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针对目前交通事故现场勘查技术的缺陷和不足,提出一种基于单机移动视觉的交通事故现场快速勘查系统。试验结果表明该方法可行,且系统测量精度高,结构简单,应用灵活。  相似文献   
本文对石鼓煤矿具有代表性的三种泥岩的矿物组成、物理力学性质、物理化学因素、胶结物质和微观结构的测试和分析进行了介绍,并从物理化学力学观点出发研究了水质变化、风干失水、结构破坏等因素对泥岩膨胀性的影响。研究结果表明:泥岩的粘士矿物以高岭石和伊利石为主;其膨胀力为2~5公斤/平方厘米;粘土矿物含量高,结晶不良,胶结物质少,结构紧密是它产生膨胀且易受物理化学力学因素变化的影响的主要原因。  相似文献   
Mining affects the environment in different ways depending on the physical context in which the mining occurs. In mining areas with an arid environment, mining affects plants’ growth by changing the amount of available water. This paper discusses the effects of mining on two important determinants of plant growth—soil moisture and groundwater table (GWT)—which were investigated using an integrated approach involving a field sampling investigation with remote sensing (RS) and ground-penetrating radar (GPR). To calculate and map the distribution of soil moisture for a target area, we initially analyzed four models for regression analysis between soil moisture and apparent thermal inertia and finally selected a linear model for modeling the soil moisture at a depth 10 cm; the relative error of the modeled soil moisture was about 6.3% and correlation coefficient 0.7794. A comparison of mined and unmined areas based on the results of limited field sampling tests or RS monitoring of Landsat 5-thermatic mapping (TM) data indicated that soil moisture did not undergo remarkable changes following mining. This result indicates that mining does not have an effect on soil moisture in the Shendong coal mining area. The coverage of vegetation in 2005 was compared with that in 1995 by means of the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) deduced from TM data, and the results showed that the coverage of vegetation in Shendong coal mining area has improved greatly since 1995 because of policy input RMB¥0.4 per ton coal production by Shendong Coal Mining Company. The factor most affected by coal mining was GWT, which dropped from a depth of 35.41 m before mining to a depth of 43.38 m after mining at the Bulianta Coal Mine based on water well measurements. Ground-penetrating radar at frequencies of 25 and 50 MHz revealed that the deepest GWT was at about 43.4 m. There was a weak water linkage between the unsaturated zone and groundwater, and the decline of water table primarily resulted from the well pumping for mining safety rather than the movement of cracking strata. This result is in agreement with the measurements of the water wells. The roots of nine typical plants in the study area were investigated. Populus was found to have the deepest root system with a depth of about 26 m. Based on an assessment of plant growth demands and the effect of mining on environmental factors, we concluded that mining will have less of an effect on plant growth at those sites where the primary GWT depth before mining was deep enough to be unavailable to plants. If the primary GWT was available for plant growth before mining, especially to those plants with deeper roots, mining will have a significant effect on the growth of plants and the mechanism of this effect will include the loss of water to roots and damage to the root system.  相似文献   
Based on the recent research results on dry and wet deposition of nutrient elements and sulphate,we estimate the atmospheric flux of nutrient elements and sulphate to the southern Yellow Sea and the East China Sea in each season.The results suggest that the concentrations of nutrient elements and sulphate in aerosol and precipitation show an apparent seasonal cycle with the maximum values in winter and the minimum values in summer.Depositions of nitrate and sulphate are dominated by wet deposition,while the deposition for phosphate is mainly dry deposition.Moreover,compared with the riverine inputs,the atmospheric deposition may be the main source of dissolved inorganic nutrients in the southern Yellow Sea and the East China Sea.  相似文献   
First the scour and deposition patterns of the sandy seabed in front of a vertical breakwater under the action of irregular broken clapotis are investigated experimentally and classified into five types: scour type Ⅰ , scour type Ⅱ, scour type Ⅲ, deposition type Ⅰ, and deposition type Ⅱ . Secondly, the processes of formation of scour and deposition patterns are probed in comparison with those induced by regular broken clapotis and standing waves. Thirdly, the criteria for distinguishing scour and deposition patterns under irregular broken clapotis are presented.  相似文献   
分子鉴定方法研究大亚湾水体弧菌种类变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
借助分子鉴定方法监测大亚湾水体中弧菌Vibrio种类季节性动态的变化规律.通过增菌培养、菌株分离,在224份海水中共分离出弧菌368株,并用分子生物学辅助生化鉴定方法鉴定弧菌菌株.结果表明,在大亚湾海域水体中鉴定的弧菌种类有溶藻弧菌Vibrio alginolyticus、副溶血弧菌V.parahaemolyticus、哈氏弧菌V.harveyi和创伤弧菌V.vuinificus,没有检测到霍乱弧菌V.cholerae、拟态弧菌V.mimicus、河流弧菌V.fluvialis和霍利斯弧菌V.hollisae.溶藻弧菌和副溶血弧菌为优势菌群,分别占弧菌总数的27.99%和21.74%.  相似文献   

“Panta Rhei – Everything Flows” is the science plan for the International Association of Hydrological Sciences scientific decade 2013–2023. It is founded on the need for improved understanding of the mutual, two-way interactions occurring at the interface of hydrology and society, and their role in influencing future hydrologic system change. It calls for strategic research effort focused on the delivery of coupled, socio-hydrologic models. In this paper we explore and synthesize opportunities and challenges that socio-hydrology presents for data-driven modelling. We highlight the potential for a new era of collaboration between data-driven and more physically-based modellers that should improve our ability to model and manage socio-hydrologic systems. Crucially, we approach data-driven, conceptual and physical modelling paradigms as being complementary rather than competing, positioning them along a continuum of modelling approaches that reflects the relative extent to which hypotheses and/or data are available to inform the model development process.
