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The character and impact of climate change since the last glacial maximum (LGM) in the eastern Mediterranean region remain poorly understood. Here, two new diatom records from the Ioannina basin in northwest Greece are presented alongside a pre-existing record and used to infer past changes in lake level, a proxy for the balance between precipitation and evaporation. Comparison of the three records indicates that lake-level fluctuations were the dominant driver of diatom assemblage composition change, whereas productivity variations had a secondary role. The reconstruction indicates low lake levels during the LGM. Late glacial lake deepening was underway by 15.0 cal kyr BP, implying that the climate was becoming wetter. During the Younger Dryas stadial, a lake-level decline is recorded, indicating arid climatic conditions. Lake Ioannina deepened rapidly in the early Holocene, but long-term lake-level decline commenced around 7.0 cal kyr BP. The pattern of lake-level change is broadly consistent with an existing lake-level reconstruction at Lake Xinias, central Greece. The timing of the apparent change, however, is different, with delayed early Holocene deepening at Xinias. This offset is attributed to uncertainties in the age models, and the position of Xinias in the rain shadow of the Pindus Mountains.  相似文献   
The Sivas Basin, located on the Central Anatolian Plateau in Turkey, is an elongate Oligo‐Miocene basin that contains numerous salt‐walled mini‐basins. Through field analysis, including stratigraphic section logging, facies analysis and geological mapping, a detailed tectono‐stratigraphic study of the Emirhan mini‐basin and its 2·6 km thick sediment fill has been undertaken. Three main palaeoenvironments are recognized – playa‐lake, braided stream and lacustrine – each corresponds to a relatively long‐lived depositional episode within a system that was dominated overall by the development of a distributive fluvial system. At local scale, this affects the geometry of the succession and influences facies distributions within preserved sequences. Sequences affected by wedge geometries are characterized by localized channelized sandstone bodies in the area of maximum subsidence and these pass laterally to floodplain mudstone towards the diaper; several internal unconformities are recognized. By contrast, sequences affected by hook geometries display narrow and steep drape‐fold geometries with no evidence of lateral facies change and apparent conformity in the preserved succession. The sediment fill of the Emirhan mini‐basin records the remobilization of diapir‐derived detritus and the presence of evaporitic bodies interbedded within the mini‐basin, implying the growth of salt walls expressed at the surface as palaeo‐topographic highs. The mini‐basin also records the signature of a regional change in stratigraphic assemblage, passing from playa‐lake facies to large‐scale highly amalgamated fluvial facies that represent progradation of the fluvial system. The initiation and evolution of this mini‐basin involves a variety of local and regional controls. Local factors include: (i) salt withdrawal, which influenced the rate and style of subsidence and consequently temporal and spatial variation in the stratigraphic assemblage and the stratal response related to halokinesis; and (ii) salt inflation, which influenced the topographic expression of the diapirs and consequently the occurrence of diapir‐derived detritus intercalated within the otherwise clastic‐dominated succession.  相似文献   
The Warburton Basin of central Australia has experienced a complex tectonic and fluid-flow history, resulting in the formation of various authigenic minerals. Geochemical and geochronological analyses were undertaken on vein carbonates from core samples of clastic sediments. Results were then integrated with zircon U–Pb dating and uraninite U–Th–total Pb dating from the underlying granite. Stable and radiogenic isotopes (δ18O, Sr and εNd), as well as trace element data of carbonate veins indicate that >200 °C basinal fluids of evolved meteoric origin circulated through the Warburton Basin. Almost coincidental ages of these carbonates (Sm–Nd; 432 ± 12 Ma) with primary zircon (421 ± 3.8 Ma) and uraninite (407 ± 16 Ma) ages from the granitic intrusion point towards a substantial period of active tectonism and an elevated thermal regime during the mid Silurian. We hypothesise that such a thermal regime may have resulted from extensional tectonism and concomitant magmatic activity following regional orogenesis. This study shows that the combined application of geochemical and geochronological analyses of both primary and secondary species may constrain the timing of tectonomagmatic events and associated fluid flow in intraplate sedimentary basins. Furthermore, this work suggests that the Sm–Nd-isotopic system is surprisingly robust and can record geologically meaningful age data from hydrothermal mineral species.  相似文献   
Models of the diabatic wind profile over homogeneous terrain for the entire atmospheric boundary layer are developed using mixing-length theory and are compared to wind speed observations up to 300 m at the National Test Station for Wind Turbines at Høvsøre, Denmark. The measurements are performed within a wide range of atmospheric stability conditions, which allows a comparison of the models with the average wind profile computed in seven stability classes, showing a better agreement than compared to the traditional surface-layer wind profile. The wind profile is measured by combining cup anemometer and lidar observations, showing good agreement at the overlapping heights. The height of the boundary layer, a parameter required for the wind profile models, is estimated under neutral and stable conditions using surface-layer turbulence measurements, and under unstable conditions based on the aerosol backscatter profile from ceilometer observations.  相似文献   
Charlotte M. Allen 《Lithos》2000,51(4):331-349
