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以沉积学理论为指导,结合岩石学和矿物学等学科,通过对塔里木盆地岩相和重矿物类型和组合及其稳定性等的分析,详细探讨了塔里木盆地侏罗纪—白垩纪的岩相特征,并重建古气候的演化特征。塔里木盆地侏罗纪主要属于温暖湿润气候,晚侏罗纪后期到早白垩世属于干旱炎热气候。  相似文献   
Localized (domainal) low-temperature alteration may indicate variations in the chemistry of alteration fluids and/or discrete fluid flow paths during metamorphism. Occurrences of epidote- and pumpellyite-dominated domains are often used as evidence for large fluxes of Ca-rich fluids. However, comparative studies of two domainal alteration styles from basaltic to andesitic lavas and volcaniclastic rocks at Builth Wells, Wales, UK suggest that such interpretations cannot be applied universally. Here, only one set of domains can be attributed to large fluxes of Ca-rich fluids. In contrast, the second set of domains formed where the host rock supplied the necessary Ca, and fluid/rock ratios were relatively low. These domains are hosted by rocks which show a Caledonian regional metamorphic imprint, characterized by the alteration assemblage albite+chlorite+titanite±prehnite±pumpellyite±calcite±muscovite±quartz (considered to have formed at c. 200°C and ≤2.5 kbar). Type 1 domains lie along fluid channelways, such as veins. Pumpellyite is the dominant secondary mineral, but the alteration assemblage is variable with pumpellyite±prehnite±calcite±titanite±chlorite (±quartz). The domains formed at temperatures of 130–230°C during Ordovician hydrothermal activity, before the peak of regional metamorphism. In contrast, Type 2 domains are not associated with obvious fluid channelways. A central prehnite-dominated zone typically has a rim with the assemblage pumpellyite+calcite±prehnite±chlorite±titanite±K-rich phyllosilicate. These domains probably formed from pelitic xenoliths which contained a volcaniclastic component at temperatures of 130–230°C and at relatively low fluid/rock ratios. However, the timing of domain formation is uncertain. Pyrobitumen, in veins and disseminated throughout the rock, may have influenced the formation of both types of domain by stabilizing pumpellyite in preference to epidote and causing metamorphic calcite formation through the release of CO2 to the alteration fluids. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Large septarian concretions from the Kimmeridge Clay, up to 1.2 m in diameter, have centres comprising anhedral calcite microspar passing into margins of radiating fibrous calcite microspar, with a pyrite-rich zone at the transition. Septarian veins formed and were lined with brown calcite synchronously with fibrous matrix growth, with white calcite precipitated in septarian cavities after concretion growth ceased. Septarian veins, filled only with white calcite, formed later, at the same time as the outermost calcite microspar crystals were enlarged.
The concretions were buried in the Late Jurassic to about 130 m, and in the Late Cretaceous to about 550 m, with uplift between. Oxygen isotopes show that the concretion grew throughout the first burial, with septarian veins forming from about 30 m depth onwards. Later septarian veins formed between about 200 and 500 m during the second burial.
Carbon isotopes show that the compact inner matrix grew in the sulphate reduction zone, the end of which is marked by the pyrite-enriched zone. Dissolving shells, and possibly minor methanogenic carbonate, slowly diluted sulphate reduction-zone carbonate during deeper burial. During early concretion growth, Mg and Sr were depleted in the pore water. During later stages of the first burial, Mg, Sr, Mn and Fe all increased, especially after concretion growth ceased. During the second burial, Fe, Mn and Mg decreased as calcite precipitated, implying relatively closed systems for these elements.
