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Jellyfish blooms are unpredictable, unsustainable events, frequently affecting aquatic ecosystems severely. Of particular interest are the consequences of environmental change for jellyfish populations, especially in semi‐enclosed habitats. Regional and seasonal changes in water chemistry and physics may control the distribution of sessile polyps in the Baltic Sea, hence potentially driving the population dynamics of the two abundant medusa species Aurelia aurita and Cyanea capillata (Scyphozoa, Cnidaria). In laboratory experiments, settlement, growth, survival and physiological condition of A. aurita polyps were investigated at different levels of water temperature, pH and salinity. Survival and physiological condition of C. capillata polyps were examined after exposure to low salinity levels. Increased settlement of A. aurita planula larvae was observed on substrate plates at low temperature (4°C), low pH (7.4) and low salinity (7.5 psu), whereas early polyp growth was constrained by salinity ≤10 psu. Aurelia aurita polyps were in good physiological condition over the whole temperature range, while exposure to pH <6.5 led to stepwise tissue degradation. Salinity reduction to ≤5 and ≤8 psu caused irreversible degeneration of A. aurita and C. capillata polyps, respectively. Observed physiological limits suggest distribution of polyp populations of A. aurita in central and of C. capillata in western parts of the Baltic Sea, while future climate changes may particularly restrict occurrence of the less tolerant C. capillata.  相似文献   

Drought over the Greek region is characterized by a strong seasonal cycle and large spatial variability. Dry spells longer than 10 consecutive days mainly characterize the duration and the intensity of Greek drought. Moreover, an increasing trend of the frequency of drought episodes has been observed, especially during the last 20 years of the 20th century. Moreover, the most recent regional circulation models (RCMs) present discrepancies compared to observed precipitation, while they are able to reproduce the main patterns of atmospheric circulation. In this study, both a statistical and a dynamical downscaling approach are used to quantify drought episodes over Greece by simulating the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) for different time steps (3, 6, and 12 months). A statistical downscaling technique based on artificial neural network is employed for the estimation of SPI over Greece, while this drought index is also estimated using the RCM precipitation for the time period of 1961–1990. Overall, it was found that the drought characteristics (intensity, duration, and spatial extent) were well reproduced by the regional climate models for long term drought indices (SPI12) while ANN simulations are better for the short-term drought indices (SPI3).

We studied the accumulation of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), 1,1,1.trichloro-2,2-bis[p-chlorophenyl]ethane (DDT) and its metabolites, and vitamins A and E in the top levels of the Baltic Sea food web. The investigation focused on the transfer of contaminants and vitamins to the ringed seal (Phoca hispida baltica) and the grey seal (Halichoerus grypus) from their main prey species. The trophic level of the seals was investigated using stable isotopes of nitrogen and the results indicated that both species of Baltic seal feed at approximately the same level. PCBs accumulated to a greater extent in the grey seal than in the ringed seal. Biomagnification factors for DDT compounds were similar for both species of Baltic seal (85-140). Differences in observed DDT levels were due to different prey selection by the two species, while differences in PCB levels indicated a species-specific metabolic system. There was a clearly greater accumulation of DDT compounds than of PCBs in both species of seal. The supply of dietary vitamin A was normally above the recommended level in all the seal populations studied. Low levels of hepatic vitamin A in the Baltic seals could therefore indicate the toxic effects of a high level of persistent organic pollutants on vitamin A dynamics, at least in the ringed seal. In the grey seals, low hepatic vitamin A levels could also be explained by lower levels of dietary vitamin A, compared to the reference grey seals, as it is not known if seals can store unlimited amounts of vitamin A. The greater uptake of vitamin E by Baltic seals, compared to seals in the reference areas, demonstrated by elevated levels of vitamin E in the blubber, could be a response to oxidative stress caused by the high contaminant load. These results further support our previous hypothesis that the toxic effects of environmental contaminants could be causing the observed divergence in vitamin levels between the Baltic seals and the reference seal populations.  相似文献   
