的变化规律相符,这些西向运移的沉积物最终离开研究区,补给莱州浅滩。  相似文献   
An artificial oyster shell reef was deployed in Rongcheng Bay, East China. However, the effects of this reef on the surrounding macrobenthic communities were unknown. We compared sedimentary factors, macrobenthic biomass, abundance, and community composition and ecological indicators between the reef and non-reef areas over a one year period. The mean values for chlorophyll a (Chl a), total organic matter (TOM), total organic carbon (TOC), and total nitrogen (TN) content in surface sediments in the reef area were slightly higher than those in the non-reef area. The Chl a levels differed significantly between the two areas, but the TOM, TOC, and TN were not significantly different. The abundance of crustaceans was significantly different between the two areas, but the abundance and biomass ofpolychaetes, echinoderms, mollusk did not differ significantly. The permutational multivariate analysis of variance (PERMANOVA) revealed that the macrobenthic community differed significantly through time and analysis of similarity multivariate analyses (ANOSIM) revealed that the macrobenthic community differed significantly in some months. The ecological indicators revealed that the environmental quality of the reef area was slightly better than that of the non-reef area. Overall, our results suggest that the artificial oyster shell reef may change the macrobenthic community and the quality of the environment. Despite the lack of an effect in the short term, long-term monitoring is still needed to evaluate the effects of artificial oyster shell reefs on macrobenthic communities.  相似文献   
采用面心立方设计(CCF)研究了温度(16~32℃)和盐度(15~55)对亚心形四爿藻生长的联合效应。结果表明,温度与盐度的一次、二次效应及互作效应对亚心形四爿藻比生长速率影响都极显著(P<0.01),温度对亚心形四爿藻比生长速率的影响大于盐度。响应曲面法分析结果表明,当温度和盐度同时升高时,亚心形四爿藻比生长速率呈先上升后下降的趋势。构建亚心形四爿藻比生长速率与温度、盐度间的模型方程,模型的决定系数为0.987 3,拟合度极高;预测决定系数为0.882 4,表明可用于预测亚心形四爿藻比生长速率的变化。通过模型优化及验证实验,在温度、盐度组合为26℃/33时,亚心形四爿藻比生长速率达到最大值。  相似文献   
为解决Storm编程模型无法处理具有迭代结构的应用程序的问题,从迭代结构程序的特点出发,在Storm编程模型的基础上通过增加Receiver、IBolt、Checker组件组建迭代Topology,设计了一种可以处理迭代结构的编程模型,分析了这种模型实现原理,对这种模型的新增组件和其对应的应用程序接口进行介绍和分析,同时,在Storm系统架构基础上设计了一种迭代Topology的实现方案,描述了这种实现方式下解决具有迭代结构程序的具体过程,最后使用这种模型模拟实现K-Means算法,实例论证这种迭代模型的可行性。  相似文献   
简单介绍了海南省基础地理信息数据库的物理设计和逻辑设计,包括数字线划图数据库、数字正射影像数据库、数字高程模型数据库、地名数据库以及元数据库五个子库的逻辑设计,以及数据库建库的步骤,包括数据入库前检查,数据库结构设计和数据入库。  相似文献   
随着WebGIS和图形学技术的发展,三维GIS已经成为GIS领域的主流,但现阶段发展三维GIS受成本和网速等影响,限制了三维GIS广泛运用。本文供述在ArcGIS Server平台下以HTML5为技术,运用OSM Buildings插件在Canvas渲染出建筑物三维日照阴影模型,简化WebGIS三维可视化的难度。  相似文献   
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