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Pco2 of air and seawater samples from the East China Sea(ECS) were measured in situ in autumn, 1994,Ocean currents,terrestrial fluviation,biological activities,etc.,Pco2 char-acters in air and seawater were investigated,CO2 flux and its character in the East China Sea are discussed on the basis of the Pco2 profiles of air and seawater,It was clear that the nearshore was the source of CO2;and tht the oulter sea area was the sink of CO2; and that the shelf area of the EXS is a net sink for atmospheric CO2 in autumn.  相似文献   
利用2013年塔克拉玛干沙漠塔中流动沙面地表辐射、土壤热通量、土壤温湿度和湍流通量观测资料,分析了沙漠腹地地表辐射和能量收支特征及闭合状况。结果表明:除潜热通量外,其余地表辐射各分量和能量平衡分量的月平均日变化结果整体均表现为标准的单峰型日循环形态,其中Rs↓Rs↑变化同步,Rl↑Rl↓滞后Rs↓0.5 ~ 1 h。各分量均表现出夏季高、春秋季次之、冬季低的季节波动性。干旱和极低的植被覆盖造成沙漠腹地全年潜热通量始终较为微弱,约占净辐射的2.8%,感热通量成为能量的主要消耗形式,约占净辐射的49%。偶尔的降水会刺激潜热通量突然增加。地表反照率相对较高且稳定,日变化呈早晚大、正午小的“U”型趋势,并具有明显的冬季高、夏季低的季节波动性,年均值0.28,月均值0.25~0.32。能量残差各月的日变化也均呈单峰曲线,日出后和日落前能量闭合程度最佳,并出现过闭合现象,全年夏季小,春秋季次之,冬季较大,月平均日峰值5.1~99.9 W·m-2。土壤表层热储存是影响该地区能量平衡的重要因子之一,考虑表层土壤热存储后,地表能量闭合率达75.3%,能量闭合率夏季 > 春季 > 秋季 > 冬季,白天相比夜间有大幅提升。  相似文献   
Yan  Taiming  Hu  Jiaxiang  Cai  Yueping  Xiong  Sen  Yang  Shiyong  Wang  Xiongyan  He  Zhi 《中国海洋湖沼学报》2017,35(5):1197-1204
Laboratory-reared Schizothorax davidi larvae and juveniles were examined to assess the formation and characteristics of David’s schizothoracin otoliths.Otolith development was observed and their formation period was verifi ed by monitoring larvae and juveniles of knownage.The results revealed that lapilli and sagittae developed before hatching,and the first otolith increment was identified at 2 days post hatching in both.The shape of lapilli was relatively stable during development compared with that of sagittae;however,growth of four sagittae and lapilli areas was consistent,but the posterior area grew faster than the anterior area and the ventral surface grew faster than the dorsal surface.Similarly,the sum length of the radius of the anterior and posterior areas on sagittae and lapilli were linearly and binomially related to total fish length,respectively.Moreover,daily deposition rates were validated by monitoring knownage larvae and juveniles.The increase in lapilli width was 1.88±0.080 0μm at the ninth increment,which reached a maximum and the decreased gradually toward the otolith edge,whereas that of sagittae increased more slowly.These results illustrate the developmental biology of S.davidi,which will aid in population conservation and fish stock management.  相似文献   
北宋中期耕地面积及其空间分布格局重建(英文)   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
To understand historical human-induced land cover change and its climatic effects, it is necessary to create historical land use datasets with explicit spatial information. Using the taxes-cropland area and number of families compiled from historical documents, we esti-mated the real cropland area and populations within each Lu (a province-level political region in the Northern Song Dynasty) in the mid-Northern Song Dynasty (AD1004-1085). The es-timations were accomplished