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We show that numerical support of laboratory experiments can significantly increase the understanding and simplify the interpretation of the obtained laboratory results. First we perform simulations of the Seismic Wave Attenuation Module to measure seismic attenuation of reservoir rocks. Our findings confirm the accuracy of this system. However, precision can be further improved by optimizing the sensor positions. Second, we model wave propagation for an ultrasonic pulse transmission experiment used to determine pressure- and temperature-dependent seismic velocities in the rock. Multiple waves are identified in our computer experiment, including bar waves. The metal jacket that houses the sample assembly needs to be taken into account for a proper estimation of the ultrasonic velocities. This influence is frequency-dependent.  相似文献   
We report the results of analyses of pigments (derived from algae and photosynthetic bacteria), diatoms and invertebrate fossil remains (ostracods, cladocerans, chironomids) in two late Pleistocene sediment cores from Lago Albano, a crater lake in Central Italy. The record contains evidence for oscillations in lake biota throughout the period ca. 28 to 17 k yr BP. The earliest of these are contained in the basal 3.5 m of light olive-gray and yellowish-gray spotted muds sampled in core PALB 94-1E from 70 m water depth. The later oscillations are best represented in the more extended sediment sequence recovered from a second core site, PALB 94-6B, in 30 m water depth. The sediments at site 1E, containing the earlier oscillations (ca. 28-24 k yr BP), predate any sedimentation at the shallower site, from which we infer an initially low lake level rising to permit sediment accumulation at site 6B from ca. 24 k yr onwards. At site 6B, massive silts rich in moss remains are interbedded with laminated silts and carbonates. These sediments span the period ca. 24 to 17 k yr and are interpreted as representing, respectively, times of shallow water alternating with higher lake stands, when the lake was stratified and bottom water was stagnant. A range of mutually independent chronological constraints on the frequency and duration of the oscillations recorded in the lake biota indicate that they were aperiodic and occurred on millennial to century timescales. We interpret them as responses to climate forcing through its impact on lake levels and changing aquatic productivity. The time span they occupy, their frequency and their duration suggest that at least some of these changes may parallel both the Dansgaard-Oeschger events recorded in Greenland Ice Cores and the contemporary oscillations in North Atlantic circulation documented in marine sediment cores.  相似文献   
Accuracy assessment of the GPS-based slant total electron content   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
The main scope of this research is to assess the ultimate accuracy that can be achieved for the slant total electron content (sTEC) estimated from dual-frequency global positioning system (GPS) observations which depends, primarily, on the calibration of the inter-frequency biases (IFB). Two different calibration approaches are analyzed: the so-called satellite-by-satellite one, which involves levelling the carrier-phase to the code-delay GPS observations and then the IFB estimation; and the so-called arc-by-arc one, which avoids the use of code-delay observations but requires the estimation of arc-dependent biases. Two strategies are used for the analysis: the first one compares calibrated sTEC from two co-located GPS receivers that serve to assess the levelling errors; and the second one, assesses the model error using synthetic data free of calibration error, produced with a specially developed technique. The results show that the arc-by-arc calibration technique performs better than the satellite-by-satellite one for mid-latitudes, while the opposite happens for low-latitudes.  相似文献   
The origin of the nearly circular Colônia structure, located at the southwestern edge of the city of São Paulo, Brazil, has been the subject of a long‐standing debate, ever since the 1960s when the structure was first investigated by geophysical methods. The structure still raises interest for geological research, as its sedimentary infill holds important paleoclimatic information about the evolution of the tropical rainforest, as well as the interplay between the South American summer monsoon, the Intertropical Convergence Zone, and the southern Westerly wind belt—for possibly as long as several million years. In addition, the search for evidence to conclusively establish the origin of this structure continues, and the answer most likely lies in the lower portions of the basin's sedimentary infill, which also holds a significant potential for underground water resources. Here, we present the results from recent seismic (reflection and HVSR), gravimetric, and