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We report here evidence for significant transverse spread of the light production region in bright Leonid meteors. One Leonid meteor has an apparent spread in the light production region of about 600 m perpendicular to the flight path for the meteor, that transverse spread persisting for at least 0.3 s. We have also detected short-duration, jet-like features emanating from a bright Leonid meteor recorded in 1998. These jet-like features have maximum spatial dimensions up to 1.9 km. While we cannot definitively rule out instrumental artefacts as a cause for these jet-like features, they may be evidence of motion contributing to the observed spatial spread in the light production region.  相似文献   
We examine the possibility that recent data on cosmic ray anisotropies presented by the AGASA group may lead to the conclusion that our Galactic Center is a major source of the highest energy cosmic rays in our galaxy. We discuss how such a source would contribute to the magnitude and directional properties of the observed flux when measured against a background of extragalactic cosmic rays. We do this using the results of previous propagation calculations and our own more recent calculations which are specifically for a Galactic Center source.We find that the AGASA data can indeed be plausibly interpreted in this way and also that an argument can be made that the Galactic Center has the appropriate physical properties for acceleration to energies of the order of 1018 eV. We show that data from the SUGAR array are compatible with the AGASA result.  相似文献   
Salinity of inland waters is affected by a range of human activities and is regarded as a major environmental contaminant in many parts of the world. Changes in salinity are well known to be associated with changes in macroinvertebrate communities of flowing waters. However, as many environmental factors co-vary with salinity, it is not known whether, and if so how, salinity causes communities to change. Being able to measure the osmoregulatory stress that individual stream macroinvertebrates are experiencing would be useful to understand if and how salinity affects their populations and thus communities. Additionally, inferring salinity stress in individual invertebrates could provide a valuable biomonitoring tool to detect the initial effects of salinity before major ecological changes have occurred. Osmoregulation in larval Chironomidae (Diptera) takes place in the anal papillae and their size is believed to be associated with osmoregulatory stress. In two laboratory experiments and a field survey in southern Victoria, Australia, we determine if the size of the anal papillae of larva chironomids is a useful biomarker of salinity stress. Experiments with Chironomus oppositus showed that the surface area of the anal papillae was similar in larva hatched across 5 egg masses collected from 3 sites but were affected by salinity treatments. Furthermore, the (transformed) ratio of this surface area to the body length of the larva was independent of the size of C. oppositus. However, for Chironomus cloacalis, this surface area differed between larva hatched from egg masses collected from the same site. The expected trend in surface area of the anal papillae relative to the size of larva (Chironomu alternans, C. cloacalis, Dicrotendipes sp., Criptochironomus sp. and Tanypodinae) was not duplicated in the field survey. It would appear that unknown factors, other than salinity, are affecting the size of the anal papillae of chironomids in southern Victoria.  相似文献   
Halogens show a range from moderate (F) to highly (Cl, Br, I) volatile and incompatible behavior, which makes them excellent tracers for volatile transport processes in the Earth’s mantle. Experimentally determined fluorine and chlorine partitioning data between mantle minerals and silicate melt enable us to estimate Mid Ocean Ridge Basalt (MORB) and Ocean Island Basalt (OIB) source region concentrations for these elements. This study investigates the effect of varying small amounts of water on the fluorine and chlorine partitioning behavior at 1280?°C and 0.3 GPa between olivine and silicate melt in the Fe-free CMAS+F–Cl–Br–I–H2O model system. Results show that, within the uncertainty of the analyses, water has no effect on the chlorine partitioning behavior for bulk water contents ranging from 0.03 (2) wt% H2O (DCl ol/melt = 1.6?±?0.9 × 10?4) to 0.33 (6) wt% H2O (DCl ol/melt = 2.2?±?1.1 × 10?4). Consequently, with the effect of pressure being negligible in the uppermost mantle (Joachim et al. Chem Geol 416:65–78, 2015), temperature is the only parameter that needs to be considered for the determination of chlorine partition coefficients between olivine and melt at least in the simplified iron-free CMAS+F–Cl–Br–I–H2O system. In contrast, the fluorine partition coefficient increases linearly in this range and may be described at 1280?