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In this paper, tidal data of 19 years were analysed to obtain the harmonic constants of 472 constituents; yearly variations of the harmonic constants of some constituents for 19 years were also examined.We have also derived the formulae of response analysis by using another approach, and calculated 161 response weights of astronomical tides, solar radiational tides and nonlinear tides for 10 stations. Some significant results were obtained.  相似文献   
Five oceanographic surveys were carried out in the East China Sea (ECS) and Yellow Sea from 1999 to 2003. In all, seven different sections were surveyed, but one section (the PN section) was observed on every cruise. Two time-series stations were also surveyed, one located at the Changjiang River mouth, the other over the continental shelf in the PN section.We identified biogeochemical characteristics for waters close to the Changjiang Estuary and in the Kuroshio waters (KW), respectively. Resuspension is a strong feature near bottom over the ECS continental shelf, with suspended matter values 13 times higher than that for the surface. A model of particulate organic carbon (POC) dynamics based on a rectangle equation reveals that POC concentration close to the Changjiang Estuary varies with a semidiurnal period of ∼13 h, coinciding with the tidal period. The upper limit for POC residence times in the seasons we covered over the shelf are estimated to be on the order of weeks and generally increase seaward from near the Changjiang Estuary to the KW. Short POC residence times suggest that POC in the ECS is rapidly exported from euphotic waters.A nepheloid layer, observed as elevated suspended matter in near the bottom of the water column, is important in particle transfer over the shelf, especially in winter when the residual current flows mainly eastward. Cross-shelf transport of POC via the nepheloid layer is estimated to be 0.22 × 1012 g yr−1. Comparison with other work indicates that POC transport is ∼2% of the Changjiang POC input.  相似文献   
Multi-scale variability of beach profiles at Duck: A wavelet analysis   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Beach profiles have been observed to change over a range of spatial and temporal scales; however techniques for quantifying this variability have not been fully established. In this paper, a wavelet technique is introduced as a method to study the multi-scale variability of beach profiles. The beach profile data comprising a 22-year time series surveyed at the US Army Corps of Civil Engineers Field Research Facility (FRF) at Duck are analysed using the adapted maximal overlap discrete wavelet transform (AMODWT). The analysis successfully identifies strong local features in the variability of beach profiles in time and space separately that cannot be isolated by traditional statistical methods. The analysis of spatial wavelet variances provides a new means of investigating the depth of closure. Analysis of variances by temporal scales shows that the combined effects of several temporal scales with one or two dominant scales can be seen at particular points across profiles whilst the dominant temporal scales are different at different portions of the profiles. The method allows for the extremely nonstationary behaviour of beach profile to be analysed into separate frequency bands that can facilitate the interpretation of morphological changes in terms of physical processes.  相似文献   