geoelectrical surveys. They have provided a reliable image of the sedimentary infill, and the maximum depth to basement within the structure has been constrained consistently by the different methods to approximately ?400 m. The geophysical data have also allowed to map the lateral contact between the crystalline basement rocks and the sedimentary infill, which indicates a diameter of approximately 2.8 km for the sedimentary basin, with 3.6 km being the diameter of the outermost limit of the structure. A total of six seismic stratigraphic boundaries were identified within the sedimentary infill, providing a framework for the planning of a deep drilling campaign and subsequent sampling program aimed at geological and paleoclimatology studies.  相似文献   
Low energy protons (< 300 keV) can enter the field of view of X-ray telescopes, scatter on their mirror surfaces at small incident angles, and deposit energy on the detector. This phenomenon can cause intense background flares at the focal plane decreasing the mission observing time (e.g. the XMM-Newton mission) or in the most extreme cases, damaging the X-ray detector. A correct modelization of the physics process responsible for the grazing angle scattering processes is mandatory to evaluate the impact of such events on the performance (e.g. observation time, sensitivity) of future X-ray telescopes as the ESA ATHENA mission. The Remizovich model describes particles reflected by solids at glancing angles in terms of the Boltzmann transport equation using the diffuse approximation and the model of continuous slowing down in energy. For the first time this solution, in the approximation of no energy losses, is implemented, verified, and qualitatively validated on top of the Geant4 release 10.2, with the possibility to add a constant energy loss to each interaction. This implementation is verified by comparing the simulated proton distribution to both the theoretical probability distribution and with independent ray-tracing simulations. Both the new scattering physics and the Coulomb scattering already built in the official Geant4 distribution are used to reproduce the latest experimental results on grazing angle proton scattering. At 250 keV multiple scattering delivers large proton angles and it is not consistent with the observation. Among the tested models, the single scattering seems to better reproduce the scattering efficiency at the three energies but energy loss obtained at small scattering angles is significantly lower than the experimental values. In general, the energy losses obtained in the experiment are higher than what obtained by the simulation. The experimental data are not completely representative of the soft proton scattering experienced by current X-ray telescopes because of the lack of measurements at low energies (< 200 keV) and small reflection angles, so we are not able to address any of the tested models as the one that can certainly reproduce the scattering behavior of low energy protons expected for the ATHENA mission. We can, however, discard multiple scattering as the model able to reproduce soft proton funnelling, and affirm that Coulomb single scattering can represent, until further measurements at lower energies are available, the best approximation of the proton scattered angular distribution at the exit of X-ray optics.  相似文献   
Though clinothem geometry represents a key control on fluid flow in reservoir modelling, tracing clinothem boundaries accurately is commonly limited by the lack of sufficiently precise outcrop or subsurface data. This study shows that in basin systems with strongly heterogeneous compositional signatures, the combination of bulk-sediment geochemistry and benthic foraminiferal distribution can help identify clinothem architecture and generate realistic models of 3D deltaic upbuilding and evolution. Middle-late Holocene deposits in the Po Delta area form an aggradational to progradational parasequence set that reveals the complex interaction of W–E Po Delta progradation, S-directed longshore currents (from Alpine rivers) and Apennines rivers supply. Unique catchment lithologies (ophiolite rocks and dolostones) were used to delineate basin-wide geochemical markers of sediment provenance (Cr and Mg) and to assess distinctive detrital signatures. The geochemical characterization of cored intervals across different components of the sediment routing system enabled a direct linkage between clinothem growth, transport pathways and provenance mixing to be established. On the other hand, abrupt microfaunal variations at clinothem boundaries were observed to reflect the palaeoenvironmental response to sharp changes in sediment flux and fluvial influence. This study documents the ability of an integrated geochemical and palaeoecological approach to delineate three distinct sources (Po, Alps and Apennines) that contributed to coastal progradation and to outline the otherwise lithologically cryptic geometries of clinothems that using conventional sedimentological methods it would be virtually impossible to restore.  相似文献   
