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Prototype instrumentation, able to automatically measure groundwater radon content variations, is presented. The equipment is made of stainless steel and has spherical valves with automatic and pneumatic control. The deemanation of the gases from the water is obtained by evacuating a suitable expansion chamber. The instrumentation can make discrete sampling ranging from 1 per hour to 1 per 99 hours. The equipment was tested in the laboratory: the efficiency was measured by means of a266Ra solution. A mean value of (0.65±0.07) count/s/Bq was obtained. A calibration test was carried out by comparing countings from the automatic equipment with those obtained by the standard laboratory cell. Results of an operational check over a period of approximately one year indicate that variations in radon at the calibration site are attributable more to meteorological than to tectonic causes.  相似文献   
Post-3Ma volcanics from the N Luzon arc exhibit systematic variations in 87Sr/86Sr (0.70327–0.70610), 143Nd/144Nd (0.51302–0.51229) and 208Pb*/206Pb* (0.981–1.035) along the arc over a distance of about 500 km. Sediments from the South China Sea west of the Manila Trench also exhibit striking latitudinal variations in radiogenic isotope ratios, and much of the isotopic range in the volcanics is attributed to variations in the sediment added to the mantle wedge during subduction. However, Pb-Pb isotope plots reveal that prior to subduction, the mantle end-member had high 8/4, and to a lesser extent high 7/4, similar to that in MORB from the Indian Ocean and the Philippine Sea Plate. Th isotope data on selected Holocene lavas indicate a source with unusually high Th/U ratios (4.5–5.5). Combined trace element and isotope data require that three end-members were implicated in the genesis of the N Luzon lavas: (1) a mantle wedge end-member with a Dupal-type Pb isotope signature, (2) a high LIL/HFS subduction component interpreted to be a slab-derived hydrous fluid, and (3) an isotopically enriched end-member which reflects bulk addition (<5%) of subducted S China Sea terrigenous sediment. The 87Sr/86Sr ratios in the volcanics show a restricted range compared with that in the sediments, and this contrasts with 143Nd/144Nd and 208Pb*/206Pb*, both of which have similar ranges in the volcanics and sediments. Such differences imply that whereas the isotope ratios of Nd, Pb and Th are dominated by the component from subducted sediment, those of Sr reflect a larger relative contribution from the slab-derived fluid.  相似文献   
Summary The crystal-chemistry of clinopyroxene from a suite of Sunda arc volcanic rocks was investigated by X-ray structure refinement and microprobe analysis. Relationships with clinopyroxene from volcanic rocks of the intraplate environment were highlighted.Sunda clinopyroxenes were distinguished into two groups. The first consists of clinopyroxene from SiO2-saturated rock types and crystal rim from SiO2-undersaturated rock types, the second of crystal core from SiO2-undersaturated rock types. The crystal chemical behaviour of the two groups differs significantly, mainly in the geometrical relationships between M2 and T sites. While in the first group M2-O3 and T-O3 bond lengths shorten and lengthen respectively due to Ca and AlIV increase, in the second group in which M2 site is almost fully coordinated by Ca, -O3 bond lengths are forced to lengthen in spite of low AlIV content, in order to mantain the local charge balance around the O3 oxygens.It is noteworthy that Sunda clinopyroxene shows strong analogies with that from basaltic rocks from the Ethiopian plateau and K-rich lavas from the Roman Province respectively, reflecting similarities between the composition and mineralogical assemblages of the host rocks, although they all came from different tectonic environments. A relationship between intracrystalline Mg-Fe 2+ disorder and the explosive character of the volcanism is demonstrated.
