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Amphibolites occur in a number of localities in the Cathaysia Block, some of them have been migmatised and their protoliths represent basaltic magmas erupted in various tectonic settings. Four migmatised amphibolites were collected from Jiangxi and Fujian Provinces. Cathodo-luminescence images of zircons extracted from the representative amphibolites show unzoned or sector-zoned structure. LA-ICP-MS analysis indicates that most zircons have high Th/U ratios and yield U–Pb zircon ages of 446 ± 5, 435 ± 2, 434 ± 4 and 423 ± 2 Ma, respectively. Lu–Hf isotopic analysis on these zircons gives Hf model ages ranging from 900 to 1200 Ma. Based on lithological observations and previously published geochronological data, we interpret that these U–Pb ages record an important tectonothermal event that led to the migmatization. This early Paleozoic (Caledonian) tectonothermal event in the Southeastern China has a great tectonic implication for the evolutionary history of the Cathaysia Block.  相似文献   
通过分析研究某农药化工企业密集区地下水水质及污染状况,按照国家有关标准,采用单指标评价法和内梅罗指数法对地下水的质量进行评价。评价结果显示:该区域地下水水质普遍较差,大部分为Ⅳ类及Ⅴ类水质,已不适于饮用。然后对该区域地下水污染进行评价,结果显示地下水有机和无机污染严重,并形成了以某农药化工企业为污染源并沿岩溶地下水流向的一个卤代烃类有机物污染羽,这表明造成该研究区岩溶地下水污染的主要污染源为某农药化工企业。最后根据评价结果,提出相应的控制地下水污染的建议和措施,为该地区制定地下水开发利用规划提供科学依据。  相似文献   
Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Hole 504B near the Costa Rica Rift is the deepest hole drilled in the ocean crust, penetrating a volcanic section, a transition zone and a sheeted dike complex. The distribution of Li and its isotopes through this 1.8-km section of oceanic crust reflects the varying conditions of seawater alteration with depth. The upper volcanic rocks, altered at low temperatures, are enriched in Li (5.6-27.3 ppm) and have heavier isotopic compositions (δ7Li=6.6-20.8‰) relative to fresh mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB) due to uptake of seawater Li into alteration clays. The Li content and isotopic compositions of the deeper volcanic rocks are similar to MORB, reflecting restricted seawater circulation in this section. The transition zone is a region of mixing of seawater with upwelling hydrothermal fluids and sulfide mineralization. Li enrichment in this zone is accompanied by relatively light isotopic compositions (−0.8-2.1‰) which signify influence of basalt-derived Li during mineralization and alteration. Li decreases with depth to 0.6 ppm in the sheeted dike complex as a result of increasing hydrothermal extraction in the high-temperature reaction zone. Rocks in the dike complex have variable isotopic values that range from −1.7 to 7.9‰, depending on the extent of hydrothermal recrystallization and off-axis low-temperature alteration. Hydrothermally altered rocks are isotopically light because 6Li is preferentially retained in greenschist and amphibolite facies minerals. The δ7Li values of the highly altered rocks of the dike complex are complementary to those of high-temperature mid-ocean ridge vent fluids and compatible to equilibrium control by the alteration mineral assemblage. The inventory of Li in basement rocks permits a reevaluation of the role of oceanic crust in the budget of Li in the ocean. On balance, the upper 1.8 km of oceanic crusts remains a sink for oceanic Li. The observations at 504B and an estimated flux from the underlying 0.5 km of gabbro suggest that the global hydrothermal flux is at most 8×109 mol/yr, compatible with geophysical thermal models. This work defines the distribution of Li and its isotopes in the upper ocean crust and provides a basis to interpret the contribution of subducted lithosphere to arc magmas and cycling of crustal material in the deep mantle.  相似文献   
Regulation of Tilapia metallothionein gene expression by heavy metal ions   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Tilapia is a common fish species inhabiting inland waters and estuarine regions in Hong Kong and Southeast Asia, and useful for bio-monitoring of metal pollution. Metallothionein (MT) gene expression in fish tissues has been useful to sub-lethal risk assessment as biomarker of exposure to metal ions in fishes inhabiting metal contaminated area. To investigate metal inductions of Tilapia MT gene expression in vivo, Tilapias were injected with different concentrations of heavy metals and tissues were then removed for quantitative PCR assay using mimic PCR methods. All of the metal ions tested (Cu(2+), Cd(2+), Hg(2+), Ni(2+), Pb(2+) and Zn(2+)) were able to induce hepatic MT mRNA levels. Renal MT mRNA levels of Cd(2+) and Zn(2+) treated fish was not induced with significant fold induction, however MT mRNA levels in gills were sensitive to the administrations of these metal ions. These data indicated that Tilapia MT mRNA levels in gills and liver are sensitive biomarker of exposure to various metal ions.  相似文献   
