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汶川地震前后地震波速比和视速度变化特征的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
2008年5月12日在中国四川省境内龙门山断裂带发生了8级巨大地震.在其主震前后随着震源区附近应力状态的改变,地壳介质的物性是否也存在相应的异常变化过程?该问题成为汶川地震研究的热点科学问题之一.本研究搜集和整理了中国地震局四川数字地震台网2001年1月1日-2010年5月31日产出的震相观测报告,和中国地震局地球物理研究所流动数字地震台网2008年5月12日——9月30日产出的震相观测报告,采用多台和达法和多地震联合测定法,根据入选的直达波Pg和Sg的震相数据,重点研究了龙门山断裂及其附近地区的P波和S波视速度的时间变化特征,并与波速比的时间变化特征进行了对比分析.为保证计算结果的可靠性和稳定性,对所收集到的数据进行了较为严格的筛选和限定.研究发现,龙门山断裂及其附近地区,在汶川地震前P波和S波视速度存在4年左右的明显降低过程,到震前约半年出现快速恢复.在震前P波和S波的视速度明显降低的过程中,波速比的低值异常过程仅为2年多,且幅度小持续时间较短.在波速比和视速度异常发展的进程中,进入发震中短期异常快速恢复是两者的共同特征.   相似文献   
Spinifex-textured sills (i.e., veins) characterized by komatiitic magmas that have intruded their own volcanic-piles have long been recognized. For instance, in the early 1970s, Pyke and coworkers, in their classic work at Pyke Hill in Munro Township, noted that not all spinifex-bearing ultramafic rocks formed as lava flows, rather some were clearly emplaced as small dikes and sills. Several hypotheses have been proposed to explain spinifex-textured sills: intrusion into a cold host, filter pressing, or drainage of residual liquid. However, these do not satisfactorily explain the phenomenon. Field and petrographic observations at Pyke Hill and Serpentine Mountain demonstrate that spinifex-bearing komatiite sills and dikes were emplaced during channel inflation processes when new magma was intruded into a cooler, semi-consolidated but permeable cumulate material. Komatiitic liquids were intruded into the olivine cumulate rocks near the boundary between the spinifex and the cumulate zones of well-organized to organized komatiite flows. Spinifex-textured sills are generally tabular in morphology, stacked one above another, with curviplanar contacts sub-parallel to stratigraphy. Some sills exhibit complex digitated apophyses. Thinner sills typically have a random olivine spinifex texture similar, though generally composed of coarser crystals, to that of komatiite lava flows. Thicker sills exhibit more complex organization of their constituent crystals characterized by zones of random olivine spinifex, overlying zones of organized coarse spinifex crystals similar to those found in lava flows. They have striking coarse dendritic spinifex zones composed of very large olivine crystals, up to several centimetres long and up to 1 cm wide that are not observed in lava flows. Typically, at the sill margins, the cumulate material of the host flow is composed of euhedral to subhedral olivine crystals that are larger than those distal to the contact. Many of these margin-crystals have either concentric overgrowth shells or dendritic olivine overgrowths that grew from the cumulate-sill contact toward the sill interior. The dendrites grew on pre-existing olivine cumulate at the contact in response to a sharp temperature gradient imposed by the intrusion of hot material, whereas the concentric overgrowths formed as new melt percolated into the unconsolidated groundmass of the host-flow cumulate material. Spinifex-textured sills and dikes occur in well-organized to organized flows that are interpreted to have formed by “breakouts” above and peripheral to lava pathways (channels/conduits) as a result of inflation that accompanied voluminous komatiitic eruptions responsible for the construction and channelization of komatiitic flow fields. The spinifex-textured dikes and sills represent komatiitic lava that was originally emplaced into the channel roof during periods of episodic inflation that resulted in lava breakouts and was subsequently trapped in the “roof rocks” during periods of channel deflation. Accordingly, the occurrence of spinifex-textured sills and dikes may indicate proximity to, and aid in the identification and delineation of lava channel-ways that could potentially host Ni–Cu–(PGE) mineralization within komatiitic lava flow-fields.  相似文献   
