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Abstract— The Sfax meteorite fell on 16 October 1989. Four pieces totaling less than 10 kg were recovered from a much larger meteoroid, according to the cosmogenic gas measurements. It is an L6 chondrite, strongly degassed and shocked, with olivine of composition Fa24.  相似文献   
We develop automated methods for fault detection utilizing static stress and deformation fields at the onset of failure derived from numerical analysis. We calculate combinations and normalization of the distance from the Mohr circle to the Coulomb envelope, and of the second deviatoric strain invariant. A variation of the Cauchy distribution of these fields allows us to focus on the low values indicating rupture, with the help of the scale parameter δ. A threshold is then applied to decide at each spatial node of the mesh whether the material has reached failure or not. We then determine fault lines and planes from these isolated failure zones using image processing techniques, such as the Hough and the Radon transforms, or through a combined approach involving automated sorting of the nodes reaching failure through the k-means clustering technique followed by polynomial fitting to retrieve analytic expressions of the fault curves (in 2D) or fault surfaces (in 3D). The methods are efficient except when the stress field results in diffuse rupture zones that do not localize onto fault surfaces despite tuning δ. We also highlight the advantages of using the combined clustering/poly-fitting approach for 3D models compared to the image processing techniques. These automated fault detection methods should be useful in the interpretation of diverse failure mechanisms obtained through parametric sensitivity analyses requiring hundreds of simulations. The stress and strain fields used were derived from a numerical implementation of limit analysis, but classical finite-difference or finite-element techniques could have been used.  相似文献   
Abstract Edenite/tremolite and edenite/magnesio-hornblende in equilibrium with plagioclase, chlorite, epidote, quartz and vapour involve several types of reactions for which K D can be related to T and P. Thermodynamic calculation of these equilibria leads to isopleth systems. Given knowledge of the progressive changes of end-member activities in zoned Ca–Mg amphiboles (based on microprobe analyses), it is possible to construct precise pressure–temperature–time paths ( P–T–t paths) which have been followed by metabasites during polyphase metamorphism. When applied to basic rocks from the River Vilaine area, this method allows us to construct a P–T–t path that can be compared directly to the P–T–t path constructed from interbedded acid rocks (aluminous micaschists) in the same structural unit. Through time, both basic and acid rocks underwent the same complex deformation history that can be described conveniently in the L–S fabric system of Flinn. This allows us to construct a P–T–t deformation path for this structural unit.
These paths are interpreted in terms of an under/overthrusting continental collision belt (the Hercynian belt), and represent an illustration of the time delay caused by stacking of more than two crustal units.  相似文献   
The investigation of the occurrence of lead in dated snow and ice from Greenland and Antarctica has played a major role in our understanding of the history of the pollution of the atmosphere of our planet by this metal. Such studies have however proved to be very demanding, mainly because of the extreme purity of polar snow and ice. Reliable measurements can be obtained only if ultra-clean and highly sensitive procedures are used, as pioneered by Clair Patterson. The Greenland data show evidence of large-scale pollution of the atmosphere of the Northern Hemisphere for lead as early as two millennia ago during Greco–Roman times, especially because of mining and smelting activities in southern Spain. It peaked at the end of the 1960s, with lead concentrations in snow about 200 times higher than natural values, before declining during recent times because of the fall in the use of leaded gasoline. Lead pollution in Antarctica was already significant at the end of the 19th century as a consequence of whaling activities, the traffic of coal-powered ships crossing the Cape Horn, and mining activities in South America, South Africa and Australia. After declining because of the opening of the Panama Canal, the great economic depression and World War II, it reached a maximum during the 1980s, with lead concentrations 20 times higher than natural values. Other studies focus on past natural variations of lead in ancient ice dated from the last climatic cycles. To cite this article: C. Boutron et al., C. R. Geoscience 336 (2004).  相似文献   
Dissolution experiments of a tholeiite basalt glass carried out at different pH and T (up to 300°C) using a rotatingdisc apparatus show that, depending on pH and T, dissolution can be controlled by one of the following steps: (1) surface reaction; (2) transport of reactants in solution; and (3) mixed reaction. The activation energies of these different processes were found to be 60, 9 and 15–50 kJ mol−1, respectively. Taking account of these results, it appears likely that surface reactions are not rate limiting for the hydrolysis of most crystalline silicate minerals in hydrothermal and metamorphic processes, and that caution should be exercised when predicting rate of reactions at high temperatures solely on the basis of activation energies measured at low temperatures.

