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Bertrand François Vincent Labiouse Arnaud Dizier Ferdinando Marinelli Robert Charlier Frédéric Collin 《Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering》2014,47(1):71-86
Boom Clay is extensively studied as a potential candidate to host underground nuclear waste disposal in Belgium. To guarantee the safety of such a disposal, the mechanical behaviour of the clay during gallery excavation must be properly predicted. In that purpose, a hollow cylinder experiment on Boom Clay has been designed to reproduce, in a small-scale test, the Excavation Damaged Zone (EDZ) as experienced during the excavation of a disposal gallery in the underground. In this article, the focus is made on the hydro-mechanical constitutive interpretation of the displacement (experimentally obtained by medium resolution X-ray tomography scanning). The coupled hydro-mechanical response of Boom Clay in this experiment is addressed through finite element computations with a constitutive model including strain hardening/softening, elastic and plastic cross-anisotropy and a regularization method for the modelling of strain localization processes. The obtained results evidence the directional dependency of the mechanical response of the clay. The softening behaviour induces transient strain localization processes, addressed through a hydro-mechanical second grade model. The shape of the obtained damaged zone is clearly affected by the anisotropy of the materials, evidencing an eye-shaped EDZ. The modelling results agree with experiments not only qualitatively (in terms of the shape of the induced damaged zone), but also quantitatively (for the obtained displacement in three particular radial directions). 相似文献
W.K. Peterson L. Andersson B. Callahan S.R. Elkington R.W. Winglee J.D. Scudder H.L. Collin 《Journal of Atmospheric and Solar》2009,71(16):1623-1629
Energetic O+ ions have important dynamic effects on the ring current. Insights into the effects of O+ on ring current dynamics have come primarily from models, not observations. Here, we discuss observations of O+ populations escaping from the ionosphere and their access to the plasma sheet and ring current. We review data establishing that a significant flux of O+ escapes the ionosphere during geomagnetically quiet intervals. We then estimate the relative magnitude of the O+ population in transit between the ionosphere and ring current during quiet intervals before geomagnetic storms. Our analysis suggests that dynamic reconfigurations of the magnetosphere during geomagnetic storms significantly alter the O+ transport paths from the ionosphere to the ring current. During these reconfigurations some of the pre-existing, quiet time, in-transit O+ populations are captured on magnetic field lines leading to the ring current. The prompt appearance of this O+ population in the ring current could modify the evolution of the ring current in the storm growth phase. Our analysis suggests that the consequences of an activity-dependent O+ transport path to the ring current should be systematically investigated. 相似文献
Alejandro Mendoza Jorge D. Abad Christian E. Frias Collin Ortals Jorge Paredes Hugo Montoro Jorge Vizcarra Cesar Simon Gabriel Soto‐Cortés 《地球表面变化过程与地形》2016,41(7):961-970
The upper reach of the Amazon River has a very dynamic morphology, with the highest rates of migration observed in the entire Amazon River. It has an anabranching channel pattern which alternates between a condition of single channel and anabranching structures; in particular, the anabranching structure near Iquitos City shows an interesting channel behavior. Its channels migrate at different rates, where there are processes of narrowing and widening, and also collision and development of new channels. The temporal evolution of the Iquitos anabranching structure is described during the period from 1985 to 2014. The study is carried out by using satellite images to track the migration patterns, which are contrasted to the underlying geological units in the valley. Bathymetry of the structure and several velocity transects were obtained during a field campaign prior to the 2012 historic flood event. This information allowed for numerical modeling in order to compute the hydrodynamic flow field that complements the temporal analysis, aiming to understand the planform migration patterns after the 2012 flood event. It is observed that the geological units play an important role in modulating the migration rates and planform development of the channels. The channels in the structure are in contention to be the main channel, which become the secondary channel after migration. This causes the channels to experience a rise in bed elevation and narrowing of the channel itself; if this trend continues for several more years, these channels will detach from the Iquitos anabranching structure, thus forming paleo‐channels. This geomorphic process is important for horizontal and vertical soil heterogeneity along the floodplain. In general, the analysis shows a complex interaction between the underlying geological units, flow structure, morphology of the bed and planform migration. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Brian D. Collins David R. Bedford Skye C. Corbett Collin Cronkite‐Ratcliff Helen C. Fairley 《地球表面变化过程与地形》2016,41(7):899-917
