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一个受后期改造和热液叠加的块状硫化物矿床——都龙超大型锡锌多金属矿床@刘玉平¥中国科学院地球化学研究所块状硫化物矿床,热水沉积,变质改造,岩浆热液叠加,成矿机理,成矿模式一个受后期改造和热液叠加的块状硫化物矿床———都龙超大型锡锌多金属矿床刘玉平(中国科学...  相似文献   
云南金宝山岩体岩浆起源的微量元素模式分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
金宝山镁铁-超镁铁岩体是峨眉山大火成岩省一个典型的岩浆Cu-Ni-PGE成矿岩体。在根据成岩机制概算原始岩浆微量元素含量的基础上,通过模式计算,表明原始岩浆强不相容元素相对富集型式不可能由现有原始地幔或亏损地幔模型的单一源区熔融或融体混合作用形成,原始岩浆起源于类似OIB源的地幔柱高程度熔融,熔融程度在20%左右。  相似文献   
As a part of Mussel Watch Program in Korea, the contamination levels and accumulation features of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) were assessed for 82 bivalve samples collected from 66 sites along the entire coast of Korea. The dry weight based ∑PCBs and ∑OCPs ranged from 4.4 ng g−1 to 422.0 ng g−1 (geometric MEAN=36.9 ng g−1) and from 9.95 ng g−1 to 131.37 (34.88) ng g−1, respectively. PCB was predominant in Korean coast, followed by DDTs, HCHs, and Chlordanes. From the observed log normal distribution of PCB and each OCP, low- and high-levels were defined as geometric mean ±1 S.D., respectively. The levels at the sites near urban and/or industrial areas often exceeded the high-levels and the spatial distributions of ∑DDTs and ∑CHLs were correlated with that of ∑PCBs, indicating terrestrial input pathways. Even distribution of ∑HCHs suggested a possibility of atmospheric input pathway of HCHs. The observed isomer ratios of DDTs, HCHs, and CHLs indicated that aging has occurred.  相似文献   
张乾  刘玉平  叶霖  朱笑青  高振敏 《矿物学报》2007,27(Z1):133-135
20世纪90年代以来,在涂光炽院士主持的国家自然科学重点基金项目"分散元素成矿机制研究"和包括多个国家基金面上项目的支持下,中国科学院地球化学研究所及其兄弟单位的科学家们对分散元素的成矿作用进行了大量研究,取得一批新的重要成果,使我国在该领域的研究走在了世界前列.  相似文献   
It is essential that accurate modal (i.e., volume) percentages of the various mineral and glass phases in lunar soils be used for addressing and resolving the effects of space weathering upon reflectance spectra, as well as for their calibration such data are also required for evaluating the resource potential of lunar minerals for use at a lunar base. However, these data are largely lacking. Particle-counting information for lunar soils, originally obtained to study formational processes, does not provide these necessary data, including the percentages of minerals locked in multi-phase lithic fragments and fused-soil particles, such as agglutinates. We have developed a technique for modal analyses, sensu stricto, of lunar soils, using digital imaging of X-ray maps obtained with an energy-dispersive spectrometer mounted on an electron microprobe. A suite of nine soils (90 to 150 micrometers size fraction) from the Apollo 11, 12, 15, and 17 mare sites was used for this study. This is the first collection of such modal data on soils from all Apollo mare sites. The abundances of free-mineral fragments in the mare soils are greater for immature and submature soils than for mature soils, largely because of the formation of agglutinitic glass as maturity progresses. In considerations of resource utilization at a lunar base, the best lunar soils to use for mineral beneficiation (i.e., most free-mineral fragments) have maturities near the immature/submature boundary (Is/FeO approximately or = 30), not the mature soils with their complications due to extensive agglutination. The particle data obtained from the nine mare soils confirm the generalizations for lunar soils predicted by L.A. Taylor and D.S. McKay (1992, Lunar Planet Sci. Conf. 23rd, pp. 1411-1412 [Abstract]).  相似文献   
谭洪旗  刘玉平 《地质学报》2017,91(7):1416-1432
猛洞岩群位于滇东南文山-麻栗坡断裂与红河断裂带之间的老君山-Song Chay变质核杂岩核部,由一套经历过多期变质-变形的杂岩体组成。变质碎屑岩地球化学特征显示,主、微量元素平均组成与大陆上地壳相似,且SiO_2/Al_2O_3、K_2O/Na_2O比值显示该套变质沉积岩具有相似的成熟度,但片岩类样品可能遭受过强烈的风化作用;稀土元素特征与变质岩原岩恢复图解显示,片岩类原岩为黏土岩及泥质岩,片麻岩类原岩为砂岩、杂砂岩。化学蚀变指数(CIA)、成分变异指数(ICV)、斜长石蚀变指数(PIA)反映了片岩类原岩形成后经历过较强的风化作用,但副片麻岩类原岩经历的风化作用较弱,反映了副片麻岩类主要来源于不成熟的物源区,显示出活动构造环境沉积物的特征。Rb/Sr和Th/U比值判别结果表明该套碎屑岩经历了较复杂的沉积演化过程;La/Th-Hf图解和砂岩-泥岩套的物源区判别图解表明变质碎屑岩样品以石英岩沉积物源区为主,混合少量中性火成岩物源区;ThSc-Zr/10和La-Th-Sc图解表明猛洞岩群可能沉积于大陆岛弧环境。综上所述,猛洞岩群变质碎屑岩原岩为一套泥质岩-砂岩(杂砂岩),这套碎屑岩经历了较强风化作用及复杂的沉积演化过程,主要沉积于与大陆岛弧环境相关的盆地,推测猛洞岩群的物质来源与昆阳群有关,可能与扬子地块具有较强的亲缘关系。  相似文献   
