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Lymphocystis disease virus (LCDV) infects target cells by attaching to a 27.8 kDa receptor (27.8R) protein in flounder Paralichthys olivaceus, and anti-27.8R monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) have been developed. However, the 27.8R existence in tissues of sea bass (Lateolabrax japonicus) and its role in LCDV infection have remained unclear. In this study, the results of western blotting demonstrated that the same 27.8R was shared by flounder and sea bass. LCDV-free sea bass individuals were intramuscularly injected with LCDV, and viral copies were detected in tissues from 3 h post infection and showed a time-dependent increase during 9 days infection. Distribution and synthesis of 27.8R in sea bass tissues were investigated by using anti-27.8R MAbs as probes. It was found that 27.8R was distributed in all the tested tissues. The levels of 27.8R protein were highest in gill and skin, then a bit lowly in stomach, head kidney and heart, followed by spleen, intestine, blood cells, gonad and liver, and least in kidney and brain in healthy sea bass. Upon LCDV infection, 27.8R synthesis was up-regulated in each tissue, and higher in the tissues with higher LCDV copies. The 27.8R and LCDV were detected in some peripheral blood leukocytes but not in red blood cells. These results suggested that 27.8R was widely distributed in sea bass tissues, and it served as a receptor and correlated with tissue tropism of LCDV infection. Furthermore, leukocytes had the potential of being a LCDV carrier and were responsible for a systemic infection of LCDV in sea bass.  相似文献   
近年来,土地出让招、拍、挂方式的施行,为广大用地者提供一个公开、公平、公正的竞争环境,活跃了土地市场,完善了土地出让制度。但一些地方在招拍挂过程中,流标、流拍现象时有发生,既浪费了人力、财力,也一定程度上扰乱了土地市场的正常运行。  相似文献   
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Sishili Bay is the most important aquiculture and tourism area for the city of Yantai, China; however, red tides occurred frequently and have caused huge economic losses in this bay in recent years. To gain a better understanding of the local ecological environments in the bay, we conducted this research between 2003 and 2008 to analyze variations in nutrients and chlorophyll (chl-a) during high frequency red tide period (May to September). The results show that the chl-a concentration increased from 2.70 in 2003 to 7.26 mg/m3 in 2008, while the concentration of total inorganic nitrogen (TIN) and silicate (SiO3-Si) increased lineally from 5.18 and 1.45 μmol/L in 2003 to 18.57 and 9.52 μmol/L in 2008, respectively, and the annual phosphate (PO4-P) varied between 0.15 and 0.46 μmol/L. Special attention was given to a red tide in August 2007 occurred when water temperature was high and nutrient concentrations increased sharply because of a heavy rainfall. Overall, the results show the P limitation in Sishili Bay, and reveal that red tides were caused by eutrophication from terrestrial inputs and local warm weather, particularly during rainy periods. Therefore, to control red tide, greater efforts should be made to reduce sewage discharges into Sishili Bay, particularly during rainfall seasons.  相似文献   
