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Characteristic length and timescales for a turbid surge are used to estimate bedload transport by the surge, deriving estimates for the conditions under which deposited material will be mobilized as bedload, and of the relative importance of bedload in determining the overall deposit geometry. A critique is provided of the common modelling assumptions which underlie these estimates and of how their consistency can be checked. For large turbidity currents, such as those which emplaced the Marnoso Arenacea turbidites in northern Italy, model predictions of overall geometry are not easy to reconcile with the field data: some possible reasons for this are discussed. The estimates obtained from these characteristic scales are consistent with the widespread presence in turbidites of sedimentary structures which indicate bedload transport; some of these structures from the Marnoso Arenacea Formation are reviewed briefly. However, the estimates suggest that bedload transport is not a major factor responsible for the geometry of the large turbidites in this formation, which exhibit a broad thickness maximum in their proximal region that contrasts with the downstream-thinning geometry of smaller beds. This effect suggests that the explanation for this theoretically unexpected geometry should be sought in other physical mechanisms.  相似文献   
This study is part of a basin-wide re-evaluation of Irish Sea glacigenic deposits which aims to test whether diamicts, collectively known as Irish Sea Tills, represent in situ glacimarine sediments or sediments that have been reworked or deformed by the Last Glacial Maximum Irish Sea Glacier. New results are presented for two key localities at Abermawr and Traeth y Mwnt in Wales. Unlike previous studies in the Irish Sea region that have focused on macro-scale sedimentology and structural analyses, this study combines macro-scale and micro-scale sedimentary analyses. This approach reveals that the dominant diamict facies at Abermawr are subglacially deformed primary (glaci)marine deposits, emplaced by the Irish Sea Glacier. An inland glacial source is unlikely. The Traeth y Mwnt diamicts are likely to be subaqueous in origin, possibly formed in an ice-dammed lake in the Mwnt embayment. There are no indications of subglacial deformation or shearing at Mwnt; deformation structures are related to gravity-driven or density-driven mechanisms.  相似文献   
This study investigates the marginal subglacial bedrock bedforms of Jakobshavns Isbrae, West Greenland, in order to examine the processes governing bedform evolution in ice stream and ice sheet areas, and to reconstruct the interplay between ice stream and ice sheet dynamics. Differences in bedform morphology (roche moutonnee or whaleback) are used to explore contrasts in basal conditions between fast and slow ice flow. Bedform density is higher in ice stream areas and whalebacks are common. We interpret that this is related to higher ice velocities and thicker ice which suppress bed separation. However, modification of whalebacks by plucking occurs during deglaciation due to ice thinning, flow deceleration, crevassing and fluctuations in basal water pressure. The bedform evidence points to widespread basal sliding during past advances of Jakobshavns Isbrae. This was encouraged by increased basal temperatures and melting at depth, as well as the steep marginal gradients of Jakobshavns Isfjord which allowed rapid downslope evacuation of meltwater leading to strong ice/bedrock coupling and scouring. In contrast to soft-bedded ice stream bedforms, the occurrence of fixed basal perturbations and higher bed roughness in rigid bed settings prevents the basal ice subsole from maintaining a stable form which, coupled with secondary plucking, counteracts the development of bedforms with high elongation ratios. Cross-cutting striae and double-plucked, rectilinear bedforms suggest that Jakobshavns Isbrae became partially unconfined during growth phases, causing localised diffluent flow and changes in ice sheet dynamics around Disko Bugt. It is likely that Disko Bugt harboured a convergent ice flow system during repeated glacial cycles, resulting in the formation of a large coalesced ice stream which reached the continental shelf edge.  相似文献   
We use a time-dependent two-dimensional ice-flow model to explore the development of the Green Bay Lobe, an outlet glacier of the southern Laurentide Ice Sheet, leading up to the time of maximum ice extent and during subsequent deglaciation (c. 30 to 8 cal. ka BP). We focus on conditions at the ice-bed interface in order to evaluate their possible impact on glacial landscape evolution. Air temperatures for model input have been reconstructed using the GRIP δ 18 O record calibrated to speleothem records from Missouri that cover the time periods of c. 65 to 30 cal. ka BP and 13.25 to 12.4 cal. ka BP. Using that input, the known ice extents during maximum glaciation and early deglaciation can be reproduced reasonably well. The model fails, however, to reproduce short-term ice margin retreat and readvance events during later stages of deglaciation. Model results indicate that the area exposed after the retreat of the Green Bay Lobe was characterized by permafrost until at least 14 cal. ka BP. The extensive drumlin zones that formed behind the ice margins of the outermost Johnstown phase and the later Green Lake phase are associated with modeled ice margins that were stable for at least 1000 years, high basal shear stresses (c. 100 kPa) and permafrost depths of 80-200 m. During deglaciation, basal meltwater and sliding became more important.  相似文献   
A two-dimensional non-hydrostatic ocean model and a hydrostatic version of the same model are used to simulate convective adjustment, without the use of an instantaneous adjustment parameterization. The model geometry is a domain on the vertical plane of width 40 km and depth 500 m. Model results for four cases are examined: hydrostatic and non-hydrostatic, at 0.1 and 1 km spatial resolution. The convectively adjusted stable state obtained in all four cases are qualitatively similar; thus the hydrostatic approximation does not eliminate convective adjustment. The details of the simulated convective plumes depend on resolution and whether the hydrostatic approximation is made. The adjusted state has significant stratification which cannot be captured by the conventional instantaneous adjustment or diffusion-based parameterizations. We also compare the results to the case when an instantaneous adjustment parameterization is used.  相似文献   
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