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安徽绩溪伏岭岩体隆升时代的磷灰石裂变径迹证据   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郑勇  余心起  王德恩  汪诚 《地质论评》2009,55(3):385-394
安徽绩溪伏岭岩体位于安徽省南部、黄山花岗岩体的东部。伏岭岩体裂变径迹(AFT)热年代分布于51±5~68±7 Ma之间,围限径迹长度为11.9~12.9μm。岩体形成之后,所在山系经历了速率波动较大的隆升过程,至55 Ma期间为一加速隆升过程,到55 Ma时速度达到最大的73 mm/ka;随后速度减缓,54 Ma左右时的平均抬升速率为60 mm/ka;54~51 Ma间又是一个快速加速隆升时期,到51 Ma时,速度达到70 mm/ka。研究区具有三个主要的冷却剥露阶段:130~116 Ma左右,冷却速率约为1.34℃/Ma;70~60 Ma左右,进入第二个较为快速冷却阶段,冷却速率约为25℃/Ma;在7~8 Ma左右发生突然加剧冷却事件,持续至今,速率达到8℃/km。总体来说,伏岭岩体经历了速率逐渐增加的冷却过程。由于黄山山体与伏岭岩体在大地构造位置、岩性特征及侵入时间上具有很大的相似性,二者的隆升时代、速率以及抬升剥蚀量是大致相当的。  相似文献   
为了精确得到大陆地震震源位置,利用模拟退火法对大陆地震参数进行反演,并对改变算法中相关参数后的反演结果进行分析,表明反演精度受降温速度和收敛阈值的影响较大,初始温度只影响迭代次数,模拟退火法在对模型参数进行全局搜索情况下能获得质量较好的最优解。  相似文献   
Gamma—Ray Bursts:Afterglows and Central Engines   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are the most intense transient gamma-ray events in the sky; this, together with the strong evidence (the isotropic and inhomogeneous distribution of GRBs detected by BASTE) that they are located at cosmological distances, makes them the most energetic events ever known. For example, the observed radiation energies of some GRBs are equivalent to the total convertion into radiation of the mass energy of more than one solar mass. This is thousand times stronger than the energy of a supernova explosion. Some unconventional energy mechanism and extremely high conversion efficiency for these mysterious events are required. The discovery of host galaxies and association with supernovae at cosmoligical distances by the recently launched satellite of BeppoSAX and ground based radio and optical telescopes in GRB afterglow provides further support to the cosmological origin of GRBs and put strong constraints on their central engine. It is the aim of this article to review the possible central engines, energy mechanisms, dynamical and spectral evolution of GRBs, especially focusing on the afterglows in multi-wavebands.  相似文献   
Post-collisional (23–8 Ma), potassium-rich (including ultrapotassic and potassic) mafic magmatic rocks occur within the north–south-trending Xuruco lake–Dangre Yongcuo lake (XDY) rift in the Lhasa terrane of the southern Tibetan Plateau, forming an approximately 130-km-long semi-continuous magmatic belt. They include both extrusive and intrusive facies. Major and trace element and Sr–Nd–Pb isotopic data are presented for all of the known exposures within the XDY rift. The potassium-rich, mafic igneous rocks are characterized by high MgO (5.9–10.8 wt.%), K2O (4.81–10.68 wt.%), Ba (1,782–5,618 ppm) and Th (81.3–327.4 ppm) contents, and relatively high SiO2 (52.76–58.32 wt.%) and Al2O3 (11.10–13.67 wt.%). Initial Sr isotopic compositions are extremely radiogenic (0.712600–0.736157), combined with low (206Pb/204Pb) i (18.28–18.96) and (143Nd/144Nd) i (0.511781–0.512046). Chondrite-normalized rare earth element patterns display relatively weak negative Eu anomalies. Primitive mantle-normalized incompatible trace element patterns exhibit strong enrichments in large ion lithophile elements relative to high-field-strength elements and display strongly negative Ta–Nb–Ti anomalies. The combined major and trace element and Sr–Nd–Pb isotopic characteristics of the K-rich igneous rocks suggest that the primitive magmas were produced by 1–10 % partial melting of an asthenospheric mantle source enriched by both fluids and partial melts derived from Indian passive continental margin sediments subducted into the shallow mantle as a consequence of the northward underthrusting of the Indian continental lithosphere beneath Tibet since the India–Asia collision at ~55 Ma. The best-fit model results indicate that a melt with trace element characteristics similar to those of the K-rich rocks could be generated by 8–10 % partial melting of a metasomatized mantle source in the south and 1–2 % melting in the north of the XDY rift. Trace element and Sr–Nd–Pb isotopic modeling indicate that