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Trimethylamine N-oxide(TMAO) is widely dispersed in marine environments and plays an important role in the biogeochemical cycle of nitrogen. Diverse marine bacteria utilize TMAO as carbon and nitrogen sources or as electron acceptor in anaerobic respiration. Alteration of respiratory component according to the pressure is a common trait of deep-sea bacteria. Deep-sea bacteria from dif ferent genera harbor high hydrostatic pressure(HHP) inducible TMAO reductases that are assumed to be constitutively expressed in the deep-sea piezosphere and facilitating quick reaction to TMAO released from ?sh which is a potential nutrient for bacterial growth. However, whether deep-sea bacteria universally employ this strategy remains unknown. In this study, 237 bacterial strains affliated to 23 genera of Proteobacteria,Bacteroidetes, Firmicutes and Actinobacteria were isolated from seawater, sediment or amphipods collected at dif ferent depths. The pressure tolerance and the utilization of TMAO were examined in 74 strains. The results demonstrated no apparent correlation between the depth where the bacteria inhabit and their pressure tolerance, regarding to our samples. Several deep-sea strains from the genera of Alteromonas, Halomonas,Marinobacter, Photobacterium, and Vibrio showed capacity of TMAO utilization, but none of the isolated Acinebacter, Bacillus, Brevundimonas, Muricauda, Novosphingobium, Rheinheimera, Sphingobium and Stenotrophomonas did, indicating the utilization of TMAO is a species-speci?c feature. Furthermore, we noticed that the ability of TMAO utilization varied among strains of the same species. TMAO has greater impact on the growth of deep-sea isolates of Vibrio neocaledonicus than shallow-water isolates. Taken together, the results describe for the ?rst time the TMAO utilization in deep-sea bacterial strains, and expand our understanding of the physiological characteristic of marine bacteria.  相似文献   
A virtual wave gauge (VWG) technique based on stereo imaging is developed to remotely measure water wave height, period, and direction. VWG minimizes computational costs by directly tracking the elevation of the water surface at selected points of interest using a Eulerian based dynamic searching algorithm. Results show that the VWG technique developed in this paper dramatically improves efficiency by two orders of magnitude compared to the traditional Lagrangian–Eulerian based point cloud method of stereo image processing. VWG is tested against traditional wave wire gauges to within 98% accuracy for significant wave height. Furthermore, the flexibility of the VWG is demonstrated in two field applications. First in an offshore breaking wave case, an array of VWGs is used to efficiently measure wave directionality. Second to investigate the reflection coefficient of a rock-mounted structure interacting with nearshore waves, linear and spatial VWG arrays are designed and implemented based on a priori information of the wave field from a preliminary VWG measurement. Overall, we demonstrate that the flexible and computational efficient VWG technique has the potential to make real-time remote stereo imaging wave measurements a reality.  相似文献   
Magnetic stratigraphy observed in ferromanganese crust   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary. A sample of ferromanganese crust deposit (SCHW-1D) was cut into two sets of 1 mm slices for palaeomagnetic study. Alternating field and thermal demagnetization, and isothermal remanent magnetization analyses were performed on each thin slice. The results reveal the presence of a stable magnetism and both normal and reversed polarity intervals in the specimens. The observed polarity intervals cannot be confidently correlated with the geomagnetic polarity time-scale of the last 10 Myr due to the polarity overlap inherent in the sampling technique. But the results confirm the slow accretion rate of ferromanganese deposit determined by 10Be method and suggest potential use of ferromanganese deposits in palaeomagnetic and tectonic studies.  相似文献   
