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We consider a restricted three-body problem consisting of two positive equal masses m 1 = m 2 moving, under the mutual gravitational attraction, in a collision orbit and a third infinitesimal mass m 3 moving in the plane P perpendicular to the line joining m 1 and m 2. The plane P is assumed to pass through the center of mass of m 1 and m 2. Since the motion of m 1 and m 2 is not affected by m 3, from the symmetry of the configuration it is clear that m 3 remains in the plane P and the three masses are at the vertices of an isosceles triangle for all time. The restricted planar isosceles three-body problem describes the motion of m 3 when its angular momentum is different from zero and the motion of m 1 and m 2 is not periodic. Our main result is the characterization of the global flow of this problem.  相似文献   
This paper presents a new probabilistic physically-based computational model (called PG_TRIGRS) for the probabilistic analysis of rainfall-induced landslide hazard at a regional scale. The model is based on the deterministic approach implemented in the original TRIGRS code, developed by Baum et al. (USGS Open File Report 02–424, 2002) and Baum et al. (USGS Open File Report 08–1159, 2008). Its key innovative features are: (a) the application of Ordinary Kriging for the estimation of the spatial distributions of the first two statistical moments of the probability density functions of the relevant soil properties over the entire area, based on limited available information gathered from available information from limited site investigation campaigns, and (b) the use of Rosenblueth’s Point Estimate method as a more efficient alternative to the classical Monte Carlo method for the reliability analysis performed at the single-cell level to obtain the probability of failure associated to a given rainfall event. The application of the PG_TRIGRS code to a selected study area located in the Umbria Region for different idealized but realistic rainfall scenarios has demonstrated the computational efficiency and the accuracy of the proposed methodology, assessed by comparing predicted landslide densities with available field observations reported by the IFFI project. In particular, while the model might fail to identify all individual landslide events, its predictions are remarkably good in identifying the areas of higher landslide density.  相似文献   
Kyanite-rich and quartz-rich eclogites occur as lenses within amphibolite-facies quartzo-feldspathic gneisses in the Pohorje Mountains, Northern Slovenia, that form the easternmost Austroalpine basement. Major and trace elements indicate that the kyanite-rich eclogites were derived from plagioclase-rich gabbroic cumulates, whereas the quartz-rich eclogites represent more fractionated basaltic compositions. Both varieties are characterized by a LREE-depleted N-MORB type REE signature. Geothermobarometry and P-T pseudosections indicate that eclogites equilibrated at 1.8-2.5 GPa and 630-700 °C, consistently with the lack of coesite and with equilibration conditions of the chemically similar eclogites from the adjacent basement units at Koralpe and Saualpe type localities. Decompression reaction textures include (i) clinopyroxene-plagioclase intergrowths after omphacite, (ii) replacement of kyanite by corundum-plagioclase-spinel±sapphirine symplectites, (iii) breakdown of phengite to biotite-plagioclase sapphirine symplectites. The results of this study indicate that Koralpe, Saualpe and Pohorje high-pressure rocks represent former MORB-type oceanic crust that was subducted in the course of the late Cretaceous (approximately 100 Ma ago) collision between the European and the Apulian plates.  相似文献   
In-situ deformation experiments were performed on partially molten analog materials (norcamphor in the presence of a benzamide–norcamphor melt) undergoing pure shearing at a constant melt fraction of 0.13. Melt in the samples induces a strain-dependent transition from purely dislocation creep to dislocation creep associated with minor intergranular fracturing and grain boundary sliding (GBS). Intergranular fractures drain the melt from initially isotropic melt pockets to grain boundaries. Along such boundaries, grain-boundary migration recrystallization is inhibited, while GBS occurs. Intergranular melt pockets occur along grain boundaries oriented subparallel to the shortening direction, but melt must have migrated parallel to the elongation direction of the samples, as indicated by melt accumulations at both extruding ends of the sample. Intergranular melt pockets parallel to the elongation direction were only rarely observed, because melt was rapidly expelled from these sites. Nevertheless, these grain boundaries are the pathways of melt segregation in the samples.  相似文献   
