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立足样品测试数据,利用空间分析、空间插值、地质统计以及景观生态学方法,深入分析了深圳大鹏湾表层沉积物碎屑矿物的空间分布特征,并使用球状模型对相应半变异函数进行理论建模。结果表明,碎屑矿物分布的Hurst分维数为0.28~0.97,空间几何分维数为1.03~1.72;Moran Ⅰ型空间自相关系数-0.15~0.53。在此基础上,以等值线分布所包围范围作为划分尺度,以Shannon-Wiener信息指数作为度量,得到的矿物分布所反映出的信息量或者富集程度指数为0.88~1.85。  相似文献   
本文介绍了一种数字测深仪的接收机的具体设计,其特点是低噪声、增益程序控制,可以输出高质量的回波信号。稍加调整,即可用作其它声纳的接收机。  相似文献   

The segmentation of flood seasons has both theoretical and practical importance in hydrological sciences and water resources management. The probability change-point analysis technique is applied to segmenting a defined flood season into a number of sub-seasons. Two alternative sampling methods, annual maximum and peaks-over-threshold, are used to construct the new flow series. The series is assumed to follow the binomial distribution and is analysed with the probability change-point analysis technique. A Monte Carlo experiment is designed to evaluate the performance of proposed flood season segmentation models. It is shown that the change-point based models for flood season segmentation can rationally partition a flood season into appropriate sub-seasons. China's new Three Gorges Reservoir, located on the upper Yangtze River, was selected as a case study since a hydrological station with observed flow data from 1882 to 2003 is located 40 km downstream of the dam. The flood season of the reservoir can be reasonably divided into three sub-seasons: the pre-flood season (1 June–2 July); the main flood season (3 July–10 September); and the post-flood season (11–30 September). The results of flood season segmentation and the characteristics of flood events are reasonable for this region.

Citation Liu, P., Guo, S., Xiong, L. & Chen, L. (2010) Flood season segmentation based on the probability change-point analysis technique. Hydrol. Sci. J. 55(4), 540–554.  相似文献   
The East Kunlun fault zone is located in the northern margin of the Bayan Har block. The study of earthquake rupture behavior in the fault zone is of importance for understanding the future seismic risk in northwest Sichuan. A number of geological field investigations, typical micro topography DGPS measurements and sample dating show that the earthquake activity of the East Kunlun fault zone extends to the north boundary of Zoige basin, a segment known as the Luocha segment of Tazang fault. In the satellite image, the segment is seen clearly as gray and yellow strips. The earthquake deformation zone mainly features fault scarp, valleys on the slope, offset gullies and terraces, linear distribution of plants, waterfall, fault spring, fault sag pond, and landslide, collapse and talus associated with surface rupturing. These phenomena are distributed intermittently along the re-existing fault and form a ~50km-long inverse L-shaped deformation zone. Fault activities caused left-lateral offset of gullies and terraces, with horizontal displacement concentrated at 5.5m~6m, 18m~23m, 68m~75m, and 200m~220m, respectively. The recent earthquake occurred between 340±30~500±30BP. The macro epicenter is located 5km~7km northwest of Benduo village, with magnitude of MW7.3~7.4, maximum coseismic displacement of 6m, horizontal displacement 5.5m~6m and vertical displacement 0.2m~0.5m, being in a proportion of 5∶1~10∶1. These phenomena show that the Tazang fault is the causative fault of this earthquake. The fault is a Holocene active fault and was dominated recently by left-lateral movement with a small amount of thrust component under compressive shear stress. This characteristic is similar to the movement in other segments of the East Kunlun fault zone. The results of this study support the "continental escape" model.  相似文献   
选取内蒙古中部地区定点形变观测中受降雨、大风、气压干扰以及地震波影响的典型数据,采用S变换,对该地区形变观测中4种主要干扰信号的时频响应特征进行分析与讨论。结果表明,降雨干扰信号主要集中在低频区域,其频率先增大后减小;大风干扰表现为高频干扰,时频域能量强度与观测曲线受风扰影响变化幅度成正比;气压干扰信号的优势频率分布在低频段内;地震波影响中VP垂直摆和JCZ地震计记录的地震波较为相似,但VP垂直摆记录的频段要小于JCZ地震计,VP垂直摆主要记录的是低频地震波。同时,4种干扰信号的时频域频率、能量强度随时间变化趋势与数据观测时域变化趋势相一致。  相似文献   
选取乌加河地震台2015-2018年地电阻率观测资料,分析数据异常变化,结合观测环境及实地调查,发现存在降雨、雷电、金属管线、农田灌溉、设备漏电等影响因素,对比分析并总结各类干扰曲线形态、变化幅度、影响时间、干扰频次等特征,以便正确认识并排除地电阻率干扰,为地震异常信息识别提供帮助。  相似文献   