Process dynamics in fluvial‐based dryland environments are highly complex with fluvial, aeolian, and alluvial processes all contributing to landscape change. When anthropogenic activities such as dam‐building affect fluvial processes, the complexity in local response can be further increased by flood‐ and sediment‐limiting flows. Understanding these complexities is key to predicting landscape behavior in drylands and has important scientific and management implications, including for studies related to paleoclimatology, landscape ecology evolution, and archaeological site context and preservation. Here we use multi‐temporal LiDAR surveys, local weather data, and geomorphological observations to identify trends in site change throughout the 446‐km‐long semi‐arid Colorado River corridor in Grand Canyon, Arizona, USA, where archaeological site degradation related to the effects of upstream dam operation is a concern. Using several site case studies, we show the range of landscape responses that might be expected from concomitant occurrence of dam‐controlled fluvial sand bar deposition, aeolian sand transport, and rainfall‐induced erosion. Empirical rainfall‐erosion threshold analyses coupled with a numerical rainfall–runoff–soil erosion model indicate that infiltration‐excess overland flow and gullying govern large‐scale (centimeter‐ to decimeter‐scale) landscape changes, but that aeolian deposition can in some cases mitigate gully erosion. Whereas threshold analyses identify the normalized rainfall intensity (defined as the ratio of rainfall intensity to hydraulic conductivity) as the primary factor governing hydrologic‐driven erosion, assessment of false positives and false negatives in the dataset highlight topographic slope as the next most important parameter governing site response. Analysis of 4+ years of high resolution (four‐minute) weather data and 75+ years of low resolution (daily) climate records indicates that dryland erosion is dependent on short‐term, storm‐driven rainfall intensity rather than cumulative rainfall, and that erosion can occur outside of wet seasons and even wet years. These results can apply to other similar semi‐arid landscapes where process complexity may not be fully understood. Published 2015. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA 相似文献
Collin Nkono Olivier Fmnias Annick Lesne Jean‐Claude Mercier Fadimatou Yamgouot Ngounouno Daniel Demaiffe 《Geological Journal》2016,51(5):748-759
As rock textures reflect the physical conditions and the mechanisms of formation of the rocks, new approaches are used for improving texture analyses, both qualitatively and quantitatively. Pioneer work has recently boosted interest in fractal analysis for quantifying and correlating patterns. Fractal‐like patterns relate to a degree of multiscale organization, and fractal dimensions (FD) and their potential variations can be used to infer the physical conditions of rock formation at various scales of observation. Here, we characterize quantitatively the shape and distribution of orthopyroxene grains in ultramafic xenoliths in terms of FD and their relation with temperature of equilibration. Fractal analysis has been applied to several populations of mantle xenoliths: 7 xenoliths collected in the vicinity of Pico Santa Isabel on Bioko Island, an alkaline basaltic volcano in oceanic domain (Gulf of Guinea, Equatorial Atlantic), 9 samples from Sangilen, in the Agardag alkaline lamprophyre dyke (Russia), and 11 samples form Śnieżnik (Lutynia, Poland), in the continental domain. Fractal analysis has been conducted to characterize the degree of complexity of the petrographic textures: it is indeed known that large values of FD are associated to more complex textures. The correlation here observed between the orthopyroxene fractal dimension and the temperature of equilibration suggests that FD captures a significant textural feature directly related to the temperature (i.e. generated by a temperature‐controlled process). The significant difference in the FD–T correlation observed for the continental and oceanic mantle domains suggests that the mechanical and rheological behaviour is distinct in the oceanic and continental lithospheres. These first promising results should be confirmed by analysing other mantle suites of rocks in different geodynamic settings. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Two or more different fluids generally saturate chalk in oil reservoir, and therefore its behaviour can be very complicated. In this paper, a constitutive law is proposed for modelling the mechanical behaviour of a chalk saturated by two non‐miscible fluids, water and oil. The effects of the capillary pressure or suction are taken into account. They are considered as an independent variable, as in the Barcelona's basic model developed for unsaturated soils. On the other hand, internal friction and pore collapse are modelled as independent mechanisms. The determination of the parameters is based on triaxial and oedometer tests. Finally, in order to validate the model, predictions are compared with experimental results of water‐flooding test. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Michael A. Wilson Philip J. Collin Anthony M. Vassallo Nigel J. Russell 《Organic Geochemistry》1984,7(2):161-168
