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The elastic constants of rocks are the basic parameters for rock mechanics, and play a very important role in engineering design. There are many laboratory methods to determine the elastic constants of transversely isotropic rocks, and the Brazilian test is a popular method. This paper presented a method combination of the Brazilian test, back calculation, and iterative procedure to evaluate the five independent elastic constants of transversely isotropic rocks in laboratory. The strain data at the centre of discs were obtained using Brazilian test. The stresses at the centre of discs were computed using numerical programs. By using back calculation, the temporary elastic constants were computed after the stresses and stains were substituted into elastic mechanics equations. After iterative procedure, the convergent values of the elastic constants can be obtained. One numerical example and three experimental cases were proposed to show the applicability of this method. The convergent values of the five independent elastic constants can be obtained in no more than 10 iterative cycles. The results coming from numerical analysis method exhibited satisfactory outcome in accordance with those of generalized reduced gradient method. The merits of this method include convenient specimen preparation of the Brazilian test, simple iterative procedure, and readily available commercially numerical programs, so that this method can be easily popularized in research and engineering analysis. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The present study evaluates several critical issues related to precision and accuracy of Cu and Zn isotopic measurements with application to estuarine particulate materials. Calibration of reference materials (such as the IRMM 3702 Zn) against the JMC Zn and NIST Cu reference materials were performed in wet and/or dry plasma modes (Aridus I and DSN‐100) on a Nu Plasma MC‐ICP‐MS. Different mass bias correction methods were compared. More than 100 analyses of certified reference materials suggested that the sample‐calibrator bracketing correction and the empirical external normalisation methods provide the most reliable corrections, with long term external precisions of 0.06 and 0.07‰ (2SD), respectively. Investigation of the effect of variable analyte to spike concentration ratios on Zn and Cu isotopic determinations indicated that the accuracy of Cu measurements in dry plasma is very sensitive to the relative Cu and Zn concentrations, with deviations of δ65Cu from ?0.4‰ (Cu/Zn = 4) to +0.4‰ (Cu/Zn = 0.2). A quantitative assessment (with instrumental mass bias corrections) of spectral and non‐spectral interferences (Ti, Cr, Co, Fe, Ca, Mg, Na) was performed. Titanium and Cr were the most severe interfering constituents, contributing to inaccuracies of ?5.1‰ and +0.60‰ on δ68/64Zn, respectively (for 500 μg l?1 Cu and Zn standard solutions spiked with 1000 μg l?1 of Ti or Cr). Preliminary isotopic results were obtained on contrasting sediment matrices from the Scheldt estuary. Significant isotopic fractionation of zinc (from 0.21‰ to 1.13‰ for δ66Zn) and copper (from ?0.38‰ to 0.23‰ for δ65Cu), suggest a control by physical mixing of continental and marine water masses, characterized by distinct Cu and Zn isotopic signatures. These results provide a stepping‐stone to further evaluate the use of Cu and Zn isotopes as biogeochemical tracers in estuarine environments.  相似文献   
气候变化对我国农作物宜播种面积的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于气候条件与农作物熟制的相互关系,得到农作物潜在播种面积,分析气候变化对我国农作物播种面积的影响和其他因子对其综合作用。结果表明:我国实际播种面积增长缓慢,空间差异明显,华中实际播种面积占比最大而新疆最少,西南、华中、东北和新疆面积增加,西北、华南、华东和华北减少;在≥10℃积温指标下,1986-2009年我国潜在的不可耕地面积平均值相对1961-1985年减少约34.33%,一年一熟区面积有所减少,但仍占约50%面积,一年两熟和一年三熟地区面积均呈增加趋势;综合≥10℃和≥0℃两个积温指标,我国潜在播种面积缓慢增长,与实际播种面积的变化趋势一致,其他综合因子则在总体上对潜在播种面积的增长有微弱抑制作用。  相似文献   
The design of a three‐story buckling‐restrained braced frame (BRBF) with a single‐diagonal sandwiched BRB and corner gusset was evaluated in cyclic tests of a one‐story, one‐bay BRBF subassembly and dynamic analyses of the frame subjected to earthquakes. The test focused on evaluating (1) the seismic performance of a sandwiched BRB installed in a frame, (2) the effects of free‐edge stiffeners and dual gusset configurations on the corner gusset behavior, (3) the frame and brace action forces in the corner gusset, and (4) the failure mode of the BRBF under the maximum considerable earthquake level. The subassembly frame performed well up to a drift of 2.5% with a maximum axial strain of 1.7% in the BRB. Without free‐edge stiffeners, the single corner gusset plate buckled at a significantly lower strength than that predicted by the specificationof American Institute of Steel Construction (2005). The buckling could be eliminated by using dual corner gusset plates similar in size to the single gusset plate. At low drifts, the frame action force on the corner gusset was of the same magnitude as the brace force. At high drifts, however, the frame action force significantly increased and caused weld fractures at column‐to‐gusset edges. Nonlinear time history analyses were performed on the three‐story BRBF to obtain seismic demands under both design and maximum considerable levels of earthquake loading. The analytical results confirmed that the BRB and corner gusset plate achieved peak drift under cyclic loading test. