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Pressure-temperature conditions of pelites in the Ballachulishaureole, Scotland, have been determined from a calibrated petrogeneticgrid and from published geothermometers and geobarometers. Tocalibrate the mineral reactions in the grid, thermodynamic datafor appropriate end members of Ms, Chi, Qtz, And, Sil, Ky, Crn,Crd, Kfs, and Bt were derived from experimental data. This approachwas hampered by the unknown compositions of many of the mineralsused in the experiments, and by apparent inconsistency betweenthe experiments. A best compromise grid that satisfies mostof the data was obtained, which is applicable to the Ballachulishand other contact aureoles. In this grid, the first developmentof sillimanite is constrained to lie between the Richardsonet al. (1969) and Holdaway (1971) andalusite-sillimanite boundaries. A pressure estimate of 3.0 + 0.5 kb is obtained from the calibratedgrid, within 0.3 kb of estimates from geobarometry and fromtwo other independent petrological studies. Temperatures rangedfrom 560?20?C at the first development of cordierite in theassemblage Ms+Qtz+Chl+Crd+Bt to 750–800?C in Grt+Crd+Hyassemblages in pelitic screens within the igneous complex. In graphitic slates, in contrast to non-graphitic pelites, anentire andalusite-bearing subzone is developed, and initialcordierite development occurs further from the igneous contacts.The presence of graphite lowered aH2o in the slaters, expandingthe stability field of the andalusite-bearing assemblage And+Qtz+Bt+Ms+Crdrelative to the assemblage Kfs+Qtz+Bt+Ms+Crd developed in non-graphiticunits. Initial development of cordierite in the assemblage Ms+Qtz+Chl+Crd+Btwas also promoted by reduced aH2o in graphitic slates. The regular sequence and spacing of mineral zones in the aureolesuggests that gross equilibrium was attained during contactmetamorphism, even though the thermal metamorphic pulse is estimatedto have been less than 0.2 Ma (Buntebarth, in press). Thereis no evidence for reaction overstepping in cordierite-producingreactions.  相似文献   
Rates of aerodynamic entrainment in a developing boundary layer   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Despite its significance for inception of grain transport by wind, the initial dislodgement of grains from a static surface by aerodynamic forces of drag and lift in the absence of grain collision has received little attention. This paper describes a series of wind-tunnel experiments in which the erosion of narrow strips of loose grains from the roughened surface of a flat plate exposed to a range of wind speeds was examined. The progressive downwind development of the boundary layer over the plate provided a range of airflow conditions which permitted systematic evaluation of grain entrainment rates arising from purely aerodynamic forces. Use of closely graded size fractions in flat, single grain layers resting on identical, fixed grain support eliminated the effects of surface irregularities and impacts from saltation. Results show that erosion of strips of loose grains develops with time according to an inverse exponential function in which the entrainment rate time constant relates to Shields dimensionless shear stress function. An empirical expression defining aerodynamic entrainment rate in terms of rate of strip erosion is derived and comparisons are made between present and published data. The need for additional data to resolve several questions raised by the present investigation is stressed. In addition, a simple, objective technique for accurate determination of the aerodynamic entrainment threshold of any loose, granular sediment is proposed.  相似文献   
The Pliocene-early Pleistocene history of the ancestral Rio Grande and Quaternary history of the Rio Mimbres in the southern Rio Grande rift, New Mexico, illustrate how axial rivers may alternately spill into and subsequently abandon extensional basins. Three types of spillover basins are recognized, based on the angle at which the axial river enters the basin and whether it descends the hanging wall dip slope or footwall scarp to reach the basin floor. In the Mimbres basin type, the axial river enters and flows through the spillover basin nearly parallel to the footwall scarp, resulting in a narrow belt of basin-axis-parallel channel sand bodies located near the footwall scarp. In contrast, an axial river may enter a spillover basin at a high angle to its axis, either descending the hanging wall dip slope (Columbus basin type) or footwall scarp (Tularosa basin type), and construct a fluvial fan, consisting of radiating distributary channels orientated nearly perpendicular to the basin axis. Faulting exerts significant control on river spillover by creating the topographic gaps through which the axial river moves and by terminating spillover by subsequently uplifting or tilting the gap. Spillover may also be autocyclic in origin as a result of aggradation to the level of a pre-existing gap, headward erosion creating and/or intersecting a gap, or simple river avulsion upstream of a gap. Predicting facies architecture in the three types of spillover basins is critical to successful subsurface exploration for hydrocarbon reservoirs, groundwater aquifers or placer mineral deposits.