The sensitivity of the global atmospheric and oceanic response to sea surface temperature anomaly (SSTA) throughout the South China Sea (SCS) is investigated using the Fast Ocean-Atmosphere Model (FOAM). Forced by a warming SST, the experiment explicitly demonstrates that the responses of surface air temperature (SAT) and SST exhibit positive anomalous center over SCS and negative anomalous center over the Northern Pacific Ocean (NPO). The atmospheric response to the warm SST anomalies is characterized by a barotropical anomaly in middle-latitude, leading to a weak subtropical high in summer and a weak Aleutian low in winter. Accordingly, Indian monsoon and eastern Asian monsoon strengthen in summer but weaken in winter as a result of wind convergence owing to the warm SST. It is worth noting that the abnormal signals propagate poleward and eastward away in the form of Rossby Waves from the forcing region, which induces high pressure anomaly. Owing to action of the wind-driven circulation, an anomalous anti-cyclonic circulation is induced with a primary southward current in the upper ocean. An obvious cooling appears over the North Pacific, which can be explained by anomalous meridional cold advection and mixing as shown in the analysises of heat budget and other factors that affect SST.  相似文献   
Nine vertical electrical soundings of Schlumberger configuration were measured with AB/2 = 1–500 m. Manual and computerized interpretation were done to detect the subsurface stratigraphy of the study area. The results show that the subsurface section consists of alternated units of limestone, clay, marly limestone and dolomitic limestone and the thickness of clay unit ranged from 10 to 40 m. Nine dipole–dipole sections have also been constructed to give a clearer picture of the subsurface at the study area. The length of each dipole–dipole section is 235 m, with a electrode spacing ranging between 5 and 25 m. The Res2Dinv software was used for processing and interpretation of field data. The dipole–dipole sections at the upper plateau display high resistivity values at most parts of the plateau. Twelve shallow seismic refraction profiles are measured at selected locations for the dipole sections to define the interface between the fractured limestone and the upper surface of the clay layer. Each profile consists of 24 geophones with a geophone spacing of 2–3 m. Interpretation of seismic data indicates that the surface layer of the upper plateau consists of fractured limestone with a velocity range of 1.16–1.56 km/s and another layer of compacted clay with a velocity range of 1.38–1.88 km/s. Furthermore, the surface layer of the middle plateau consists of marl and marly limestone with a velocity about 2.1 km/s and its underlying layer consists of massive limestone with a velocity of 4.94 km/s.  相似文献   
This study investigates the sensitivity of the one-way nested PRECIS regional climate model (RCM) to domain size for the Caribbean region. Simulated regional rainfall patterns from experiments using three domains with horizontal resolution of 50 km are compared with ERA reanalysis and observed datasets to determine if there is an optimal RCM configuration with respect to domain size and the ability to reproduce important observed climate features in the Caribbean. Results are presented for the early wet season (May–July) and late wet season (August–October). There is a relative insensitivity to domain size for simulating some important features of the regional circulation and key rainfall characteristics e.g. the Caribbean low level jet and the mid summer drought (MSD). The downscaled precipitation has a systematically negative precipitation bias, even when the domain was extended to the African coast to better represent circulation associated with easterly waves and tropical cyclones. The implications for optimizing modelling efforts within resource-limited regions like the Caribbean are discussed especially in the context of the region’s participation in global initiatives such as CORDEX.  相似文献   
Quantitative sinkhole hazard assessments in karst areas allow calculation of the potential sinkhole risk and the performance of cost-benefit analyses. These estimations are of practical interest for planning, engineering, and insurance purposes. The sinkhole hazard assessments should include two components: the probability of occurrence of sinkholes (sinkholes/km2 year) and the severity of the sinkholes, which mainly refers to the subsidence mechanisms (progressive passive bending or catastrophic collapse) and the size of the sinkholes at the time of formation; a critical engineering design parameter. This requires the compilation of an exhaustive database on recent sinkholes, including information on the: (1) location, (2) chronology (precise date or age range), (3) size, and (4) subsidence mechanisms and rate. This work presents a hazard assessment from an alluvial evaporite karst area (0.81 km2) located in the periphery of the city of Zaragoza (Ebro River valley, NE Spain). Five sinkholes and four locations with features attributable to karstic subsidence where identified in an initial