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The Dolní Věstonice loess section in the Czech Republic is well known for its high‐resolution loess–palaeosol sequence of the last interglacial–glacial climatic cycle (Upper Pleistocene). The loess section is situated in a climatic transition zone between oceanic and continental climates and is therefore of great value in reconstructing past regional climate conditions and their interaction with climate systems, in particular that of the North Atlantic. Based on a combination of optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) ages, stratigraphic field observations and magnetic susceptibility measurements, a chrono‐climatic interpretation of the Dolní Věstonice loess section is presented. To establish a reliable Upper Pleistocene chronology, a quartz OSL approach was applied for equivalent dose (De) determination. Monomineralic quartz extracts of three distinct grain sizes, fine (4–11 μm), middle (38–63 μm) and coarse (90–200 μm), were used and compared. Within error limits, the calculated OSL ages are the same for the different grain sizes, and the OSL ages are in stratigraphic order. The established OSL chronology is in agreement with a Weichselian litho‐ and pedostratigraphy. The Dolní Věstonice loess section is characterized by four pedosedimentary subsequences. At the base of the profile, subsequence I is characterized by a distinct Early Glacial soil complex, OSL‐dated to c. 110 to 70 ka, representing one of the most complete records of environmental change in the European loess belt. Subsequence II is allocated to the Lower Pleniglacial and is characterized by laminated sandy loess. Middle Pleniglacial subsequence III is represented by a brown soil complex, and is followed by the uppermost subsequence IV, characterized by a thick body of laminated sandy loess, indicating strong wind activity and a high sedimentation rate of more than ~1 mm a?1 during the Upper Pleniglacial. According to the OSL chronology, as well as to the sedimentological and palaeopedological investigations, it is likely that the sequence at Dolní Věstonice has recorded most of the climatic events expressed in the NGRIP δ18O reference record between 110 and 70 ka.  相似文献   
In the northern uplands of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam the state is taking dramatic steps to (re)configure agricultural production through the introduction and subsidisation of hybrid rice and maize seeds. These require yearly cash investments and access to state supplied inputs, a far cry from earlier upland ethnic minority livelihood strategies. In this paper we develop a conceptual framework that brings together an actor-oriented livelihoods approach with concepts from everyday politics and resistance, to examine the relations now at play as ethnic minorities, namely Hmong and Yao households in Lào Cai province, react to the introduction of these hybrid seeds, negotiate with the state over their use, and contest and subtly resist the wholesale adoption of this programme. Our framework takes us beyond an investigation into financial benefits and yields, to focus upon the social, cultural and political aspects inherent in upland farmer decision-making regarding state interventions. Our findings reveal that such agricultural programmes have resulted in new food insecurities and vulnerabilities overlaying more established concerns. Yet in turn, ethnic minority households evaluate these innovations according to their own terms, and have responded by negotiating, accommodating, and also contesting the state’s initiatives using creative and innovative everyday politics and livelihood strategies. In so doing, they have worked to maintain autonomy over choices and decision-making vis-à-vis the economic, social and cultural reproduction of their household units; a delicate balancing act in a socialist state.  相似文献   
The movement of small dust particles due to electrostatic forces, seismic activity and micrometeoroid bombardment has been hypothesized to occur on the Moon and asteroids. There currently exists significant uncertainty in the method of launching these small dust particles, which in turn makes the selection of accurate initial conditions for numerical simulations difficult. We evaluate the electric field strength required to launch small particles given surface gravitation, cohesion and seismic shaking. We find that the electric field strength required for dust particle launching is dominated by the cohesive force for micron-sized dust particles. There exists an intermediate dust particle size that requires the least electric field strength to launch. We see that the inclusion of the cohesive force significantly influences our understanding of dust lofting.  相似文献   
Recharge is a key parameter in groundwater resources management, and a reliable estimate of recharge is required for their sustainable development. Several methods are available to evaluate recharge; however, selecting the appropriate one is made difficult because each method has its advantages and drawbacks, and results can vary greatly from one method to another. Recharge methods can actually refer to different processes. This paper compares and discusses the results obtained from five regional-scale recharge assessment approaches applied to a fractured rock aquifer in a region with a temperate and humid climate (Annapolis Valley, Nova Scotia, Canada). These methods are distinguished between those providing estimates of the net infiltration (I) into the subsurface (river hydrograph separation and soil moisture balance) from those considering the net recharge (W) to the regional bedrock aquifer (river 7-day low-flows, the corrected soil moisture balance, a numerical groundwater flow model developed with FEFLOW and an infiltration model developed with HELP). The estimated net infiltration ranges from 160 to 250 mm/year, whereas the net recharge estimates range from 80 to 175 mm/year for the entire study area. Although different assessment methods were used, the estimated recharge range is still quite large, demonstrating the importance of using several methods. This case study should provide guidance on choices to be made in the development of a strategy for assessing representative values of aquifer recharge at the regional scale under similar geological and climatic conditions. The use of multiple complementary approaches should lead to a better understanding of the system dynamics and to better defined a representative range of recharge estimates.  相似文献   
