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Groundwater salinity is a widespread problem and a challenge to water resources management. It is an increasing concern in the alluvial plains of Delhi and neighbouring Haryana state as well as a risk for agricultural production water supply and sustainable development. This study aims to identify potential sources of dissolved salts and the driving mechanisms of salinity ingress in the shallow aquifer. It combines a comprehensive review of environmental conditions and the analysis of groundwater samples from 25 sampling points. Major ions are analysed to describe the composition and distribution of saline groundwater and dissolution/precipitation dynamics. Density stratification and local upconing of saline waters were identified by multilevel monitoring and temperature logging. Bromide–chloride ratios hold information on the formation of saline waters, and nitrate is used as an indicator for anthropogenic influences. In addition, stable isotope analysis helps to identify evaporation and to better understand recharge processes and mixing dynamics in the study region. The results lead to the conclusion that surface water and groundwater influx into the poorly drained semiarid basin naturally results in the accumulation of salts in soil, sediments and groundwater. Human‐induced changes of environmental conditions, especially the implementation of traditional canal and modern groundwater irrigation, have augmented evapotranspiration and led to waterlogging in large areas. In addition, water‐level fluctuations and perturbation of the natural hydraulic equilibrium favour the mobilisation of salts from salt stores in the unsaturated zone and deeper aquifer sections. The holistic approach of this study demonstrates the importance of various salinity mechanisms and provides new insights into the interference of natural and anthropogenic influences. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
A one-dimensional particle-in-cell computer simulation is used to model the formation of an electrostatic double layer. The conditions for the onset of the layer formation are explored and a relation between the length of the layer and the electrostatic potential difference across is found.  相似文献   
Combined fluid inclusion microthermometry and microanalysis by laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICPMS) are used to constrain the hydrothermal processes forming a typical Climax-type porphyry Mo deposit. Molybdenum mineralisation at Questa occurred in two superimposed hydrothermal stages, a magmatic-hydrothermal breccia and later stockwork veining. In both stages, texturally earliest fluids were single-phase, of low salinity (~7 wt.% NaClequiv.) and intermediate-density. Upon decompression to ~300 bar, they boiled off a vapour phase, leaving behind a residual brine (up to 45 wt.% NaClequiv) at temperatures of ~420°C. The highest average Mo concentrations in this hot brine were ~500 μg/g, exceeding the Mo content of the intermediate-density input fluid by about an order of magnitude and reflecting pre-concentration of Mo by fluid phase separation prior to MoS2 deposition from the brine. Molybdenum concentrations in brine inclusions, then, decrease down to 5 μg/g, recording Mo precipitation in response to cooling of the saline liquid to ~360°C. Molybdenite precipitation from a dense, residual and probably sulphide-depleted brine is proposed to explain the tabular shape of the ore body and the absence of Cu-Fe sulphides in contrast to the more common Cu-Mo deposits related to porphyry stocks. Cesium and Rb concentrations in the single-phase fluids of the breccia range from 2 to 8 and from 40 to 65 μg/g, respectively. In the stockwork veins, Cs and Rb concentrations are significantly higher (45–90 and 110–230 μg/g, respectively). Because Cs and Rb are incompatible and hydrothermally non-reactive elements, the systematic increase in their concentration requires two distinct pulses of fluid exsolution from a progressively more fractionated magma. By contrast, major element and ore metal concentrations of these two fluid pulses remain essentially constant. Mass balance calculations using fluid chemical data from LA-ICPMS suggest that at least 25 km3 of melt and 7 Gt of deep input fluid were necessary to provide the amount of Mo contained in the stockwork vein stage alone. While the absolute amounts of fluid and melt are uncertain, the well-constrained element ratios in the fluids together with empirical fluid/melt partition coefficients derived from the inclusion analyses suggest a high water content of the source melt of ~10%. In line with other circumstantial evidence, these results suggest that initial fluid exsolution may have occurred at a confining pressure exceeding 5 kbar. The source of the molybdenum-mineralising fluids probably was a particularly large magma chamber that crystallised and fractionated in the lower crust or at mid-crustal level, well below the shallow intrusions immediately underlying Questa and other porphyry molybdenum deposits. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