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT The high-grade migmatitic core to the southern Brittany metamorphic belt has mineralogical and textural features that suggest high-temperature decompression. The chronology of this decompression and subsequent cooling history have been constrained with 40Ar/39 Ar ages determined for multigrain concentrates of hornblende and muscovite prepared from amphibolite and late-orogenic granite sheets within the migmatitic core, and from amphibolite of the structurally overlying unit. Three hornblende concentrates yield plateau isotope correlation ages of c. 303–298 Ma. Two muscovite concentrates record well-defined plateau ages of c. 306–305 Ma. These ages are geologically significant and date the last cooling through temperatures required for intracrystalline retention of radiogenic argon. The concordancy of the hornblende and muscovite ages suggest rapid post-metamorphic cooling. Extant geochronology and the new 40Ar/39Ar data suggest a minimum time-integrated average cooling rate between c. 725 °C and c. 125 °C of c. 14 ± 4°C Ma-1, although below 600 °C the data permit an infinitely fast rate of cooling. Mineral assemblages and reaction textures in diatexite migmatites suggest c. 4 kbar decompression at 800–750 °C. This must have pre-dated the rapid cooling. Emplacement of two-mica granites into the metamorphic belt occurred between 345 and 300 Ma. The youngest plutons were emplaced synkinematically along shallow-dipping normal faults interpreted to be reactivated Eo-Variscan thrusts. A penetrative, west-plunging stretching lineation developed in these granites suggests that extension was orogen-parallel. Extension was probably related to regional uplift and gravitational collapse of thermally weakened crust during constrictional (escape) tectonics in this narrow part of the Variscan orogen. This followed slab breakoff during the terminal stages of convergence between Gondwana and Laurasia; detachment may have been consequent upon a change in kinematics leading to dextral displacement within the orogen. Dextral ductile strike-slip displacement was concentrated in granites emplaced synkinematically along the South Armorican Shear Zone. Rapid cooling is interpreted to have resulted from tectonic unroofing with emplacement of granite along decollement surfaces. The high-grade migmatitic core of the southern Brittany metamorphic belt represents a type of metamorphic core complex formed during orogen-parallel extensional unroofing and regional-scale ductile flow.  相似文献   
Carbonate cements in late Dinantian (Asbian and Brigantian) limestones of the Derbyshire carbonate platform record a diagenetic history starting with early vadose meteoric cementation and finishing with burial and localized mineral and oil emplacement. The sequence is documented using cement petrography, cathodoluminescence, trace element geochemistry and C and O isotopes. The earliest cements (Pre-Zone 1) are locally developed non-luminescent brown sparry calcite below intrastratal palaeokarsts and calcretes. They contain negligible Fe, Mn and Sr but up to 1000 ppm Mg. Their isotopic compositions centre around δ18O =?8.5‰, δ13C=?5.0‰. Calcretes contain less 13C. Subsequent cements are widespread as inclusion-free, low-Mg, low-Fe crinoid overgrowths and are described as having a‘dead-bright-dull’cathodoluminescence. The‘dead’cements (Zone 1) are mostly non-luminescent but contain dissolution hiatuses overlain by finely detailed bright subzones that correlate over several kilometres. Across‘dead'/bright subzones there is a clear trend in Mg (500–900 ppm), Mn (100–450 ppm) and Fe (80-230 ppm). Zone 1 cements have isotopic compositions centred around δ18O =?8.0‰ and δ13C=?2.5‰. Zone 2 cement is bright, thin and complexly subzoned. It is geochemically similar to bright subzones of Zone 1 cements. Dull Zone 3 cement pre-dates pressure dissolution and fills 70% or more of the pore space. It generally contains little Mn, Fe and Sr but can have more than 1000 ppm Mg, increasing stratigraphically upwards. The δ18O compositions range from ?5.5 to ?15‰ and the