the proportion of fluid derived from the subducted sediments, for which we use as a proxy the Higher Himalayan Crystalline Sequence (HHCS), in the mantle source region increases from north (rear-arc) to south (front-arc), ranging from 0 to 5 %, respectively. Correspondingly, the proportion of the melt derived from the subducted HHCS in the source increases from north (2 %) to south (15 %). The increasing proportion of the fluid and melt component in the mantle source from north to south, together with a southward decreasing trend in the age of the K-rich magmatism within the XDY rift, is inferred to reflect rollback of the subducted Indian lithospheric mantle slab during the period 25–8 Ma. Slab rollback may be linked to a decreasing convergence rate between India and Asia. As a consequence of slab rollback at 25 Ma beneath the Lhasa terrane, its geodynamic setting was transformed from a convergent (55–25 Ma) to an extensional (25–8 Ma) regime. The occurrence of K-rich magmatism during the period 25–8 Ma is a consequence of the decompression melting of an enriched mantle source, which may signal the onset of extension in the southern Tibetan Plateau and provide a petrological record of the extension process.  相似文献   
针对油田局域网的特点,利用网络存储技术中的SOCKET编程方法,结合Linux或Unix系统中的常驻进程及输入输出控制技术解决海量地震数据交换的问题,这个方法可以实现远程磁带或磁盘数据的读取。对常用的地震数据SEGY格式及其存储特点进行分析,在SEG-Y格式的地震数据的读写技术中,采用位运算的方式解决移位及浮点数的读写操作。网络存储技术的应用实现了远程海量地震数据的存取,位运算方法提高了地震数据输入输出的速度。  相似文献   
对长江三角洲晚第四纪地层沉积特征进行了精细研究,探讨了研究区层序地层格架,在此基础上分析了浅层生物气成藏条件、特征和分布规律。研究表明,长江三角洲晚第四纪发育3期下切河谷,形成了3套沉积层序;因后期河流的强烈下切破坏,早期沉积层序往往被剥蚀殆尽,仅残留下部的河床相粗粒沉积,造成不同期河床相的叠置;相对而言,末次冰期以来形成的下切河谷沉积层序以相对完整的沉积相组合被保存下来。长江三角洲浅层天然气是未经运移的原生生物气,其主要富集于末次冰期以来的沉积层序内,气藏为自生自储同生型的岩性圈闭。河口湾—河漫滩和浅海相泥质沉积物既是气源岩,又是盖层,后者可作为良好的区域盖层;河口湾—河漫滩和河床相砂质沉积物为主要储集层。因此,研究区晚第四纪多期下切河谷沉积层序有利于浅层生物气藏的形成,特别是晚期下切河谷内河口湾—河漫滩相砂质透镜体以及河床相砂体可作为优先勘探目标。  相似文献   
不同粒径大理岩样声学特性的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于不同粒径大理岩样进行了超声波测试,研究了浸水时间和宏观裂隙对波速的影响规律,以及岩样声学参数的离散程度。结果表明,浸水时间对岩样的纵波速度有很大的影响,但对横波速度影响甚微;宏观裂隙的存在降低了岩样的纵波速度,波幅降低程度与岩样破坏程度有关;随着岩石平均粒径的增大,岩石的声学参数先减小后增大,并非单调关系,而且动态泊松比的变化幅度明显高于其他声学参数,不能作为材料的力学参数表征岩石的变形特性。  相似文献   
宫程  张海洋 《地质与资源》2009,18(2):121-124
根据化探异常所圈定的靶区,采用化探和物探相结合的方法,在河南省西北部上寒武统白云岩中发现了类似于MVT的铅锌矿床.矿体赋存于上寒武统的厚层状白云岩中,矿体的产出部位与层位和构造关系密切.不同级别和不同时期的构造相互交汇和切割,对铅锌矿床的形成起着明显的控制作用.通过矿床特征、找矿标志的分析研究,对该类型铅锌矿床的找矿标志和找矿方法有了新的认识和发现,为寻找此类型的铅锌矿床提供了经验.  相似文献   
To clarify the responses of plant functional traits to nitrogen(N) enrichment, we investigated the whole-plant traits(plant height and aboveground biomass), leaf morphological(specific leaf area(SLA) and leaf dry mass content(LDMC)) and chemical traits(leaf N concentration(LNC) and leaf phosphorus(P) concentration(LPC)) of Deyeuxia angustifolia and Glyceria spiculosa following seven consecutive years of N addition at four rates(0 g N/(m^2·yr), 6 g N/(m^2·yr), 12 g N/(m^2·yr) and 24 g N/(m^2·yr)) in a freshwater marsh in the Sanjiang Plain, Northeast China. The results showed that, for both D. angustifolia and G. spiculosa, N addition generally increased plant height, leaf, stem and total aboveground biomass, but did not cause changes in SLA and LDMC. Moreover, increased N availability caused an increase in LNC, and did not affect LPC. Thus, N addition decreased leaf C∶N ratio, but caused an increase in leaf N∶P ratio, and did not affect leaf C∶P ratio. Our results suggest that, in the mid-term, elevated N loading does not alter leaf morphological traits, but causes substantial changes in whole-plant traits and leaf chemical traits in temperate freshwater wetlands. These may help to better understand the effects of N enrichment on plant functional traits and thus ecosystem structure and functioning in freshwater wetlands.  相似文献   
对TEQC软件的原理及其强大的功能应用进行了简单的介绍,通过实例进行试验验证。对TEQC软件进行深入的研究分析,验证了TEQC软件在GPS数据预处理和质量检核中的作用,并且能更有效地提高观测基线的数据质量,这给基线的后续处理和最终点位结果的求解带来了很大的帮助。并且对TEQC软件的实际使用进行了更为立体的介绍,通过对比分析,得出了经过TEQC软件预处理的GPS基线向量的质量得到了极大改善的结论。  相似文献   
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