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The original structural design of this case study consisted of five basement floors and a 34‐story hotel tower in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. The construction started in 1993, and the erection of the entire steel frame and the pouring of concrete slabs up to the 26th floor were completed before 1996. However, construction of the original hotel was subsequently suspended for 10 years. Recently, this building has been retrofitted for residential purposes. Buckling restrained braces (BRBs) and eccentrically braced frames were incorporated into the seismic design of the new residential tower. This paper presents the seismic resisting structural system, seismic design criteria, full‐scale test results of one BRB member and the as‐built welded moment connections. Test results confirm that the two side web‐plate stiffening details can effectively improve the rotational capacity of welded moment connection. The paper also discusses the analytical models for simulating the experimental responses of the BRB members and the welded moment connections. Nonlinear response history analyses (NLRHA) indicate that the inelastic deformational demands of the original and the redesigned structures induced by the maximum considered earthquakes are less than those found in the seismic building codes or laboratory tests. This paper also proposes a ground motion scaling method considering multi‐mode effects for NLRHA of the example building. It is shown that the proposed scaling method worked well in reducing the scatter in estimated peak seismic demands. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
This paper proposed an integrated simulation model to incorporate the impact of flood-induced reservoir turbidity into water supply. The integrated model includes a regional water allocation model and a one-dimensional settling model of cohesive particles based on Kynch’s theory. It simulates the settling of sediment flocculation in a turbid reservoir. The restrictions of water supply during floods is mimicked by simulating turbidity profiles for control points and then quantifying the associated treatment capability of raw water in the regional water allocation model for each time step. This framework can simulate shortages caused by flood-induced high turbidity as well as extended droughts, thus provide a basis for comprehensive evaluations of emergent and regular water supply facilities. A case study of evaluating different measures to mitigate the impact of turbid reservoir on water supply in northern Taiwan is presented to demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed approach.  相似文献   
Based on two-dimensional heat-conduction equations with a phase-change component, this study investigates the impact of underground mining on the permafrost environment in an opencast coal mining pit. The dynamics of the maximum thawed and freezing depths at different depths around a borehole wall are determined. The spatial distributions of these dynamics are also determined at different locations of the wall profile. The results show that (1) the maximum freezing depth tends to increase over 100 years; (2) the maximum thawed depth increases along a borehole wall over 100 years. In particular, the maximum thawed depth increases faster near the junctions of permafrost and seasonally frozen soil; (3) due to the small cross section of mining laneways, coal mining does not cause rapid increases in permafrost temperature around borehole walls. Once disturbance to permafrost around a borehole wall decreases, the once-insignificant effect of temperature will become more obvious. Underground mining does have some impacts on permafrost surrounding borehole walls, but it does not cause large areas of deformation due to thermal disturbance.  相似文献   
Algorithms for GPS operation indoors and downtown   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The proliferation of mobile devices and the emergence of wireless location-based services has generated consumer demand for availability of GPS in urban and indoor environments. This demand calls for enhanced GPS algorithms that accommodate high degrees of signal attenuation and multipath effects unique to the "urban channel." This paper overviews the market for location-based services and discusses algorithmic innovations that address challenges posed by urban environments. Electronic Publication  相似文献   
Numerical experiments of adjoint variational assimilation have been performed using the knownLorenz system.With the increase of sensitivity of model's initial values,it is more and more difficultto use the adjoint method to get the initial values which are consistent with the dynamics of the fore-cast model.Under some circumstances the algorithm completely fails.This shows that four-dimen-sional assimilation is related to the limit of predictability.On the other hand.with the increase ofmodel equation's error,the result of variational assimilation may become worse and worse so that theprediction has no meaning.But if the model parameters are corrected when variational assimilation ismade,the forecast results can be greatly improved based on Lorenz model.  相似文献   
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