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Echelle spectra have been obtained of the Ca  II H and K lines for a sample of metal-poor subdwarf stars as well as for a number of nearby Population I dwarfs selected from among those included in the Mount Wilson HK survey. The main conclusion of this paper is that Ca  II H- and K-line emission does occur among subdwarfs. It is particularly notable among those subdwarfs with colours of B − V ≥0.75; all such stars observed exhibit chromospheric emission, although emission is observed among some subdwarfs bluer than this colour. The Ca  II K emission profile in most subdwarfs exhibits an asymmetry of V / R >1, similar to that seen in the integrated light of the solar disc. Two quantitative indicators of the contrast between the peaks in the emission profile and the neighbouring photospheric line profile are introduced. Measurements of these indicators show that the level of Ca  II emission among the subdwarfs is similar to that among low-activity Population I dwarfs.  相似文献   
This paper outlines a method used to make paleocontinental maps and outlines its limitations. 15 pairs of new Lambert equal-area paleocontinental maps are presented, drawn at 40 Ma intervals from the present-day back to 560 Ma (early Cambrian time).
Zusammenfassung 15 Paare von paläoglobalen Karten werden hier nach einer Lambertschen flächengetreuen Projektion mit Hilfe eines Rechnerprogrammes dargestellt. Der Zeitabschnitt umfaßt in 40 Mill. Jahres-Schritten die letzten 560 Mill. Jahre seit dem Kambrium.

Résumé Ce travail définit la méthode utilisée pour dresser des cartes paléocontinentales, ainsi que ses limitations. — 15 paires de cartes paléocontinentales sont présentées, dessinées à des intervalles de 40 M. a. depuis l'époque actuelle jusqu'à 560 M. a. (début du Cambrien).

, , . 15 , , .. 560 , 40 .
Cosmogenic neon in sodium-rich oligoclase feldspar from the ordinary chondrites St. Severin and Guaren?a is characterized by an unusually high22Ne/21Ne = 1.50 ± 0.02. This high ratio is due to the cosmogenic22Ne/21Ne production ratio in sodium which is 2.9 ± 0.3, two to three times the production ratio in any other target element. The relative production rate of21Ne per gram sodium is one quarter the production rate per gram magnesium. The striking enrichment of22Ne relative to21Ne in sodium arises from enhanced indirect production from23Na via22Na.The unusual composition of cosmogenic neon in sodium and sodium-rich minerals explains the high22Ne/21Ne ratios observed in inclusions of the Allende carbonaceous chondrite, and observed during low-temperature extraction of neon from ordinary chondrites. The isotopic composition of cosmogenic neon released during the stepwise heating of a trapped gas-rich meteorite containing sodium-rich phases can be expected to vary, and use of a constant cosmogenic neon composition to derive the composition of the trapped gas may not be justified. Preferential loss of this22Ne-enriched cosmogenic neon from meteoritic feldspar can result in a 2–3% drop in the measured cosmogenic22Ne/21Ne ratio in a bulk meteorite sample. This apparent change in composition can lead to overestimation of the minimum pre-atmospheric mass of the meteorite by a factor of two.  相似文献   
High resolution40Ar-39Ar age spectra have been measured on plagioclase and glass from two howardites. Both the plagioclase and glass from the gas-rich Bununu howardite show well-defined age plateaux, yielding distinct ages of 4.42 ± 0.04 and 4.24 ± 0.05 AE, respectively. These age patterns are rather well behaved and are interpreted as representing the distinct times of formation of plagioclase from igneous processes and of glass fragments produced by impact on the meteorite body. The release pattern for the glass from the heavily shocked Malvern howardite is undulating at low and intermediate temperatures but does have a high-temperature plateau. Its age spectrum indicates little apparent diffusion loss, but rather an extensive redistribution of either40Ar during the shock event or of39Ar during the neutron irradiation or both. The total K-Ar age of Malvern glass is 3.64 ± 0.04 AE and the high-temperature plateau is 3.73 ± 0.05 AE. The age spectrum of the Malvern plagioclase has an intermediate temperature “plateau” at 3.80 AE that represents 20% of the total40Ar content and increases towards a high-temperature plateau at 4.29 ± 0.04 AE containing 26% of the total gas release. It seems likely that the event which formed the Malvern glass also reset part of the plagioclase. The distinct histories observed for the different phases of these howardites are consistent with their formation from a regolith. The present results along with similar young ages for igneous clasts from Kapoeta clearly show that the regoliths were extant on the parent bodies of howardites and that they were subjected to violent impact events at least as recently as 3.7 AE ago.  相似文献   