Introduction Now, shallow seismic reflection wave technique has been used extensively in geological ex-plorations of bridge, dam, high building and so on. Since shallow seismic reflection wave tech-nique is often implemented in industrial zone or city with dense population, the background dis-turbance including industrial noise, life noise, etc is very serious. Furthermore, the disturbance of seismic source is also serious due to short array length and offset of the method. In general, shal-lo…  相似文献   
To investigate the seismic liquefaction performance of earth dams under earthquake loading, we present a new methodology for evaluating the seismic response of earth dams based on a performance‐based approach and a stochastic vibration method. This study assesses an earthfill dam located in a high‐intensity seismic region of eastern China. The seismic design levels and corresponding performance indexes are selected according to performance‐based criteria and dam seismic codes. Then, nonlinear constitutive models are used to derive an array of deterministic seismic responses of the earth dam by dynamic time series analysis based on a finite element model. Based on these responses, the stochastic seismic responses and dynamic reliability of the earth dam are obtained using the probability density evolution method. Finally, the seismic performance of the earth dam is assessed by the performance‐based and reliability criteria. Our results demonstrate the accuracy of the seismic response analysis of earth dams using the random vibration method. This new method of dynamic performance analysis of earth dams demonstrates that performance‐based criteria and reliability evaluation can provide more objective indices for decision‐making rather than using deterministic seismic acceleration time series as is the current normal practice. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
隧道开挖时的爆破震动对周边建筑物安全影响很大,但目前对不同爆破参数、周边建筑的距离与爆破开挖之间关系的研究成果不多,实际工程中也难以把握。以宁夏固原市某水工隧道工程为依托,采用现场试验的方法,对地表关键位置质点爆破振动频率与振动速度进行测试和分析。结果表明:(1)经测试发现房屋主振频率在10~60Hz间,而一般房屋建筑的频率均小于10Hz,说明此次试验中爆破震动不能与房屋产生共振。(2)对试验数据进行分析,并依据爆破震动规范安全振速标准进行判别,发现此次试验中土坯房的安全距离为160 m,一般砖房为60 m。研究结果可为隧道爆破的设计与施工提供理论依据,为类似隧道的爆破工程及解决由爆破引起的纠纷提供借鉴。  相似文献   
Evapotranspiration is an important component of the hydrological cycle, which integrates atmospheric demands and surface conditions. Research on spatial and temporal variations of reference evapotranspiration (ETo) enables understanding of climate change and its effects on hydrological processes and water resources. In this study, ETo was estimated by the FAO‐56 Penman–Monteith method in the Jing River Basin in China, based on daily data from 37 meteorological stations from 1960 to 2005. ETo trends were detected by the Mann–Kendall test in annual, seasonal, and monthly timescales. Sensitivity coefficients were used to examine the contribution of important meteorological variables to ETo. The influence of agricultural activities, especially irrigation on ETo was also analyzed. We found that ETo showed a decreasing trend in most of the basin in all seasons, except for autumn, which showed an increasing trend. Mean maximum temperature was generally the most sensitive parameter for ETo, followed by relative humidity, solar radiation, mean minimum temperature, and wind speed. Wind speed was the most dominant factor for the declining trend in ETo. The more significant decrease in ETo for agricultural and irrigation stations was mainly because of the more significant decrease in wind speed and sunshine hours, a mitigation in climate warming, and more significant increase in relative humidity compared with natural stations and non‐irrigation stations. Changes in ETo and the sensitivity coefficient of meteorological variables in relation to ETo were also affected by topography. Better understanding of ETo response to climate change will enable efficient use of agricultural production and water resources, which could improve the ecological environment in Jing River Basin. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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