EDITOR D. Koutsoyiannis; ASSOCIATE EDITOR not assigned  相似文献   
水汽场初值调整及其对华南降水预报贡献的研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
该文利用GMS多通道气象卫星资料推导得到的降水资料估算出的加热率, 作为非绝热的非线性正规模初始化过程中的非绝热强迫项, 进行风压场的初值调整, 再采用一个与模式中的对流参数化方案相反的逆运算方案, 进行水汽场的初值调整.以保证初始时刻按模式的物理参数化方案计算得到的加热率与由卫星推导的加热率一致. 这一方法在非绝热的非线性正规模初值化的框架中, 使初始时刻的水汽场得到调整.既实现了传统的初始化目标, 又提高了模式对降水的短时预报效果.对华南的两个个例的试验结果表明该文的方法是有效的.  相似文献   
The seismogenic fault and the dynamic mechanism of the Ning’er, Yunnan Province MS6.4 earthquake of June 3, 2007 are studied on the basis of the observation data of the surface fissures, sand blow and water eruption, land-slide and collapse associated with the earthquake, incorporating with the data of geologic structures, focal mecha-nism solutions and aftershock distribution for the earthquake area. The observation of the surface fissures reveals that the Banhai segment of the NW-trending Ning’er fault is dominated by right-lateral strike-slip, while the NNE-trending fault is dominated by left-lateral strike-slip. The seismo-geologic hazards are concentrated mainly within a 330°-extending zone of 13.5 km in length and 4 km in width. The major axis of the isoseismal is also oriented in 330° direction, and the major axis of the seismic intensity VIII area is 13.5 km long. The focal mechanism solutions indicate that the NW-trending nodal plane of the Ning’er MS6.4 earthquake is dominated by right-lateral slip, while the NE-trending nodal plane is dominated by left-lateral slip. The preferred distribution orientation of the aftershocks of MS≥2 is 330°, and the focal depths are within the range of 3~12 km, predominantly within 3~10 km. The distribution of the aftershocks is consistent with the distribution zone of the seismo-geologic hazards. All the above-mentioned data indicate that the Banhai segment of the Ning’er fault is the seismogenic fault of this earthquake. Moreover, the driving force of the Ning’er earthquake is discussed in the light of the active block theory. It is believed that the northward pushing of the Indian plate has caused the eastward slipping of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, which has been transformed into the southeastern-southernward squeezing of the southwest Yunnan region. As a result, the NW-trending faults in the vicinity of the Ning’er area are dominated by right-lateral strike-slip, while the NE-trending faults are dominated by left-lateral strike-slip. This tectonic  相似文献   
基于南极半岛周边海域表层沉积物调查以及收集的资料,并通过分析表层沉积物粒度数据研究沉积物类型和分布特征,探讨沉积物的变化规律。南极半岛周边海域的沉积物类型比较丰富,主要分为四大类:砾质、砂质、粉砂质以及泥质沉积物;根据不同的水深和地貌单元可分为陆架(或岛架)碎屑沉积物、陆坡(或岛坡)沉积物和深海沉积物。研究区沉积物属于冰海沉积物,并可划分为残副冰碛物和混合副冰碛物。沉积物的搬运介质以冰川、冰筏为主,海流对沉积物的影响较为明显,沉积物类型随地形变化而呈有规律的分布。  相似文献   
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