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Our analysis of the continuous outgoing long wave earth radiation (OLR) indicates anomalous variations prior to a number of medium to large earthquakes. The most recent analysis of OLR is from the M9.0 Sumatra Andaman Islands mega trust event. We compared the reference fields for December 2001 to 2004 and found OLR anomalous values, > 80 W/m2, (2σ) within the epicentral area on Dec 21, 2004, 5 days before the event. We used the NOAA/IR daily (one degree) and monthly (two and half degree) gridded data to differentiate between the global and seasonal variability and the transient local anomalies. The cause of such anomalies is not fully understood; one possible explanation is the existence of thermal outgoing radiation as a result of near ground air ionization and latent heat change due to change of air humidity and temperature. This phenomenon is hypothesized to be part of a relationship between tectonic stresses, electrochemical and thermodynamic processes in the atmosphere and increasing mid IR flux, all part of a family of electromagnetic (EM) phenomena related to earthquake activity. The time scale of the observed variations is a few weeks before the onset of the seismic event. In comparison with several years of data, the observed time-series preceding the earthquake had unusually high OLR. The OLR anomaly corresponds to a large area of ground coverage and coincides with the main epicentral zone. The significance of these observations is explored using data from most recent East Asian earthquake swarm of December 2004 and three other earthquakes.  相似文献   
Research questions regarding temporal change in spatial patterns are increasingly common in geographical analysis. In this research, we explore and extend an approach to the spatial–temporal analysis of polygons that are spatially distinct and experience discrete changes though time. We present five new movement events for describing spatial processes: displacement, convergence, divergence, fragmentation and concentration. Spatial–temporal measures of events for size and direction are presented for two time periods, and multiple time periods. Size change metrics are based on area overlaps and a modified cone-based model is used for calculating polygon directional relationships. Quantitative directional measures are used to develop application specific metrics, such as an estimation of the concentration parameter for a von Mises distribution, and the directional rate of spread. The utility of the STAMP methods are demonstrated by a case study on the spread of a wildfire in northwestern Montana.   相似文献   
In this paper we present numerical results on the decay of small stellar systems under different initial conditions (multiplicity 3 ≤  N  ≤ 10, and various mass spectra, initial velocities and initial configurations). The numerical treatment uses the CHAIN1 code (Mikkola &38; Aarseth). Particular attention is paid to the distribution of high-velocity escapers: we define these as stars with velocity above 30 km s−1. These numerical experiments confirm that small N -body systems are dynamically unstable and produce cascades of escapers in the process of their decay. It is shown that the fraction of stars that escape from small dense stellar systems with an escape velocity greater than 30 km s−1 is ∼1 per cent for all systems treated here. This relatively small fraction must be considered in relation to the rate of star formation in the Galaxy in small groups: this could explain some moderately high-velocity stars observed in the Galactic disc and possibly some young stars with relatively high metallicity in the thick disc.  相似文献   
A model for the evolution of weathered landsurfaces in Uganda is developed using available geotectonic, climatic, sedimentological and chronological data. The model demonstrates the pivotal role of tectonic uplift in inducing cycles of stripping, and tectonic quiescence for cycles of deep weathering. It is able to account for the development of key landforms, such as inselbergs and duricrust-capped plateaux, which previous hypotheses of landscape evolution that are based on climatic or eustatic controls are unable to explain. Development of the Ugandan landscape is traced back to the Permian. Following late Palaeozoic glaciation, a trend towards warmer and more humid climates through the Mesozoic enabled deep weathering of the Jurassic/mid-Cretaceous surface in Uganda during a period of prolonged tectonic quiescence. Uplift associated with the opening South Atlantic Ocean terminated this cycle and instigated a cycle of stripping between the mid-Cretaceous and early Miocene. Deep weathering on the succeeding Miocene to recent (African) surface has occurred from Miocene to present but has been interrupted in the areas adjacent to the western rift where development of a new drainage base level has prompted cycles of stripping in the Miocene and Pleistocene.  相似文献   
The breakdown of potassium feldspar at high water pressures   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The equilibrium position of the reaction between sanidine and water to form “sanidine hydrate” has been determined by reversal experiments on well characterised synthetic starting materials in a piston cylinder apparatus. The reaction was found to lie between four reversed brackets of 2.35 and 2.50 GPa at 450 °C, 2.40 and 2.59 GPa at 550 °C, 2.67 and 2.74 GPa at 650 °C, and 2.70 and 2.72 GPa at 680 °C. Infrared spectroscopy showed that the dominant water species in sanidine hydrate was structural H2O. The minimum quantity of this structural H2O, measured by thermogravimetric analysis, varied between 4.42 and 5.85 wt% over the pressure range of 2.7 to 3.2 GPa and the temperature range of 450 to 680 °C. Systematic variation in water content with pressure and temperature was not clearly established. The maximum value was below 6.07 wt%, the equivalent of 1 molecule of H2O per formula unit. The water could be removed entirely by heating at atmospheric pressure to produce a metastable, anhydrous, hexagonal KAlSi3O8 phase (“hexasanidine”) implying that the structural H2O content of sanidine hydrate can vary. The unit cell parameters for sanidine hydrate, measured by powder X-ray diffraction, were a = 0.53366 (±0.00022) nm and c = 0.77141 (±0.00052) nm, and those for hexasanidine were a = 0.52893 (±0.00016) nm and c = 0.78185 (±0.00036) nm. The behaviour and properties of sanidine hydrate appear to be analogous to those of the hydrate phase cymrite in the equivalent barium system. The occurrence of sanidine hydrate in the Earth would be limited to high pressure but very low temperature conditions and hence it could be a potential reservoir for water in cold subduction zones. However, sanidine hydrate would probably be constrained to granitic rock compositions at these pressures and temperatures. Received: 6 May 1997 / Accepted: 2 October 1997  相似文献   
The TAURUS-2 Fabry–Perot interferometer, mounted on the 3.9-m Anglo-Australian Telescope, has been used to observe the Circinus galaxy. We have mapped the intensity and velocity distribution of the ionized hydrogen in the galaxy using the Balmer series Hα spectral line.