A swarm of felsic and mafic dikes cuts a Late Carboniferous–Permian batholith called the Urannah Suite in central coastal Queensland. Late Permian–Triassic westward thrusting (Hunter–Bowen Orogeny) exposed this mid-crustal Suite and the crosscutting dikes, thus enabling examination of dikes that range in age from syn- to post-batholithic. Although both mafic and felsic dikes have the same dominant northerly strike, field, geochronologic and geochemical examination reveal that the swarm is composite; felsic dikes are older (285 Ma) and geochemically and isotopically distinct from mafic dikes (273–229 Ma). Dike compositions are compared to those of the host plutonic rocks, and to volcanic rocks the same age as the dikes. Whereas the felsic (older) dikes are compositionally similar to their host granites (initial 87Sr/86Sr>0.7045), the mafic (younger) dikes are isotopically (Sr, Nd, Pb) less radiogenic. Moreover, several different types of mafic dikes are evident based on geochemistry; most of these have mixed characteristics in terms of tectonic classification. All but two dikes of basalt and basaltic andesite composition classify as ‘with-in plate' on Ti–Zr–Y tectonic classification plots. Many of the basalts have high TiO2 contents (1.5–3.0 wt.%). Most of these have REE and spider diagram patterns like calc-alkaline tholeiites, the exceptions being a few alkali basalts recognized by their alkali content, and high Ti, Ce, Nb and Zr contents. When put into the context of all plutonic rocks in the area (late Paleozoic and Mesozoic), these dikes record a transition at 280 Ma, after which time, all magmatism in the region is less isotopically evolved (initial 87Sr/86Sr=0.7033–0.7044). A model of slab retreat and hinge movement to the east in the latest Permian explains the change of geochemical signature from arc-front to backarc at about 280 Ma.  相似文献   
The distribution of silicon isotopes along a meridional transect at 140°W longitude in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific was used to test the hypothesis that δ30Si of silicic acid in surface waters should correlate with net silica production rates (gross silica production minus silica dissolution) rather than rates of gross silica production due to the opposing Si isotope fractionations associated with silica production and silica dissolution. Variations in δ30Si appeared significantly correlated with net silica production rates in equatorial surface waters and not with gross production rates. Around the Equator, values of δ30Si as low as deep water values occurred in the upper mesopelagic in a zone of net silica dissolution and high detrital biogenic silica content, where the release of low δ30Si silicic acid from opal dissolution would be expected to decrease δ30Si. The δ30Si of the deep water at 140°W appears constant for depths >2000 m and is similar to the deep water at 110°W. This study brings to light the importance of considering Si fractionation during diatom silica dissolution, the biological fractionation during silica production and physical factors such as currents and mixing with adjacent water masses when interpreting silicon isotope distributions.  相似文献   
The Labrador continental margin provides a rich source of data with which to study the relationships between stratigraphy, tectonics and paleoenvironment. We have completed a regional seismic interpretation and integrated this with new biostratigraphic data, based on analyses of palynomorphs from wells in the Hopedale and Saglek Basins which occur on this margin. Our results are summarized in a tectonostratigraphic chart, which displays new and consistent age control for the major lithostratigraphic units and provides more precise evaluation of their depositional and paleoenvironmental history. We have identified and dated six regional unconformities in the wells and we can recognize several others on the seismic data. The older unconformities (Cretaceous) are related to the tectonics of rifting and seafloor spreading, and may delineate the onset of different stages of the rift process. In the Paleocene-Early Eocene, unconformity development was influenced by episodic volcanism due to the passage of the proto-Iceland hotspot to the north and to a major change in spreading direction in the Labrador Sea. Many of these unconformities are also identified in offshore southwest Greenland and the Grand Banks, suggesting widespread controlling mechanisms. During the post-seafloor spreading stage the effects of mass wasting and slumping, and of paleoenvironmental controls on the stratigraphy, were more pronounced. We discuss the petroleum potential of the Hopedale Basin in terms of the structures we see on the seismic data, and highlight the Bjarni Formation, which likely contains the most prospective source and reservoir rocks in this Basin.  相似文献   
Ethnic neighborhoods and ethnic economies do not always involve a single nationality or ethnic group. Quite often several groups operate side by side in the neighborhood and within the establishments themselves. This can give rise to a modification of the ethnic economy concept. We discuss an example of such a multiethnic residential and business district in Paris, the Goutte d’Or, with particular attention to three shopping streets. Although somewhat distinct from one another, each of these streets is multiethnic in regard to the proprietors, employees, and customers, and this multiethnicity extends within the establishments themselves. The primary questions we ask in this article are, first, what the nature of this ethnic economy is and how it fits within the different types of ethnic economy. Beyond this, we demonstrate how the activities taking place here reflect separate circuits of activity at separate spatial scales and what this ethnic business activity suggests for immigrant incorporation in Paris and the nature of cross-ethnic relations. To answer these questions, we rely on observation, interviews with several merchants in defined commercial corridors, and some official statistical and political information gleaned from various government sources. This Parisian neighborhood exemplifies strategies of immigrant incorporation into French society. As such, it provides a possible new model of a multiethnic economy, one that might become a common fixture in increasingly diverse cities in the world.  相似文献   
Magnetic resonance sounding applied to aquifer characterization   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Magnetic resonance sounding (MRS) is distinguished from other geophysical tools used for ground water investigation by the fact that it measures a magnetic resonance signal generated directly from subsurface water molecules. An alternating current pulse energizes a wire loop on the ground surface and the MRS signal is generated; subsurface water is indicated, with a high degree of reliability, by nonzero amplitude readings. Measurements with varied pulse magnitudes then reveal the depth and thickness of water saturated layers. The hydraulic conductivity of aquifers can also be estimated using boreholes for calibration. MRS can be used for both predicting the yield of water supply wells and for interpolation between boreholes, thereby reducing the number of holes required for hydrogeological modeling. An example of the practical application of MRS combined with two-dimensional electrical imaging, in the Kerbernez and Kerien catchments area of France, demonstrates the efficiency of the technique.  相似文献   
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