 The paleoceanography in the Nordic seas was characterized by apparently repeated switching on and off of Atlantic water advection. In contrast, a continous influx of Atlantic waters probably occurred along the northern Barents Sea margin during the last 150 ka. Temporary ice-free conditions enhanced by subsurface Atlantic water advection and coastal polynyas accelerated the final ice sheet build-up during glacial times. The virtually complete dissolution of biogenic calcite during interglacial intervals was controlled mainly by CO2-rich bottom waters and oxidation of higher levels of marine organic carbon and indicates intensive Atlantic water inflow and a stable ice margin. Received: 25 February 1997 / Revision received: 4 March 1998  相似文献   
Zircon, monazite and xenotime crystallized over a temperature interval of several hundred degrees at the magmatic to hydrothermal transition of the Sn and W mineralized Mole Granite. Magmatic zircon and monazite, thought to have crystallized from hydrous silicate melt, were dated by conventional U–Pb techniques at an age of 247.6 ± 0.4 and 247.7 ± 0.5 Ma, respectively. Xenotime occurring in hydrothermal quartz is found to be significantly younger at 246.2 ± 0.5 Ma and is interpreted to represent hydrothermal growth. From associated fluid inclusions it is concluded that it precipitated from a hydrothermal brine ≤ 600 °C, which is below the accepted closure temperature for U–Pb in this mineral. These data are compatible with a two-stage crystallization process: precipitation of zircon and monazite as magmatic liquidus phases in deep crustal magma followed by complete crystallization and intimately associated Sn–W mineralization after intrusion of the shallow, sill-like body of the Mole Granite. Later hydrothermal formation of monazite in a biotite–fluorite–topaz reaction rim around a mineralized vein was dated at 244.4 ± 1.4 Ma, which distinctly postdates the Mole Granite and is possibly related to a younger hidden intrusion and its hydrothermal fluid system.

Obtaining precise age data for magmatic and hydrothermal minerals of the Mole Granite is hampered by uncertainties introduced by different corrections required for multiple highly radiogenic minerals crystallising from evolved hydrous granites, including 230Th disequilibrium due to Th/U fractionation during monazite and possibly xenotime crystallization, variable Th/U ratios of the fluids from which xenotime was precipitating, elevated contents of common lead, and post-crystallization lead loss in zircon, enhanced by the fluid-saturated environment. The data imply that monazite can also survive as a liquidus phase in protracted magmatic systems over periods of 106 years. The outlined model is in agreement with prominent chemical core-rim variation of the zircon.  相似文献   

Snow and weather observations at Weissfluhjoch were initiated in 1936, when a research team set a snow stake and started digging snow pits on a plateau located at 2,540?m asl above Davos, Switzerland. This was the beginning of what is now the longest series of daily snow depth, new snow height and bi-monthly snow water equivalent measurements from a high-altitude research station. Our investigations reveal that the snow depth at Weissfluhjoch with regard to the evolution and inter-annual variability represents a good proxy for the entire Swiss Alps. In order to set the snow and weather observations from Weissfluhjoch in a broader context, this paper also shows some comparisons with measurements from five other high-altitude observatories in the European Alps. The results show a surprisingly uniform warming of 0.8°C during the last three decades at the six investigated mountain stations. The long-term snow measurements reveal no change in mid-winter, but decreasing trends (especially since the 1980s) for the solid precipitation ratio, snow fall, snow water equivalent and snow depth during the melt season due to a strong temperature increase of 2.5°C in the spring and summer months of the last three decades.  相似文献   
