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广西巴马长寿之乡气候环境特征分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
用统计方法计算出巴马50a平均气温和降水、日照时数、气压等数值,分析该地区气候环境变化对人类生存的作用,以揭示巴马地区气候环境与人类长寿的特征与规律。分析结果表明:巴马平均气温接近于人类生活舒适温度;降水均匀,雨水丰富;湿度、太阳辐射量适中;大气压与人体处于平衡状态,具有最适宜于人类健康生活和人类长寿的自然气候环境。  相似文献   
利用FORTRAN和BASIC语言开发在WINDOWS.XX环境下运行的城市天气预报服务产品制作程序,包括报文采集、报文处理与翻译、报文检索与纠错、产品制作、产品输出与分发等内容,实现了大数量和多类型城市天气预报产品的自动制作。在保证准确、高效的专业预报服务中发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   
以南水北调中线工程典型流域汉江上游流域和滦河流域为研究对象,采用敏感性分析法、降水?径流双累积曲线法、累积量斜率变化率比较法定量评估了气候波动和人类活动对流域径流变化的影响。结果表明:汉江上游流域和滦河流域变异Ⅰ/Ⅱ期年均径流深相对于基准期分别减少了29.5% / 19.1%和49.8% / 70.0%;对于汉江上游流域,1991-1999年(变异Ⅰ期)气候波动是径流减少的主要影响因素,2000-2008年(变异Ⅱ期)人类活动则是径流减少的主要影响因素,且人类活动对汉江上游流域径流减少的影响逐步增加;对于滦河流域,1980-2010年(变异Ⅰ/Ⅱ期)人类活动一直是径流减少的主要影响因素,且气候波动和人类活动对径流减少的影响贡献率基本保持不变。  相似文献   
氮、磷浓度是制约湖泊营养状态和生产力水平的重要环境因子,而氮磷化学计量比是湖泊生态系统的主要指标,因此,判识氮磷比变化趋势及其驱动力对湖泊生态恢复具有重要意义.研究基于19882018年连续观测数据,分析了滇池氮磷浓度和氮磷摩尔比(简称氮磷比)的时空分布演变特征;采用多元线性回归模型分别对滇池草海和外海氮磷比驱动效应进行定量解析,筛选出影响湖体氮磷比变化的潜在驱动因子.结果表明:①19882018年滇池氮磷比呈现显著的线性上升趋势,其中草海和外海氮磷比分别上升1.3和0.7 a^-1.②草海和外海分别在2008年和2004年发生了氮磷比上升突变,突变前上升归因于总氮浓度快速增加,突变后则是由于总磷浓度下降较快.③滇池的氮磷浓度变化主要是受流域氮磷输入负荷、跨流域调水、流域氮磷削减、风速和水位的综合影响,但受控因子在不同区域可能存在差异.④气温是滇池氮磷比变化的主要驱动因子,流域人为氮磷输入差异是滇池氮磷比变化的次要驱动因子.  相似文献   
In 1876 Blytt proposed a post-glacial climatic classification, maintaining that the then temperature fluctuated 1- 2℃ higher or lower than that today. Lamb (1969) held that in Europe " the axis of the subtropical high pressure belt was generally displaced north by about 10° latitudes" during the Hypsithermal and that the temperature was three to six times higher than that in the postglacial period.In China, there appear relict beachrocks (living fossils) in tropical tidal zones from the Bohai Bay (40° N) to coastal areas in South China. Many relict tropical marine fossils were discovered, such as Ostrea gigas in Tianjin (which is larger than that found today in Hainan), Placuna placenta in Zhejiang and Spondylus sp. in Fujian. In Hebei, Henan and Zhejiang provinces and Guilin of Guangxi, such tropical fossil animals as Elephas maximus and Rhinoceros sp, were discovered, and in Hebei and Jiangsu provinces such fresh water fossils as Unio douglasiae were found. Their living species are still seen in So  相似文献   
This study provides an integrated interpretation for the Mesozoic-Cenozoic tectonothermal evolutionary history of the Permian strata in the Qishan area of the southwestern Weibei Uplift, Ordos Basin. Apatite fission-track and apatite/zircon(U-Th)/He thermochronometry, bitumen reflectance, thermal conductivity of rocks, paleotemperature recovery, and basin modeling were used to restore the Meso-Cenozoic tectonothermal history of the Permian Strata. The Triassic AFT data have a pooled age of ~180±7 Ma with one age peak and P(χ2)=86%. The average value of corrected apatite(U-Th)/He age of two Permian sandstones is ~168±4 Ma and a zircon(U-Th)/He age from the Cambrian strata is ~231±14 Ma. Bitumen