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Modes of occurrence of Au‐ and Ag‐bearing phases and their relation with associated hypogene ore minerals were examined with the objective to elucidate Au‐Ag distribution at the Esperanza porphyry deposit in the Eocene Centinela copper belt, using ore‐microscope modal analysis, semi‐quantitative analyses by automated mineralogy, electron probe microanalysis, and secondary ion mass spectrometer. The Esperanza hypogene mineralization is characterized by early‐stage chalcopyrite‐rich veinlets in the potassic alteration zone and later polymetallic stage with tennantite and galena in the chlorite‐sericitic alteration zone. Only the early‐stage chalcopyrite contains fine‐grained electrum (Au68Ag32 ‐ Au81Ag19) and hessite (Ag2Te), and thus yields positive correlations in Cu vs. Au and Cu vs. Ag grades that are clearly recognized in the hypogene sulfide zone. The early‐stage chalcopyrite grains frequently exhibit polysynthetic twinning suggestive of inversion from intermediate solid solution. These features suggest that the fine‐grained electrum and hessite are products exsolved in the cooling process with the intermediate solid solution to chalcopyrite inversion. In contrast, tennantite and galena of the later‐stage mineralization contain no detectable Ag, and it is thus proposed that the early‐stage inverted chalcopyrite is the principal storage of economically important precious metals.  相似文献   
All periglacial and glacial landforms investigated in the Northern Foothills have a very thin active layer (0.1–0.3 m thickness) overlying a thin permafrost layer, characterised by electrical resistivities ranging between 13 and 50 kΩm and by different thicknesses. Below this surficial layer, different types of ground ice (with a resistivity range from 8000 to 0.1 kΩm) were detected. These different types of ground ice permitted ice-cored rock glaciers to be distinguished from ice-cemented rock glaciers, subsea permafrost to be identified in some raised beaches, and other interpretations to be suggested about a debris-covered glacier. These results have been obtained by vertical electrical soundings (VES) carried out in ice-free areas of the Northern Foothills, near Terra Nova Bay Station during the tenth national Italian expedition in Antarctica (1994–1995). In these areas on the basis of previous geomorphological research, some landforms such as rock glaciers, raised beaches with patterned ground and debris-covered glaciers were chosen to carry out the VES. The electrical prospection can be considered a good means for understanding the origins of landforms in ice-free areas of Antarctica and for making a contribution to the palaeoenvironmental reconstruction of this continent.  相似文献   
For the degassing of coal seams, either prior to mining or in un-minable seams to obtain coalbed methane, it is the combination of cleat frequency, aperture, connectivity, stress, and mineral occlusions that control permeability. Unfortunately, many potential coalbeds have limited permeability and are thus marginal for economic methane extraction. Enhanced coalbed methane production, with concurrent CO2 sequestration is also challenging due to limited CO2 injectivity. Microwave energy can, in the absence of confining stress, induce fractures in coal. Here, creation of new fractures and increasing existing cleat apertures via short burst, high-energy microwave energy was evaluated for an isotropically stressed and an unstressed bituminous coal core. A microwave-transparent argon gas pressurized (1000 psi) polycarbonate vessel was constructed to apply isotropic stress simulating ~ 1800 foot depth. Cleat frequency and distribution was determined for the two cores via micro-focused X-ray computed tomography. Evaluation occurred before and after microwave exposure with and without the application of isotropic stress during exposure. Optical microscopy was performed for tomography cleat aperture calibration and also to examine lithotypes influences on fracture: initiation, propagation, frequency, and orientation. It was confirmed that new fractures are induced via high-energy microwave exposure in an unconfined bituminous core and that the aperture increased in existing cleats. Cleat/fracture volume, following microwave exposure increased from 1.8% to 16.1% of the unconfined