Comparison of experimental and theoretical potentiometric titrations of the basalt glass and its constituent oxides indicates that the adsorption of H+ and OH ions at the basalt surface is metal cation specific and that the net adsorption can be predicted from the sole knowledge of the acidity constants of the network-forming constituent oxides. We found that in the acidic pH region dissolution is promoted by the adsorption of H+ on al and Fe surface sites while in the basic region, dissolution is promoted by the adsorption of OH on Si sites. The combination of the two distinct types of surface sites, Al and Fe on the one hand, and Si on the other hand, results in a dissolution rate minimum at a pH-value between the pHzpc of the two groups of oxide components. Linear regressions with a slope n=3.8 are observed both in acid and alkaline solutions in logarithmic plots of the rate of dissolution vs. the surface charge. The value of n, which represents the number of protonation or hydroxylation steps prior to metal detachment, has been found equal to the mean valence of the network-forming metals.

Combining concepts of surface coordination chemistry with transition state theory afforded characterisation of the activated complexes involved in basalt dissolution processes. From the values obtained for the thermodynamic properties of activation for basalt dissolution it is assumed that the activated complexes formed during the H2O-promoted dissolution of the basalt glass are more tightly bonded than those formed during H+- or OH-promoted dissolution.  相似文献   

This article explores the suitability of Ostrom and colleagues' social-ecological systems framework (SESF) for the study of resource-dependent communities in Canada. Through a broad literature about resource-dependent communities in Canada, three main approaches are identified, named staples research, rural development, and sustainability studies. Each of these research traditions is analyzed with regards to a common set of criteria – focus, scale, methods, treatment of institutions, and treatment of environmental dimensions. Research in each category is compared and contrasted with the SESF approach, to identify areas of overlap and divergence. Results indicate that the SESF is unlikely to provide additional benefit in terms of in-depth of social analysis, however, it does provide a unique contribution in terms of its coupled approach to conceiving social and ecological systems and its ability to operationalize these relationships through structured variables.  相似文献   
Magnesium and strontium isotope signatures were determined during different seasons for the main rivers of the Moselle basin, northeastern France. This small basin is remarkable for its well-constrained and varied lithology on a small distance scale, and this is reflected in river water Sr isotope compositions. Upstream, where the Moselle River drains silicate rocks of the Vosges mountains, waters are characterized by relatively high 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.7128-0.7174). In contrast, downstream of the city of Epinal where the Moselle River flows through carbonates and evaporites of the Lorraine plateau, 87Sr/86Sr ratios are lower, down to 0.70824.Magnesium in river waters draining silicates is systematically depleted in heavy isotopes (δ26Mg values range from −1.2 to −0.7‰) relative to the value presently estimated for the continental crust and a local diorite (−0.5‰). In comparison, δ26Mg values measured in soil samples are higher (∼0.0‰). This suggests that Mg isotope fractionation occurs during mineral leaching and/or formation of secondary clay minerals. On the Lorraine plateau, tributaries draining marls, carbonates and evaporites are characterized by low Ca/Mg (1.5-3.2) and low Ca/Sr (80-400) when compared to local carbonate rocks (Ca/Mg = 29-59; Ca/Sr = 370-2200), similar to other rivers draining carbonates. The most likely cause of the Mg and Sr excesses in these rivers is early thermodynamic saturation of groundwater with calcite relative to magnesite and strontianite as groundwater chemistry progressively evolves in the aquifer. δ26Mg of the dissolved phases of tributaries draining mainly carbonates and evaporites are relatively low and constant throughout the year (from −1.4‰ to −1.6‰ and from −1.2‰ to −1.4‰, respectively), within the range defined for the underlying rocks. Downstream of Epinal, the compositions of