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A type of new conserved quantity deduced from Mei symmetry of Appell equations for a holonomic system with unilateral constraints is investigated. The expressions of new structural equation and new conserved quantity deduced from Mei symmetry of Appell equations for a holonomic system with unilateral constraints expressed by Appell functions are obtained. An example is given to illustrate the application of the results.  相似文献   
Based on a calculation model, we study the interference phenomena of serially coupled V-type and Λ-type triple quantum dots (CTQDs) driven simultaneously by a strong driving field and a weak probe field. Strongly depending on the configuration of the three-level CTQD, the probe absorption spectra, which are shown in the tunneling current, exhibit various quantum coherence properties. In the case where the two pairs of transitions of the CTQD have a small eigenfrequency difference Δω, the double-coupling effect of the driving field results in two Autler-Townes doublets and one weak Mollow triplet in one spectrum. With the value of Δω increasing, only one Autler-Townes splitting remains due to the single-coupling of the field. We also find that the effect of spontaneous emission of phonons may lead to an obvious background current, which can be used to distinguish which transition is driven by the driving field in experiment. The interesting quantum property of a CTQD revealed in our results suggests its potential applications in quantum modulators and quantum logic devices.  相似文献   
Surface seawater samples were collected in the Jiaozhou Bay, a typical semi-closed basin located at the western part of the Shandong Peninsula, China, during four cruises. Concentrations of monosaccharides (MCHO), polysaccharides (PCHO) and total dissolved carbohydrates (TCHO) were measured with the 2,4,6-tripyridyl-s-triazine spectroscopic method. Concentrations of TCHO varied from 10.8 to 276.1 μM C for all samples and the ratios of TCHO to dissolved organic carbon (DOC) ranged from 1.1 to 67.9% with an average of 10.1%. This result indicated that dissolved carbohydrates were an important constituent of DOC in the surface seawater of the Jiaozhou Bay. In all samples, the concentrations of MCHO ranged from 2.9 to 65.9 μM C, comprising 46.1 ± 16.6% of TCHO on average, while PCHO ranged from 0.3 to 210.2 μM C, comprising 53.9 ± 16.6% of TCHO on average. As a major part of dissolved carbohydrates, the concentrations of PCHO were higher than those of MCHO. MCHO and PCHO accumulated in January and July, with minimum average concentration in April. The seasonal variation in the ratios of TCHO to DOC was related to water temperature, with high values in January and low values in July and October. The concentrations of dissolved carbohydrates displayed a decreasing trend from the coastal to the central areas. Negative correlations between concentrations of TCHO and salinity in July suggested that riverine input around the Jiaozhou Bay had an important effect on the concentrations of dissolved carbohydrates in surface seawater. The pattern of distributions of MCHO and PCHO reported in this study added to the global picture of dissolved carbohydrates distribution.  相似文献   