core volume. For the first time, similar observations of fracture generation and aperture enhancement in coal were also determined for microwave exposure under isotropic stress conditions. An existing cleat aperture, determined from calibrated X-ray computed tomography increased from 0.17 mm to 0.32 mm. The cleat/fracture volume increased from 0.5% to 5.5%. Optical microscopy indicated that fracture initiated likely occurred in at least some cases at fusain microlithotypes. Presumably this was due to the open pore volumes and potential for bulk water presence or steam pressure buildup in these locations. For the major induced fractures, they were mostly horizontal (parallel to the bedding plane) and often contained within lithotype bands. Thus it appears likely that microwaves have the potential to enhance the communication between horizontal wellbore and existing cleat network, in coal seams at depth, for improved gas recovery or CO2 injection.  相似文献   
The salt waters from the Emilia-Romagna sector of the Northern Apennine Foredeep have been investigated using major and trace element and stable isotope (δ2H, δ18O, δ37Cl, δ81Br and 87Sr/86Sr ratio). Ca, Mg, Na, K, Sr, Li, B, I, Br and SO4 vs. Cl diagrams suggest the subaerial evaporation of seawater beyond gypsum and before halite precipitation as primary process to explain the brine’s salinity, whereas saline to brackish waters were formed by mixing of evaporated seawater and water of meteoric origin. A diagenetic end-member may be a third component for mud volcanoes and some brackish waters. Salinization by dissolution of (Triassic) evaporites has been detected only in samples from the Tuscan side of the Apennines and/or interacting with the Tuscan Nappe. In comparison with the seawater evaporation path, Ca–Sr enrichment and Na–K–Mg depletion of the foredeep waters reveal the presence of secondary processes such as dolomitization–chloritization, zeolitization–albitization and illitization. Sulfate concentration, formerly buffered by gypsum-anhydrite deposition, is heavily lowered by bacterial and locally by thermochemical reduction during burial diagenesis. From an isotopic point of view, data of the water molecule confirm mixing between seawater and meteoric end-members. Local 18O-shift up to +11‰ at Salsomaggiore is related to water–rock interaction at high temperature (≈150°C) as confirmed by chemical (Mg, Li, Ca distribution) and isotopic (SO4–H2O) geothermometers. 37Cl/35Cl and 81Br/79Br ratios corroborate the marine origin of the brines and evidence the diffusion of halogens from the deepest and most saline aquifers toward the surface. The 87Sr/86Sr ratio suggests a Miocene origin of Sr and rule out the hypothesis of a Triassic provenance of the dissolved components for the analyzed waters issuing from the Emilia-Romagna sector of the foredeep. Waters issuing from the Tuscan side of the Apennines and from the Marche sector of the foredeep show higher 87Sr/86Sr ratios because of the interaction with siliciclastic rocks.  相似文献   

The Baker basin (27 000 km2) is located in one of the most pristine and remote areas of the planet. Its hydrological regime is poised to undergo dramatic changes in the near future due to hydropower development and climate change. The basin contains the second-largest lake in South America, and part of a major icefield. This study documents the natural baseline of the Baker River basin, discusses the main hydrological modes and analyses the potential for sustainable management. Annual precipitation varies several-fold from the eastern Patagonian steppes to the North Patagonian Icefield. The westernmost sub-basins are strongly governed by glacier melt with a peak discharge in the austral summer (January–March). The easternmost sub-basins have a much more seasonal response governed by quicker snowmelt in spring (November–December), while they exhibit low flows typical for semi-arid regions during summer and autumn. Topography, vegetation and wetlands may also influence streamflow. The strong spatio-temporal gradients and variability highlight the need for further monitoring, particularly in the headwaters, especially given the severe changes these basins are expected to undergo. The great diversity of hydrological controls and climate change pose significant challenges for hydrological prediction and management.

Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz

Citation Dussaillant, J.A., Buytaert, W., Meier, C., and Espinoza, F. 2012. Hydrological regime of remote catchments with extreme gradients under accelerated change: the Baker basin in Patagonia. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 57 (8), 1530–1542.  相似文献   
The ever-growing size of data sets for active and passive seismic imaging makes the availability of automatic procedures for rapid analysis more and more valuable. Such procedures are especially important for time-critical applications like emergency decisions or re-orienting of ongoing seismic surveys. In this paper a new, iterative scheme for 3D traveltime tomography is presented. The technique, based on a tool originally developed for earthquake data, uses cross-correlation to examine waveform similarity and to adjust arrival times on seismic sections. A preliminary set of reference arrival times is first corrected by the cross-correlation lag and then used to build an initial 3D tomographic velocity model through a standard inversion code; traveltimes calculated from this model are then taken as new reference arrivals and the process of pick adjustment is repeated. The result is a tomographic image, upgraded and refined at each iteration of the procedure. The test performed on the waveform data set recorded during the 2001 SERAPIS active seismic survey in the gulfs of Naples and Pozzuoli (Southern Italy) shows that the 3D iterative tomography scheme produces a velocity image of the structure of the Campi Flegrei caldera which is consistent with the results from previous studies, employing just a fraction of the time needed by a human analyst to identify first breaks. We believe that this technique can be effectively employed for rapid analysis of large data-sets within time-critical or time-dependent tasks and for automatic 4D tomographic investigations.  相似文献   
A formulation of the perturbed two-body problem that relies on a new set of orbital elements is presented. The proposed method represents a generalization of the special perturbation method published by Peláez et al. (Celest Mech Dyn Astron 97(2):131–150, 2007) for the case of a perturbing force that is partially or totally derivable from a potential. We accomplish this result by employing a generalized Sundman time transformation in the framework of the projective decomposition, which is a known approach for transforming the two-body problem into a set of linear and regular differential equations of motion. Numerical tests, carried out with examples extensively used in the literature, show the remarkable improvement of the performance of the new method for different kinds of perturbations and eccentricities. In particular, one notable result is that the quadratic dependence of the position error on the time-like argument exhibited by Peláez’s method for near-circular motion under the $J_{2}$ perturbation is transformed into linear. Moreover, the method reveals to be competitive with two very popular element methods derived from the Kustaanheimo-Stiefel and Sperling-Burdet regularizations.  相似文献   
Natural threats like earthquakes, hurricanes or tsunamis have had serious impacts on communities. In the past, major earthquakes in the United States like Loma Prieta 1989, Northridge 1994, or recent events in Italy like L’Aquila 2009 or Emilia 2012 emphasized the importance of preparedness and awareness to reduce social impacts. In addition to that, earthquake damaged businesses dramatically reduced the gross regional product. Generating scenario earthquakes in a proper way is important to suitably assess the risk in bridge networks and social losses in terms of gross regional product reduction. Seismic hazard is traditionally assessed by means of probabilistic seismic hazard analysis (PSHA). Although PSHA well represents the hazard at a specific location it is not suitable for spatially distributed systems. Scenario earthquakes can overcome this problem; they represent the actual distribution of ground shaking for a spatially distributed system while being hazard consistent. In this work a methodology to generate scenario earthquakes has been proposed using a novel approach with the aim of being the basic step for investigating possible earthquake consequences in seismic areas and contributing to reduce losses.  相似文献   