the Moselle River samples in a δ26Mg vs. 87Sr/86Sr diagram can be explained by mixing curves between silicate, carbonate and evaporite waters, with a significant contribution from the Vosgian silicate lithologies (>70%). Temporal co-variation between δ26Mg and 87Sr/86Sr for the Moselle River throughout year is also observed, and is consistent with a higher contribution from the Vosges mountains in winter, in terms of runoff and dissolved element flux. Overall, this study shows that Mg isotopes measured in waters, rocks and soils, coupled with other tracers such as Sr isotopes, could be used to better constrain riverine Mg sources, particularly if analytical uncertainties in Mg isotope measurements can be improved in order to perform more precise quantifications.  相似文献   
Rainfall on the sea surface causes a variety of effects on the molecular boundary layers. Two such effects are the reduction of the surface renewal time period and the damping of short gravity waves being responsible for wave breaking at higher wave frequencies. The effects described recently by Schlüssel et al. are revaluated in order to fully include the varying raindrop velocity. New parameterizations are derived, which differ from the previous ones, and a substantially higher kinetic energy flux due to rain is found. The general conclusions about the impact on the thermal molecular boundary do not change, although we point to several minor errors in the calculations of Schlüssel et al. (1997).  相似文献   
In continental areas, the maximum rainfall simulated with the Brazilian developments on the Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (BRAMS) occurs around 4?h earlier than the one observed with rain gauges. This work presents the successful implementation of a new convective trigger function (CTF) in the convective parameterization scheme used in BRAMS that corrects this misfit between model and observations. The importance of the CTF formulation on the diurnal cycle of rainfall over the Amazon Basin is reflected by the following numbers: Over Rondonia (SW Amazonia), the original version of BRAMS simulates the maximum rainfall at 1400 UTC (1000 LST), with the new CTF maximum shifting to 1800?UTC (1400?LST), while the S-band radar rainfall maximum is at 1900?UTC (1500?LST). This is attributed to two factors: (1) the new CTF is now coupled to the sensible and latent heat fluxes at surface; (2) during the early morning, the convective available potential energy is reduced.  相似文献   
An extensive meteorological observational dataset at Dome C, East Antarctic Plateau, enabled estimation of the sensitivity of surface momentum and sensible heat fluxes to aerodynamic roughness length and atmospheric stability in this region. Our study reveals that (1) because of the preferential orientation of snow micro-reliefs (sastrugi), the aerodynamic roughness length (z_{0}) varies by more than two orders of magnitude depending on the wind direction; consequently, estimating the turbulent fluxes with a realistic but constant (z_{0}) of 1 mm leads to a mean friction velocity bias of (24,%) in near-neutral conditions; (2) the dependence of the ratio of the roughness length for heat (z_{0t}) to (z_{0}) on the roughness Reynolds number is shown to be in reasonable agreement with previous models; (3) the wide range of atmospheric stability at Dome C makes the flux very sensitive to the choice of the stability functions; stability function models presumed to be suitable for stable conditions were evaluated and shown to generally underestimate the dimensionless vertical temperature gradient; as these models differ increasingly with increases in the stability parameter z / L, heat flux and friction velocity relative differences reached (100,%) when (z/L > 1); (4) the shallowness of the stable boundary layer is responsible for significant sensitivity to the height of the observed temperature and wind data used to estimate the fluxes. Consistent flux results were obtained with atmospheric measurements at heights up to 2 m. Our sensitivity study revealed the need to include a dynamical parametrization of roughness length over Antarctica in climate models and to develop new parametrizations of the surface fluxes in very stable conditions, accounting, for instance, for the divergence in both radiative and turbulent fluxes in the first few metres of the boundary layer.  相似文献   
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