The Korneuburg Basin, with mainly upper Lower Miocene (Karpatian) sediment filling, is divided by the Mollmannsdorf–Obergänserndorf Swell into two sub-basins characterised by different environmental settings. Paleoecological data indicate a marine northern part and a mainly estuarine southern part. Nevertheless, short-termed marine ingressions from the north allowed marine faunas (ostracods, molluscs, and echinoids) to temporarily settle the southern part of the basin. The carbon and oxygen isotopic composition of gastropod shells from these different environmental settings were investigated. Highest δ18O and δ13C values are found in Turritella shells from the northern part of the basin, and in Turritella shells from layers interpreted as a marine ingression in the south. Generally, components of the mudflat fauna (Tympanotonos cinctus, Granulolabium bicinctum, Terebralia bidendata, and Ocenebra crassilabiata) have slightly lower isotope values. Considerable freshwater influx in the southern part is documented by abundant freshwater genera such as Melanopsis, which show low carbon and oxygen isotope values. Data of identical taxa, especially Turritella and Granulolabium, reflect a trend from higher isotope values at the marine northern part to slightly lower values in the mainly estuarine southern part of the basin. Differences in δ18O between the marine and the estuarine assemblages are interpreted to be caused by changes in salinity and isotopic composition of ambient water rather than by temperature. Paleotemperature estimates derived from oxygen isotope data are in good agreement with existing paleoclimatic proxies for the Korneuburg Basin. Hence, an annual range of the sea-surface temperature from 13 to 26°C can be predicted within that protected basin.  相似文献   
Channels that have been scoured to bedrock by debris flows provide unique opportunities to calculate the rate of sediment and wood accumulation in low‐order streams, to understand the temporal succession of channel morphology following disturbance, and to make inferences about processes associated with input and transport of sediment. Dendrochronology was used to estimate the time since the previous debris flow and the time since the last stand‐replacement fire in unlogged basins in the central Coast Range of Oregon. Debris flow activity increased 42 per cent above the background rate in the decades immediately following the last wildfire. Changes in wood and sediment storage were quantified for 13 streams that ranged from 4 to 144 years since the previous debris flow. The volume of wood and sediment in the channel, and the length of channel with exposed bedrock, were strongly correlated with the time since the previous debris flow. Wood increased the storage capacity of the channel and trapped the majority of the sediment in these steep headwater streams. In the absence of wood, channels that have been scoured to bedrock by a debris flow may lack the capacity to store sediment and could persist in a bedrock state for an extended period of time. With an adequate supply of wood, low‐order channels have the potential of storing large volumes of sediment in the interval between debris flows and can function as one of the dominant storage reservoirs for sediment in mountainous terrain. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
In this paper, the online weather research and forecasting and chemistry (WRF-Chem) model is used to explore the impacts of urban expansion on regional weather conditions and its implication on surface ozone concentrations over the Pearl River Delta(PRD) and Yangtze River Delta(YRD) regions. Two scenarios of urban maps are used in the WRF-Chem to represent the early 1990s (pre-urbanization) and the current urban distribution in the PRD and the YRD. Month-long simulation results using the above land-use scenarios for March 2001 show that urbanization increases both the day- and night-time 2-m temperatures by about 0.6oC and 1.4oC, respectively. Daytime reduction in the wind speed by about 3.0 m s-1 is larger than that for the nighttime (0.5 to 2 m s-1). The daytime increase in the PBL height (> 200 m) is also larger than the nighttime (50--100 m). The meteorological conditions modified by urbanization lead to detectable ozone-concentration changes in the PRD and the YRD. Urbanization increases the nighttime surface-ozone concentrations by about 4.7%--8.5% and by about 2.9%--4.2% for the daytime. In addition to modifying individual meteorological variables, urbanization also enhances the convergence zones, especially in the PRD. More importantly, urbanization has different effects on the surface ozone for the PRD and the YRD, presumably due to their urbanization characteristics and geographical locations. Even though the PRD has a smaller increase in the surface temperature than the YRD, it has (a) weaker surface wind speed, (b) smaller increase in PBL heights, and (c) stronger convergence zones. The latter three factors outweighed the temperature increase and resulted in a larger ozone enhancement in the PRD than the YRD.  相似文献   
Managed aquifer recharge is used to augment groundwater resources and provide resiliency to water supplies threatened by prolonged droughts. It is important that recharge facilities operate at their maximum efficiency to increase the volume of water stored for future use. In this study, we evaluate the use of distributed temperature sensing (DTS) technology as a tool to measure high-resolution infiltration rates at a large-scale recharge facility. Fiber optic cable was laid out inside a spreading basin in a spiral pattern, at two different depths. The cables measured the propagation of diurnal surface water temperature oscillations into the basin depth. The rate of heat propagation is proportional to the velocity of the water, making it possible to estimate the infiltration rate from the temperature measurements. Our results showed that the infiltration rate calculated from DTS, averaged over the entire basin, was within 5% of the infiltration rate calculated using a conventional metering method. The high-resolution data obtained from DTS, both spatially and temporally, revealed heterogeneous infiltration rates throughout the basin; furthermore, tracking the evolution of infiltration rates over time revealed regions with consistently high infiltration rates, regions with consistently low infiltration rates, and regions that evolved from high to low rates, which suggested clogging within that region. Water utilities can take advantage of the high-resolution information obtained from DTS to better manage recharge basins and make decisions about cleaning schedule, frequency, and extent, leading to improved basin management strategies, reduced O&M costs, and increased groundwater recharge.  相似文献   
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