Sedimentological, granulometric and petrographic data are presented from a detailed study on a crystal-rich mass flow deposit, which is presumably related to the eruption of a sublacustrine cryptodome. The deposit forms a prominent intercalation in the Lower Permian Collio Formation in the Italian Alps north of Brescia. Outcrops of the 10–20-m-thick volcaniclastic deposit (Dasdana I Beds, DB) can be traced over 12 km from east to west. The DB consists of a thick, crystal-rich, sandy–gravelly lower subunit representing a sequence of amalgamated Bouma-a(b) divisions overlain by a thin, well-bedded, sandy–muddy subunit that is rich in outsize porphyritic silicic fragments. Modal and computer-aided image analyses reveal that the crystal-rich lower subunit contains up to 80% of volcanogenic crystals. Some samples contain up to 60% of porphyritic fragments, which have a phenocryst content of about 20%. The wide textural range from cryptocrystalline, poikilomosaic, to rarer medium-grained granophyric groundmass, the irregular to lensoid shapes of the porphyritic fragments, and the presence of basement and sedimentary clasts suggest that the DB originated from a sublacustrine eruption of a partially extrusive cryptodome (ca. 1.6 km3). Two other porphyritic felsic cryptodomes (Dosso dei Lupi, Dosso del Bue), described briefly here, emplaced into the Collio Formation sometime after the DB event, and expose flat bases and tilted sediments at their sides. Textures observed in these domes are comparable to those found in the DB porphyritic fragments.  相似文献   
We investigated two ‘gap-filler’ methods based on GPS-derived low-degree surface loading variations (GPS-I and GPS-C) and a more simple method (REF-S) which extends a seasonal harmonic variation into the expected Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) mission gap. We simulated two mission gaps in a reference solution (REF), which is derived from a joint inversion of GRACE (RL05) data, GPS-derived surface loading and simulated ocean bottom pressure. The GPS-I and GPS-C methods both have a new type of constraint applied to mitigate the lack of GPS station network coverage over the ocean. To obtain the GPS-C solution, the GPS-I method is adjusted such that it fits the reference solution better in a 1.5 year overlapping period outside of the gap. As can be expected, the GPS-I and GPS-C solutions contain larger errors compared to the reference solution, which is heavily constrained by GRACE. Within the simulated gaps, the GPS-C solution generally fits the reference solution better compared to the GPS-I method, both in terms of spherical harmonic loading coefficients and in terms of selected basin-averaged hydrological mass variations. Depending on the basin, the RMS-error of the water storage variations (scaled for leakage effects) ranges between 1.6 cm (Yukon) and 15.3 cm (Orinoco). In terms of noise level, the seasonal gap-filler method (REF-S) even outperforms the GPS-I and GPS-C methods, which are still affected by spatial aliasing problems. However, it must be noted that the REF-S method cannot be used beyond the study of simple harmonic seasonal variations.  相似文献   
The second of two experimental studies of the TKE budget conducted on sites of different roughness is described, and results are compared. The first took place within a shallow layer above a small field of mostly bare, cultivated soil; the second was carried out above a roughness sublayer of significant depth on an extensive plain of tall dry grass. Budget terms observed in the second study were scaled with a modified u which compensated for effects of an unusually large stress gradient and ensured that the m functions would be collinear. By showing that the modification becomes negligible in smaller gradients, it is demonstrated that in normal conditions, budgets observed above significant roughness sublayers should be normalized by scaling in terms of the unreduced Reynolds stress at the sublayer's upper surface. This procedure is shown to be consistent with the expectation that TKE budgets in layers near the surface all scale in fundamentally the same way.Other findings include: (1) the fact that most m functions previously reported are not quite collinear is attributed to a type of overspeeding known to affect three-cup anemometers; (2) revised m functions, collinear and largely free of the effects of overspeeding, are determined from a well-established characteristic of the linear m relation for the stable case; (3) data that define collinear m functions can also be represented with single hyperbolic curves; (4) dissipation is found to be 10 to 15% too small to balance total TKE production in unstable and neutral conditions and to decrease with increasing z/L in thestable regime; and (5) new relations for based on the observed behaviour of the dissipation deficit provide an improved closure for the set of equations that express the budget terms as functions of m and z/L.  相似文献   
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