The semiresolved core (observed with a seeing disc of 30 pc) appears amorphous in shape, which is commonly observed in Seyfert 2 galaxies. Its peak coincides with the core position measured in the radio continuum, suggesting that ionized gas surrounds a non-thermal source.
A circumnuclear ring or spiral of radius 220 pc and a rotational velocity of 350 km s−1 (assuming circular motions) surrounds the core. The inclination angle of this feature, i =40°±10°, is less than that of the previously observed radio continuum disc. The velocity channel maps obtained for the Hα ring show that the kinematics resemble those of a rotating ring and the intensity displays a complex structure indicative of several, unresolved, H II regions. We believe the ring to represent a circumnuclear starburst.
Our Hα data also show the presence of the previously detected [O III ] ionization cone to the north-west of the core, measuring more than 400 pc in length. We suggest that the ionization cone lies in a different plane from that of the starburst ring and is directed away from us. Several kinematic components of the core are derived and we calculate an outflow velocity in excess of 150–200 km s−1 for gas above the core of Circinus. We also present evidence for inflowing ionized gas at the centre of Circinus.
The correlation of the Hα and radio continuum features is discussed, as well as the possible presence of a starburst-driven superwind in the Circinus galaxy.  相似文献   
In an attempt to produce a simple representation of an interface dynamo, I examine a dynamo model composed of two one-dimensional (radially averaged) pseudo-spherical layers, one in the convection zone and possessing an α-effect, and the other in the tachocline and possessing an ω-effect. The two layers communicate by means of an analogue of Newton's law of cooling, and a dynamical back-reaction of the magnetic field on ω is provided. Extensive bifurcation diagrams are calculated for three separate values of η, the ratio of magnetic diffusivities of the two layers. I find recognizable similarities to, but also dramatic differences from, the comparable one-layer model examined by Roald &38; Thomas. In particular, the solar-like dynamo mode found previously is no longer stable in the two-layer version; in its place there is a sequence of periodic, quasi-periodic and chaotic modes probably created in a homoclinic bifurcation. These differences are important enough to provide support for the view that the solar dynamo cannot be meaningfully modelled in one dimension.  相似文献   
Diffusion parameters for hydrogen diffusion in epidote-group minerals and micas have been measured under hydrothermal conditions, or calculated from existing experimental data, for bulk hydrogen isotope exchange experiments between hydrous minerals and water. Activation energies in the range 14 to 31 kcals/g-atom H are comparable to those derived by application of kinetic theory to experimental hydrogen isotope exchange data, and to those for oxygen diffusion in minerals under hydrothermal conditions. Diffusion of hydrogen in epidote is about four orders of magnitude faster than in muscovite, and about two orders of magnitude faster than in zoisite. Hydrogen diffusion in micas is about five orders of magnitude faster than oxygen diffusion, and hydrogen transport occurs dominantly parallel to the layers rather than parallel to the c-axis as for oxygen.Rapid hydrogen transport in minerals may proceed by hydrolysis of Si-O and Al-O bonds, followed by exchange of hydrolyzed oxygens with slower-diffusing (OH) or H2O. Water appears to be essential for stable isotope exchange between minerals in slowly cooling metamorphic rocks.Stable isotope data for regional metamorphic mineral assemblages suggests that water is usually present in small amounts during cooling of prograde regional metamorphic systems, and estimated closure temperatures for cessation of stable isotope exchange are often more comparable to those calculated from diffusion data than to likely temperatures of metamorphism.Alpine deformation of the Hercynian Monte Rose Granite (Frey et al. 1976) permitted access of water and initiated stable isotope exchange amongst coexisting minerals. The diffusional behaviour of species in relict Hercynian muscovites is consistent with available experimental diffusion data.  相似文献   
Trace element data on an Al-spinel ultramafic-mafic inclusion suite in an analcimite support earlier proposals that the various inclusions are comagmatic and represent fragments of a layered tholeiitic ‘pluton’ which differentiated at pressures close to 8 kb. Ultramafic inclusions are dominantly pyroxenites, often websteritic, whereas the mafic inclusions are largely two pyroxene-plagioclase assemblages. Appropriate experimental data and abundances of Sc, Cr and V indicate that subcalcic clinopyroxene or relatively Ca-rich clinopyroxene was the major ferromagnesian phase fractionated, often accompanied by spinel in the early and middle stages of differentiation and, in the later stages, by titanomagnetite. Comparatively moderate decreases in Ni and Co suggest that olivine was a relatively unimportant fractionating phase. Clinopyroxene fractionation at moderate pressures should be assigned only a comparatively insignificant role in the production of evolved basaltic compositions.  相似文献   
Rb-Sr and Pb/Pb whole rock isochrons on the Qôrqut Granite Complex yield ages of 2530 ± 30 Myr (initial87Sr86Sr = 0.7081 ± 0.0008) and 2580 ± 80 Myr respectively. A model relating initial Sr and Pb isotopic compositions of the Qôrqut granites to the Sr and Pb isotopic compositions of the Amîtsoq gneisses (ca. 3700 Myr) and Nûk gneisses (ca. 2900 Myr) at 2550 Myr ago, as well as Sr and Pb contents of the gneiss units, suggests that between 40 and 50% of the Qôrqut granite magma was generated by partial melting of Amîtsoq gneisses, and the remainder by partial melting of Nûk gneisses.  相似文献   
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