Health geography in Aotearoa New Zealand (NZ) has had a major impact on international sub‐disciplinary debates. It is timely to celebrate our domestic health geography achievements and alert ourselves to the challenges ahead. This reflection article provides a brief overview of Aotearoa NZ's maturing health geography community and includes the reflections of a panel discussion held during the bi‐annual NZ Geographical Society conference in 2016. We argue that the eclectism of health geography in NZ and beyond is both the sub‐discipline's major strength and challenge.  相似文献   
A regional climate model (RCM) constrained by future anomalies averaged from atmosphere–ocean general circulation model (AOGCM) simulations is used to generate mid-twenty-first century climate change predictions at 30-km resolution over the central U.S. The predictions are compared with those from 15 AOGCM and 7 RCM dynamic downscaling simulations to identify common climate change signals. There is strong agreement among the multi-model ensemble in predicting wetter conditions in April and May over the northern Great Plains and drier conditions over the southern Great Plains in June through August for the mid-twenty-first century. Projected changes in extreme daily precipitation are statistically significant over only a limited portion of the central U.S. in the RCM constrained with future anomalies. Projected changes in monthly mean 2-m air temperature are generally consistent across the AOGCM ensemble average, North American Regional Climate Change Assessment Program RCM ensemble average, and RCM constrained with future anomalies, which produce a maximum increase in August of 2.4–2.9 K over the northern and southern Great Plains and Midwest. Changes in extremes in daily 2-m air temperature from the RCM downscaled with anomalies are statistically significant over nearly the entire Great Plains and Midwest and indicate a positive shift in the warm tail of the daily 2-m temperature distribution that is larger than the positive shift in the cold tail.  相似文献   
Host rocks to the Aitik Cu–Au–Ag deposit in northern Sweden are strongly altered and deformed Early Proterozoic mica(-amphibole) schists and gneisses. The deposit is characterised by numerous mineralisation styles, vein and alteration types. Four samples were selected for Re–Os molybdenite dating and 12 samples for U–Pb titanite dating in order to elucidate the magmatic/hydrothermal and metamorphic history following primary ore deposition in the Aitik Cu–Au–Ag deposit. Samples represent dyke, vein and alteration assemblages from the ore zone, hanging wall and footwall to the deposit. Re–Os dating of molybdenite from deformed barite and quartz veins yielded ages of 1,876±10 Ma and 1,848±8 Ma, respectively. A deformed pegmatite dyke yielded a Re–Os age of 1,848±6 Ma, and an undeformed pegmatite dyke an age of 1,728±7 Ma. U–Pb dating of titanite from a diversity of alteration mineral associations defines a range in ages between 1,750 and 1,805 Ma with a peak at ca. 1,780 Ma. The ages obtained, together with previous data, bracket a 160-Ma (1,890–1,730 Ma) time span encompassing several generations of magmatism, prograde to peak metamorphism, and post-peak cooling; events resulting in the redistribution and addition of metals to the deposit. This multi-stage evolution of the Aitik ore body suggests that the deposit was affected by several thermal events that ultimately produced a complex ore body. The Re–Os and U–Pb ages correlate well with published regional Re–Os and U–Pb age clusters, which have been tied to major magmatic, hydrothermal, and metamorphic events. Primary ore deposition at ca. 1,890 Ma in connection with intrusion of Haparanda granitoids was followed by at least four subsequent episodes of metamorphism and magmatism. Early metamorphism at 1,888–1,872 Ma overlapping with Haparanda (1,890–1,880 Ma) and Perthite-monzonite (1,880–1,870 Ma) magmatism clearly affected the Aitik area, as well as late metamorphism and Lina magmatism at 1,810–1,774 Ma and TIB1 magmatism at 1,800 Ma. The 1,848 Ma Re–Os ages obtained from molybdenite in a quartz vein and pegmatite dyke suggests that the 1,850 Ma magmatism recorded in parts of northern Norrbotten also affected the Aitik area.  相似文献   
To illustrate the spatial resolution of measurements of Mercury's surface elemental composition by the Gamma-Ray Spectrometer on the MESSENGER spacecraft after one year of orbital observations, we have simulated a global coverage map of the 846-keV iron gamma-ray count rate. The simulated map suggests that distinct geologic units larger than 800 km in horizontal dimension will be discernable when the difference in Fe abundance between adjacent geologic units exceeds 4 wt%. These results imply that the MESSENGER Gamma-Ray Spectrometer dataset will provide useful information for regional geological studies of the surface of Mercury.  相似文献   
