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The serpentinized peridotites overlying the subducted zones in the Izu-Bonin-Mariana (IBM) arc system have been interpret as the cause of the low-velocity layer identified beneath the IBM froearc, in turn few earthquakes occurred along the plate boundary. Chrysotile, which is a low temperature and highly hydrated phase of serpentine with low frictional strength, has been suggested as the low velocity material in the serpentinized peridotites, besides, brucite is inferred to be likely conducive to stable sliding. However, such idea encounters challenging in our serpentinized peridotites from the southern Mariana forearc, which absent both the above minerals. The presence of talc, which characterized by its weak, low-friction and inherently stable sliding behavior, provides new clue. Here we report the occurrence of talc in serpentinized peridotites collected from the landward trench slope of the southern Mariana forearc. We infer that talc is mainly forming as a result of the reaction of serpentine minerals with silica-saturated fluids released from the subducting slab, and talc also occurs as talc veins sometimes. Due to its unique physical properties, talc may therefore play a significant role in aseismic slip in the IBM subduction zone.

Adaptive collocation with application in height system transformation   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
In collocation applications, the prior covariance matrices or weight matrices between the signals and the observations should be consistent to their uncertainties; otherwise, the solution of collocation will be distorted. To balance the covariance matrices of the signals and the observations, a new adaptive collocation estimator is thus derived in which the corresponding adaptive factor is constructed by the ratio of the variance components of the signals and the observations. A maximum likelihood estimator of the variance components is thus derived based on the collocation functional model and stochastic model. A simplified Helmert type estimator of the variance components for the collocation is also introduced and compared to the derived maximum likelihood type estimator. Reasonable and consistent covariance matrices of the signals and the observations are arrived through the adjustment of the adaptive factor. The new adaptive collocation with related adaptive factor constructed by the derived variance components is applied in a transformation between the geodetic height derived by GPS and orthometric height. It is shown that the adaptive collocation is not only simple in calculation but also effective in balancing the contribution of observations and the signals in the collocation model.  相似文献   
通过对济阳县生态地球化学调查研究,该区受成土母质来源、土壤类型、地形地貌及其理化性质等因素影响,土壤元素全量、有效量及有效度表现为:低平洼地土壤中K,P,N,Se,Mn,Fe,Zn,Cu和Mo全量较高,P,N,Se和Cu有效量较高,显示为低平洼地为黏质成分的沉积成因特点;而决口扇形地区土壤Cu,Mo,N,Zn,B有效量和全量均偏低。富含有机质,且pH相对较低的潮土中Se,Cu,Mo和B等元素有效度较高,贫有机质、pH相对较高的草甸风沙土中N,Fe,Cu,Mo,B和S等元素有效量较低,但K有效量和有效度均较高。统计分析表明,土壤中K,P,N,S和Cu等元素全量与有效量间具显著正相关性,表明全量是有效量的重要影响控制因素;有机质含量与K,P,Zn,Cu和B有效度间为显著正相关,说明有机质较高有利于土壤元素活化;Fe,P,S,Zn,B和Cu有效度与pH值为显著负相关,表明土壤酸性增强会增加这类元素的生物有效性。  相似文献   
提高大气环流模式的模式顶层高度对中高层大气(如平流层准两年振荡)的准确模拟至关重要.本研究将IAP大气环流模型(IAP-AGCM)延伸至中层大气顶(~0.01 hPa,~80 km)并提高垂直方向分辨率(91层),发展了一个中高层大气环流模型(IAP-AGCML91).结果表明,与低层模式相比,该中高层大气模式在整体上...  相似文献   

This paper reviews and discusses the development and many problems ofSpirulina cultivation in China, points out the advantages and disadvantages of open photobioreactor system, and predicts that seawaterSpirulina cultivation will be a new trend to be strengthened and emphasized due to its special physiological characteristics, easier management, lower fertilizer cost, and higher resistance to contaminants and rare pollution of chemicals.

介绍人武部反恐维稳应急指挥系统的设计与实现过程,并描述几个关键技术的实现思路。  相似文献   
本文以Biot的固结理论为基础,利用有限单元法,对水布垭水库未来蓄水后地壳岩石中由于附加水荷载所产生的各种力学效应进行了数值计算。计算中沿清江从招徕河到恩施之间共取剖面48个。认为:(1)水体荷载产生的附加应力场、孔压场和形变场在库岸附近造成压应力差和位移差,特别是分布有附加的张应力,促使库水向外渗透和扩散,导致孔压改变、有效应力降低或增大;(2)水布垭库坝区的张性断裂和喀斯特较发育的地段,由于水体荷载效应和库水的渗透及扩散作用,易沟通地下水的动力联系,使岩体失稳并在浅层易产生倾斜型或倾斜型兼走滑型滑动;(3)孔压和位移一般在库基下几公里深度区域内多形成一个高值孔压和低值位移的变换带,是应力易于集中的场所;(4)水荷载产生的各种附加效应,受蓄水方式和蓄水时间的影响。  相似文献   
Environmental change in Lake Taihu and its catchment since the early to middle part of the twentieth century has left a clear geochemical record in the lake sediments. The human activities in the lake and its catchment responsible for the change include agriculture, fishery, urbanisation, sewage and industrial waster disposal. Sediment cores were collected from Meilian Bay of northern Lake Taihu to investigate the record of anthropogenic impacts on the lake’s ecosystem and to assess its natural, pre-eutrophication baseline state. Two marked stratigraphic sediment units were identified on the basis of total phosphorus concentration (TP), pigments, total organic carbon (TOC)/total nitrogen (TN), δ13C and δ15N corresponding to stages in the lake history dominated by phytoplankton, and by aquatic macrophytes. Results show that as TP loading increased from the early 1950s the lake produced sediments with increasing amounts of organic matter derived from phytoplankton. In the early 1950s, the first evidence for eutrophication at the Meilian Bay site is recorded by an increase in C/N values and in sediment accumulation rate, but there is little change in phosphorus concentrations, pigments, δ13C and δ15N at this time. After 1990 a more rapid increase in trophic status took place indicated by increased levels of phosphorus, pigments, δ15N and by decreased δ13C and TOC/TN values in the lake sediments. The first increase in trophic status of the early 1950s results mainly from agricultural development in the catchment. In contrast, the acceleration from ca. 1990 originates from the recent development of fisheries and the urbanisation and industrialisation of the catchment.  相似文献   
研究了虚拟地形环境中3维水面波浪模型的基本建模及效果的实现。同时提出几种不同的海浪模型,重点对规则海浪模型算法进行了研究。为满足显示的实时性,在优化算法的同时,采用计算和显示分开的策略。既满足了显示质量的要求,又满足了大量高精度波浪数据的要求。  相似文献   
Introduction Major tectonic activities occur in collisions zones between plates or intra-plate continental blocks. Therefore, it is significant to investigate collision processes. We know that orogenic and seismic belts in plate margins are closely relate…  相似文献   
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