The aim of this study is to characterize the pedogenic clay minerals by using simple approach: mixing mineralogical and geochemical findings.The fine clay fractions (< 0.1 μm) of a Vertic Cambisol profile were studied by means of X-ray diffraction (XRD), infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and cation exchange capacity (CEC).Qualitative and quantitative mineralogical compositions of the clay mixture were determined.Moreover, chemical equilibria and thermodynamic stabilities of minerals (calcite, gypsum, kaolinite, smectites and illites) were studied using results of ionic activities obtained from total concentration of various aqueous species in water extracts from soil-saturated pastes.XRD analysis shows a good homogeneity in the mineralogical composition of the soil material, with depth of soil profiles. The identified clay minerals are mainly illite–smectite mixed layers (I/S) and kaolinite. The chemical analysis of saturated paste extracts with clay minerals shows a slight undersaturation of the illitic phase while smectites and also calcite and gypsum reach the thermodynamic equilibrium along the soil profile.  相似文献   
The vertical sediment profiles (10 cm) of the margins of three shallow subtropical lakes (Rio Grande, Brazil) with different trophic states and surrounding areas were evaluated to identify the effects of the allochthonous input on the methane concentration in the sediment. Sediment cores were collected to quantify the organic matter content (OM) and total carbon (TC), total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorous (TP) and methane (CH4) concentrations.The three lakes were distinguished according to the trophic status and classified as oligotrophic, dystrophic and eutrophic. The natural characteristics of the dystrophic and eutrophic lakes have been changed due to the allochthonous input of leaves and twigs (Eucalyptus sp.) and the excreta of birds, respectively. In the eutrophic lake, the allochthonous input contributed to high autochthonous production. The highest values of OM, TC, TN and TP were found in the superficial sediments of the dystrophic and eutrophic lakes. The accumulation of allochthonous organic matter in the littoral zone promoted changes in the vertical sediment profiles and contributed to increases in the CH4 concentrations in the sediment.  相似文献   
Here, we report the first continuous data of geochemical parameters acquired directly from the active summit crater of Vulcano. This approach provides a means to better investigate deep geochemical processes associated with the degassing system of Vulcano Island. In particular, we report on soil CO2 fluxes from the upper part of Vulcano, a closed-conduit volcano, from September 2007 to October 2010. Large variations in the soil CO2 and plume SO2 fluxes (order of magnitude), coinciding with other discontinuous geochemical parameters (CO2 concentrations in fumarole gas) and physical parameters (increase of shallow seismic activity and fumarole temperatures) have been recorded. The results from this work suggest new prospects for strengthening geochemical monitoring of volcanic activity and for improving the constraints in the construction of a “geochemical model”, this being a necessary condition to better understand the functioning of volcanic systems.  相似文献   
Fluid inclusion studies together with volcanological and petrochemical data allow reconstruction of the magma feeding system of basaltic-andesitic to andesitic activity during the oldest and intermediate stages of development of Lipari Island (223–81 ka). A major magma storage zone is active during the overall investigated time span at depths of 22 km, close to the crust-mantle Moho transition, at which mantle-derived mafic magmas tend to accumulate due to neutral buoyancy conditions. Beneath central-type volcanoes (M. Mazzacaruso, M. S.Angelo, M. Chirica-Costa d’Agosto), a shallower magma reservoir is located within the upper crust at 5.5–3.5 km, associated with a major lithological discontinuity. For fissural-type volcanoes (Timpone Ospedale, Monterosa, M. Chirica), tectonic structures are suggested to influence further magma ascent and storage at mid-crustal depths (∼14 km), with no ponding at shallower levels. Partial crustal melting processes at the roofs of the deep magma reservoirs (∼17 km) are invoked to explain the origin of cordierite-bearing lavas beneath M. S.Angelo and M. Chirica-Costa d’Agosto volcanoes, which were active during the intermediate stages of development of Lipari (105–81 ka). The generation of felsic anatectic melts in the lower crust could have created density and rheologic barriers to impede the passage of mafic melts and promote their ponding, with influence on the subsequent evolution of Lipari volcano.  相似文献   
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