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I.INTRODUCTIONReseri,oirsonoverloadedriverswillreachthestateofrelativeequilibriumwithcontinuousdevelopmentofsedimentation.Insuchcase,thereisdePOsitinfrontofthedam.Thereforethesiltpressureonthedambodyisconsiderablylarge.Sedimentationelevationinfrontofthedamisoneofthefactorsofcalculatingthesiltpressure.Inaddition,tokeeplong-termworkingstorageinreservoif,itisnecessarytoinstallbottomoutlets.Asthereisapressureconduitinfrontoftheoperatinggateofthebottomoutlet,thesedimelltenteredtheconduitwill…  相似文献   
IntroductionSolutionasakarstgeomorphologicalprocessinlandformdevelopmenthaslongbeenrecognized.Sincethekarstprocessesarealmostentirelysolution,thoughkarstlandformsarenotonlycausedbysolutionbutalsobyerosion,thecirculationandchemicalcompositionsofkarstun…  相似文献   
杨雄庭  王泽安 《湖南地质》1996,15(4):234-238
本文从区域构造背景出发,根据波拉湾煤勘探区地表及钻孔资料综合分析,建立了逆冲断层F1、F2及其配套的f1、f2……构造,理顺了错综复杂的构造格局,将推覆构造理论成功地用于援外生产实践。  相似文献   
In this paper,the Gutenberg-Richter model is used to generate seismic events.The events that satisfy the random distribution are also generated.With those events,the natural probability distribution of Load and Unload Response Ratio(LURR),which measures quantitatively the degree of instability of a nonlinear system,is discussed.The study is based on stress energy release,which is chosen as the response of nonlinear system F3.The comparative results from the observation catalogue and generating data are also studied.It is revealed that the natural probability of LURR is mostly stable when the sample number is sufficient.The lower the natural probability of LURR,the more the precursory is information it may contain.The influence of Y3 resulting from the sample number and the magnitude range of events is also discussed.  相似文献   
There have been 12 possible locations of the earthquakes occurring in the South Yellow Sea since 1505.In this paper,the location of the earthquake that occurred in 1505 has been determined by the collection of more historical data of the influenced field,referring the isoseismal data of earthquakes with the epicentral intensityⅨ and combining geophysical field data with tectonic condition,due to its great influence on seismic safety assessment of some significant engineering.  相似文献   
四川盆地碳酸盐岩油气勘探实践与认识   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
四川盆地烃源十分丰富。但油气演化程度高,大多已进入高成熟和过成熟阶段,至今只在侏罗系发现有油藏,三叠系及其更老地层皆为气藏。储层主要为碳酸盐岩,其特点是低孔低渗,平均孔隙度仅1.7%,平均渗透率小于1×10~(-3)μm~2,但其中的“孔洞发育层段”平均孔隙度可达3%~6%。根据四十年的勘探经验,加强预探并争取新发现是四川盆地油气勘探发展的关键。预探中,按构造带规划大中型气田勘探目标,将成藏条件相似、地域上相邻的局部圈闭群作为一个整体勘探对象,实行稀井广探,少井高效。“八五”以来,在高陡构造带勘探技术、储层横向预探技术等方面有长足的进步,勘探成效不断提高,实现了资源序列的良性循环。  相似文献   
Introduction The surface rupture and aftershocks of the February 3, 1996 Lijiang earthquake are basically distributed along the N-S-trending Lijiang-Daju fault, which is boundary fault between Lijiang Quaternary, fault controlled basin and Yulong-Haba range (ZHANG, et al, 1997). Corresponding to the surface geological features, the focal rupture of the Lijiang earthquake also shows large component of dip-slip. It is of great difference from that of other earthquakes in west Yunnan, in w…  相似文献   
Introduction With the development of the seismological observation technique and deep-going of seismicdata application fields, especially the digitization of data in earthquake station networks, theimprovement of the precision, the data quantity increases as geometric order, which bringdifficulty to saving and transfering these data. To keep all information, seismic data, like medicalimages, should be compressed without error in many applications. In generally, traditionalcompression meth…  相似文献   
基于复模态的有限元模型修正算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对地下结构地震响应分析中无限地基辐射阻尼问题,引入复模态情况下的具有非简化的堆积阻尼矩阵的阻尼模型,并针对具有集中质量阵的阻尼模型提出了合并与质量有关的阻尼和堆积阻尼的思想,并据此提出了一种修正此类有限元模型的两步法,首先从复模态参数中提取实模态参数,采用基于模态残余力的识别算法修正刚度矩阵,然后根据复模态参数和已得的刚度矩阵来识别阻尼模型中的刚度参与系数和质量阻尼堆积阻尼联合矩阵。  相似文献   
IntroductionItisdefinitelystipulatedintheLawofthePeople'sRepublicofChinaonProtectingagainstandMitigatingEarthquakeDisastersthattheseismicsafetyevaluationmustbemadeformajorprojects(includinglifelineprojects)and,accordingtotheresultsobtained,theseismicresistancerequirementsshouldbedetermined.Thenecessityofseismicsafetyevaluationhasbeenrecog-nizedgradually,butthetopicontheeffectofsafetyevaluationhasnotbeenreferredmuch.Gener-allyspeaking,althoughmostpeopleapprovethesocialeffectofsafetyevaluatio…  相似文献   
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