reflectance and maximum paleotemperature of two Ordovician mudstones are 1.81%, 1.57% and ~210°C, ~196°C respectively. After undergoing a rapid subsidence and increasing temperature in Triassic influenced by intrusive rocks in some areas, the Permian strata experienced four cooling-uplift stages after the time when the maximum paleotemperature reached in late Jurassic:(1) A cooling stage(~163 Ma to ~140 Ma) with temperatures ranging from ~132°C to ~53°C and a cooling rate of ~3°C/Ma, an erosion thickness of ~1900 m and an uplift rate of ~82 m/Ma;(2) A cooling stage(~140 Ma to ~52 Ma) with temperatures ranging from ~53°C to ~47°C and a cooling rate less than ~0.1°C/Ma, an erosion thickness of ~300 m and an uplift rate of ~3 m/Ma;(3)(~52 Ma to ~8 Ma) with ~47°C to ~43°C and ~0.1°C/Ma, an erosion thickness of ~500 m and an uplift rate of ~11 m/Ma;(3)(~8 Ma to present) with ~43°C to ~20°C and ~3°C/Ma, an erosion thickness of ~650 m and an uplift rate of ~81 m/Ma. The tectonothermal evolutionary history of the Qishan area in Triassic was influenced by the interaction of the Qinling Orogeny and the Weibei Uplift, and the south Qishan area had the earliest uplift-cooling time compared to other parts within the Weibei Uplift. The early Eocene at ~52 Ma and the late Miocene at ~8 Ma, as two significant turning points after which both the rate of uplift and the rate of temperature changed rapidly, were two key time for the uplift-cooling history of the Permian strata in the Qishan area of the southwestern Weibei Uplift, Ordos Basin.  相似文献   
安徽沙溪斑岩型铜金矿床成岩序列及成岩成矿年代学研究   总被引:3,自引:7,他引:3  
沙溪矿床是长江中下游成矿带中典型的斑岩型铜金矿床,位于庐枞盆地北外缘、郯庐断裂内,矿床成岩成矿时代确定对该矿床成因研究及区域成矿规律的认识具有重要意义。在详细野外地质工作的基础上,采集沙溪矿床与成矿有关的主要岩浆岩样品(粗斑闪长玢岩、黑云母石英闪长玢岩、中斑石英闪长玢岩、细斑石英闪长玢岩和闪长玢岩)和与黄铜矿密切共生的辉钼矿,分别利用Cameca、LA-ICP-MS U-Pb和Re-Os同位素定年方法,获得矿床内主要岩浆岩的成岩年龄(130.60±0.97Ma、129.30±1.00Ma、127.10±1.50Ma、129.46±0.97Ma和126.7±2.1Ma)以及成矿年龄(130.0±1.0Ma),并重新厘定了沙溪岩体从早到晚岩浆的侵位序列。通过区域对比,提出长江中下游存在两阶段斑岩型铜金矿化,沙溪矿床为长江中下游成矿带第二阶段形成的斑岩型矿床,沙溪矿床的成岩成矿作用既不同于庐枞盆地,也不同于断隆区第一阶段的斑岩矿床,而是受郯庐断裂和长江断裂动力学演化联合作用的产物。  相似文献   
近年来,在鄂尔多斯盆地北缘东胜气田上古生界天然气中发现伴生的氦气,含量分布在0.045%~0.487%范围内,具有工业价值,其三级储量约为8.3亿立方米,为一特大型含氦—富氦天然气田。东胜气田氦气属于典型的壳源氦,来源于基底的太古界—元古界变质岩—花岗岩系,富集与燕山期以来的岩浆侵入、断裂活动有关。东胜气田具备有利的氦气成藏地质条件,伴生氦气与烃类气具有异源同储成藏特征,剖析其成藏主控因素为: 基底富U、Th岩石发育是基础,断裂活动是核心,储盖圈保条件是必备,时空配置是关键,其中早白垩世是最重要的一期构造—岩浆热事件,深源岩浆活动导致的深部物质和热能的大规模上涌是中生代流体成藏(矿)的有利地球动力学背景,控制了鄂尔多斯盆地石炭系—二叠系煤系烃源岩大规模生气。断裂活动和圈闭形成与上古生界天然气、氦气聚集成藏具有良好的时空配置关系,与华北克拉通破坏过程耦合。鄂尔多斯地块在早白垩世至中新世深部热流体对盆地发生的多期岩浆活动、基底断裂活化及浅部断裂活动具有明显的控制作用,同时也对石炭系—二叠系煤系烃源岩成烃成藏具有重要的控制作用。  相似文献   
鄂尔多斯盆地南部含铀砂岩岩石学特征研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
文章在对鄂尔多斯盆地南部砂岩岩石学特研究的基础上,重点探讨了砂岩赋铀性与岩石结构组分的关系和粘土矿物演化、压实与胶结、溶蚀与次生孔隙形成等主要成岩作用对岩石渗透性与铀的运移聚集的影响。将研究区含铀砂岩划分成4种赋铀砂岩类型,讨论了不同岩石类型的成矿性特征。综合分析了铀成矿条件,建立了砂岩型铀矿成矿模式,为研究区铀成矿有利区段预测提供了岩石学证据。  相似文献   
香花岭矿田地质特征与地球化学的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对香花岭矿田地质特征、地球化学资料的综合研究,总结了香花岭矿田地球化学特征及成矿模式,指明了找矿方向.  相似文献   
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