In an earlier paper by one of the authors (Smith, 1968), a momentum integral method was developed to parameterize the gross constraint imposed by the surface boundary layer of a steady, axisymmetric, tropical cyclone on the meridional circulation within the vortex itself. Specifically, the method provides an effective means of estimating the radial variation of mean upflow/downflow induced by the boundary layer, compatible with a prescribed radial variation of azimuthal velocity just above the boundary layer,V gr. However, it relies on a judicious choice of vertical profiles of radial and azimuthal velocity components within the boundary layer. An especially suitable set of profiles is discussed herein; these are Ekman-like profiles in which turbulent mixing is characterized by a vertically constant eddy diffusivityK M , matched to a constant stress sublayer just above the sea surface. An attractive feature of the formulation is that a suitable value forK M as a function of radius, which is extremely difficult to extract from observational data, can be calculated when the state of the sea surface, described by a roughness lengthZ 0, is prescribed. Although observations ofZ 0 at high wind speeds are not yet available, the effect of radial variations in sea surface roughness can be assessed and it is shown that these affect the upflow to a significant degree.  相似文献   
Seven petrographic thin sections of lunar rock sample 14321, ‘Big Bertha’, have been examined. It is a complex rock incorporating diverse lithic and single crystal fragments and represents a sampling of the heterogeneous Fra Mauro formation, considered by the writers to be lithified debris from the Imbrium impact event. Electron probe microanalysis and microscopic study of textures reveal the assembly history of this breccia which in turn allows some interpretation of the nature of the pre-Imbrium crust and the effect of the Imbrium impact and the subsequent transportation to the Apollo 14 site. The present-day polymict breccia 14321 is composed of basaltic clasts originating from the fragmentation of a single or closely related set of lava cooling units, a set of fragmental clasts designated as microbreccia 3 (themselves polymict microbreccias), and a light colored matrix which formed rock 14321 by cementing the two major groups of clasts. The light colored matrix material is derived from the fragmentation and mutual abrasion of the basalt and microbreccia 3. On the basis of consistent textural relations two older sets of microbreccias have been identified within microbreccia 3. Microbreccia 1 clasts are well-rounded, relatively light colored, and noritic. They are always completely enclosed within microbreccia 3, most often forming the central cores of rounded accretionary lapilli structures which we have designated as microbreccia 2. Microbreccias 1, 2, 3, and macrobreccia 14321 represent a chronological series of fragmentation and lithification events. Each of these events involved some thermal and/or shock metamorphism as evidenced by mineralogical and textural criteria, and the chronological order of formation of the breccias also corresponds to a decreasing intensity of associated thermal effects. The petrology and mineralogy of 14321 are described in detail in this paper. A more general interpretation of the combined petrographic and chemical data is given in Duncanet al. (1975a).  相似文献   
David M. Smith 《Geoforum》1979,10(3):297-310
The problems of the inner city are a subject of growing concern in the advanced capitalist world. The level of social deprivation may be identified on a territorial basis, by mapping numerical indicators relating to various relevant conditions. However, the application of conventional geographical methodology with its emphasis on pattern identification and ecological analysis provides an inadequate foundation for the explanation of localized deprivation and for the design of remedial policy. Inner-city deprivation arises from the operation of the contemporary capitalist system, the understanding of which requires a holistic social-science perspective.  相似文献   
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