Synchronous formation of septarian fractures and fibrous calcite matrix shows that the Kimmeridge Clay became overpressured during the later stages of both burials.  相似文献   
Minor elements and ore genesis of the Fankou lead-zinc deposit,China   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The Fankou Pb-Zn deposit occurs in the Middle-Upper Devonian and Lower Carboniferous carbonate and argillaceous carbonate formations. In principle, the deposit can be classified as a carbonate-hosted strate-bound deposit. Representative sphalerite, galena, and pyrite separates from Fankou have been analysed. For the purpose of comparison a literature survey on minor elements of other districts have been carried out. The comparison of determined data with the quoted data shows that the Fankou sphalerites are rich in Ga, Ge and Ag, but poor in Se and Te; the Fankou galenas are rich in Ag, Hg, Sb and As, but poor in Se, Te, Tl and Bi; the Fankou pyrites are rich in As, Cd and In, but poor in Se, Te, Co and Ni. Zn/Cd and Se/S×10–4 ratios for sphalerites, Sb/Ag, Sb/Bi and Se/S×10–4 ratios for galenas and Co/Ni ratios for pyrites from Fankou and other districts have been calculated. Ga-Ge-Ag atomic ratios in sphalerites, Sb-Bi-Ag atomic ratios in galenas and Co-Ni relations in pyrites have been plotted. The average value (311) of Zn/Cd ratios for sphalerites from Fankou is similar to values of sphalerites from Gaobanhe, Heqing, Accesa and Broken Hill. The average Sb/Ag ratio (0.74) and the Sb-Bi-Ag atomic ratios in Fankou galenas are similar to those in the syngenetic galena from the British Island. The Ga-Ge-Ag atomic ratios for Fankou sphalerites are similar to those for the syngenetic sphalerites and Gorno sphalerites. The average Co/Ni ratio (1.1) for micro to fine-grained pyrites from Fankou laminated-bedded pyrite ore is similar to that (0.8) for the sedimentary pyrites from other districts. As to the fine to medium-grained pyrites from Fankou massive pyritic ores, their higher Co/Ni ratios (1.6–1.8) may relate to the fact that more Ni is lost than Co, during the reformation or recrystallization. Sphalerite, galena and pyrite from Fankou all are rather poor in Se and have very low values of Se/S×10–4, so they may bear no genetic relation to volcanism. To sum up, the following conclusions can be reached: (1) The Fankou deposit possesses some syngenetic features. (2) Evidently it differs from skarn type, hydrothermal type, and volcanogenic type deposits. (3) Surely it is a reformed sedimentary Pb-Zn deposit.  相似文献   
Oxygen isotopes are an attractive target for zoning studies because of the ubiquity of oxygen‐bearing minerals and the dependence of mineral 18O/16O ratios on temperature and fluid composition. In this study, subtle intragrain oxygen isotope zoning in titanite is resolved at the 10‐μm scale by secondary ion mass spectrometry. The patterns of δ18O zoning differ depending on microstructural context of individual grains and reflect multiple processes, including diffusive oxygen exchange, partial recrystallization, grain‐size reduction, and grain growth. Using the chronological framework provided by structural relations, these processes can be related to specific events during the Grenville orogeny. Titanite was sampled from two outcrops within the Carthage‐Colton Mylonite Zone (CCMZ), a long‐lived shear zone that ultimately accommodated exhumation of the Adirondack Highlands from beneath the Adirondack Lowlands during the Ottawan phase (1090–1020 Ma) of the Grenville orogeny. Titanite is hosted in the Diana metasyenite complex, which preserves three sequentially developed fabrics: an early NW‐dipping protomylonitic fabric (S1) is crosscut by near‐vertical ultramylonitic shear zones (S2), which are locally reoriented by a NNW‐dipping mylonitic fabric (S3). Texturally early titanite (pre‐S2) shows diffusion‐dominated δ18O zoning that records cooling from peak Ottawan, granulite‐facies conditions. Numerical diffusion models in the program Fast Grain Boundary yield good fits to observed δ18O profiles for cooling rates of 50 ± 20 °C Ma?1, which are considerably faster than the 1–5 °C Ma?1 cooling rates previously inferred for the Adirondack Highlands from regional thermochronology. High cooling rates are consistent with an episode of rapid shearing and exhumation along the CCMZ during gravitational collapse of the Ottawan orogen at c. 1050 Ma. Texturally later titanite (syn‐S2) has higher overall δ18O and shows a transition from diffusion‐dominated to recrystallization‐dominated δ18O zoning, indicating infiltration of elevated‐δ18O fluids along S2 shear zones and continued shearing below the blocking temperature for oxygen (~≤500 °C for grain sizes at the study site). The texturally latest titanite (post‐S3) has growth‐dominated δ18O zoning, consistent with porphyroblastic grain growth following cessation of shearing along the Harrisville segment of the CCMZ.  相似文献   
We discuss the implications, for the properties of hidden active nuclei and starbursts, of the non-detection of four hyperluminous IRAS galaxies with long, pointed ROSAT HRI observations.The results of a search of the ROSAT archive for serendipitous observations of ULIRGs in the catalogue of Clements et al. (1996,1998) are also presented. The detection of a new source is announced.  相似文献   
The formulae which give the propagation characteristics of a wave packet in a dispersive and amplifying medium, are established. Application is made to the propagation of Pc 1 elements through a magnetosphere constituted of a cold plasma and a high energy proton population. It is shown that the spectral shape, in a frequency-time coordinate system, of the Pc 1 elements is related to two terms : v = d2ω/dk2, which represents the variation of the group velocity with frequency and which depends only on the cold plasma characteristics, and μ = -d2γ/dk2, in which γ is the amplification coefficient depending on the frequency and which is related to the high energy particle distribution function. When v ? μ, only the usual dispersion effects occur, but a new method is found for determining the line of force on which the micropulsations are generated, without making any assumption about the cold plasma density distribution inside the magnetosphere. It is also possible to deduce some characteristics about the high energy proton distribution. Theoretical computations are presented, which give the frequency variation of the amplification coefficient as a function of the e-folding energy and the anisotropy factor of these high energy protons. Applications are made to ~30 pearl events which are analysed in detail according to this theory. When μ ? v, other effects do appear. After a preliminary phase, the pearl elements can become parallel for a while, or even re-erect before lying again; the duration of each element gives an indication about the number of interacting particles. The conditions for the validity of the quasi-linear theory, and some other non-linear effects related with the interpretation of Pc 1 micropulsations are also discussed.  相似文献   
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