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The rapid expansion of the New Zealand wine industry has rested largely on a specific wine commodity form, Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc. Global demand for a specialised product has provided the impetus for substantial development at the regional level, an increasingly complex industry structure, and for the intrusion of international capital. This paper explores the contests and relations within the industry through attention to the commodity's value-added chain, wherein recent developments are interpreted as a contest over the brand rents. The contemporary situation therefore may be explained through overlapping organisational and geographic framings of these relations: producer versus buyer-driven dynamics; regional–national and global interests; and inter- and intra-corporate strategies. The commercial contest for control of the region-varietal commodity reveals some paradoxical outcomes in which the region is reaffirmed as a site of investment in an evidently globalised industry, and the significance of who controls what fraction of the value chain is re-asserted.  相似文献   
Local knowledge has played an active role in the lives of rural communities in virtually every part of the world. In Jamaica, traditional cropping systems based on local informal knowledge have been practiced since the days of slavery and play a vital role in meeting food security. Yet, some negative attitudes remain about the legitimacy and relevance of small-scale farmers' local and traditional knowledge. This paper discusses some conceptual and empirical issues related to the application of local knowledge among small-scale food farmers in central Jamaica. The paper argues that contextually speaking, local and traditional knowledge is valuable, adaptable and necessary in coping with risk and uncertainty in a changing world, while cautioning against a misguided notion of traditional knowledge as a panacea to all the ills of local agriculture.  相似文献   
Research on the Upper Campanian (Upper Cretaceous) Negev phosphorites (Mishash Formation), based on microprobe analyses, Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy, wet chemistry, microtextural (Scanning Electron Microscopy) studies and mineralogical analyses, together with quantified rates of sedimentation and P accumulation, enables the chemistry of these rocks to be better constrained across the Negev area and allows their suitability for the manufacture of P fertilizers to be better determined. Two phosphorite facies are differentiated: (i) a pristine phosphorite facies of low P content, more typical of basinal sections and (ii) a reworked, granular phosphorite facies commonly enriched in P, found predominantly near palaeo‐highs and forming most of the economic phosphates. The distribution of F/P2O5, CO2/F, U(IV), Cd, Zn and other trace metals (Mo, Ni, Cr, Cu, V and Y), rare‐earth elements concentration, Ce and Eu anomalies and heavy rare earth elements enrichment, are controlled by these two facies. F/P2O5 in carbonate‐fluorapatite is much lower (0·090 to 0·107) in the pristine than in the reworked facies (0·107 to 0·120); in addition, the lower F/P2O5 in the pristine facies is coupled with: (i) higher Cd, Zn, Mo, Ni, Cr, Cu and V concentrations; (ii) a considerably reduced (< 10%) U(IV) fraction of total U; (iii) lower rare earth elements/P2O5 and Y/P2O5 ratios; (iv) less negative Ce and Eu anomalies and lower heavy rare earth elements (Lu/La) enrichment; (v) an increase in Fe‐rich smectites in the clay fraction; and (vi) presence of OH in the carbonate‐fluorapatite structure. Sedimentary reworking of previously formed pristine phosphate, together with its redeposition near structural highs in more oxic bottom conditions, results in considerable diagenetic changes in the chemistry of the phosphorites, making them more suitable for economic exploitation. The results presented here provide geochemical criteria for identifying pristine phosphate in other phosphorite sequences and may help to better locate phosphate strata chemically suitable for the phosphate industry elsewhere.  相似文献   
This study assesses temperatures of formation of common granulitesby combining experimental constraints on the P–T stabilityof granulite-facies mineral associations with a garnet–orthopyroxene(Grt–Opx) thermobarometry scheme based on Al-solubilityin Opx, corrected for late Fe–Mg exchange. We appliedthis scheme to 414 granulites of mafic, intermediate and aluminousbulk compositions. Our findings suggest that granulites aremuch hotter than traditionally assumed and that the P–Tconditions of the amphibolite–granulite transition portrayedin current petrology textbooks are significant underestimatesby over 100°C. For aluminous and intermediate granulites,mean corrected temperatures based on our method are 890 ±17 and 841 ± 11°C, respectively (uncertainties reportedas 95% confidence limits on the mean), consistent with minimumtemperatures for orthopyroxene production by fluid-absent partialmelting in these bulk compositions. In contrast, mean temperaturesbased on Grt–Opx Fe–Mg exchange equilibria, usingthe same thermodynamic data, are 732 ± 22 and 723 ±11°C, respectively, well below the minimum temperaturesfor Opx stability. For mafic granulites, the mean correctedtemperature using our method is 816 ± 12°C, similarto the mean temperature of 793 ± 13°C from Fe–Mgexchange. Reasons for the differences between the mafic granulitesand aluminous–intermediate granulites are unclear butmay be due to the lower Al concentrations in Opx in the maficrocks and possible deficiencies in the thermodynamic modellingof these low concentrations. We discuss a number of well-knowngranulite terrains in the context of our findings, includingthe Adirondacks, the Acadian granulites of New England, theincipient charnockites of southern India and Sri Lanka, andthe Kerala Khondalite Belt. Our findings carry implicationsfor thermotectonic models of granulite formation. A computerprogram to perform our thermobarometry calculations, RCLC, isavailable from the Journal of Petrology website at http://www.petrology.oupjournals.orgor from the authors at http://www.geo.ucalgary.ca/~pattison/drm_pattison-rclc.htm. KEY WORDS: granulite-facies metamorphism; thermobarometry; garnet; orthopyroxene  相似文献   
One of the goals of igneous petrology is to use the subtle andmore obvious differences in the geochemistry of primitive basaltsto place constraints on mantle composition, melting conditionsand dynamics of mantle upwelling and melt extraction. For thisgoal to be achieved, our first-order understanding of mantlemelting must be refined by high-quality, systematic data oncorrelated melt and residual phase compositions under knownpressures and temperatures. Discrepancies in earlier data onmelt compositions from a fertile mantle composition [MORB (mid-oceanridge basalt) Pyrolite mg-number 87] and refractory lherzolite(Tinaquillo Lherzolite mg-number 90) are resolved here. Errorsin earlier data resulted from drift of W/Re thermocouples at1 GPa and access of water, lowering liquidus temperatures by30–80°C. We demonstrate the suitability of the ‘sandwich’technique for determining the compositions of multiphase-saturatedliquids in lherzolite, provided fine-grained sintered oxidemixes are used as the peridotite starting materials, and thechanges in bulk composition are considered. Compositions ofliquids in equilibrium with lherzolitic to harzburgitic residueat 1 GPa, 1300–1450°C in the two lherzolite compositionsare reported. Melt compositions are olivine + hypersthene-normative(olivine tholeiites) with the more refractory composition producinga lower melt fraction (7–8% at 1300°C) compared withthe model MORB source (18–20% at 1300°C). KEY WORDS: mantle melting; sandwich experiments; reversal experiments; anhydrous peridotite melting; thermocouple oxidation; olivine geothermometry  相似文献   
Late Weichselian glaciation history of the northern North Sea   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
Based on new data from the Fladen, Sleipner and Troll areas, combined with earlier published results, a glaciation curve for the Late Weichselian in the northern North Sea is constructed. The youngest date on marine sedimentation prior to the late Weichselian maximum ice extent is 29.4 ka BP. At this time the North Sea and probably large parts of southern Norway were deglaciated (corresponding to the Alesund interstadial in western Norway). In a period between 29.4 and c. 22 ka BP, the northern North Sea experienced its maximum Weichselian glaciation with a coalescing British and Scandinavian ice sheet. The first recorded marine inundation is found in the Fladen area where marine sedimentation started close to 22 ka BP. After this the ice fronts receded both to the east and west. The North Sea Plateau, and possibly parts of the Norwegian Trench, were ice-free close to 19.0 ka, and after this a short readvance occurred in this area. This event is correlated with the advance recorded at Dimlington, Yorkshire, and the corresponding climatostratigraphic unit is denoted the Dimlington Stadial (18.5 ka to 15.1 ka). The Norwegian Trench was deglaciated at 15.1 ka in the Troll area. The data from the North Sea, together with the results from Andwa, northern Norway (Vorren et al . 1988; Møller et al . 1992), suggest that the maximum extent of the last glaciation along the NW-European seaboard from the British Isles to northern Norway was prior to c . 22 ka BP.  相似文献   
We examine the meteorological conditions favourable for new particle formation as a contribution to clarifying the responsible processes. Synoptic weather maps and satellite images over Southern Finland for 2003–2005 were examined, focusing mainly on air mass types, atmospheric frontal passages, and cloudiness. Arctic air masses are most favourable for new aerosol particle formation in the boreal forest. New particle formation tends to occur on days after passage of a cold front and on days without frontal passages. Cloudiness, often associated with frontal passages, decreases the amount of solar radiation, reducing the growth of new particles. When cloud cover exceeds 3–4 octas, particle formation proceeds at a slower rate or does not occur at all. During 2003–2005, the conditions that favour particle formation at Hyytiälä (Arctic air mass, post-cold-frontal passage or no frontal passage and cloudiness less than 3–4 octas) occur on 198 d. On 105 (57%) of those days, new particle formation occurred, indicating that these meteorological conditions alone can favour, but are not sufficient for, new particle formation and growth. In contrast, 53 d (28%) were classified as undefined days; 30 d (15%) were non-event days, where no evidence of increasing particle concentration and growth has been noticed.  相似文献   
