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TheJiulongRiver,composedoftheWestStream,theNorthStreamandtheSouthStream(seeFig.1)isthesecondlargestriverinFujianProvince.ItsestuarineplainintervenesbetweenthetwqcitiesofXiamenandZhangzhou,withsouthern-subtropicoceanicmonsoonclimate-SofartherehasnotbeensystematicresearchontheLateQuaternarysea1evelchangesinthearea,andthispaperisintendedtodosomethingaboutit.DIAToMZoNESANDBIoFACIESOFZK5BoREHOLETheBoreholeZK5islocatedtothenortheastofHaichengTown,withcoordinateof24"24,32*N,ll7'5…  相似文献   
The Lanhualing tungsten-molybdenum deposit is a skarn-type deposit located in Ningguo county, Anhui province. This deposit is mainly hosted in the Yinzhubu Formation and the Yanwashan Formation of Ordovician, and genetically related to the Lanhualing granite. The Lanhualing granite belongs to high-K calc-alkaline series with high alkali (Na2O+K2O=4.00%-7.03%), SiO2 (67.87%-74.92%) and MgO (0.62%-1.23%) contents. The granitic rocks show right-dipping chondrite normalized REE patterns with weak δEu anomalies. The granitic rocks are relatively enriched in large ion lithophile elements (LILE) and depleted in high field strength elements (HFSE). The ore-bearing granite was dated at 148.17±0.94 Ma by LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb method. The late Yanshanian is the main tungsten mineralization epoch in the South Anhui-north Jiangxi area; and indeed, the Dongyuan, Zhuxi, Yangchuling, Dahutang and other large and super-large tungsten deposits were formed in this period. Geochemical Characteristics of the Lanhualing granite indicate a crustal source but with mantle input under tectonic regime of compression thickening. ©, 2015, Science Press. All right reserved.  相似文献   
承接产业转移是广大中西部地区的重大发展机遇。在分析全球价值链(GVC)的基础上,立足于我国经济梯度,提出了构建国内价值链(NVC)的基本思路。根据劳动力、资源、市场和区位等不同要素,明确了国内价值链主要划分为生产者驱动价值链、购买者驱动价值链、原材料驱动价值链和混合驱动价值链4种形式,重点分析了在不同价值链下地方产业集群升级的重点和方向,提出了不同的地方产业集群升级模式和内在机理。  相似文献   
以国家统筹城乡教育发展试验区的重庆市乡村地区为例,采用Densi-Graph城乡识别法进行行政区划内部格网尺度的精准识别,在此基础上探究义务教育资源可得性水平的空间差异及影响因素。结果表明:1)基于Densi-Graph城乡识别法的重庆市城乡差异显著,乡村区域面积达79 752 km2,占区域总面积的96.82%。城市部分面积为2 616 km2,占区域总面积的3.18%。2)重庆市义务教育资源可得性水平具有显著的空间集聚与关联特征,并呈现由中心城区向外递减的格局。3)政府重视程度、社会经济发展水平、交通设施水平、自然地理环境均与义务教育资源可得性水平具有显著相关性。4)交通站点密度与教育投入是影响义务教育资源可得性水平的主导因子,二者与各项因子的交互叠加作用增强效果显著;影响机制上,地形起伏度与坡度是乡村义务教育资源可得性水平的限制条件,社会经济是基础,交通是关键,教育投入是核心。  相似文献   
云开地区断裂构造对金矿的控制主要表现在两个方面:其一,断裂带带内的大断裂及大断裂的次级断裂,分别控制着区内的金矿带、矿带内的主要金矿床(点)及金矿体;其二,断裂构造的力学性质、活动期次及构造岩发育程度等,控制或影响着金矿的矿石组构特征、矿化期次及矿化强度等。本文还对断裂构造的控矿机制进行了探讨。  相似文献   
我国在井-含水层系统对地震波同震响应方面的研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
总结了井-含水层系统对地震波同震响应的研究历史和现状,对我国最近几年发表的关于此类研究的文献进行了分类总结,得到了目前国内关于井-含水层系统对地震波同震响应研究的六个方向的研究进展,在文章的最后列举了目前井-含水层系统对地震波同震响应方面的研究成果以及今后的研究方向。  相似文献   
C_(60)研究现状及前景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨翔  李嘉 《地学前缘》1998,5(1):163-170
碳除了具有传统观念上的石墨和金刚石两种同素异形体外,近年来人们又发现了第三种同素异形体———C60。C60以其独特的类似足球状的结构及性能,吸引了各国的科学家,对C60的研究在全世界范围内如火如荼地开展起来。笔者在总结C60的合成技术、分子结构与性能的基础上,探索了C60作为一种新型材料所具有的应用潜力;回顾了从C60发现至今十多年的研究历程,并首次将C60的研究过程分成三个阶段,即起步阶段(1985年~1990年)、起飞阶段(1991年~1993年)和成熟阶段(1994年以后);预测了C60及其化合物的应用性研究将成为今后研究的重点和热点。最后,对当前C60研究中存在的问题和难点进行了讨论。  相似文献   
A preliminary study of newly discovered sphagnum brown coal from the Jingsuo Basin, Yunnan Province, China, which is quite rich in montan wax, indicates the predominance of highern-alkane homologues and aromatized triterpenoid components. Aromatic hydrocarbons are composed mainly of pentacyclic and tetracyclic di-, tri- and tetra-aromatic components, which are obviously diagenetically related to higher plant-derived triterpenoids naturally occurring in the biosphere. Because the sphagnum brown coal still remains in the highly immature stage, it seems that the progressive diagenetic aromatization of the higher plant-derived triterpenoids may start at a very early stage.  相似文献   
The combination of magnetotelluric survey and laboratory measurements of electrical conductivity is a powerful approach for exploring the conditions of Earth’s deep interior. Electrical conductivity of hydrous silicate melts and aqueous fluids is sensitive to composition, temperature, and pressure, making it useful for understanding partial melting and fluid activity at great depths. This study presents a review on the experimental studies of electrical conductivity of silicate melts and aqueous fluids, and introduces some important applications of experimental results. For silicate melts, electrical conductivity increases with increasing temperature but decreases with pressure. With a similar Na+ concentration, along the calc-alkaline series electrical conductivity generally increases from basaltic to rhyolitic melt, accompanied by a decreasing activation enthalpy. Electrical conductivity of silicate melts is strongly enhanced with the incorporation of water due to promoted cation mobility. For aqueous fluids, research is focused on dilute electrolyte solutions. Electrical conductivity typically first increases and then decreases with increasing temperature, and increases with pressure before approaching a plateau value. The dissociation constant of electrolyte can be derived from conductivity data. To develop generally applicable quantitative models of electrical conductivity of melt/fluid addressing the dependences on temperature, pressure, and composition, it requires more electrical conductivity measurements of representative systems to be implemented in an extensive P-T range using up-to-date methods.  相似文献   
我国地质分析综述论文统计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作者检索了地质分析专业刊物《岩矿测试》、《地质实验室》全部论文以及国内相关期刊近30年来的文献.统计分析了地质分析综述性文献在各有关期刊的分布及特点,为了解和评价国内地质分析文献的基本状况提供了有益信息。  相似文献   
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