Kristallchemie von Klinopyroxenen aus Gesteinen des Vulkanbogens der Sunda-Inseln
Zusammenfassung Die Kristallchemie von Klinopyroxenen aus einer Serie von vulkanischen Gesteinen des Sunda-Bogens wurde mit Röntgen-Strukturverfeinerungen und Mikrosonden-analysen untersucht. Beziehungen zu Klinopyroxenen vulkanischer Gesteine aus intra-Plattenpositionen werden beleuchtet. Die Sunda-Klinopyroxene wurden in zwei Gruppen eingeteilt. Die erste umfaßt Klinopyroxene SiO2-gesättigter Gesteinstypen und Kristallsäume SiO2-untersättigter Gesteinstypen, die zweite Kristallkerne SiO2-untersättigter Gesteinstypen. Das kristallchemische Verhalten der beiden Gruppen unterscheidet sich beträchtlich, hauptsächlich in den geometrischen Beziehungen zwischen den M2 und T Positionen. Während in der ersten Gruppe die M2-O3 und T-O3 Bindungsldngen durch Zunahme von Ca und AlIV kleiner bzw. größer werden, sind in der zweiten Gruppe die T-O3 Bindungslängen trotz niedrigen AlIV Gehaltes zu einer Vergrößerung gezwungen, damit um die O3 Atome der lokale Ladungsausgleich erhalten bleibt.Es ist bemerkenswert, daß die Sunda-Klinopyroxene große Analogien zu denen aus basaltischen Gesteinen des Abessinischen Plateaus und aus K-reichen Laven sowohl der Römischen Provinz als auch des Westafrikanischen Grabens zeigen. Dies spiegelt Ähnlichkeiten zwischen Zusammensetzung und Mineralbestand der Muttergesteine wider, obwohl sie all aus tektonisch unterschiedlichen Positionen kommen.Eine Beziehung zwischen intrakristalliner Mg-Fe2+ Unordnung und dem explosiven Charakter des Vulkanismus wird aufgezeigt.
Summary Olivine-plagioclase and phlogopite-plagioclase coronas have been identified from olivine melanorites of the Mid- to Late Proterozoic Equeefa Suite in southern Natal, South Africa. Olivine, in contact with plagioclase, is mantled by a shell of clear orthopyroxene, in turn rimmed by pale green (pargasitic) clinoamphibole. Locally a third rim, composed of a fine pargasite-spinel symplectite is developed adjacent to the plagioclase. The second corona reaction has produced greenish-brown pargasite at phlogopite-plagioclase interfaces. A third, less obvious reaction, between olivine and phlogopite is also noted. Analytical data of all the mineral phases present, along with the coronas, are given. Two-pyroxene thermometry yields magmatic core temperatures ( 1120°C), with rim compositions indicating equilibration at 850°C. Consistent with this, the modelled olivine-plagioclase reaction occurs between 830–1050°C with awaterbetween 0.1 and 1.0 at 7 kbar. The three reactions took place during a prolonged history of cooling and partial hydration of the magmatic olivine melanorites from over 1000°C down to 600°C. The P-T conditions indicated by the reactions suggest this cooling process was essentially isobaric, indicating that the area was not subjected to rapid uplift or burial throughout this entire period.
Korona-Texturen in proterozoischen Olivin-Melanoriten der Equeefa Suite, Natal Metamorphic Province, Südafrika
Zusammenfassung Aus Olivin-Melanoriten der mittel- bis spätproterozoischen Equeefa Suite im südlichen Natal, Südafrika, wurden Olivin-Plagioklas und Phlogopit-Plagioklas-Koronartexturen beobachtet. Olivin, der mit Plagioklas im Kontakt steht, wird von einem klaren Saum vom Orthopyroxen ummantelt, der seinerseits von blaßgrünem (pargasitischem) Klinoamphibol umsäumt wird. Stellenweise ist ein dritter Saum, bestehend aus feinkörnigem symplektitischem Pargasit-Spinell im Kontakt mit Plagioklas ausgebildet. Die zweite koronabildende Reaktion resultiert in Bildung eines grünbraunen Pargasites an Phlogopit-Plagioklas Kornkontakten. Eine dritte, weniger auffällige Reaktion zwischen Olivin und Phlogopit wurde ebenfalls beobachtet. Zwei-Pyroxen-Thermometrie ergab magmatische Temperaturen der Kernbereiche ( 1120°C) und belegt eine Gleichgewichtseinstellung in den Randzonen bei ca. 850°C. Olivin-Plagioklas-Modellreaktionen liegen ebenfalls in einem Temperaturbereich von 830–1050°C bei Wasseraktivitäten von 0.1 bis 1.0 und einem Druck von 7 kbar. Die drei Reaktionen liefen im Zuge einer länger andauernden Abkühlung unter teilweiser Hydratisierung der magmatischen Melanorite in einem Temperaturbereich von 1000°C bis ca. 600°C ab. Die aus den Reaktionen ableitbaren P-T-Bedingungen sprechen für eine im wesentlichen isobare Abkhlungsgeschichte und zeigen, daß dieses Gebiet wáhrend dieser gesamten Periode keiner raschen Hebung bzw. keiner Versenkung unterworfen worden ist.