珠江口伶仃洋锋的类别及其对沉积的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据近年在珠江口伶仃洋的观测资料,对比国外有关河口锋的定义,归纳了伶仃洋内几种锋的现象,计有潮侵锋、岬角锋及湖水退急时的浅滩锋等。解释了锋生的原因与潮汐进退,特别与随潮入侵的咸水关系。文中也探讨了这些锋对沉积环境的影响,认为它是陆架水入侵河口地区的一种不容忽视的沉积动力过程。  相似文献   
钛胶海水提铀动力学研究Ⅱ——吸附机理的推断   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海水提铀机理的研究,已逐渐受到重视,然而,至今研究还不是很深入,观点也各有差别.例如,Keen等[1]认为钛胶从海水中吸附铀是阳离子交换过程,即海水中的铀是UO22+离子的形式与钛胶进行交换;尾方升等[2]则倾向于阴离子吸着,即铀是以UO2(CO3)34-的形式被吸附.我们曾于1973年在海洋局系统的一次会议上提出阳离子给合交换的看法,并在后来的两次专业会议上予以补充发展.张正斌[3]认为是阳离子交换或一价阳离子失水络合.最近崔清晨[4]提出可能是UO2(OH)3-的络合吸附.根据几年来的工作,我们仍认为,钛胶从海水中的吸铀机理可能是一种阳离子形式的络合交换过程.  相似文献   
卤虫的发育与蜕皮   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国北方孤雌生殖卤虫在盐度为60,水温为19—28℃的条件下,自卵内孵出无节幼虫长成至性成熟产仔(无节幼虫或卵),需经蜕皮12—15次,其中多数为14次,历时15—18天,随后每次产仔即行蜕皮一次,本文描述了卤虫各个不同令期发育的外部形态变化,并根据其蜕皮次数和形态特征,将卤虫的发育分为十五令(15th instar)。此外还观察到在孤雌生殖的卵中有发育成为雄性的个体。  相似文献   
东海浮游动物量的分布特征   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:7  
浮游动物生物量属于海洋次级生产力的范畴,在海洋食物链中是极其重要的环节。对其生产力大小的探讨,可以评价海洋渔业资源的潜力和开发远景,由此可以看出浮游动物生物量,是渔场调查中必要的基础资料。东海是我国海洋渔业十分重要的开发区域。这里有鲐鲹等中上层鱼类;有带鱼、大黄鱼、小黄鱼等底层鱼类。这些鱼类都有比较广泛的食性[2,3],在它们发育早期或者直到成年阶段,必须有依赖浮游动物为食的时期。因此浮游动物的数量分布与经济鱼类的幼鱼或成鱼的数量分布都有密切的关系。本文根据为1971年7月至1974年6月,共历时4年,在北纬27°—32°、东经127°以西海区所进行的35个航次,1577个测站的调查资料。采集系用大型浮游动物网(口径80厘米,网目每厘米15个)由底到表垂直拖网。  相似文献   
东太平洋柱状沉积物的古气候和古环境记录   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
太平洋深海盆地的远洋沉积物在物质组成和来源上远较大陆边缘简单.由于远离大陆,又有海沟与周边大陆分隔,太平洋深海沉积物中通常不包含由河流水系搬运而来的悬浮物,因此从深海沉积物中提取古气候、古环境信息可以避免诸多地质因素相互叠加和干扰[1].深海远洋沉积物中的主要组分是风成陆源碎屑(包括火山碎屑)和来自上层海水的生源组分(降落到洋底的生物壳体)以及由海解作用形成的自生矿物[2],其中陆源碎屑的相对含量、粒度及矿物成分可以反映大气环流的强度及物源区的气候环境[1],生源组分的组成、相对含量和丰度以及种属含量变化则与表层海水的生产力和溶解作用有关.  相似文献   
本文采用PD、GPY、YES、SYE、GPM5种不同培养基培养海藻真菌菌株PT2,并对其在不同培养基中的生长情况、代谢产物的形成及抗肿瘤活性进行分析,旨在了解不同培养基对菌株生长和活性物质合成的影响.结果显示,PT2菌株在不同培养基上的培养特征及生长速率有所不同,液体培养基发酵液抽提物的抗肿瘤活性也有较大差别,其中SYE发酵液抽提物活性最强,对KB、Raji和Hela 3种肿瘤细胞的IC50分别为7.6μg/cm^3、2.4μg/cm^3和3.3μg/cm^3.采用HPLC法对不同抽提物进行分析,发现它们之间的组成成分有显著差异.本文的实验结果表明,不同培养基对该菌株的生长及活性代谢产物的合成具有显著的影响。  相似文献   
Abstract-Heat content of the upper layer above the 20℃ isotherm in the tropical Pacific Ocean isestimated by using the sea temperature data set with a resolution 2°latitude×5°longitude (1980~1993)for the water depths (every 10 m) from 0 m to 400 m, and its temporal and spatial variabilities are an-alyzed. (1) The temporal variability indicates that the total heat in the upper layer of the equatorial Pa-cific Ocean is charcterized by the interannual variability. The time series of the equatorial heat anomaly5 months lead that of the El Nino index at the best positive lag correlation between the two, and theformer 13 months lag behind the latter at their best negative lag correlation. Therefore the equatorialheat content can be used as a better predictor than the El Nino index for a warm or cold event. In addi-tion, it is also found that less heat anomaly in the equator corresponds to the stronger warm events inthe period (1980~1993) and much more heat was accumulated in the 4 years including 1992/1  相似文献   
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