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概念性地设计了一种新型半潜式海上风力机基础,确定了结构的型式和尺寸,对风浪联合作用下不同工况的风力机基础稳性进行了校核.考虑黏性阻尼和二阶波浪力的作用,计算分析了风力机基础的水动力系数、幅频运动以及动力响应特性.结果表明,经过改进的新型风力机基础具有良好的稳性和水动力性能,特别是在垂荡性能上有大幅的提升.波浪入射角度对垂荡的影响不大,但对其他自由度RAOs影响较大.垂荡、横摇和纵摇RAOs均存在一个主峰值和次峰值,但峰值周期均远离波能集中区.此外还发现,不同工况下风浪入射角对风机系统的动力响应和系泊力均有较大影响,相对于工作工况,极端工况下所受风荷载较小,但是系泊力更大.  相似文献   
目的:应用网络药理学方法探究莓茶作用于新型冠状病毒主要受体-血管紧张素转化酶2(ACE2)防治新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19)的作用与机制。方法:在TCMSP数据库中检索出莓茶活性成分,在NCBI Gene等数据库找到疾病相关靶点,在Cytoscape平台筛选出莓茶和疾病的共有靶点,使用STRING和DAVID数据库分析共有靶点的蛋白质相互作用网络、基因本体论(GO)功能和基因组百科全书(KEGG)通路。结果:莓茶-活性成分-靶点-疾病网络含26种活性成分和71个共有靶点。莓茶防治疾病的靶点主要包括白细胞介素6(IL-6)、血管内皮生长因子A(VEGFA)和胱天蛋白酶3(CASP3)等。得到1447个GO条目,主要涉及氧化应激反应、活性氧代谢过程等,得到106条KEGG通路富集结果,主要有晚期糖基化终末化产物及其受体(AGE-RAGE)、缺氧诱导因子1(HIF-1)和磷脂酰肌醇3-激酶(PI3K)-蛋白激酶B(Akt)等信号通路。结论:莓茶可能通过介导AGE-RAGE、HIF-1等多条信号通路,影响ACE2、IL-6、VEGFA等蛋白的表达,调节病毒受体与配体相互作用、氧化应激反应、活性氧代谢等生物功能,故可为防治新型冠状病毒肺炎提供潜在应用价值。  相似文献   
无瓣海桑(Sonneratia apetala)是中国红树林恢复种植最早引进的优质红树树种,其生产力在红树林群落中处于较高水平,具有显著的高生物量和能量积累。然而,由于红树林群落冠层密集、结构复杂,精确描绘无瓣海桑的单木树冠存在极大挑战性。传统的卫星遥感侧重于区域或更大尺度监测需求,而新兴的低空无人机遥感在更精细尺度的红树林生态监测中具有显著优势。以广东省珠海市淇澳岛红树林自然保护区为研究区,利用消费级无人机影像生成的冠层高度模型(Canopy Height Model, CHM)和种子区域生长(Seed Region Growing, SRG)算法进行无瓣海桑单木树冠提取,并建立基于地面调查数据获取的树高和胸径两者之间的回归关系,以优化无瓣海桑地上生物量异速生长方程,进而实现研究区单木尺度的无瓣海桑地上生物量估算。结果表明:基于无人机影像可以有效提取无瓣海桑单木树冠,其提取精度达到67%;验证了树高和胸径之间较高的相关性,提出了基于树高的无瓣海桑地上生物量异速生长方程;研究区无瓣海桑平均地上生物量的范围为2.99~247.24 t/hm2,平均值为92.14 t...  相似文献   
通过阐述临沂市兰山区李官镇土地综合整治项目实施这一成功范例,提出实施土地综合整治项目应抓住的6个关键环节,分析了每个环节的作用和操作方法,希望对破解当前土地综合整治项目实施难的问题有所帮助。  相似文献   
以海拉尔地区为例,提出了基于核磁共振T2谱构建水谱库进行流体性质识别的一种新方法,实测核磁谱包含了孔隙结构、水和油气的信息,构建的水谱来自于水层的核磁实测谱,相当于消除了油气的影响,其基本原理是应用构建的水谱库与实测谱的差异识别流体性质。通过在海拉尔地区应用,得到了较好的应用效果。  相似文献   
测定14周龄贵妃鸡的体尺与屠宰性能相关指标,通过简单相关和典型相关分析,研究贵妃鸡体尺与屠宰性能的相关关系。结果表明:贵妃鸡公母鸡14周龄体质量分别为1 120.67 g和845.33 g,公鸡的体尺和屠宰性能(全净膛质量除外)均高于母鸡(P0.01);体尺与屠宰性能指标间存在不同程度的相关性,其中有2对典型相关系数达到了显著水平(P0.05),典型相关系数分别为0.985和0.824,体尺和屠宰性能的相关性主要由胫围、龙骨长、屠体质量、体质量和半净膛质量间引起;贵妃鸡可通过体尺选择提高屠宰性能。  相似文献   
通过紫外分光光度计分析和扫描电镜观察,开展不同温度下酸性流体与斜长石相互作用实验得出:①在低温条件下斜长石较稳定,以溶解为主;在高温条件下,斜长石不稳定,以溶蚀、溶解为主;随反应温度升高,质量损失增大。②斜长石沿解理形成条带状溶孔,沿表面形成粒内溶孔。③在160℃和190℃条件下,形成新生高岭石沉淀,温度升高高岭石晶形变好,实验反应强度增大。④随反应温度升高, K+、 SiO2和矿化度浓度升高。  相似文献   
Migration plays an increasing role in China's economy since mobility rose and economic restructuring has proceeded during the last three decades. Given the background of most studies focusing on migration in a particular period, there is a critical need to analyze the spatial-temporal patterns of migration. Using bicomponent trend mapping technique and interprovincial migration data during the periods 1985-1990, 1990-1995, 1995-2000, 2000-2005, and 2005-2010 we analyze net-, in-, out-migration intensity, and their changes over time in this study. Strong spatial variations