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The summer distributions of planktonic microbial communities (heterotrophic and phtosynthetic bacteria, phtosynthetic and heterotrophic nanoflagellates, ciliate plankton, and microphytoplankton) were compared between inner and outer areas of Lake Sihwa, divided by an artificial breakwater, located on the western coast of Korea, in September 2003. The semienclosed, inner area was characterized by hyposaline surface water (<17 psu), and by low concentrations of dissolved oxygen (avg. 0.4 mg L1) and high concentrations of inorganic nutrients (nitrogenous nutrients >36 μM, phosphate <4 μM) in the bottom layer. Higher densities of heterotrophic bacteria and nanoflagellates also occurred in the inner area than did in the outer area, while microphytoplankton (mainly diatoms) occurred abundantly in the outer area. A tiny tintinnid ciliate, Tintinnopsis nana, bloomed into more than 106 cells L1 at the surface layer of the inner area, while its abundance was much lower (103-104 cells L1) in the outer area of the breakwater. Ciliate abundance was highly correlated with heterotrophic bacteria (r = 0.886, p < 0.001) and heterotrophic flagellates (r = 0.962, p < 0.001), indicating that rich food availability may have led to theT. nana bloom. These results suggest that the breakwater causes the eutrophic environment in artificial lakes with limited flushing of enriched water and develops into abundant bacteria, nanoflagellates, and ciliates.  相似文献   
In order to determine the effect of twine thickness on the size-selectivity of the driftnet used for the yellow croaker, size-selectivity tests were conducted with three different twine thicknesses (monofilament diameters of 0.279 mm (number’s method; No. 3), 0.321 mm (No. 4), and 0.360 mm (No. 5)) of driftnets for the yellow croaker in the seas around Chooja-do, Jeju Islands. The selectivity curve was estimated by using Kitahara’s method. In order to determine the physical properties of the twine used in the experimental fishing nets, we measured the breaking load, elongation, and stiffness under both dry and wet conditions. In terms of physical properties, the thinnest twine (No. 3) had the strongest breaking strength per unit cross-sectional area, along with good elongation and excellent flexibility. The thickest twine (No. 5) had the lowest flexibility. In terms of selectivity, the net of No. 3 twine showed the broadest selection range and, thus, a relatively low selectivity compared with the other nets, while the less flexible net of No. 5 twine showed the narrowest selectivity range and high selectivity. In addition, it was found that a thicker twine resulted in a smaller haul of small fish. Therefore, it can be inferred that the thickness of the twine affects the size of the catch and selectivity, and thus the size composition of the catch as well.  相似文献   
CO2 exchange at air-sea interface in the Huanghai Sea   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
INTRODUCTIONTheroleoftheoceaniscrucialintheoverallcycleofCOZ,withitsspecialpumpingmechanismssuchassolubilitypumpingattheair-seainterfacewithcarbonatechemistry,biologicalpumpinginsurfacewatersandalsointhewatercolumn,anddynamicpumpingassociatedwithoceancirculation(BroeckerandPeng,1982).Inordertounderstandthesevariouspumpingprocessesintheocean,muchresearchhasbeencarriedoutonaglobalscaleasapartofeffortstounderstandtheglobalgeochemicalcycleofCOZ.TheHuanghaiSea,atypicalmid-latitudeepicontine…  相似文献   
Engineering projects that require deformation monitoring frequently utilize geodetic sensors to measure displacements of target points located in the deformation zone. In situations where control stations and targets are separated by a kilometer or more, GPS can offer higher precision position updates at more frequent intervals than can normally be achieved using total station technology. For large-scale deformation projects requiring the highest precision, it is therefore advisable to use a combination of the two sensors. In response to the need for high precision, continuous GPS position updates in harsh deformation monitoring environments, a software has been developed that employs triple-differenced carrier-phase measurements in a delayed-state Kalman filter. Two data sets were analyzed to test the capabilities of the software. In the first test, a GPS antenna was displaced using a translation stage to mimic slow deformation. In the second test, data collected at a large open pit mine were processed. It was shown that the delayed-state Kalman filter developed could detect millimeter-level displacements of a GPS antenna. The actual precision attained depends upon the amount of process noise infused at each epoch to accommodate the antenna displacements. Higher process noise values result in quicker detection times, but at the same time increase the noise in the solutions. A slow, 25 mm displacement was detected within 30 min of the full displacement with sigma values in E, N and U of ±10 mm or better. The same displacement could also be detected in less than 5 h with sigma values in E, N and U of ±5 mm or better. The software works best for detecting long period deformations (e.g., 20 mm per day or less) for which sigma values of 1–2 mm are attained in all three solution components. It was also shown that the triple-differenced carrier-phase observation can be used to significantly reduce the effects of residual tropospheric delay that would normally plague double-differenced observations in harsh GPS environments.