The diurnal variation of nitric oxide (NO) emission fluxes from a Kandelia obovata and Avicennia marina mangrove wetland were studied in the Zhangjiang River Estuary Mangrove National Nature Reserve using a dynamic chamber-based technique and a chemiluminescent analyzer. Results from field experiments show that NO emission from K. obovata and A. marina sampling sites reached maximal values of 1.07 ng N m−2 s−1 and 1.23 ng N m−2 s−1, respectively after the night tide. Meanwhile NO emission maintained at a steady lower level in daytime for both wetland sites. In laboratory experiments, NO emission from the mangrove wetland soil samples treated with simulated tides in the darkness exhibited higher values than those in the light, therefore it seems that tides and darkness could increase NO emission from mangrove wetlands, while intensive light, high temperature, and dryness in the daytime decreased NO emission. Compared with K. obovata soil samples, the diurnal average NO emission rate of the A. marina site was significantly higher, which was closely related to relatively higher diurnal average CO2 emission rate, soil available nitrogen content and soil net nitrification rate of the A. marina site. Moreover, soil samples of the A. marina site were more responsive to simulated tides and the addition of nitrogen than those of the K. obovata site.  相似文献   
深圳湾位于珠江口东岸,属半封闭海湾,2006年12月至2007年11月,在湾内进行污损生物周年挂板试验,共记录污损生物24种,隶属于7个动物门。月板平均附着生物量表层2780.72g/m2,底层4110.10g/m2,最高峰出现在7月份;四季板平均湿重表层2521.13g/m2,底层4382.10g/m2,最高峰出现在秋季;半年板平均湿重表层4065.10g/m2,底层4298.30g/m2;年板平均湿重表层6212.20g/m2,底层20009.10g/m2。四季优势种显著不同,华美盘管虫、总合草苔虫和藤壶在春、冬季附着量较大,夏季没有附着。沙筛贝和总状真枝螅在夏、秋季的附着量较大,冬季没有附着。  相似文献   
根据海道测量精密测量的需求,对姿态与定位数据融合的同步方法进行了研究。通过GPS大地高数据和升沉数据,建立了一种基于相关逼近原理的定位与姿态数据同步模型。该模型能够确定定位与姿态数据的相对延时,实现两类数据在同一时间基准下的同步。实例计算表明,定位与姿态数据的相对延迟时间已成为两类数据融合应用中必须考虑的因素。由同步模型解算后,GPS大地高数据与总升沉数据体现了更好的一致性,由此也验证了模型的有效性。  相似文献   
王华强  青平  迟洋 《海洋测绘》2010,30(4):76-78
介绍了3200XS型浅地层剖面仪工作原理及其数据处理过程,在港池开挖前进行浅地层剖面测量可以详细了解港池内各地层单元的分布和埋深,并对区内的灾害地质体或者障碍物进行有效识别,以保障施工安全和节约工程支出;结合海南某港池的浅剖探测实例,分析了该港池的地层单元划分及地层内物质识别,针对浅地层剖面测量前发射参数的选择和测量中的多次回波、调头区变形等问题等进行了探讨。  相似文献   
收集了中国黄渤海区域(112°~125°E,35°~45°N)2000—2009年10 a内MODIS气溶胶光学厚度AOD月均标准数据,按陆地和海洋(陆海)像元及海洋像元两类分别进行经验模态分解(EMD),结合南方涛动指数(SOI)和我国年度化石燃料消耗总量讨论黄渤海海区气溶胶时间变化特征及成因。研究表明该陆海区域大气气溶胶光学厚度6月份多为全年最高,海洋区域最高值出现在4—7月之间;秋冬季(10—次年2月)气溶胶光学厚度达到最低;EMD分解获得气溶胶具有4 a变化周期特性,与南方涛动指数的相关性均达到0.7,说明大气气溶胶同样受到全球气候变化的影响;与我国煤炭化石年消耗量相关系数达到0.98,该研究区气溶胶受陆源影响明显,人类活动对海洋环境的作用不容忽视。  相似文献   
阿尔金江尕勒萨依榴辉岩及其直接围岩——石榴子石黑云母片麻岩锆石的阴极发光图像、微区原位LA-ICP-MS微量元素分析研究表明,榴辉岩锆石内部结构比较均匀,少数颗粒保留斑杂状残核;位于锆石斑杂状残核测点的重稀土相对富集,Th/U比值多大于0.4,为岩浆锆石的特征;位于锆石边部与内部结构均匀颗粒上的测点显示HREE近平坦型或弱亏损型的稀土配分模式,显示了与石榴石平衡共生的变质锆石特征;而石榴子石黑云母片麻岩的锆石具有核-幔-边结构,核部为碎屑锆石,幔部则为与石榴石平衡共生的变质锆石。LA-ICP-MS微区定年获得榴辉岩的变质年龄为(493±4.3)Ma,其原岩形成年龄为(754±9)Ma;石榴子石黑云母片麻岩的变质年龄为(499±27)Ma。榴辉岩的变质年龄滞后于其原岩的形成年龄约250Ma,并且榴辉岩与其直接围岩副片麻岩的变质年龄几乎完全一致,充分表明该超高压榴辉岩的形成是陆壳深俯冲作用的产物。  相似文献   
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