The chemical structure of the resin from an Australian soft brown coal (Yallourn) has been investigated by cross-polarization nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy with magic angle spinning (13C CP MAS NMR). Some additional solution 1H and 13C data were also obtained. Solid-state experiments were performed with and without a delay period before data acquisition. The resulting free induction decays were Fourier transformed with respect to acquisition time and delay period to produce two-dimensional solid-state spectra. Assignments made from the spectra clearly demonstrate that the gross chemical structure of the Yallourn resin is best described as a polymerized diterpenoid with one axial carboxylic group and two double bonds. One double bond is trisubstituted, the other is monosubstituted. After consideration of various mechanisms for polymerization of diterpenoid units during biogenesis and coalification, it was concluded that polymerization occurs at the C15 carbon atoms in the diterpenoids without cyclization of the methylene units at C8. 相似文献
The broad requirements of the geomorphologist for original mapping are reviewed. The extent to which aerial photogrammetry can meet these requirements is exemplified through typical approaches and mapping products in fluvial, coastal and glacial specialisms. 相似文献
Slah Boulila Bruno Galbrun Linda A. Hinnov Pierre-Yves Collin 《Sedimentary Geology》2008,203(1-2):54-63
High-resolution magnetic susceptibility (MS) analysis was carried out on a Lower Kimmeridgian alternating marl–limestone succession of pelagic origin that crops out at La Méouge (Vocontian Basin, southeastern France). The aim of the study was to characterize the strong, dm-scale sedimentary cyclicity of the succession at a very high resolution, and to analyze the cycles for evidence of astronomical forcing. From marl to limestone, MS varies progressively and closely tracks the highest frequency cyclicity corresponding to the basic marl–limestone couplets. Long-term wavelength cycling modulates the high-frequency cyclicity (couplets), and appears to be controlled by clay content. Spectral analysis of the MS record reveals the presence of the complete suite of orbital frequencies in the precession, obliquity, and eccentricity (95–128 ka and 405 ka) bands with very high amplitude of the precession index cycles originating from dm-scale couplets. 405 ka-eccentricity cycles are very pronounced in the MS maxima of the marl members of the couplets, suggesting eccentricity-driven detrital input to the basin. 405 ka-orbital tuning of the MS maxima further sharpens all of the orbital frequencies present in the succession. These results are similar to those of previous studies at La Méouge that used carbonate content observed in field. Our results are also in accordance with cyclostratigraphic studies in Spain and Canada that report dominant precession index forcing. By contrast, in the Kimmeridge Clay (Dorset, UK), obliquity forcing dominates cyclic sedimentation, with weaker influence from the precession index. Ammonite zone duration estimates are made by counting the interpreted precession cycles, and provide an ultra-high resolution assessment of geologic time. In sum, this study demonstrates the power of the MS as a proxy in characterizing the high-resolution cyclostratigraphy of Mesozoic sections, particularly in alternating marl–limestone successions, and for high-resolution correlation and astronomical calibration of the geologic time scale. 相似文献
Pierre Gerard Angélique Léonard Jean‐Pierre Masekanya Robert Charlier Frédéric Collin 《国际地质力学数值与分析法杂志》2010,34(12):1297-1320
This paper deals with the moisture exchanges occurring between soils and the surrounding atmosphere. Convective drying tests are performed on Awans silts at different drying temperatures and air relative humidities in order to reproduce the natural drying conditions. The experiments improve the understanding of the vapour transfers kinetics between the soil samples and the atmosphere. The experimental results are analysed assuming that the transfers take place in a boundary layer existing at the surface of the porous medium. The influence of the thermal conditions on the evaporation is also taken into account. In our model, coupled vapour and energy exchanges are controlled by mass and heat transfer coefficients characterizing the boundary layer. These coefficients are determined from the drying experiments. The modelling of the drying tests in non‐isothermal conditions is performed in order to validate the formulation of the vapour and heat exchanges. The numerical results present a good agreement with the kinetic of the materials desaturation determined during the tests. The analysis of the moisture transport mechanisms into the sample and at the boundary shows that at the beginning of the test, the drying is first achieved by the transport of moisture in its liquid form and its evaporation at the sample outer boundary in contact with the atmosphere. In a second step, vapour diffusion becomes predominant into the sample and it corresponds to the most important decrease of relative humidity. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献