°C and 0.3 GPa with (R 2?=?0.99): \(D_{F}^{\text{ol/melt}}\ =\ 3.6\pm 0.4\ \times \ {{10}^{-3}}\ \times \ {{X}_{{{\text{H}}_{\text{2}}}\text{O}}}\left( \text{wt }\!\!\%\!\!\text{ } \right)\ +\ 6\ \pm \ 0.4\times \,{{10}^{-4}}\). The observed fluorine partitioning behavior supports the theory suggested by Crépisson et al. (Earth Planet Sci Lett 390:287–295, 2014) that fluorine and water are incorporated as clumped OH/F defects in the olivine structure. Results of this study further suggest that fluorine concentration estimates in OIB source regions are at least 10% lower than previously expected (Joachim et al. Chem Geol 416:65–78, 2015), implying that consideration of the effect of water on the fluorine partitioning behavior between Earth’s mantle minerals and silicate melt is vital for a correct estimation of fluorine abundances in OIB source regions. Estimates for MORB source fluorine concentrations as well as chlorine abundances in both mantle source regions are within uncertainty not affected by the presence of water.  相似文献   
Wildfire is a natural component of sagebrush (Artemisia spp.) steppe rangelands that induces temporal shifts in plant community physiognomy, ground surface conditions, and erosion rates. Fire alteration of the vegetation structure and ground cover in these ecosystems commonly amplifies soil losses by wind- and water-driven erosion. Much of the fire-related erosion research for sagebrush steppe has focused on either erosion by wind over gentle terrain or water-driven erosion under high-intensity rainfall on complex topography. However, many sagebrush rangelands are geographically positioned in snow-dominated uplands with complex terrain in which runoff and sediment delivery occur primarily in winter months associated with cold-season hydrology. Current understanding is limited regarding fire effects on the interaction of wind- and cold-season hydrologic-driven erosion processes for these ecosystems. In this study, we evaluated fire impacts on vegetation, ground cover, soils, and erosion across spatial scales at a snow-dominated mountainous sagebrush site over a 2-year period post-fire. Vegetation, ground cover, and soil conditions were assessed at various plot scales (8 m2 to 3.42 ha) through standard field measures. Erosion was quantified through a network of silt fences (n = 24) spanning hillslope and side channel or swale areas, ranging from 0.003 to 3.42 ha in size. Sediment delivery at the watershed scale (129 ha) was assessed by suspended sediment samples of streamflow through a drop-box v-notch weir. Wildfire consumed nearly all above-ground live vegetation at the site and resulted in more than 60% bare ground (bare soil, ash, and rock) in the immediate post-fire period. Widespread wind-driven sediment loading of swales was observed over the first month post-fire and extensive snow drifts were formed in these swales each winter season during the study. In the first year, sediment yields from north- and south-facing aspects averaged 0.99–8.62 t ha−1 at the short-hillslope scale (~0.004 ha), 0.02–1.65 t ha−1 at the long-hillslope scale (0.02–0.46 ha), and 0.24–0.71 t ha−1 at the swale scale (0.65–3.42 ha), and watershed scale sediment yield was 2.47 t ha−1. By the second year post fire, foliar cover exceeded 120% across the site, but bare ground remained more than 60%. Sediment yield in the second year was greatly reduced across short- to long-hillslope scales (0.02–0.04 t ha−1), but was similar to first-year measures for swale plots (0.24–0.61 t ha−1) and at the watershed scale (3.05 t ha−1). Nearly all the sediment collected across all spatial scales was delivered during runoff events associated with cold-season hydrologic processes, including rain-on-snow, rain-on-frozen soils, and snowmelt runoff. Approximately 85–99% of annual sediment collected across all silt fence plots each year was from swales. The high levels of sediment delivered across hillslope to watershed scales in this study are attributed to observed preferential loading of fine sediments into swale channels by aeolian processes in the immediate post-fire period and subsequent flushing of these sediments by runoff from cold-season hydrologic processes. Our results suggest that the interaction of aeolian and cold-season hydrologic-driven erosion processes is an important component for consideration in post-fire erosion assessment and prediction and can have profound implications for soil loss from these ecosystems. