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ABHISHEK SHUKLA ANKIT KUMAR PANDEY ANIRBAN PATHAK 《Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy》2017,38(1):7
In many real life situations, it is observed that the first digits (i.e., 1,2,…,9) of a numerical data-set, which is expressed using decimal system, do not follow a uniform distribution. In fact, the probability of occurrence of these digits decreases in an almost exponential fashion starting from 30.1 % for 1 to 4.6 % for 9. Specifically, smaller numbers are favoured by nature in accordance with a logarithmic distribution law, which is referred to as Benford’s law. The existence and applicability of this empirical law have been extensively studied by physicists, accountants, computer scientists, mathematicians, statisticians, etc., and it has been observed that a large number of data-sets related to diverse problems follow this distribution. However, except two recent works related to astronomy, applicability of Benford’s law has not been tested for extrasolar objects. Motivated by this fact, this paper investigates the existence of Benford’s distribution in the extrasolar world using Kepler data for exoplanets. The quantitative investigations have revealed the presence of Benford’s distribution in various physical properties of these exoplanets. Further, some specific comments have been made on the possible generalizations of the obtained results, its potential applications in analysing the data-set of candidate exoplanets. 相似文献
Global estimates of the elastic thickness (Te) of the structure of passive continental margins show wide and varying results owing to the use of different methodologies. Earlier estimates of the elastic thickness of the North Atlantic passive continental margins that used flexural modelling yielded a Te value of ~20–100 km. Here, we compare these estimates with the Te value obtained using orthonormalized Hermite multitaper recovered isostatic coherence functions. We discuss how Te is correlated with heat flow distribution and depth of necking. The E–W segment in the southern study region comprising Nova Scotia and the Southern Grand Banks show low Te values, while the zones comprising the NE–SW zones, viz., Western Greenland, Labrador, Orphan Basin and the Northern Grand Bank show comparatively high Te values. As expected, Te broadly reflects the depth of the 200–400°C isotherm below the weak surface sediment layer at the time of loading, and at the margins most of the loading occurred during rifting. We infer that these low Te measurements indicate Te frozen into the lithosphere. This could be due to the passive nature of the margin when the loads were emplaced during the continental break-up process at high temperature gradients. 相似文献
Hydro-uvarovite from Mantle Peridotites of Naga Hills Ophiolite:A Mineral Tracer for Neo-Tethyan Mantle Wedge Metasomatism

Anisha VERENCAR Abhishek SAHA Nilanjana SORCAR Sohini GANGULY Pankaj KUMAR Atul Kumar SINGH 《《地质学报》英文版》2024,98(4):867-877
Hydrous Cr-bearing uvarovite garnets are rare in natural occurrences and belong to the ugrandite series and exist in binary solid solutions with grossular and andradite garnets.Here,we report the occurrence of hydrous uvarovite garnet having Cr2O3 upto 19.66 wt%and CaO of 32.12-35.14 wt%in the serpentinized mantle peridotites of Naga Hills Ophiolite(NHO),India.They occur in association with low-Cr diopsides.They are enriched in LILE(Ba,Sr),LREEs,with fractionating LREE-MREE[avg.(La/Sm)N=2.16]with flat MREE/HREE patterns[avg.(Sm/Yb)N=0.95].Raman spectra indicate the presence of hydroxyl(OH-)peaks from 3500 to 3700 cm-1.Relative abundances in fluid mobile elements and their close association with clinopyroxenes are suggestive of the formation of uvarovite garnets through low temperature metasomatic alteration of low-Cr diopsides by hydrothermal slab fluids.The high LREE concentration and absence of Eu anomaly in the garnet further attest to alkaline nature of the transporting slab dehydrated fluid rather the involvement of low-pH solution.The chemical characteristics of the hydroxyl bearing uvarovite hosted by the mantle peridotite of NHO deviate from the classical features of uvarovite garnet,and their origin is attributed to the fluid-induced metasomatism of the sub arc mantle wedge in a suprasubduction zone regime. 相似文献