Summary Analysis of ozonesonde data shows that in the lower troposphere above Hong Kong, there is a relative maximum with respect to height in all seasons except winter. In the upper troposphere, there is with respect to height a relative minimum in the seasonally averaged ozone mixing ratio in winter. Ozone mixing ratios in the upper troposphere in winter and spring can be significantly enhanced by stratospheric intrusions associated with the passage of cold fronts and upper cut-off lows.For Hong Kong, the seasonally averaged total ozone has the highest value in spring, and the lowest in winter. The seasonally averaged total tropospheric ozone also has the highest value in spring, but the lowest in summer. In a relative sense, total tropospheric ozone contributes most to the total ozone in spring and the least in summer.The phase of the total ozone anomaly above Hong Kong is influenced by the Quasi-Biennial Oscillation (QBO), with the positive anomaly associated with the easterly phase of QBO, and the negative anomaly the westerly phase.  相似文献   
INTRODUCTIONThepresenceofmagneticanomaliesoveroilandgasfieldshasbeenknownforseveraldecades,butitisonlyinrecentyearsthatthephenomenonhasbeencriticallyinvestigated .Themag neticcharacteristicsofsoilandsedimentarecloselyrelatedtosomegeochemicalprocesses,s…  相似文献   
This study characterized the redox conditions in arsenic‐affected groundwater aquifers of the Lanyang plain, Taiwan. Discriminant analysis was adopted to delineate three redox zones (oxidative, transitional and reductive zones) in different aquifers and yielded 92·3% correctness on groundwater quality data. Arsenic is mainly distributed in the reductive zone, and arsenic distribution in the shallow aquifer is mainly affected by surface activities. According to PHREEQC modelling results, possible mechanisms for arsenic release to groundwater in Lanyang plain are explored. Arsenic released to groundwater in the oxidative zone (zone 1) is primarily caused by the oxidations of arsenic‐bearing pyrite minerals, and arsenate is the predominant species. While the reductive dissolution of Fe‐oxides are responsible for the high arsenic concentration found in the transitional and reductive zones (zones 2 and 3), arsenite is the predominant species. The reduction potential of groundwater rises as the depths and zones increase. Some sulphates may be reduced to form sulphide ions, which then react with arsenic to form arseno‐sulphide deposits (such as realgar, orpiment) and then slightly lower groundwater arsenic concentrations. A conceptual diagram which summarized the possible release processes of arsenic in different redox zones along groundwater flow in Lanyang plain is postulated. Arsenic‐bearing pyrite and arsenopyrite (FeAsS) are oxidized as they are exposed to the infiltrated oxygenated rainwater, releasing soluble arsenate Fe(II) and SO42? into zone 1. The dissolution of arsenic‐rich Fe‐oxides due to the onset of reducing conditions in zones 2 and 3 is responsible for the mobility of arsenic and likely to be the primary mechanism of arsenic release to groundwater in the Lanyang plain Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Based on the analytical solutions for wave-induced soil response in an unsaturated anisotropic seabed of finite thickness, an elliptical, i.e., noncircular rotation stress path is proven to be a more common state in a soil element with the cyclic shear stresses due to the traveling linear wave. The influence of an elliptical stress path on the characterization of failure strength is analyzed using three new parameters representing the shape, size, and the orientation of the ellipse. A series of cyclic rotational shear tests on the reconstituted specimens of Chinese Fujian Standard Sand have been performed to investigate the effect of elliptical stress path. A strength function in term of failure cycles is derived to quantify the failure strength of a given sand within a seabed subjected to regular wave loading. The results provide a basis for the evaluation of liquefaction potential of seabed but also point to a unique backbone cycle shear strength curve for soil under principal stress rotation.  相似文献   
莱州湾地区10万年以来沉积环境变化   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
彭子成  韩有松 《地质论评》1992,38(4):360-367
本文用热释光测年和地球化学标志法研究了莱州湾地区沉积环境的变化。石英的375℃热释光峰作为测年基础。岩芯样品的测定结果、反映了自全新世(1.2万年)至晚更新世(11万年)地层的年代特点。实验中来用了Sr/Ba、Rb、Mn/Fe和CaO作为地球化学标志,所得数据经Sheppard方程和Fisher判别处理。在得到的沉积环境变化曲线和大洋δ~(18)O曲线对比中可以看出,本区在十万年以来出现过三次海陆相地层变化序列,其中在距今11—7万年和深度为43.5—60m处,在距今4.6—2.1万年和深度为23—35m处,以及在距今1.1—0.6万年和深度为8—11m处出现过三次海相地层,分别与沧州、献县和黄骅海侵事件相应,并同时受到全球气候变化的控制。  相似文献   
主要研究地理国情普查分类体系与森林资源二类调查分类体系的关系和数据转换思路,以及基于监测数据进行统计分析的内容和技术方法。选择某县进行实验,并对监测成果进行分析,论证了地理国情普查成果应用于森林资源监测的可行性。  相似文献   
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