in migration intensity were found in China's interprovincial migration, and substantial increase in migration intensity was also detected in eastern China during 1985-2010. Eight key destinations are mostly located within the three rapidly growing economic zones of eastern China (Pearl River Delta, Yangtze River Delta and Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Metropolitan Region), and they are classified into three types: mature, emerging, and fluctuant origins, while most key origins are relatively undeveloped central and western provinces, which are exactly in accordance with China's economic development patterns. The results of bicomponent trend mapping indicate that, in a sense, the migration in the south was more active than the north over the last three decades. The result shows the new changing features of spatial-temporal patterns of China's interprovincial migration that Fan and Chen did not find out in their research. A series of social-economic changes including rural transformation, balanced regional development, and labor market changes should be paid more attention to explore China's future interprovincial migration.  相似文献   
从居民旅游交通决策行为、居民出游空间、居民出游行为预期影响3个角度分析芜湖市高铁建设对城市居民出游的影响.结果表明:(1)旅游交通是影响居民旅游决策的重要因素.(2)居民出游市场以近程为主,空间分布主要集中在100-400 km范围内,且东向出游特征明显,目的地以长三角地区为主.(3)高速铁路开通将增加芜湖居民出游交通工具的选择,改变原有的旅游市场空间,中远程出游比例增加,同时也会影响居民出游次数与天数以及景区的选择.最后,依据国内外学者对高铁旅游研究成果,结合本次问卷调查实际情况,初步探讨高速化背景下,芜湖市旅游的发展对策.  相似文献   
The snow-cover days over the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River (MLRYR) in the winter of 1670 were extracted from Chinese historical documents. By these records, the winter temperature anomalies (compared to the mean of 1961-1990) recorded at seven meteorological stations and the regional mean winter temperature were estimated. The results show that: (1) There was an average of about 30 snow-cover days over the MLRYR region in 1670, ranging from 11-20 days in Shanghai and eastern Zhejiang to 5140 days in eastern Hunan Province. The snow-cover days averaged about 40 days in Anqing and Nan- cheng, and ranged from 30 to 40 days in Quzhou, Jingdezhen, and Nanchang; and (2) the regional mean winter temperature in 1670 was estimated to be approximately 4.0 ℃ lower than that of 1961-1990. The maximum negative anomaly of 5.6℃ occurred in Nanchang and the minimum anomaly of-2.8 ℃ was detected in Quzhou. Both of these were lower than that of the coldest winter during the instrumental observation period of 1951-2010. This research could not only provide a method to es- timate historical climate extremes, but also provide a background to understand the recent instrumentally climate extremes.  相似文献   
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