渤海湾盆地济阳拗陷沙三段页岩气地质条件分析   总被引:1,自引:6,他引:1  
沙河街组三段的湖相富有机质泥页岩是济阳拗陷常规油气的主力烃源岩,也是该拗陷页岩气勘探的重点研究层系.分析沙三段暗色泥页岩的地球化学指标、页岩储层特征、含气性等,探讨济阳拗陷沙河街组湖相泥页岩形成页岩气的地质条件.结果表明:沙河街组湖相泥页岩沉积厚度大,平均大于200m;有机碳含量高,干酪根类型好,以Ⅰ型为主,Ⅱ1和Ⅱ2为辅;成熟度以成熟—高熟为主,与美国产气页岩和中国南方上扬子地区海相富有机质页岩地球化学特征具有可比性.湖相泥页岩脆性矿物质量分数高,石英与碳酸盐岩所占比例大,黏土矿物质量分数为10%~30%,页岩储层裂缝类型多样.由于砂泥岩互层频繁,粉砂或砂质夹层孔隙可以有效改善页岩储层储集性能,为页岩气提供有效的储集空间.泥页岩层段气测显示异常,指示其良好的含气性.沙三段富有机质泥页岩是济阳拗陷页岩气勘探的优选层系,具有良好的页岩气勘探潜力.  相似文献   
The pathological changes of hemocytes in the haemolymph and hepatopancreas were examined in experimentally and naturally WSSV (white spot syndrome virus) infected Fenneropenaeus chinensis. The results showed that the pathological manifestations of hemocytes were similar among moribund shrimps infected via injection, feeding and by nature. Firstly, the total hemocyte counts (THCs) in WSSV-infected shrimp were significantly lower than those in healthy shrimp. Secondly, necrotic, broken and disintegrated cells were often observed, and a typical hematolysis was present in the haemolymph smear of WSSV-infected shrimp. Thirdly, necrosis and typical apoptosis of hemocytes were detected with TEM in the peripheral haemolymph of WSSV-infected shrimp. Hyalinocytes and semi-granulocytes with masses of WSSVs in their nuclei often appeared, whereas no granular hemocytes with WSSV were found in the hepatopancreas of moribund infected shrimps. All our results supported that hemocytes were the main target cells of WSSV, and hyalinocytes and semigranular hemocytes seemed to be more favorable for WSSV infection in F. chinensis.  相似文献   
基于GIS技术的道路交通安全信息系统研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以GIS技术为基础,针对道路交通事故信息管理的具体要求和特点,分析交通事故的发生原因、概率及各种隐患表现的定性或定量具体内容,利用GIS-RTSIS对交通事故进行分析,标示事故黑点信息和空间分布,并研究引发交通事故的各种因素,在有效掌握道路交通安全系统问题的同时,找到预防交通安全事故发生的各种途径,为道路安全评价和控制提供决策依据.文章以哈尔滨市GIS-RTSIS模拟示范工程为例.详细探讨了有关基于GIS的道路交通安全信息系统的框架设计、系统研制及开发思路.  相似文献   
长江南京段岸线资源GIS评价与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
岸线资源是特殊的国土资源,岸线资源评价是岸线资源研究的主要工作之一。以往的研究仅从自然和经济的角度出发,对于生态条件的考虑鲜有涉及。为了达到经济和生态的双赢,根据长江南京段岸线资源的特点,综合考虑自然、经济和生态因素,构建了岸线前沿水深、岸线稳定性、岸线陆域宽度、岸线集疏运条件、水源保护区、风景名胜区六项指标组成的评价指标体系。选取合理的评价单元,运用GIS空间分析技术和ArcGISEngine开发包,在完成单项指标评价的基础上,依据建立的指标体系对研究区内的岸线资源进行综合评价,以期为长江岸线南京段的合理利用与开发提供参考依据。  相似文献   
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本文以济南市泉水补给区为研究对象,利用GIS空间分析方法,在其景观变化分析的基础上,参照中国陆地生态系统的生态服务价值系数,估算了泉水补给区生态服务功能价值变化,重点分析景观变化对研究区生态服务功能的影响,进而为区域可持续发展和城市建设提供理论支持。结果表明:(1)20世纪90年代以来,泉水补给区耕地和草地景观面积呈减少趋势,林地、园地和建设用地景观面积大幅增加,其中,以林地面积增加最大;从景观类型转化看,耕地与其他景观类型相互转化较为密切,特别是与建设用地和园地之间的转化;林地面积的增加主要来源于草地和耕地;(2)泉水补给区生态服务功能价值主要由林地和耕地景观生态服务价值构成,其变化对该研究区生态服务价值变化起决定作用;从生态服务价值构成类型来看,该地区土壤形成与保护服务功能单项价值所占比重最大,约占总服务功能价值的20%;(3)90年代以来,该地区总生态服务价值呈增加趋势;从单项服务价值变化来看,水源涵养、废物处理和食物生产服务功能价值则呈现出减小趋势,其中,以水源涵养减幅最大,为4.01%,主要是由该区建设用地增加,地面硬化面积增多而引起的。研究认为,济南市南部山区作为重要的泉水补给区,其生态服务功能尤为重要,特别是水源涵养功能,因此,研究区水源涵养服务功能价值的降低应在今后南部山区开发过程中得到足够的重视与保护,逐步增加泉水补给区的整体生态效益。  相似文献   
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