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上海短历时强降水的雷达和闪电活动特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
用雷达反射率及其导出产品(分层垂直液态水含量(VIL)、分层平均反射率等)与闪电和大气温度层结资料,通过对降水系统时间演变、反射率垂直结构和闪电活动的分析,将上海2010年6—11月的短时强降水(1 h雨量≥20 mm)分为层状暖云型、对流暖云主导型和对流冷云主导型。(1) 与雨强密切相关的关键因子是:低层(0 ℃层以下、高度在0~1 km、0~2 km、0~3 km和0~4 km)的VIL、低层(高度在1~2 km、2~3 km和3~4 km)的平均反射率和整层最大反射率;(2) 不同类型强降水中,高层(高度在0 ℃、-10 ℃和-20 ℃层以上)的VIL、整层VIL、高层(高度在5~6 km、6~7 km和7~8 km)的平均反射率、总地闪和负地闪频次这5个因子对雨强的作用各有不同;(3) 对应不同降水类型的平均反射率垂直廓线具有不同的垂直结构和发展演变特征;(4) 在三类强降水中,对流冷云主导型的雨强与总地闪和正地闪的相关性最好。   相似文献   
气象因素对金银花中绿原酸含量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了在金银花规范化栽培条件下气象因子对金银花中绿原酸含量的影响,结果表明,釜银花中绿原酸含量与日照时数呈极显著正相关关系,即随日照时数增加,绿原酸含量增加;而绿原酸含量与温度相关性都未达到显著水平,表明本试验条件下,金银花中绿原酸含量受温度的影响不明显.  相似文献   
In order to study the concentrations of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and the factors controlling its concentrations, we monitored concentrations of H2O2 and other gases such as sulfur dioxide, ozone, and NO x as well as meteorological factors such as air temperature, relative humidity, and wind direction/speed during eight measurement periods from 2000 to 2002 in a Japanese red pine forest in Japan. The H2O2 concentrations ranged from below 0.01 to 1.64 ppb, and analysis of the diurnal variation in H2O2 concentration showed high concentrations around noon, and low concentrations in the morning and late afternoon. The H2O2 concentrations were high in early summer, when O3 concentration, temperature, and solar radiation were high, and were low in fall, when O3 concentration, temperature, and solar radiation were low. We propose that O3 concentration affects the production of H2O2 in the monitored region during the period under study, but that high H2O2 concentrations were sometimes caused by the transport of polluted air from urban regions. H2O2 concentrations decreased remarkably when SO2 concentrations increased by transported volcanic emission on Miyake Island. In the absence of the effects of SO2, H2O2 concentrations increased with increasing O3 concentration and temperature.  相似文献   
An understanding of the relative impacts of the changes in climate variables on crop yield can help develop effective adaptation strategies to cope with climate change. This study was conducted to investigate the effects of the interannual variability and trends in temperature, solar radiation and precipitation during 1961–2003 on wheat and maize yields in a double cropping system at Beijing and Zhengzhou in the North China Plain (NCP), and to examine the relative contributions of each climate variable in isolation. 129 climate scenarios consisting of all the combinations of these climate variables were constructed. Each scenario contained 43 years of observed values of one variable, combined with values of the other two variables from each individual year repeated 43 times. The Agricultural Production Systems Simulator (APSIM) was used to simulate crop yields using the ensemble of generated climate scenarios. The results showed that the warming trend during the study period did not have significant impact on wheat yield potential at both sites, and only had significant negative impact on maize yield potential at Beijing. This is in contrast with previous results on effect of warming. The decreasing trend in solar radiation had a much greater impact on simulated yields of both wheat and maize crops, causing a significant reduction in potential yield of wheat and maize at Beijing. Although decreasing trends in rainfed yield of both simulated wheat and maize were found, the substantial interannual variability of precipitation made the trends less prominent.  相似文献   