The colours and chemical composition variations of 160 spinels in peridotite and pyroxenite xenoliths from Cenozoic basalts in eastern China and their petrogeneses have been studied in detail. The relationships between major elements of spinels are discussed. The equilibrium temperatures, pressures and oxygen fugacities of spinels and their coexisting olivines, orthopyroxenes and clinopyroxenes have been determined using the Brey-kohler' s T-P calculation methods (1990) and Ballhaus' fo2 calculation method (1991). The relationships betweenthe composition and the equilibrium temperatures, pressures or oxygen fugacities of spinels in peridotite xenoliths from the basalts and the stable field of the spinels in the upper mantle have been shown.  相似文献   
碱性花岗岩分布于西藏羌塘北部的花岗岩带内,岩石K2O Na2O含量达11.27%~12.02%,具高铝、高碱、低铁镁组分的特征,属碱性花岗岩类.地球化学特征表明,该碱性岩形成于后碰撞期.形成该岩体的物质主要来源于加厚陆壳的中下部,反映了研究区古特提斯闭合后经历了陆内造山阶段.霞石正长岩同位素锆石U-Pb年龄为248.7Ma±2.6Ma,相当于早三叠世晚期.碱性花岗岩的出现是西藏西北部古特提斯造山带崩塌开始的岩石学标志.  相似文献   
The counter-current gas-fluidized cascade (CFC) is a novel pneumatic device for separating mixed granular solids according to specific gravity. The possible utility of the CFC for beneficiation of coal in all size-ranges is presently under investigation, and in this paper some results are reported on pyrite beneficiation of synthetic pyrite-coal mixtures, and also on pyrite and ash beneficiation of as-received coal. The (geometric) mean particle size, by weight, of the coal used with added pyrite was 153 μm, and of the natural coal 233 μm. Preliminary results on the concentration of pyrite and ash in the reject streams indicate that CFC has some potential of being a simple and low-cost device for coal beneficiation.  相似文献   
江苏东海水晶以其晶体粒大和产量巨大而闻名,在地质上也因其产于高压超高压变质带而独具特色。在对大别—苏鲁超高压变质带的区域成矿作用进行研究和对中国大陆科学钻探工程(CCSD)主孔岩心进行编录的过程中,认识到超高压带存在着超低压成矿现象,包括中国最主要的水晶矿床成矿带在内的许多矿床都可能是在超高压变质之后退变质结束阶段的超低压环境中形成的,对水晶进行流体包裹体的Rb-Sr等时线年代学研究,获得208Ma的等时线年龄,表明成矿时代为印支期。该年代可视为超高压变质带折返并经历了退变质之后而“稳定”下来的时间。  相似文献   
Rock failure is observed around boreholes often with certain types of failure zones, which are called breakouts. Laboratory‐scale drilling tests in some high‐porosity quartz‐rich sandstone have shown breakouts in the form of narrow localized compacted zones in the minimum horizontal stress direction. They are called fracture‐like breakouts. Such compaction bands may affect hydrocarbon extraction by forming barriers that inhibit fluid flow and may also be a source of sand production. This paper presents the results of numerical simulations of borehole breakouts using 3D discrete element method to investigate the mechanism of the fracture‐like breakouts and to identify the role of far‐field stresses on the breakout dimensions. The numerical tool was first verified against analytical solutions. It was then utilized to investigate the failure mechanism and breakout geometry for drilled cubic rock samples of Castlegate sandstone subjected to different pre‐existing far‐field stresses. Results show that failure occurs in the zones of the highest concentration of tangential stress around the borehole. It is concluded that fracture‐like breakout develops as a result of a nondilatant failure mechanism consisting of localized grain debonding and repacking and grain crushing that lead to the formation of a compaction band in the minimum horizontal stress direction. In addition, it is found that the length of fracture‐like breakouts depends on both the mean stress and stress anisotropy. However, the width of the breakout is not significantly changed by the far‐field stresses. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
引入时间序列分析进行危岩体监测数据的处理,建立了危岩体变形的动态模型,取得了较好的拟会与预报精度。  相似文献   
赣东北元古代蛇绿岩Sm—Nd同位素年龄及地质意义   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
江南古陆东南缘赣东北弋阳—德兴—婺源一线有一条蛇绿岩带,普遍认为它是二个一级大地构造单元的分界线,形成于元古代。推断蛇绿混杂岩是元古代古洋壳俯冲时被挤上来的碎片;也有人认为它是中生代二大古陆之间的缝合线。Sm-Nd矿物等时线给出1034±16Ma(MSWD=1.0)的同位素年龄,它符合元古代缝合带的观点,而不利于中生代缝合带。  相似文献   
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