In order to test the hypothesis of ionized polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) as possible carriers of the UIR bands, we realized a computational exploration on selected PAHs of small dimension in order to identify which changes ionization would induce on their IR spectra. In this study we performed ab initio calculations of the spectra of neutral and positively ionized naphthalene, anthracene, and pyrene. The results are significantly important. The frequencies in the cations are slightly shifted with respect to the neutral species, but no general conclusion can be reached from the three molecules considered. By contrast, the relative intensities of most vibrations are strongly affected by ionization, leading to a much better agreement between the calculated CH/CC vibration intensity ratios and those deduced from observations.  相似文献   
We present high resolution millimeter, near-infrared, and optical data on the Wolf-Rayet nucleus of the Liner NGC 6764. The millimeter12CO(1-0) maps were obtained using the Nobeyama Millimeter Interferometer. Near-infrared images in the K-band continuum and the 2.12µm H2, 2.06µm He I, 2.17µm Br, and 1.64µm [Fe II] lines were taken with the MPE imaging spectrometer FAST at the William Herschel Telescope on La Palma, Spain. The optical data were obtained at the 3.5m telescope on Calar Alto, Spain. The measurements indicate a strong concentration of molecular gas and a massive starburst at the nucleus of NGC 6764. The interferometric position velocity map of the nucleus shows the presence of distinct molecular cloud complexes with an apparently asymmetric velocity field shifted towards the blue with respect to the systemic velocity of 2420 km s–1. The distribution of the 2.12µm H2 line flux exhibits extensions approximately perpendicular to the bar which are in agreement with structural features in VLA radio maps and IRAM 30m maps of the12CO(2–1) line emission. This may represent evidence for combination of a nuclear outflow and a central oval distortion of gas predicted by gas dynamical calculations as a response to a bar like potential. A detailed investigation of the Wolf-Rayet-feature at 466 nm indicates that it is spatially extended on a scale of a few arcseconds.  相似文献   
Walter MR  Des Marais DJ 《Icarus》1993,101(1):129-143
Current interpretations of the early history of Mars suggest many similarities with the early Earth and therefore raise the possibility that the Archean and Proterozoic history of life on Earth could have a counterpart on Mars. Terrestrial experience suggests that, with techniques that can be employed remotely, ancient springs, including thermal springs, could well yield important information. By delivering water and various dissolved species to the sunlit surface of Mars, springs very likely created an environment suitable for life, which could have been difficult, if not impossible, to attain elsewhere. The chemical and temperature gradients associated with thermal springs sort organisms into sharply delineated, distinctive and different communities, and so diverse organisms are concentrated into relatively small areas in a predictable and informative fashion. A wide range of metabolic strategies are concentrated into small areas, thus furnishing a useful and representative sampling of the existing biota. Mineral-charged springwaters frequently deposit chemical precipitates of silica and/or carbonate which incorporate microorganisms and preserve them as fossils. The juxtaposition of stream valley headwaters with volcanoes and impact craters on Mars strongly implies that subsurface heating of groundwater created thermal springs. On Earth, thermal springs create distinctive geomorphic features and chemical signatures which can be detected by remote sensing. Spring deposits can be quite different chemically from adjacent rocks. Individual springs can be hundreds of meters wide, and complexes of springs occupy areas up to several kilometers wide. Benthic microbial mats and the resultant stromatolites occupy a large fraction of the available area. The relatively high densities of fossils and microbial mat fabrics within these deposits make them highly prospective in any search for morphological evidence of life, and there are examples of microbial fossils in spring deposits as old as 300 Myr.  相似文献   
A search and estimation of the statistical significance of the quasi-periodical structures (QPS) has been carried out: for the luminosity function of the galaxies in a few rich clusters; for the integrated mass function of galaxies in the superclusters identified via = 21 cm observations. Some statistically significant QPS have been revealed. The periods for these structures are in agreement between each other, at this basis the hypothesis has been proposed that an effect of the QPS at the level of galaxies has some universal character. Frequency doubling has been discovered for these QPS.  相似文献   
The present work deals with spectrophotometric studies of two Be stars ( Leo and 17 Tau) using 74 telescope at Kottamia observatory.The results obtained revealed the presence of variations in the general shape and the equivalent width of the profiles of hydrogen lines in the spectrum of both stars within short period interval.  相似文献   
Earlier results concerning sympathetic flares - physically related flares occurring in different active regions practically in the same time - and time-correlated radio bursts are compared with magnetic situation in active regions with related flaring and with the history and dynamics of its development. We found observational evidence abou the reality of sympathetic flares, demonstrating also that active regions in which they appear are physically related through common dynamical elements in which the evolution of their magnetic fields goes parallel. Such a process may sometimes occupy a very large volume of the photosphere and we believe that it might be related to the large-scale convective motions.  相似文献   
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