锋面北侧冷气团中连续降雹环境场特征及成因   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
对2009年2月24日—3月5日我国南方锋面北侧冷气团中连续冰雹天气过程的环流形势和环境场特征及形成机理进行分析。此次冰雹过程是发生在我国南方典型的连阴雨天气形势背景下,欧亚中高纬度地区为两槽一脊形势,副热带高压偏强、中南半岛为低槽区,青藏高原有5次短波槽东移,中层700 hPa暖湿气流势力强盛。中层强西南暖湿气流在强锋区 (冷垫) 上抬升,形成我国南方典型的高架雷暴。高架雷暴的发生与中低层强温度锋区、中层700 hPa不低于20 m·s-1的西南急流、强风垂直切变、对流层中层较大的温度直减率、较低的0℃层高度 (4 km以下) 有关。  相似文献   
巴旦杏越冬冻害气象指标   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
低温冻害是危害新疆林果业持续健康高效发展的三大灾害之一,通过对越冬期间果树冻害历史灾情资料的调查及最低气温数据库的建立,研究冻害的发生时间、界限温度以及冻害发生年各项气象因子的变化特征,阐明果树越冬冻害与气象因子的关系.结果表明,可根据冬季平均气温、最低气温、降温天气及低温持续时间等确定该区巴旦杏越冬期发生冻害的气象指标.研究结果可为有效防范低温冻害提供理论依据,为林果业生产服务.  相似文献   
Northeast China (NEC) is one of the major agricultural production areas in China and also an obvious region of climate warming. We were motivated to investigate the impacts of climate warming on the northern limits of maize planting. Additionally, we wanted to assess how spatial shifts in the cropping system impact the maize yields in NEC. To understand these impacts, we used the daily average air temperature data in 72 weather stations and regional experiment yield data from Jilin Province. Averaged across NEC, the annual air temperature increased by 0.38 °C per decade. The annual accumulated temperature above 10 °C (AAT10) followed a similar trend, increased 66 °C d per decade from 1961 to 2007, which caused a northward expansion of the northern limits of maize. The warming enabled early-maturing maize hybrids to be sown in the northern areas of Heilongjiang Province where it was not suitable for growing maize before the warming. In the southern areas of Heilongjiang Province and the eastern areas of Jilin Province, the early-maturing maize hybrids could be replaced by the middle-maturing hybrids with a longer growing season. The maize in the northern areas of Liaoning Province was expected to change from middle-maturing to late-maturing hybrids. Changing the hybrids led to increase the maize yield. When the early-maturing hybrids were replaced by middle-maturing hybrids in Jilin Province, the maize yields would increase by 9.8 %. Similarly, maize yields would increase by 7.1 % when the middle-maturing hybrids were replaced by late-maturing hybrids.  相似文献   
西南地区夏季大气水汽含量及其与南亚高压关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
利用欧洲中期天气预报中心 (ECMWF) 提供的ERA-interim高分辨率资料,借助经验正交函数 (EOF) 分解、距平合成和相关分析等方法,讨论1979—2014年我国西南地区夏季大气水汽含量的时空变化特征及其与南亚高压的关系。研究结果表明:我国西南地区夏季大气水汽含量空间分布形态主要有全区一致型、南北振荡型和东西振荡型。全区一致型 (EOF1) 能够反映西南地区夏季水汽含量的主要特征,西南地区夏季大气水汽含量具有明显的年际变化特征;西南地区夏季大气水汽含量与南亚高压强度指数、面积指数及东伸指数均存在非常显著的正相关关系;南亚高压的异常偏强,有利于南海地区水汽向西南地区输送,且在西南地区气流由低层向高层的上升运动显著增强,引起西南地区大气水汽含量的异常偏多。  相似文献   
华南前汛期持续性暴雨年代际变化特征及成因   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
应用福建、广东、广西243个气象站1961-2012年逐日降水资料,构建华南前汛期暴雨强度指数,揭示了前汛期持续性暴雨年代际变化特征及其可能机理。研究表明:前汛期持续性暴雨经历了多发(1961-1972年)-少发(1973-1991年)-多发(1992-2012年)3个阶段,目前仍处于多发期,具有持续时间较长且强度增强的特点;由于前汛期降水的低频振荡受热带低频信号北传的调制,因此,导致这种显著年代际变化的可能成因是热带低频信号北传的周期和强度的年代际差异,当热带低频信号北传至华南时低频周期长(短)且强度强(弱),则前汛期易出现持续时间长(短)且强度强(弱)的持续性暴雨。  相似文献   
基于百度地图的精细化格点预报显示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
精细化格点要素预报是目前中国气象局的主推业务和未来天气预报的发展方向,如何有效地将预报产品提供给用户使用,是精细化格点预报的最终环节。本文介绍了基于百度地图API的陕西精细化格点预报显示系统,系统主要实现了:(1)降水预报,以CMORPH(NOAA Climate Prediction Center Morphing Method)卫星与全国3万个自动观测站的逐时降水量融合资料为基础,通过动态偏差订正的方法来提高格点降水的预报能力;温度预报,采用滑动线性回归的方法来改善温度预报效果。(2)任意位置的地理信息获取及对应格点240h预报时效的气象要素实时展示。(3)格点气象要素向站点转换,通过格点值提取全省98个观测站逐3h站点预报值,实时分析过去24h降水、温度预报与观测值的误差,供用户预判未来预报值的可能误差趋势;并提供未来168h逐日要素预报。(4)与以往的数据库后台支撑不同,本系统直接将3.5GB格点预报数据一次性读入内存,进行侦听,解决了数据库检索、调用效率低下的问题。  相似文献   
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