Boundary Bay tidal flats on the inactive southern flank of the Fraser Delta have surface sediments consisting almost entirely of very fine to fine, well to very well sorted sands which show a gradual fining-shorewards trend. Five floral/sedimentological zones form distinct biofacies. These are, from the shoreline seaward, the saltmarsh, algal mat, upper sand wave, eelgrass and lower sand wave zones. The lower limit of the saltmarsh lies at a constant level above which the maximum duration of continuous exposure rises abruptly from ~ 12 to 40 days. Similarly, at the lower limit of the algal mat zone the maximum duration of continuous exposure jumps from 1 to ~ 2 days, and at the upper limit of the eelgrass zone from ~ 0·5 to ~ 0·8 days. These correlations between exposure and zonation are suggested to be causal. In the algal mat and eelgrass zones microtopography of biogenic origin, only a few centimetres high, creates lateral heterogeneity within the zonal biofacies. In the upper sand wave zone, very low amplitude (a~ 0·1 m) symmetrical sand waves (λ~ 30 m) of probable storm-wave origin have a similar effect. In the lower sand wave zone, sand waves (a~ 0·5 m, λ~ 60 m) are formed by tidal currents or wave action and physical sedimentary structures dominate over biogenic ones. The densities of the following macrofaunal organisms which produce distinctive biogenic sedimentary structures were determined on two surveyed transects: Callianassa californiensis and Upogebia pugettensis, both thalassinidean shrimps; three polychaete worms, Abarenicola sp., Spio sp. and Clymenella sp.; the bivalve Mya arenaria and the gastropods Batillaria attramentaria and Nassarius mendicus. Callianassa excavate unlined temporary feeding burrows, whereas Upogebia build mud-lined permanent dwelling burrows. Upogebia are restricted to below mean sea-level where continuous exposure is < 0·5 days, whereas Callianassa extend up to a level, just below mean higher high water, where maximum continuous exposure rises abruptly from 4 to 9 days. This difference in range is probably due to the latter's greater anoxia tolerance—a necessary adaptation for life in an unlined feeding burrow.  相似文献   
The Mulcahy Lake gabbro is an Archean layered intrusion of tholeiiticbulk composition located in the Wabigoon subprovince. The intrusionis 6 km thick at the thickest and is exposed over an area of63 km2. It intrudes basaltic to siliceous volcanics of the CrowLake-Savant Lake greenstone belt and is intruded by the Atikwabatholith. Zircon U-Pb data indicate crystallization at 27322+1·0/–0·9m·y. Principal phases are plagioclase, orthopyroxene, augite (andpigeonite in iron-rich rocks), olivine, hornblende and magnetite.Olivine is confined to several horizons. Apatite and then zirconare prominent accessory phases at advanced stages of fractionation.Plagioclase, pyroxenes and olivine are cumulate phases. Hornblendeis invariably an intercumulus phase. Magnetite is ubiquitousthroughout the intrusion, generally as a cumulate phase, andforms centimeter thick layers in fractionated rocks. Fractionationfollowed a tholeiitic trend with iron enrichment in the liquid. The intrusion is divided into lower, mixed, middle, upper andmarginal zones. The lower and middle zones are 2·0 and2·5 km thick respectively. The upper zone is approximately1 km thick, and the marginal zone is measured in hundreds ofmeters. A 200 m thick mixed zone is interposed between the lowerand middle zones. The base of the lower zone consists of ultramaficunits containing olivine of Fo82. The top of the zone has olivineof Fo28. Fractionation of the lower zone, from the floor up,was interrupted by the introduction of pristine liquid whichmixed with more dense and cooler residual liquid in the chamberto form the mixed zone. Further introduction of several minorpulses of liquid constructed the lower part of the middle zone.The upper part of the middle zone was constructed from a majorpulse of liquid plus several minor pulses each of which is representedby reversals in cryptic layering. The upper zone consists ofultramafic to iron-rich gabbro cumulates formed by cooling throughthe roof plus horizons formed by influx of pristine liquid.Marginal zone rocks represent cooling through the walls of theintrusion. Rhythmic layering is well developed in lower and middle zonecumulates. Petrofabric data show that orthopyroxene has a lineationin the plane of layering and parallel to structures suggestiveof flow. Plagioclase laths also have a preferred orientationin many cumulates and in unlayered gabbros as well. Flow, possiblylaminar, of liquid-crystal material is suggested and may belinked to the ultimate development of layering. Pressure during the course of crystallization probably was greaterthan 2 and less than 5 kb. Temperatures estimated from pyroxenesvaried from approximately 1200 to 1000 °C.fo2, is not wellconstrained but was sufficient to allow the formation of thinlocal magnetite cumulates late in the crystallization. The primarymelt was hydrous as indicated by the presence of hornblende.It is very unlikely that the melt was saturated with water duringcrystallization of the cumulate phases.  相似文献   
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