We have discovered a new IR emission feature at 1905 cm-1 (5.25 microns) in the spectrum of BD +30 degrees 3639. This feature joins the family of well-known IR emission features at 3040, 2940, 1750, 1610, "1310," 1160, and 890 cm-1 (3.3, 3.4, 5.7, 6.2, "7.7," 8.6, and 11.2 microns). The origin of this new feature is discussed and it is assigned to an overtone or combination band involving C-H bending modes of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Laboratory work suggests that spectral studies of the 2000-1650 cm-1 (5.0-6.1 microns) region may be very useful in elucidating the molecular structure of interstellar PAHs. The new feature, in conjunction with other recently discovered spectral structure, suggests that the narrow IR emission features originate in PAH molecules rather than large carbon grains. Larger species are likely to be the source of the broad underlying "plateaus" seen in many of the spectra.  相似文献   
The geochemical composition of sandstones in the sedimentary basin is controlled mainly by the tectonic setting of the provenance, and it is therefore possible to reveal the tectonic setting of the provenance and the nature of source rocks in terms of the geochemical composition of sandstones. The major elements, rare-earth dements and trace elements of the Mesozoic-Cenozoic sandstones in the Lanping Basin are studied in this paper, revealing that the tectonic settings of the provenance for Mesozoic-Cenozoic sedimentary rocks in the Lanping Basin belong to a passive continental margin and a continental island arc. Combined with the data on sedimentary facies and palaeogeography, it is referred that the eastern part of the basin is located mainly at the tectonic setting of the passive continental margin before Mesozoic, whereas the western part may be represented by a continental island arc. This is compatible with the regional geology data. The protoliths of sedimentary rocks should be derived from the upper continental crust, and are composed mainly of felsic rocks, mixed with some andesitic rocks and old sediment components. Therefore, the Lanping Mesozoic-Cenozoic Basin is a typical continental-type basin. This provides strong geochemical evidence for the evolution of the paleo-Tethys and theb asin-range transition.  相似文献   
Samples from nine Central Vietnam coastal lagoons, together with three soils and sediments collected in two freshwater reservoirs of the Thua Thien-Hué province, were analysed for polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs). Total concentrations are low, from 192 to 2912 pg g−1 and depth profiles in Tam Giang-Cau Hai (TG-CH) sediment cores show only minor changes over time in PCDD/F input and composition. Octachloro dibenzo-p-dioxin (OCDD) is the prevailing congener (approximately 90%), indicating combustion as the main PCDD/F source to these coastal systems, whereas natural formation might be partly responsible for the presence at depth. 2,3,7,8-Tetrachloro dibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD), largely sprayed together with Agent Orange over the study areas during the war (1961–1971), is absent or very low. This result supports the hypothesis of strong degradation soon after spraying. Multivariate statistical analyses account for the presence of local, short-range sources as observed in the northern part of the TG-CH lagoon.  相似文献   
右江盆地是世界上卡林型金矿床最集中的地区之一,盆地南缘的滇东南地区是其重要组成部分。茶花寨金矿床为滇东南地区产于印支运动不整合面附近的代表性金矿床,黄铁矿为主要的载金矿物,其环带特征明显,为认识该区卡林型金矿成矿作用提供了理想的实例。本文在野外考察及镜下观察的基础上,通过LA-ICPMS分析技术,对茶花寨金矿床中不同期次黄铁矿开展了原位微量元素组成分析,以总结不同成矿阶段金的富集特征与关键控制因素。研究结果表明,该矿床黄铁矿存在3个期次:沉积成因的Py1,包括草莓状黄铁矿Py1a和环带状黄铁矿核部Py1b,交代成因的中间环带Py2,热液成因最外侧环带Py3。其中,Py1b富集Sb、Pb、Zn等元素,Py2富集As、Co、Ni,Py3则具有较高的Au、As、Cu、Sb含量和稍高的Se、Hg、Tl含量。三者对比显示,Py2中As含量最高,Py1b和Py2除As以外的其他微量元素含量接近或Py2中含量稍低,二者Co/Ni比值均在0.1附近,表明Py2为Py1b受热液交代改造形成;而Py3中微量元素组成与Py1b和Py2差异明显,指示其热液成因,且Py3中Co、Ni含量相较Py1b和Py2更低...  相似文献   
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