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Stormwater best management practice (BMP) design must incorporate the expected long‐term performance from both a water quantity and water quality perspective to sustainably mitigate hydrologic and water quality impacts of development. Infiltration trench structures are one of many infiltration BMPs that reduce runoff volume and capture pollutants. Research on the longevity of these structures is sparse, leading to concerns about their long‐term value and impeding implementation. In the present study, an infiltration trench was monitored from its inception to determine its hydrologic performance over time and total suspended solids (TSS) capture efficiency. The infiltration trench was intentionally undersized to accelerate longevity‐related processes. The infiltration trench provided a 36% TSS removal rate and displayed a distinct decrease in its ability to infiltrate stormwater runoff over the first three years of operation. Results indicate that infiltration through the bottom of the BMP became negligible, while infiltration through the sides of the BMP remained active over the 3‐year study period. The results lead to recommendations for BMP design. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The dynamics of mergers of large circulations in Jupiter's atmosphere may permit different models of the atmosphere to be tested. We report well-resolved observations of such events at visible wavelengths: three anticyclonic and three cyclonic events. A merger of anticyclonic white ovals in the South South Temperate domain (2002 March) is compared with the previously reported merger of ovals BE and FA in the South Temperate domain (2000 March). In each case, the two similar-sized ovals converged rapidly once they were separated by less than the sum of their diameters; they orbited around each other anticyclonically during the merger; the merged oval initially had the same rapid drift as the western parent; and, in an unexpected similarity, a cyclonic oval emerged westward from the point of merger. Evidence suggests that a merger of smaller ovals in the North North Temperate domain (2002 February) had similar dynamics. In contrast, mergers of cyclonic ovals in the North Equatorial Belt (‘barges’: 2001 November, 2005 May) proceeded in a different manner. The two parent barges showed no consistent acceleration towards each other as they converged; on contact there was no obvious sign of mutual circulation, and the low-albedo regions had almost passed each other before they finally merged; and the resulting barge had a drift rate intermediate between the two parents, and a length that was greater than either parent. Again, a third such event involving a smaller barge (2002 December) showed many of the same characteristics. These observations define different dynamical behaviour during anticyclonic and cyclonic mergers.  相似文献   
Estuaries of the southeastern Atlantic coastal plain are dominated by shallow meso-tidal bar-built systems interspersed with shallow sounds and both low flow coastal plain and high flow piedmont riverine systems. Three general geographical areas can be discriminated: the sounds of North Carolina; the alternating series of riverine and ocean dominated bar-built systems of South Carolina, Georgia, and northeast Florida, and the subtropical bar-built estuaries of the Florida southeast coast. The regional climate ranges from temperate to subtropical with sea level rise and hurricanes having a major impact on the region's estuaries because of its low and relatively flat geomorphology. Primary production is highest in the central region. Seagrasses are common in the northern and southern most systems, while intertidal salt marshes composed ofSpartina alterniflora reach their greatest extent and productivity in South Carolina and Georgia. Nuisance blooms (cyanobacteria, dinoflagellates, and cryptomonads) occur more frequently in the northern and extreme southern parts of the region. Fishery catches are highest in the North Carolina and Florida areas. Human population growth with its associated urbanization reaches a maximum in Florida and it is thought that the long-term sustainability of the Florida coast for human habitation will be lost within the next 25 years. Tidal flushing appears to play an important role in mitigating anthropogenic inputs in systems of moderate to high tidal range, i.e., the South Carolina and Georgia coasts. The most pressing environmental problems for the estuaries of the southeastern Atlantic coast seem to be nutrient loading and poor land use in North Carolina and high human population density and growth in Florida. The future utilization of these estuarine systems and their services will depend on the development of improved management strategies based on improved data quality.  相似文献   
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