Integration of landform and structural analysis allowed the identification of Late Pleistocene–Holocene pulses of tectonic activity in the Campos do Jordão Plateau with ages and regimes similar to the ones from the continental rift. Fault reactivation along Precambrian shear zones give rise to a series of conspicuous morphotectonic features, determine the formation of stream piracy phenomena, and divide the plateau into smaller blocks. Recognition of these tectonic pulses as well as of their effects in landform development—particularly clear on the Campos de São Francisco at the highest area of the SE edge of the plateau—show that besides the climate-related Quaternary environmental changes significant neotectonic instability should be considered in the geomorphic evolution of the Campos do Jordão Plateau.  相似文献   
The Sannio-Matese region is one of the most seismically active regions of Italy and has been struck by large historical earthquakes. At present, the area is characterized by low magnitude background seismicity and small seismic sequences following M4 main events. In this paper, we show Vp and Vp/Vs models and 3D locations for a complete set of earthquakes occurring in the period 1991–2001. We observe a significant crustal heterogeneity, with large scale east-verging high Vp fault-related-folds, stacked by the Pliocene compression. The relocated earthquakes cluster along a 70° east-dipping, NW-striking plane located at the border of the high Vp thrust units. Normal fault earthquakes related to the young and active extension occur within these high Vp zones, interpreted as high strength material. We expect large future earthquakes to occur within these high Vp zones actually characterized by low magnitude seismicity at their borders.  相似文献   
In order to better constrain the interpretation and the nature of the seismic reflectors, experimental measurements at high confining pressure (up to 300 MPa) and room temperature of the compressional wave velocity (Vp) on 10 samples representative of the most common lithologies along the Aurina (Ahrntal), Tures (Tauferer Tal), and Badia (Abtei Tal) Valleys profile (Eastern Alps, Italy) have been performed. For each sample, the speed of ultrasonic waves was measured in three mutually perpendicular directions, parallel and normal to the rock foliation and lineation.The main results are:(a) Good agreement between the calculated vs. measured modal compositions of the considered rocks, indicating that they were presumably equilibrated at the estimated PT conditions; therefore, the seismic properties are representative of the crustal level indicated by the thermobarometry.(b) Measured and calculated average Vp are in good agreement, and are typical of mid-crustal level (6.0–6.5 km/s). Only the amphibolites show Vp typical of the lower crust (7.2 km/s).(c) The seismic anisotropy of metapelites is very high (12–27%), both with orthorhombic and transverse isotropy symmetry; amphibolites are transversely isotropic with an anisotropy of 8%; orthogneisses and granitoids are isotropic or weakly anisotropic.(d) The contacts between amphibolites and all other rock types may generate good reflections, provided they are not steeply inclined. Although the metamorphic foliation remains steeply inclined, discordant buried sub-horizontal igneous contacts may be detected.  相似文献   
Five similar glacial-lake outburst floods (GLOFs) occurred in April, October, December 2008, March and September 2009 in the Northern Patagonia Icefield. On each occasion, Cachet 2 Lake, dammed by the Colonia Glacier, released circa 200-million m3 water into the Colonia River. Refilling has occurred rapidly, such that further outbreak floods can be expected. Pipeflow calculations of the subglacial tunnel drainage and 1D hydraulic models of the river flood give consistent results, with an estimated peak discharge surpassing 3,000 m3 s?1. These floods were larger in magnitude than any flood on record, according to gauged data since 1963. However, geomorphological analysis of the Colonia valley shows physical evidence of former catastrophic outburst floods from a larger glacial-lake, with flood discharges possibly as high as 16,000 m3 s?1. Due to potential impacts of climate change on glacier dynamics in the area, jökulhlaups may increase future flood risks for infrastructure and population. This is particularly relevant in view of the current development of hydropower projects in Chilean Patagonia.  相似文献   
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