δ13C range is ?1 to + 3.20/00. Zone 4 fills veins and stylolite seams in addition to pores. It is synchronous with Pb, Ba, F ore mineralization and oil migration. Zone 4 is ferroan with around 500 ppm Fe, up to 2500 ppm Mg and up to 1500 ppm Mn. Isotopic compositions range widely; δ15O =?2.7 to ?9‰ and δ13C=?3.8 to+2.50‰. Unaltered marine brachiopods suggest a Dinantian seawater composition around δ15O = 0‰ (SMOW), but vital isotopic effects probably mask the original δ13C (PDB) value. Pre-Zone 1 calcites are meteoric vadose cements with light soil-derived δ13C and light meteoric δ18O. An unusually fractionated‘pluvial’δ15O(SMOW) value of around — 6‰ is indicated for local Dinantian meteoric water. Calcrete δ18O values are heavier through evaporation. Zone 1 textures and geochemistry indicate a meteoric phreatic environment. Fe and Mn trends in the bright subzones indicate stagnation, and precipitation occurred in increments from widespread cyclically developed shallow meteoric water bodies. Meteoric alteration of the rock body was pervasive by the end of Zone 1 with a general resetting of isotopic values. Zone 3 is volumetrically important and external sources of water and carbonate are required. Emplacement was during the Namurian-early Westphalian by meteoric water sourced at a karst landscape on the uplifted eastern edge of the Derbyshire-East Midland shelf. The light δ18O values mainly reflect burial temperatures and an unusually high local heat flow, but an input of highly fractionated hinterland-derived meteoric water at the unconformity is also likely. Relatively heavy δ13C values reflect the less-altered state of the source carbonate and aquifer. Zone 4 is partly vein fed and spans burial down to 2000 m and the onset of tectonism. Light organic-matter-derived δ13C and heavy δ18O values suggest basin-derived formation water. Combined with textural evidence of geopressures, this relates to local high-temperature ore mineralization and oil migration. Low water-to-rock ratios with host-rock buffering probably affected the final isotopic compositions of Zone 4, masking extremes both of temperature and organic-matter-derived CO2.  相似文献   
The sandstones and coquinas of the upper 20 m of the Sundance Formation are interpreted as a tidal inlet, back-barrier shoal and sandy tidal-flat sequence deposited at the close of marine Jurassic sedimentation in north-central Wyoming. The barrier strandline maintained a generally E-W trend as it prograded to the north. The lateral migration of inter-barrier tidal inlets along the regressive shoreline of the late Sundance sea caused the coquinas and sandstones of the uppermost Sundance Formation to be deposited as tabular, laterally-extensive units. Tidal bundles, sigmoidal reactivation surfaces, herringbone cross-lamination and abundant mud drapes within the sandstones are evidence of considerable tidal influence during the deposition of the uppermost Sundance Formation. Earlier models, which attach an offshore environment of deposition to the sequence, do not explain the tabular geometries of the sandstone and coquina units and their conformable stratigraphic relationship with the overlying non-marine sediments of the Morrison Formation.  相似文献   
An exposure of sillimanite-rich, strongly deformed, stromatic,K-feldspar-bearing migmatites in the Monashee Terrane west ofRevelstoke, British Columbia, has been examined to determinethe process of migmatization and to evaluate whether the systemwas open or closed during leucosome formation. An anatecticorigin for the migmatites is supported by: (1) the minimum meltcomposition of the leucosomes; (2) textures suggesting a fluidbehavior of the leucosomes and local pegmatitic textures; and(3) P–T estimates (720–820C; 75–9 kbar)above vaporabsent melting conditions of muscovitt + quartz. To establish whether melt was extracted or added during migmatization,measured volume percents of leucosome were compared with estimatesof melt production modeled by muscovite + quartz dehydrationmelting. Quantitative estimates of volume percent of leucosomeat present in the outcrop are between 20 and 30%. The amountof melt produced from the model muscovite dehydration meltingreaction is constrained by measured modal percent of sillimanite(15–25%) in the outcrop and is dependent on modal proportionof muscovite in the unmelted protolith and the melt water contentUsing a muscovite-rich protolith and a melt water content of4 wt%, complete dehydration melting of muscovite results ina production of 54 vol % melt and 25 vol % sillmanite, indicatinga melt loss of 29 vol %. A melt water content of 6 wt% resultsin production of 41 vol % melt and 23 vol % sillimanite, indicatinga melt loss of 16 vol %. Melt loss may have occurred by meltmovement along foliation planes during flattening, during formationof shear bands or locally along subvertical fractures. Spatialproximity of the outcrop to the Monashee dcollement suggeststhat thrusting was localized to zones of high melt production,which in turn facilitated melt migration. KEY WORDS: migmatites; British Columbia; Monashee Tarrane; anatexis; melt extraction *Corresponding author. Present address: Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, The Univenity of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 817131, USA  相似文献   