investigation phase providing a preliminary probability of occurrence of 0.14 sinkholes/km2 year (11.34% in annual probability). A trenching program conducted in a subsequent investigation phase allowed us to rule out the four probable sinkholes, reducing the probability of occurrence to 0.079 sinkholes/km2 year (6.4% in annual probability). The information on the severity indicates that collapse sinkholes 10–15 m in diameter may occur in the area. A detailed study of the deposits and deformational structures exposed by trenching in one of the sinkholes allowed us to infer a modern collapse sinkhole approximately 12 m in diameter and with a vertical throw of 8 m. This collapse structure is superimposed on a subsidence sinkhole around 80 m across that records at least 1.7 m of synsedimentary subsidence. Trenching, in combination with dating techniques, is proposed as a useful methodology to elucidate the origin of depressions with uncertain diagnosis and to gather practical information with predictive utility about particular sinkholes in alluvial karst settings: precise location, subsidence mechanisms and magnitude, and timing and rate of the subsidence episodes.  相似文献   
To study the seismogeny process or the precursory behavior of the 1976 M S=7.0 Lijiang earthquake, we analyze the repeat gravity data with high precision from the Western Yunnan Earthquake Prediction Experiment Area (WYEPEA) and the related results of geology and geophysics survey in this paper. Considering the gross errors caused by observation data and model difference, we have firstly inverted the slip distribution of the main active faults with time based on the robust Bayesian least squares estimation and multi-fault dislocation model. The results show that the slip changes of the faults with time from 1990 to 1997 obviously reflect the preparation process of the Lijiang earthquake. The images of main precursor mode have the characteristic of main shock-after shock type, which is agreement to the model of coupling movement between crust density and crust deformation (DD mode of coupling movement).  相似文献   
In a recent paper published in Journal of Mountain Science, Malanson (2017) explored variance changes in Rocky Mountains tree-ring chronologies. This commentary points out some methodological issues related to systematic bias in evolving tree-ring chronology variance and suggests that analyzing the slopes of linear regression lines may be suboptimal for identifying temporal changes in variance. The journal editor invited the original article’s authors Dr. Malandson to respond to the comments. Thus Dr. Malandson’s response is attached behind the comments.  相似文献   
Unlike the limit equilibrium method (LEM), with which only the global safety factor of the landslide can be calculated, a local safety factor (LSF) method is proposed to evaluate the stability of different sections of a landslide in this paper. Based on three-dimensional (3D) numerical simulation results, the local safety factor is defined as the ratio of the shear strength of the soil at an element on the slip zone to the shear stress parallel to the sliding direction at that element. The global safety factor of the landslide is defined as the weighted average of all local safety factors based on the area of the slip surface. Some example analyses show that the results computed by the LSF method agree well with those calculated by the General Limit Equilibrium (GLE) method in two-dimensional (2D) models and the distribution of the LSF in the 3D slip zone is consistent with that indicated by the observed deformation pattern of an actual landslide in China.  相似文献   
In order to evaluate the Holocene palaeoenvironmental evolution of the Ugii Nuur basin, central Mongolia, investigations on chemical and mineralogical properties of lacustrine sediments were carried out on a 630 cm sediment core from lake Ugii Nuur. The interpretation of the record is based on a principal component analysis (PCA) of the elemental composition of the samples. The results show that lacustrine deposition started at 10.6 kyr BP. Low lake level conditions were identified during the Early Holocene (10.6-7.9 kyr BP). The Mid Holocene (7.9-4.2 kyr BP) was characterized by generally higher lake levels and thus higher moisture supply, but it experienced strong climatic fluctuations. Arid conditions prevailed from 4.2-2.8 kyr BP and were followed by a stable, more humid phase until today.  相似文献   
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