Ice nucleating particle(INP) measurements were made at two high-altitude stations in India. Aerosols collected on filter paper at Girawali Observatory, Inter University Center for Astronomy Astrophysics(IGO), and at the Radio Astronomy Center, Ooty(RAC), were activated in deposition mode using a thermal gradient diffusion chamber to determine the INP concentrations. The measurement campaigns at IGO were conducted during 2011, 2013 and 2014, and at RAC during 2013 and 2014. When the aerosol samples were exposed to an ice supersaturation of between 5% and 23% in the temperature range~(-1)7.6?C to-22?C, the maximum INP number concentration at IGO and RAC was 1.0 L~(-1) and 1.6 L~(-1), respectively.A maximum correlation coefficient of 0.76 was observed between the INP number concentration and ice supersaturation. The airmass trajectories analyzed for the measurement campaigns showed that the Arabian Desert and arid regions were the main INP contributors. Elemental analysis of particles showed the presence of Na, Cl, Si, Al, Fe, Cu, Co, Cd, S, Mn and K, as well as some rare-Earth elements like Mo, Ru, La, Ce, V and Zr. When aerosols in the size range 0.5–20 μm were considered, the fraction that acted as INPs was 1 : 10~4 to 1 : 10~6 at IGO, and 1 : 10~3 to 1 : 10~4 at RAC. The higher ratio of INPs to aerosols at RAC than IGO may be attributable to the presence of rare-Earth elements observed in the aerosol samples at RAC, which were absent at IGO. 相似文献
Conflicting results have been presented regarding the link between Arctic sea-ice loss and midlatitude cooling, particularly over Eurasia. This study analyzes uncoupled(atmosphere-only) and coupled(ocean–atmosphere) simulations by the Climate Forecast System, version 2(CFSv2), to examine this linkage during the Northern Hemisphere winter, focusing on the simulation of the observed surface cooling trend over Eurasia during the last three decades. The uncoupled simulations are Atmospheric Model Intercomparison Project(AMIP) runs forced with mean seasonal cycles of sea surface temperature(SST)and sea ice, using combinations of SST and sea ice from different time periods to assess the role that each plays individually,and to assess the role of atmospheric internal variability. Coupled runs are used to further investigate the role of internal variability via the analysis of initialized predictions and the evolution of the forecast with lead time.The AMIP simulations show a mean warming response over Eurasia due to SST changes, but little response to changes in sea ice. Individual runs simulate cooler periods over Eurasia, and this is shown to be concurrent with a stronger Siberian high and warming over Greenland. No substantial differences in the variability of Eurasian surface temperatures are found between the different model configurations. In the coupled runs, the region of significant warming over Eurasia is small at short leads, but increases at longer leads. It is concluded that, although the models have some capability in highlighting the temperature variability over Eurasia, the observed cooling may still be a consequence of internal variability. 相似文献
An analysis of amplitudes of refraction records of some shallow refraction profiles shot primarily for detailing the near-surface structure in a granitic terrain has yielded information on refractor properties: reduced amplitudes are plotted on amplitude-distance graphs. The negative power n to which distance should be raised to represent (elastic) amplitude decay with respect to distance due to spreading of the critically refracted wave involved is examined. Computed values of this “spreading index”n are close to n = 2 as predicted by the theory. With this value of n, amplitude data are processed to determine residual attenuation attributable to elastic absorption in the bedrock. A graphical approach for this purpose from comparison of amplitude-distance graphs with the plots of amplitude decay due to spreading which is applicable to flat and horizontal refractor situations is suggested. Assuming residual attenuation to represent absorption in the granite bedrock, the computed coefficients of absorption, which vary from 0.5 to 3.90 km?1 for a frequency of 50 Hz, are obtained. From amplitude graphs of reversed profiles it is shown that the amplitude differences plot bears a relation to lateral velocity changes in the refractor. From comparison of practical amplitude decay graphs with those computed for different subsurface models, it appears possible to detect fractured rock occurrences in the refractor. 相似文献