through analyzing the contemporary policies of tax, population and agricultural development. Then, we converted the political region-based cropland area to geographically explicit grid cell-based fractional cropland at the cell size of 60 km by 60 km. The conversion was based on calculating cultivation suitability of each grid cell using the topographic slope, altitude and population density as the independent variables. As a result, the total area of cropland within the Northern Song territory in the 1070s was estimated to be about 720 million mu (Chinese area unit, 1 mu = 666.7 m2), of which 40.1% and 59.9% oc-curred in the north and south respectively. The population was estimated to be about 87.2 million, of which 38.7% and 61.3% were in the north and south respectively, and per capita cropland area was about 8.2 mu. The national mean reclamation ratio (i.e. ratio of cropland area to total land area; RRA hereafter for short) was bout 16.6%. The plain areas, such as the North China Plain, the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, Guanzhong Plain, plains surrounding the Dongting Lake and Poyang Lake and Sichuan Basin, had a higher RRA, being mostly over 40%; while the hilly and mountainous areas, such as south of Nanling Mountains, the southwest regions (excluding the Chengdu Plain), Loess Plateau and south-east coastal regions, had a lower RRA, being less than 20%. Moreover, RRA varied with topographic slope and altitude. In the areas of low altitude (≤250 m), middle altitude (250-100 m) and high altitude (1000-3500 m), there were 443 million, 215 million and 64 million mu of cropland respectively and their regional mean RRAs were 27.5%, 12.6% and 7.2% respectively. In the areas of flat slope, gentle slope, medium slope and steep slope, there were 116 million, 456 million, 144 million and 2 million mu of cropland respectively and their regional mean RRAs were 34.6%, 20.7%, 8.5% and 2.3% respectively.  相似文献   

使用S波段双偏振天气雷达资料,对2021年5月15日洞庭湖区一次强对流过程的多单体风暴阶段和飑线阶段分阶段进行了分析,并重点对前阶段的超级单体风暴I2进行了分时段分析,结果表明:(1) I2初始发展时段,水平反射率因子(ZH)>55 dBz区域、差分反射率因子(ZDR)柱(>2.5 dB)扩展至湿球零度层WBZ高度,对应区域差分相移率(KDP)较大(>1.7 °·km-1)、相关系数CC在0.9~0.99,说明该时段降水相态是以夹杂着大雨滴的水凝物为主。(2) I2冰雹碰并增长时段,ZH强度和发展高度急速增长,垂直液态水含量VIL出现明显跃增,ZH强中心(>60 dBz区域)扩展至-10℃高度以上,对应的ZDR降至低于0,ZDR柱(>2.5 dB)扩展至-10℃高度;CC下降、KDP出现“空洞”,说明该时段降水以固态粒子为主,且处于增大时段。(3) I2成熟降雹时段,ZH强中心(>60 dBz)底部降至WBZ高度以下、CC局部低至0.8、对应区域存在ZDR负值区、KDP空洞,说明冰雹下落的拖曳作用削弱上升气流的强度,预示冰雹即将落地。(4)飑线阶段和多单体风暴阶段不同,飑线阶段KDP值异常偏大、ZDR大于1。(5)飑线阶段的极端大风发生前,55 dBz强回波、27 m·s-1速度大值区扩展至1 km以下,强回波区域KDP明显偏大,与强下沉气流相对应。另外,高空降水粒子在下降过程中融化导致的强降水拖曳作用加剧了极端大风的产生。

地质高背景区相较于人类活动引起的土壤镉污染影响范围更广,在区域尺度上对生态系统和人类健康构成危害。土壤镉生物有效性是决定其生物可利用性、生物毒性的关键因素,因此探寻可行的土壤镉生物有效性评价方法对污染农用地安全利用和风险管控具有重要的理论和实际意义。DGT技术、单一提取法、连续提取法和土壤溶液法常用于测定土壤有效镉,但已有研究成果主要基于同种土地利用类型土壤的室内盆栽实验,难以代表自然污染土壤中的复杂情况。为探明各土壤重金属有效态提取技术对地质高背景区不同土地利用类型土壤Cd生物有效性评估效果,本文以浙江西北部土壤Cd高地质背景区水田土壤-水稻籽实和旱地土壤-小白菜样品为研究对象,实验应用DGT技术、单一提取法(0.01mol/L氯化钙提取)、连续提取法(七步连续提取)和土壤溶液法评价土壤中镉生物有效性。结果显示:①研究区水田和旱地土壤Cd平均含量分别为1.07mg/kg和0.73mg/kg,显著高于浙江和全国土壤平均水平,Cd的异常富集主要与浙西北地区广泛分布的黑色岩系有关。