The Helgoland Roads time series is one of the richest temporal marine data sets available. Running since 1962, it documents changes for phytoplankton, salinity, Secchi disc depths and macronutrients. Uniquely, the data have been carefully quality controlled and linked to relevant meta-data, and the pelagic time series is further augmented by zooplankton, intertidal macroalgae, macro-zoobenthos and bacterioplankton data. Data analyses have shown changes in hydrography and biota around Helgoland. In the late 1970s, water inflows from the south-west to the German Bight increased with a corresponding increase in flushing rates. Salinity and annual mean temperature have also increased since 1962 and the latter by an average of 1.67°C. This has influenced seasonal phytoplankton growth causing significant shifts in diatom densities and the numbers of large diatoms (e. g. Coscinodiscus wailesii). Changes in zooplankton diversity have included the appearance of the ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi. The macroalgal community also showed an increase in green algal and a decrease in brown algal species after 1959. Over 30 benthic macrofaunal species have been newly recorded at Helgoland over the last 20 years, with a distinct shift towards southern species. These detailed data provide the basis for long-term analyses of changes on many trophic levels at Helgoland Roads.  相似文献   
A method was developed for the determination of platinum‐group elements (PGE) in geological samples by isotope dilution‐inductively coupled plasma‐mass spectrometry combined with sulfide fire assay preconcentration. Samples were fused and PGE analytes were concentrated in sulfide buttons. The buttons were dissolved using HCl leaving PGE analytes in insoluble residues, which were digested in HNO3 and simultaneously processed for the distillation of Os. The remaining solutions were further prepared for the purification of Ru, Rh, Pd, Ir and Pt using a tandem assembly of cation and Ln resin columns. The eluents were directly analysed by membrane desolvation‐ICP‐MS. Ruthenium, Pd, Os, Ir and Pt were determined by isotope dilution, whereas Rh was determined by conventional reference material calibration combined with 193Ir as the internal standard element. The method was validated using a series of PGE reference materials, and the measurement data were consistent with the recommended and the literature values. The measurement precision was better than 10% RSD. The procedural blanks were 0.121 ng for Ru, 0.204 for Rh, 0.960 ng for Pd, 0.111 ng for Os, 0.045 ng for Ir and 0.661 ng for Pt, and the limits of detection (3s) were 0.011 ng g?1 for Ru, 0.008 ng g?1 for Rh, 0.045 ng g?1 for Pd, 0.009 ng g?1 for Os, 0.006 ng g?1 for Ir and 0.016 ng g?1 for Pt when a test portion mass of 10 g was used. This indicates that the proposed method can be used for the determination of trace amounts of PGE in geological samples.  相似文献   
The ~260 Ma-old Baimazhai Ni–Cu–(PGE) sulfide deposit in the Jinping region, Yunnan, SW China, is hosted in a small mafic–ultramafic intrusion, which intruded Ordovician sandstone and slate. The intrusion is concentric with lens shape, about 530 m long, 190 m wide and 24 to 64 m thick, trends 296°, and dips 22°NE. The massive sulfide ore body forms the core of the intrusion and is surrounded by variably mineralized orthopyroxenite, websterite and barren gabbro. The proportion of gabbro, websterite, orthopyroxenite and massive ore is approximately 30, 30, 20 and 20 vol.%, respectively. Magmatic pyrrhotite, pentlandite and chalcopyrite make up more than 90% of the massive ores. The massive ores contain high Ni (1.6 to 4.2 wt%) and Cu (0.4 to 6.5 wt%) and low ∑PGE contents (85 to 524 ppb). They have Pd/Ir ratios ranging from 6.7 to 530, Pd/Pt ratios from 0.7 to 2.6 and Cu/(Pd×1,000) ratios from 31 to 400, which are comparable with those of the silicate rocks [Pd/Ir = 4 to 183, Pd/Pt = 0.7 to 3.5, and Cu/(Pd×1,000) = 100 to 400]. Similar Pd/Pt and Cu/Pd ratios of the silicate rocks and massive ores throughout the intrusion indicate a single sulfide segregation event. Excess sulfide melt segregation resulted from intensive crustal contamination that formed Si-rich and Mg-rich basaltic magmas in a deep-seated staging chamber before magma emplacement. The immiscible sulfide melts and the silicate melts were eventually evacuated from the staging magma chamber by compressive forces. Flow differentiation under high velocity concentrated the sulfide melts toward the middle of the magma flow, and consequently, formed a massive sulfide ore body in the central part of the intrusion. Low concentrations of PGEs and general absence of platinum-group minerals in the massive ores may have resulted from a relatively large mass fraction of the sulfide melts (e.g. R-factor = ~70) in Baimazhai compared with other intrusions elsewhere, such as Noril’sk-Talnakh with a R-factor of >10,000.  相似文献   
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