Don KimEmail:
This study proposes a bootstrap-based space–time surveillance model. Designed to find emerging hotspots in near-real time, the bootstrap based model is characterized by its use of past occurrence information and bootstrap permutations. Many existing space–time surveillance methods, using population at risk data to generate expected values, have resulting hotspots bounded by administrative area units and are of limited use for near-real time applications because of the population data needed. However, this study generates expected values for local hotspots from past occurrences rather than population at risk. Also, bootstrap permutations of previous occurrences are used for significant tests. Consequently, the bootstrap-based model, without the requirement of population at risk data, (1) is free from administrative area restriction, (2) enables more frequent surveillance for continuously updated registry database, and (3) is readily applicable to criminology and epidemiology surveillance. The bootstrap-based model performs better for space–time surveillance than the space–time scan statistic. This is shown by means of simulations and an application to residential crime occurrences in Columbus, OH, year 2000.  相似文献   
At the circular Babi Island in the Flores tsunami (1992) and pear shaped island in the Okushiri event (1993), unexpectedly large tsunami run‐up heights in the lee of conic islands were observed. The flume and basin physical model studies were conducted in the Coastal Hydraulic Laboratory, Engineering Research and Development Center, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to provide a better understanding of the physical phenomena and verify numerical models used in predicting tsunami wave run‐up on beaches, islands, and vertical walls. Reasonably accurate comparison of run‐up height of solitary waves on a circular island has been obtained between laboratory experimental results and two‐dimensional computation model results. In this study we apply three‐dimensional RANS model to simulate wave run‐up on conical island. In the run‐up computation we obtain that 3D calculations are in very good comparison with laboratory and 2D numerical results. A close examination of the three‐dimensional velocity distribution around conical island to compare with depth‐integrated model is performed. It is shown that the velocity distribution along the vertical coordinate is not uniform: and velocity field is weaker in the bottom layer and higher on the sea surface. The maximum difference (about 40%) appears at the time when solitary wave reached the circular island.  相似文献   
Seasonal changes in community structure and reproductive status of phytal harpacticoid copepods in the shallow sublittoral bottom at two sites (Masan-ri and Guryongpo) in Pohang (Korea) are described monthly over a period of 1 year (October 1996 to September 1997). A total of 36 harpacticoid species was identified and the numerically dominant copepods were made up of the families Porcellidiidae and Tisbidae. Although the number of species did not show a seasonal trend, total harpacticoid density revealed a favorable distribution for the warmer season (spring and summer) at both sites. Multiple linear regression analyses showed that univariate indices such as density, evenness and diversity are closely associated with certain environmental parameters. For example, the dominant species fluctuated seasonally in abundance and their maximum densities were found to be temperature- (+ with Porcellidium ofunatense) and nutrient-dependent (+ with Scutellidium longicauda acheloides, + with Zaus unisetosus, and ? with P. wandoensis). In addition, the dominant species appeared to breed year round and their reproductive indices are significantly correlated with some environmental parameters such as temperature (?), pH (+), and phosphate (+). Three species (S. l. acheloides, P. wandoensis, and P. ofunatense) showed maximum density two or three months after their reproductive activity reached a maximum. Overall, the seasonal changes in a phytal harpacticoid community could be explained by combinations of environmental parameters supporting the complexity and biodiversity for this specific group of species in coastal ecosystems.  相似文献   
Grass shrimp embryos develop in egg sacs (stages 1-10) attached to the female for 14-20 days after which they 'hatch' from the egg sacs into a swimming zoea stage (stage 11). Until they emerge from the egg sacs, embryos depend on lipids and lipovitellin stored within the egg. The percent of embryos which hatch after exposure to toxicants relative to controls was the basis of an embryo development assay. Exposure of embryos to chromium(III) chloride, sodium chromate, mercuric chloride, and 2-methyl-1,2-naphthoquinone (MNQ) resulted in a reduced hatching rate. In addition to effects on embryo development, DNA strand damage tests were carried out on contaminant-exposed embryos, using the single-cell electrophoresis method often referred to as comet assay. Development of stage 4 embryos was more affected by MNQ exposure than stage 7 embryos. The hatching rates of stages 4 and 7 embryos exposed to MNQ (172 micrograms/l) were 0 and 90%, respectively. DNA strand damage, measured as DNA tail moments, were 3.4 and 4.4, respectively. Thus, exposure of an early embryo stage to MNQ prevented full embryo development while development of later embryo stages was not affected. It may be that the DNA repair systems are more efficient in later embryo stages than in early stages and thus DNA damaged in the early stages affects development.  相似文献   
We consider numerical solutions of the Darcy and Buckley–Leverett equations for flow in porous media. These solutions depend on a realization of a random field that describes the reservoir permeability. The main content of this paper is to formulate and analyze a probability model for the numerical coarse grid solution error. We explore the extent to which the coarse grid oil production rate is sufficient to predict future oil production rates. We find that very early oil production data is sufficient to reduce the prediction error in oil production by about 30%, relative to the prior probability prediction.  相似文献   
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