In this article, an open channel flow resistance equation, deduced applying dimensional analysis and incomplete self-similarity condition for the flow velocity distribution, was tested using measurements carried out in a full-scale channel equipped with three types of riparian plants (Salix alba L., Salix caprea L. and Alnus glutinosa L.). In the experimental channel, having banks lined with boulders, the vegetation branches were anchored in a concrete bottom. For each species, the measurements were carried out with plants having different amounts of leaves, different plant density and plant area index. The relationship between the scale factor Γ of the velocity profile and the Froude number was separately calibrated by measurements carried out without and with vegetation. The component of Darcy-Weisbach friction factor corresponding to the riparian vegetation fv was calculated as the difference between the measured friction factor value (channel grain roughness + vegetation) and that calculated for the channel without vegetation in the same hydraulic conditions. Using these fv values, the relationship between the scale factor Γ and the Froude number was calibrated. In this last relationship, a scaling coefficient a varying with the investigated vegetation type was introduced. This coefficient, as expected, gives the highest friction factor values for vegetation having branches with leaves. The theoretical flow resistance law, coupled with the relationship for estimating the Γ function having a scaling coefficient different for each investigated vegetation type, allowed an accurate estimate of the Darcy-Weisbach friction factor (errors less than or equal to 20% for 82.6% of the investigated cases). Finally, for the investigated vegetation species that are characterized by a condition with few leaves or leafless, the scaling coefficient a resulted strongly related to the bending stiffness. This analysis demonstrated that the highest Darcy-Weisbach friction factors correspond to vegetation species characterized by the highest values of bending stiffness. The friction factor values calculated for this last condition are characterized by errors that were less than or equal to ±20% for 90.6% of cases.  相似文献   
At sub‐arc depths, the release of carbon from subducting slab lithologies is mostly controlled by fluid released by devolatilization reactions such as dehydration of antigorite (Atg‐) serpentinite to prograde peridotite. Here we investigate carbonate–silicate rocks hosted in Atg‐serpentinite and prograde chlorite (Chl‐) harzburgite in the Milagrosa and Almirez ultramafic massifs of the palaeo‐subducted Nevado‐Filábride Complex (NFC, Betic Cordillera, S. Spain). These massifs provide a unique opportunity to study the stability of carbonate during subduction metamorphism at PT conditions before and after the dehydration of Atg‐serpentinite in a warm subduction setting. In the Milagrosa massif, carbonate–silicate rocks occur as lenses of Ti‐clinohumite–diopside–calcite marbles, diopside–dolomite marbles and antigorite–diopside–dolomite rocks hosted in clinopyroxene‐bearing Atg‐serpentinite. In Almirez, carbonate–silicate rocks are hosted in Chl‐harzburgite and show a high‐grade assemblage composed of olivine, Ti‐clinohumite, diopside, chlorite, dolomite, calcite, Cr‐bearing magnetite, pentlandite and rare aragonite inclusions. These NFC carbonate–silicate rocks have variable CaO and CO2 contents at nearly constant Mg/Si ratio and high Ni and Cr contents, indicating that their protoliths were variable mixtures of serpentine and Ca‐carbonate (i.e., ophicarbonates). Thermodynamic modelling shows that the carbonate–silicate rocks attained peak metamorphic conditions similar to those of their host serpentinite (Milagrosa massif; 550–600°C and 1.0–1.4 GPa) and Chl‐harzburgite (Almirez massif; 1.7–1.9 GPa and 680°C). Microstructures, mineral chemistry and phase relations indicate that the hybrid carbonate–silicate bulk rock compositions formed before prograde metamorphism, likely during seawater hydrothermal alteration, and subsequently underwent subduction metamorphism. In the CaO–MgO–SiO2 ternary, these processes resulted in a compositional variability of NFC serpentinite‐hosted carbonate–silicate rocks along the serpentine‐calcite mixing trend, similar to that observed in serpentinite‐hosted carbonate‐rocks in other palaeo‐subducted metamorphic terranes. Thermodynamic modelling using classical models of binary H2O–CO2 fluids shows that the compositional variability along this binary determines the temperature of the main devolatilization reactions, the fluid composition and the mineral assemblages of reaction products during prograde subduction metamorphism. Thermodynamic modelling considering electrolytic fluids reveals that H2O and molecular CO2 are the main fluid species and charged carbon‐bearing species occur only in minor amounts in equilibrium with carbonate–silicate rocks in warm subduction settings. Consequently, accounting for electrolytic fluids at these conditions slightly increases the solubility of carbon in the fluids compared with predictions by classical binary H2O–CO2 fluids, but does not affect the topology of phase relations in serpentinite‐hosted carbonate‐rocks. Phase relations, mineral composition and assemblages of Milagrosa and Almirez (meta)‐serpentinite‐hosted carbonate–silicate rocks are consistent with local equilibrium between an infiltrating fluid and the bulk rock composition and indicate a limited role of infiltration‐driven decarbonation. Our study shows natural evidence for the preservation of carbonates in serpentinite‐hosted carbonate–silicate rocks beyond the Atg‐serpentinite breakdown at sub‐arc depths, demonstrating that carbon can be recycled into the deep mantle.  相似文献   
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