Composition and genesis of glacial hummocks, western Wisconsin, USA   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Glacial hummocks associated with the Superior Lobe in western Wisconsin are stagnant-ice features composed of melt-out till, meltwater-stream sediment, and flow till. The greater proportion of melt-out till in these hummocks than in hummocks described elsewhere suggests that a model of extensive, supraglacial reworking of supraglacially released debris does not apply to the western Wisconsin hummocks. Interpretation of melt-out till in hummock exposures is based on its strong fabric oriented parallel to regional ice-flow direction. Other features of this melt-out till include poorly developed stratification (color banding and discontinuous thin sandy lenses), and minor faulting, both of which support a melt-out origin. We suggest that as stagnant, debris-rich ice began to melt, supraglacially released debris was deposited as flow till and meltwater-stream sediment (with some debris-flow sediment and lake sediment), but as the thickness of supraglacial debris increased, debris melting out at depth was stabilized, allowing features characteristic of melt-out till to be retained. Because the supraglacial debris was sandy and the stagnant ice was likely at the pressure-melting point, the supraglacial debris was well drained and did not readily fail and flow. Debris volume in the glacier generally was greater at the glacier margin, but lateral and longitudinal variations within this zone were caused by thrusting, freezing-on, or ice-margin fluctuations, which in turn resulted in variations in hummock relief. Ice-walled-lake plains are commonly associated with the hummocks and developed where debris volume was small.  相似文献   
This paper examines the transport of calcareous sand in unidirectional flow and its prediction through existing sediment transport models. A flume experiment of four sand samples collected on Oahu, Hawaii, provides 29 sets of sediment transport data in the bed-form and suspended transport stages. The measured transport data are compared with direct predictions from four energy-based transport models developed for siliceous particles. Corrections for the grain-size, fall velocity, and critical velocity of calcareous sand based on recent research are applied to the models and the results are compared with the direct calculations and measured data. The comparison illustrates the important role particle shape plays in the transport of calcareous sand. All four sediment transport models give consistent predictions and good agreement with the majority of the measured data. Two of the models respond positively to the corrections in both the bed-form and suspended transport stages indicating that such an approach may provide an interim solution for the transport of calcareous sand.  相似文献   
Upper Eocene detrital silica grains (chert and quartz) of the Hampshire Basin display alteration and replacement fabrics by glauconite. Silica grains have etched surfaces due to glauconitization which appear green in reflected light and thin section. Quartz grains were glauconitized by surface nucleation and replacement, which spreads from the margin with progressive glauconitization, replacing the quartz grain interior. Chert grains were glauconitized by surface replacement and nucleation internally along cracks and in pores. Different forms of glauconite are associated with the two minerals; glauconite associated with quartz is generally highly-evolved whereas glauconite associated with chert is of the evolved variety. This is interpreted as being due to different surface-reaction control mechanisms associated with the two forms of silica. There is no evidence to suggest that glauconite evolved in stages from a nascent form. Two crystalline morphological forms of glauconite are found associated with both quartz and chert. Glauconite growing within a confined space has a laminated morphology whilst glauconite occurring on the surface has a rosette morphology.  相似文献   
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