②相较于碳酸盐岩区,黑色岩系区土壤中Cd的生物有效组分占比较高,水田和旱地土壤Cd的活动系数(MF)高达59.9%和51.8%,Cd易在土壤-作物系统中发生迁移富集;③植物体内镉含量Cd-P与不同方法测定的有效镉含量均呈显著正相关,但Cd-P与DGT技术测定的有效镉含量相关性优于其他三种方法,水田土壤测得的有效Cd与水稻籽实相关关系:$ {{C}}_{\text{soln}} $>CDGT>$ {{C}}_{{\text{CaCl}}_{\text{2}}} $>$ {{C}}_{{\text{F}}_{\text{1}}\text{+}{\text{F}}_{\text{2}}\text{+}{\text{F}}_{\text{3}}} $,旱地土壤测得的有效Cd与小白菜相关关系:CDGT >$ {{C}}_{{\text{CaCl}}_{\text{2}}} $>$ {{C}}_{{\text{F}}_{\text{1}}\text{+}{\text{F}}_{\text{2}}\text{+}{\text{F}}_{\text{3}}} $>$ {{C}}_{\text{soln}} $。综合比较不同土壤有效Cd测定方法的优缺点,DGT技术可以模拟植物体对Cd的动态吸收过程,更能准确地反映土壤Cd生物有效性,预测作物Cd含量水平,这与已有研究成果一致。此外,本文研究成果表明DGT技术评价土壤Cd生物有效性,不仅适用于人为污染区,也可应用于地质高背景区。  相似文献   
利用InSAR技术获取2008-03-21新疆于田MS7.3地震的同震和震后形变场。同震分布式滑动反演结果表明,同震断层最大滑动量达5.4 m,主要分布在南部断层的0~5 km深度附近,地震以正断错动为主,兼有左旋走滑分量。震后形变结果表明,发震断层北段两侧存在差异性运动,最大累积差异形变在震后782 d达15 cm。进一步分析表明,震后断层余滑可能是震后形变的主要机制。余滑反演结果表明,震后2 a断层余滑量相对较小,滑移区范围明显减小且均位于浅部区域,北部断层能量释放较彻底,南部仍存有少量能量,整体能量基本释放完。  相似文献   
国外脆弱性理论模型与评估框架研究评述   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目前,脆弱性研究作为一种新的研究范式已经在多学科领域中得到了广泛应用,并取得了丰硕成果.但随着研究的深入,学者们发现,由于学科背景及研究视角的差异性,不同研究领域之间存在着结论不兼容和工作重复等问题,迫切需要一个可行的理论模型与评估框架来整合其理论和实践的研究.在对脆弱性概念内涵的发展演变过程分析的基础上,对国外多学科领域中的脆弱性理论模型及评估框架进行了对比研究和评述.研究发现:脆弱性概念的泛化是制约通用脆弱性理论模型与评估框架的关键因素,结合未来脆弱性研究的发展方向,对整合的脆弱性理论模型与评估框架提出了4个方面的要求,即多时空尺度特征、多重扰动特征、耦合系统特征和人文特征.  相似文献   
Four-color charge-coupled device(CCD) light curves in the B, V, Rc and I c bands of the totaleclipsing binary system V1853 Orionis(V1853 Ori) are presented. By comparing our light curves with those published by previous investigators, it is determined that the O'Connell effect on the light curves has disappeared. By analyzing those multi-color light curves with the Wilson-Devinney code(W-D code),it is discovered that V1853 Ori is an A-type intermediate-contact binary with a degree of contact factor of f = 33.3%(3.7%) and a mass ratio of q = 0.1896(0.0013). Combining our 10 newly determined times of light minima together with others published in the literature, the period changes of the system are investigated. We found that the general trend of the observed minus calculated(O-C) curve shows a downward parabolic variation that corresponds to a long-term decrease in the orbital period with a rate of d P/dt =-1.96(0.46)×10-7 d yr-1. The long-term period decrease could be explained by mass transfer from the more-massive component to the less-massive one. By combining our photometric solutions with data from Gaia DR_2, absolute parameters were derived as M_1 = 1.20 M⊙, M_2 = 0.23 M⊙, R_1 = 1.36 R⊙and R_2 = 0.66 R⊙. The long-term period decrease and intermediate-contact configuration suggest that V1853 Ori will evolve into a high fill-out overcontact binary.  相似文献   
西昆仑- 喀喇昆仑造山带中生代花岗伟晶岩相当发育,主要分布于麻扎- 康西瓦缝合带以南的喀喇昆仑造山带,构成了西自木吉—塔什库尔干,东到大红柳滩长达600 km的喀喇昆仑稀有金属成矿带。通过多年的研究,本文对西昆仑- 喀喇昆仑造山带37处稀有金属矿床(点)进行了全面系统的梳理,认为喀喇昆仑- 喀喇昆仑造山带表现为“西铍东锂”的格局,稀有金属成矿年龄集中213~206 Ma。将喀喇昆仑造山带稀有金属成矿带划分为木吉- 塔什库尔干稀有金属成矿亚带、赛图拉- 大红柳滩稀有金属成矿亚带,从西向东可划定4个矿化集中区:木吉- 布伦口稀有金属集中区、塔什库尔干- 塔吐鲁沟稀有金属矿化集中区、康西瓦稀有金属矿化集中区、大红柳滩- 白龙山稀有金属矿化集中区。同时,认为西昆仑- 喀喇昆仑造山带西段下一阶段的找矿可放在西合休南锂铍找矿远景区、阿然保泰铍找矿远景区、木吉西锂铍找矿远景区。  相似文献   
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